Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey (2024)

600 LIVESTOCK PETS 600 LIVESTOCK PETS C6 Asbury Park Press, Sat. Oct. 21, 1978 410-HELP WANTED 600 IIVESTOCK PETS 410 HELP WANTED 420 WORK WANTED 410-HELP WANTEO HAY fine quality mixed hay, (ntarra clover 4 ttmofhy) from Northern Pa S90 ton oellvered. Trailer kx) lots. SoHd heavy betes.

Blue Spruce Form, Troy, Pa, (717)374051 0T 7I-2V-ZI4J. uiv CX1A1 ITY TIMOTHY MIX S3. 15 PER BALE. WILL DELIVER. CALL 780-2006.

HAY tl.95 Sound, mlxedhoy, nice fie bote. Also straight Timothy mix ot $2.25 a bole. Minimum 35, truck loads delivered. 747-7142. HIMALAYAN KITTENS CPA registered, only 2 left.

On Seal, one Tom. Best offer. Col 681-7944. HORSE Great for show or pleasure. Many ribbons to her credtt.

15.3 black 4 100 sound Must seW 458-8035 or 458-9851. HORSE Half Arabian mare, 3 yeor okt Needs experienced rider. Asking foo. Law joj-oo. HORSE Registered Arabian GMSu.

4 veir old. Block. 14.1 hands. Excellent corrflrmaflon with high toll carriage. Green broke.

Excellent disposition. Ideal pony doss hers. WOO. Cal 591-1408. HORSE Registered quortertyjrse mar.

12 yean okt Good trail, eraxt-ortce, pleasure. Meeds gentle but competent rider. $900. see bv appt. only.

(609) 494-0326. Misc. tack atao for sale. HORSE Registered quarterhorse gekx ng. very gentle.

$450. Cal43l-4683. HORSE Registered shown, gentle 4 sound. TlKXOughbrea. Brood mare, fool.

870-1796. HORSES BOARDED 110 ml. Indoor track. ml. exercise track, heated dubroorn, restrooms.

Ugh fed riding arena tumping arena pastures, meet of trails. Training available. Come out and see one of the finest boordtng and framing tdclltles In Central Jersey CARAVELLE HORSE FARM, Brd-sol Rd, How. Col 038-4318. HORSES BOARDED Now open.

Bart Rkkje Horse Farm, Howe! Twp. Fuli core. Large box stdts. Call 938-4238. HORSES Handsome dapcx grey $750, blue roan quarterhorse S695, flashy waking horse $650, large bay pleasure horse $595, loud children's Accxxxxrio Business Service Directory HAVE A JOB TO BE DONE? LET EXPERTS DO IT! CHECK THESE "SERVICES" TODAY.

410 HELP WANTTD MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL National comoany teekt ntonaoe-ment personnel due to local expansion. Retail or trksnorxfrnent exptrt-enee a plus. Sena resume to I Btoooett, 74 Homuton Ave, Leonor- wii vrrir. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Floor waxing 4 olhar Isousekeep-Ing outlet in numng home. WM train.

Good pov. See Mr. Wuke, Herttooe Han Nursing Home, 574 woraeii Rd. Tinton Font (Neptune). MANAGER (Live-In) with COOK-Ing obiiltiet wanted tor smal rooming notei.

caw 367-6S5. MANICURIST i. SHAMPOO PERSON West End area Top sakry 4 commission. Ful or port time. v-qw y-ru3.

attct i p.m. zrj-soir MANICURIST FOR NAIL SALON. -Can 780-2270 Tues. thru Sot. MARINA MANAGER with good knowledge of mechani cal em i leal boat systems "handle service problems with fiberglass boats.

Prior supervisory experience helpful. Benefits with room tor advancement with rapid- lv expanding fiberglass CO. Reply Press Box 642-M, Asbury Pork, MASON Experienced. Good oooortunltv for right person, un. 747-5773 Ca between 4 I p.m.

MASON MASONS HELPER To Install facings on fireplace. Own equipment transportation. Steady worn, oenems. lom 257-2700. MASONRY CREWS For work.

Foundation, block 4 brick. lob oner 7 p.m, 349-36. MASONS onlv. work all Devstnomont wont, very gooo pay. Looking Tor foreman mT.

rieceworkert come. Con 6-7 pm. 363-7830. MASONS, LABORERS 4 FIREPLACE SUBCONTRACTORS Must oe experiencea cox 367-388. MASONS Traveling required.

Good pay, steady work. Equal Oooortunltv Employer. For Into. can (ioi) evu-gxxj or (6Q9) 723-6465 MASSAGE THERAPIST TRAINEE FunPart time. Select own hours.

excellent commission. 367-2622. MECHANICALELECTRICAL FOREPERSON Experienced torouorsonand excellence In he Ing, ventilating, plumbing 4 tkKliI col systems 4 controls. Liberal fringe benefits. Contact Personnel Office, Monmouth College, 222-600.

Equal opportunity employer MFH MECHANIC 5 years minimum experience. Foreign 4 domestic uwn toots WRECKER DRIVES) Also needed. Apply In person, IIS Gutf, Ail Hotmooi nil, Hoimaei. MECHANIC PEUGEOT New Peugeot axtmaup need! chantcs tor Pouoeot 4 other elgn makes. Union benefits.

Apply In person Redtxer Stei mun Dodge i-otigeot, tswy. 44, wow. 449-2100. MECHANIC to maintain compo- ny flea 10 4 adoiv person between Mllhurst MIHs Inc, Mll hurst Rd, (off hwv. 131 iV, mis.

west ot rroenoig urge, Mwnurst nj MECHANIC Experienced, tut time, own toots. Good opportuntty nam person, aootv on only at Ocean Twp. Amoco, Rt. 33. ocean, nj.

MECHANIC For sewer contracting company. Must be experienced In heavy equipment 4 maintenance repair, loji 366-422U. MECHANICS APPLIANCES Experienced, fuR or part time. Applications kept con noon hat, 77V jvbo or arter 0 p-m. 774-7037.

MECHANIC Pinba 4 arcade ex perience. Casino Merrvooround, 'Bocrdwasx. Asbury MECHANICS Heavy construction -equipment r-cjo, e-12 tnrrt. be experienced. Cal 721-6900 MECHANIC To do auto electric wiring, starters 4 alternators.

teach necessary. Cos 795-3424. MEDICAL ASSISTANT Or LPN (mfl. Diversified skins. Ldkehurst vicinity.

Cat between I 1 I pun. 44 1-Z3B 1. MEDICAL TRANSCRIBER Port time position avakabte for Must hove excellent typing, dk.tu-phone 4 medical termlnotogy skies. Please apply Poi sonnet Dept. Communtty Hospital, 727 Norm Beers St.

MIDNIGHT AUDITOR Part time weekends, midnight-. Experience -preferred. Apply tn person at Kings Grant km, Rt. 70 4 River ho, r-r. 1 xiiituMi.

MOOEL 4 MODEL TYPES Atlantic aty. Fashion snows, auto snows, publicity 4 TV models. No exoortenct Also, enttrtdnars. 1 a For Interviews A CPS Employment Agency, 1. me Atlantic Ave.

Atlantic city. MODELS FOR ADVERTISING PROMOTIONS. CALL 212-586-3790. MULTI UTH OPERATOR Growing aggressive legal printer needs muttt 4 chief opoi aim 1. Excekent oenerrrs, exciting opportunity, cat 753-0200.

fcaual oooortunltv plover. MUSICIAN Bass plover. 1 ting. Wanted for funky reck bona expenencea amy. Lai boo at 27-0307 between e-7 pm onry.

NEW CAR DET4JL PERSON Progressive Lincoln Mercury Mai da dealer needs full time, experienced Individual. Good working conditions. Modernaed shoo. Hoof Miration. Untforms.

Paid sick and vacation days, etc Co) v2-40O5 tor interview, Mr. Tom Bowen. NIGHT AUDITOR Part time. Cot for appt, 34-2020. NURSE ( MF Fu time.

TRANSIT PERSON Experienced only, for civil 4 munlclpol engl- rieenng nrm. Arrrea mes-x-na Assoc Col 344-0888. TRUCK DRIVER Immediate. steady employment tor experienced tul time straight lob ortver. Must know NJ.

Aoolv hi oerso 1-4 p.m. Tomar Industries, Dutch Lane tta mots-kx-o, NJ. TRUCK DRIVERS For mix ax mole trucks. Mutt perlenced with heavy eau Apply person FrL, 1020 or Mon. 1023.

Noon-4 p.m.: SH-Kemp Loncrete, KT. JJ, t-ngnsnrown, wj. TRUCK DRIVERS Immedlote openHtos tor qualified drtvert with amcuUred Ncense. Clean driving record, tarnHkr with N.Y.C 4 5 boi ouuhs. Col 442-2100 ext.

239 TRUCK DRIVER For truck. Responsible tor greaslna neavy equ-prnen- neer new. Cal 721-6900. TRUCK DRIVERS For tandems. Mutt be exoerienced on fuller 13 speea con 721-491x1 TRUCK DRIVERS supplement vour Income hours flexible.

Col 363-259S. TRUCK MECHANIC Experienced ana roots rktcessorv. appiv son. Schwam mttrnottonal Trucks, 141 west t-rom My nee -tank. TRUCK MECHANIC Diesel ex- Ptrience 4 tools necetsory.

Apply in person, senwartz tmernatK 141 West Front St Red Bank. TRUCK TIRE SALES Commer- Oct. Pul time. Experienced. Ai In person.

Sears Roebuck 4 Seovktw Square, between 10 1 ajn. 4 1 p.nv. Personnel Office. An equal upum luntty employer. TV REPAIR PERSON Ful or part time.

Cal 542-0400 or apply person, Eatontown TV. 50 Hwy. 35, Eatontown. TYPIST Law office. Speed.

accuracy tomHiarny won wool Tormt imhxx nxrr. Lax Ni-ejtxi tween 10 am 4 5 pm. TYPISTRECEPTIONIST Experienced only. Cal 367-3900. American UPHOLSTERERCUTTER Expert-enced.

Smal busy shop. Ful ar part time. ExcelMnl pay. 431-59W. UPHOLSTERER WANTED Ex perience rNKxtssarv.

Good pay, some uei wins, lox evv-eeue. WAITERWAITRESS Mon. thru FrL Dayt only. Experienced Appry uao -fcot, 10 Main 5TV batontown. WAITRESSESWAITERS co*cktail waitresses waiters.

Bortenderi. Experleneced onlv. Aoorv 13 am. to 5 P-m. stonev End Cote, Mont- gomery 4 F04133.

sna Ave. Long Branch. WAITRESSESWAITERS dov now on weekenas, tue nme dinner time, year round, experienced onry. Apply person Coun try squire uttser, rtwy. 43 wat Township.

WAITRESSWAITER, BUS HELP, DISHWASHERS Newly organaed Sea Girt Restaurant seeks pjutet stone, stott. exjjertence pret Cdl 449-3020 for appt. 101678. WAITRESSWAITER Ful tl Must be available both lunch 4 dinner. Experience rMKessary.

Old Met mn Restaurant. 449-530 for Nina ar al WAITRESSES WAITERS, Cashier, Hostess Host, Bussers Experienced ui slot lea Apply person. woo mt uiner, in. ja rtanet. WAITRESSWAITER-Experlenced, apply in person, silver Bel Diner, wt.

yaLounry Line KOvLokowooa WAITRESSWAITER Experienced onry. No Sundays. Applv In person. 609 Cook man Ave Asbury Park. WAITRESSWAITER Apply person Fi euuio's Pluei hj.

563 Brood way, Long Broncrl. WARD CLERK For skilled nurs lno raotrrv. Experienced onlv. Appry person. Green Grove convoiescent center, 919 Green Grove Rd.

Neptune. WAREHOUSE MANAGER Perrnanent, fin nme, position with a growing company for competent IrwjIviauaL Must assume position of authority and resconttbHrry. Soxrv commensurate with experience. Company paid rrxsctcol benefllt, plut proftt shctrtng 4 pension plan. Send resume to Press Box 692-M, Asourv pork, nj.

07712. WAREHOUSE PERSON Large plumbing contractor in need of rue-charge warehouse person with conxbined resoanslbllrtv of ixurchoe- Ing agent. KmwHMpe of okjmblng rrmnus necessary. Lax 4e- ings necetsory. I 349-0500.

WAREHOUSE COUNTER PERSON Must be experienced in I cat supofv. Cat 77S-5070, atk tor Jim Mount). WATCHMAKER Ful time, experienced, with retererwes. Good sceary 4 benefits. Hours 9-30 to 5:30.

Cal Savrewood Jewelers of Motowon, 582000, between 10-5. WELDER And steel Fas person who wonts to operate mobile and shop rig. Ocean 4 Monmouth areas. Col 344-466, Jim between am. to 4 am.

WELDER Experienced no 4 mkg on stainless sleet Steady, Al beneftts. Applv Better Buet I CTUnery Corp. State Hwy. 71 4 Bkskev Ave. Marxxtauon.

WELDER Experienced truck mechanics tor truck body repcer shop. Omv hardwortung moxvlduaa iksou txjpty. evnxMv. WELDER MECHANIC Experienced only tor machinery retsuttd-Ing company Satorv commensu- rote wrm anility, op-4200, 9-4. WELDER Metal shoo.

Exoerienced fcrxTcatlon of heavy 4 Horn gauges ot metal. Col 493630, I am. -5 WELDER Must hove mechanical osttttv. Cat 731900 WELDER 1st CLASS Shipyard experience. Night shift, 4-12.

Cal 331433. Equa opportunity employer, wit-. WOODWORKING SUPERINTEND-ENT Medium sized manufactur er needs a "hands on" monaaer supervise machine shop, sub assembly, 4 slam room. Must have Itnrough krowieage ot proc-etuno dlrnertsion cut woods, stains 4 staining processes 01 wet at iuhwkx 11 wrm oh types ot wood work mo equipment, saxrv nea bw. Reply to Prest Box eSS-M, Asbury Pork, NJ.

077 PERSIAN KITTENS CFA Registered. AlT shots. Blue 4 white Bl-Coior male, smoke mate. Tome fe-makt. Top bioodllries.

465638. PET LOST? OXL THE PET FINDER If vou dent have the time to look tor your pet, we ad. Ocean 4 Monmouth Counties. Co 367-9387 4 ask tor Jot. PONIES, 2 S35 each.

Can ridden bv children. Gentle. 43 1-237 be POODLE LIKE BICHON FRISE PUPPIES AKC Non Shedding. Innoculatea, worm free. SIM up.

Cal 341-8963. POODLES OUR SPECIALTY AKC Poodtt Puppies. 1 female, 1 male. Rich Hills Pet Center, 201 aifton Ave, Lakewood. 364-3855 SADDLES Crosby 17" 4 Stub-ben (Siegfried) Both excellent cononion.

Col (609) 448-0784. setters Gordon. 10 weeks. champion bloodlines, al snots. 681-4984 SHELTIES (Mim-Collles), AKC registered, champion bloodlines, shots, paper trained.

Parents on premises. BLUE MERLESI $200. Co otter 5 p-m, 367-8266. SHU TZU AKC Al ages, Ox colors, torn very tmy. Mate 4 females.

Stud service. 536-309. SIAMESE SEAL POINT KITTENS Parents on premises. Very reosonoDKt. low louyxrvj-eiwi.

SIBERIAN HUSKY Black 4 white, no papers. Pre to good horn. Racing sled 4 aluminum gig, $100 ea 458-3807. TACK New 4 used. English 4 western taddtt 4 accessories.

Can eves. 7-10 am. Al day Sal. 4 Sun. 462-81 It TIMOTHY HAY S1J0 a bae.

Mixed hay $200 a bote. Also told by the trolMlr lots 4 straw. 431-5977 WELSH SPRINGER SPANIELS Beautiful red 4 white pups, champion tired, show 4 pet quality. Ceil 946-3099. WEST HIGHLANDS WHITE TERRIERS st- AKC regittered.

Col 264-6640. WHITE GERMAN SHEPERD Free. Matt, 6 years. Gentle. Obedient.

Cdl 793-7535 MASSAGES PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE REGISTERED TECHNICIANS 681-9494 RESIDENTIAL MASSAGES by Sherry. Please col 240-0227, 6-11 p.m. Mon. -Sat. SWEET SUNDAY SPECIAL I for 1 rates now on Sundays only between 12 4 10 P.m.

341-7700. TOUCH OF CLASS If you enfov a massage In your home or motel, dont coll lust anybody, co us. If no answer during dov, co evenings. 255-2804. VISTTING RED BANK LET THE STARS BE WITH YOU AT OUR SPA.

741-563X MOVING I STORAGE- NICK'S A Share Area Movers. Low 4 Sr. rates. Free estimates. License 686.

Anytime 566-4194. ODD JOBS handyman General matnte-nance 4 window cleaning Inside 4 out Inckjdtng lawn 4 shurbbory work 4 pointing. 899-1849 after A NEED YOUR BIG FIREWOOD SPLIT OR GARDEN ROTOTkLLEO? Cal 229-455 atk for Jake. ROOFING HOUSEPAINTING GUTTERS LEADERS CALL 609-597-1605. PAINTING AAAAA ECONOMY PAINTING 4 Exterior Free RJ.

Youmons492372.92M4S4 A-1 PAINTING CARPENTRY Insured. Free estimate KIP Watt, 229-2298. ECONO-PAINT Cxxxtty Decorating Low Rates. Free etnrrxites. 477-7651.

229-766. INTERIOREXTERIOR PAINTING, PAP6RHANGING, SPRAYING, REPAIRS. 679-6533 JOHN FREDMAN, 295-401 INTERIOR PAINTING Protession-atv done. Low prices, tree etti- motes. 222-201Z 870-1036.

INTERIOR PAINTING Prtrfettlon-any done. Low prices, free estimates. 222-2012, 870-1036. M. HERBERT tlterkrExterler Pointing.

Fury Insured. Free ettt-motes. Cal 775-7344 or 775-5631. 4 PAINTING inferior 4 ex-kerlor pointing. Free estimates.

Cal 770-1289. PAT DESARNO 774-5842. RUSSO 61-7707. KTERIOR, EXTERIOR PAINTING. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Rtatonabie prices, trrrerw-exlertor.

Cal Ken at 61-6857. PAOTING i PAPERHANGING PAPER HANGING $5 roe. Roone painted. $30 per room. 30 veart experience.

Cal 513-3213. PAPERMGING ANDYS WALLPAPER SERVICE Exceeent work. References. Free estimates. Call 681-0990.

681-4857. PIASTERDC RESTORE YOUR OLD WALLS Lee new. Also sheefrock, toping 4 tpacklng. Cat 223-6455. PLUMBING HEATING AAA PLOMUNG 4 HEATING CO.

Water 4 lever cormecttons. New Instonanons 4 repairs. 269-4730. ALL PLUMBING Work oone when mode a. smo tturnbing work don.

Fully guoronteea. Co 279-6610. 4 PLUMUNG 4 HEATING Stole License No. 5743. Col otter 5 p.m.

681-4298. R077A 4 SON Plumbing and Heottng 815V, Ridge Ave. Asbury Park, Jj 1-3393. Stete License 2665 ROOFING SIDING ALL TYPES ot roofing 4 repairs. Hot tar rtxrlng.

Gutters 4 leaders cktoned 4 repaired. Free estimates. Monmoutk County area 264-3871. ASSOCIATED APPLICATORS 1. 15 year manufacturer's warranty, self sealing shiitgies Installed with choice of colors.

40 so. ft 2. Hot roofing. 2 lovers of felt, 4 lovers of hot asphalt. 40 saft.

tn-ttaUed Guaranteed tor 10 years. CoH 477-0358 or 477-9308. Hot Roofing Contract 'sue, contract work. 100 saft. $45-iahor, material.

255-2953, 367-0861. Fully Insured. HOT ROOFING Al report, ful out unlet, free ettl motes 609-696-3171 609-698-2380 ROOFING 4 SIDING Free estimates. Olson Roofing 4 Siding Co. Cal 531-1996.

Established moj. WE STOP LEAKS. Complete rrxrt-Ing service. Fully Inturea 449-3235 or 462-3939. SERVICES (Pofsonol) PRIVATE 4 PERSONAL SECURITY SERVICE Escort, chauffeur, body guord.

Mr, Gomottt, 20I-M4-1420. SHEETROCKING, TAPING HOUSES 4 ADDITIONS Finishing our specialty. Also handle paneling 4 drop ceiimgi. Col 68 1-2492, SHEETROCKING TAPING FINISHING House, addlton 4 report. 920-8469.

SWIMMING POOL SERVICE POOL CLOSINGS tnstakonon, service 4 repor. Fencing ok types. Co 899-3321 or 899-9497 onvtlme. TOPSOIL AAA FARM TOPSOIL Any ouanttty. Cal 431-4647.

TV SERVICE ROBERT'S TV SALES 4 SERVICE 870-3067. $5 service charge. Al work guorantoea Long Branch. TYPING SERVICE SECRETARIAL SERVICE Typing, transcribing, oddrettlng. Fatl, accurate, reasonable.

536-5026. UPHOLSTERY CUSTOM upholstery. Your fonric or ours. Repairs, kitchen chars, Betmar Upholstery. 61-5353.

VISA VACUUM CLEANERS KkVBY VACUUM 189 East Newman Springs Rd. Shrewsbury, NJ. 74-J52J HORSE TRAILER 3 horse Thoroughbred with escape doors, good corxtmon, good price. Co 449-2342 eves. HORSE 1 nana yeor Pakiml-no Gektma, limps, versatile, ree-tZte, 4-H protect.

$800. 946-4293. IRISH SETTER PUPPIES AKC. Sacrifice S75 1 weeks, shots 4 wormea Parents on premms. Cal 657-6725.

IRISH SETTER PUPS reasonable. Also mixed breed dog free to good home. Co 367-0001 IDICXJ U.I ILP PIIPPY Mae. mas. Free good horn.

Col 431-1417 KEESHOND PUPPIES AKC registered, 4 mot. okt Cal morn- mas or eves, KITTENS FREE. Litter trained, shots, WW spay. No cnorge. 223-WI2 arrer i.

LHASA APSOS AKC 01 ages 4 colors, ano York let, Chlhsiohuot, Dachshunat 4 Pomeranians. Stud service. 363-2946. LHASA APSOS AKC Adults 4 puppies. $50 4 up.

Matter Charge visa Z2J-U22U, LHASA APSO PUPPIES AKC 3 mo. okt, al thofs. $200, 671-4760. LHASA APSO Adorobkt pupplet, femott 4 matt, line of champions $150. Cal 264-8040.

LONDON KENNELS Quality AKC registered pups, 298-3864, Visa 4 Matter CJtorg accepted. LOVELY MIXED BREED DOGS For adoption, 3 mot. to 1 vear. Also Ptmces. 1 Terriers, co*cker Spaniel mix, 4 co*kco kittens.

oe-4te or i-xjo. LOVING HOME WANTED FOR MALE SHEPHERD PUP. CALL Otl-llfft. MILK GOATS, 3 $35 4 $50, very good looking. Alto geese, grey --tX for 3.

Co 364-0271. OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG PUPS AKC Top whining In, From $150. Lett PEKINGESE Male. 1 year oka. Brown 4 whit.

AffectlorKite. good xts-46 x-4 A xtejLxewi I with children. S50. Col ESTATES I JEWELRY 5TOEN, INC. Jkwelry fstahM APPRAISED tOUGHT SOLD 609 Arnold Av.

Point flees ont ttech IY9-36S3 -1 99-164 EXCAVATING LAND CLEARINO Driveways 4 trenching. FI8 avt, road gravel 4 stone. Beach Coratnjclton. 199-7950. FLOOR SANDING REFINISHING PORTERHOUSE FLOOR SERVICE Floors sanded 4 rrflnlshed with finish of Choice.

37-1647. FENQNG HAVE YOUR WOODtN FENCE REPAIRED Befor witter strkxev Free estimates. Cat Jdht, 82-1664. REGN Fence and Pantllig Co, Rt. 34, Wal.

MonuruLkxeis of gucttty fencing, treated ties, po) 4 pickets. 52M018. FIREPUCES WOOD BURNING FIREPLACES Completely Instolled S6t. No money down. Terms jranueO.

Brick Town Buy Local MS-5339 GENERAL REPAIRS DAVE'S GENERAL REPAIRS 4 REMODELING Carpentry, eC-trical 4 pturnblng. cat 93-S52. HOME IMPROVEMENT ALL CONSTRUCTION 4 REMODE LING 4 new additloni-Over 31 years experience-AI work guaranteed 4 reasongple prices. HERCULES CCSTRUCTION 222-5885. ALL HOME IMPROVEMENTS.

Sun decks, patios, sxotng alas Ooorv- porcnes. ujuuiiions, ot rvpet leiikMf enng. Prompt service. v2-902Z ALTERATIONS. ROOFING, SONG.

inter prices, ktoioo too sma. BRIAN CONTRACTING 240-950. HOBIE'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ltme too my specklty. Fret etrl- mares. Lett joe-raiy.

HOME REPAIRS Patntlno 4 car pentry, etc. Free estimates. Cat 681-793 or 511-2830. ODD JOBS Rooflna Caroerrrrv, potrrHng, rnamonry, plumblrlg. Free etlimolet 4 knturea Gen 229-695 SHORE HOME IMPROVEMENTS Complete rexmocktHria Fury Insured.

cot onynme 449-3235 or 462-3939. THE HANDYMAN FOR ALL YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS CALL 98-4976. INSULATION AEROLITE FOAM INSULATION Save up to 50 on Home Fuel Butt. FREE ESTIMATES Energy Saving Services. S31-U46.

JANITORIAL SERVICES STORMIN NORMAN I the man. He wll get your house or office spK 4 span. Co STORMIN NORMAN JANITORIAL SERVICE at 170-6353 for free estimates. KITCHEN CABINET WORK KITCHEN REMOOELPIG CENTER 225 tVtdg APokrrl Pleasant LANDSCAPING LAWN SERVICE OLD LAWN REMOVED sod Intlokea Set ding, thrubt, eroding, gravel driveways, backhoe work, top to. Vaccoro Lanatcaping 449-2040 LIGHT HAUIMG Anything PICK UP or DELIVERED Experienced, PrtvatoCommercio! Roy's Von 24 hour 776-5465 otter 3 LIGHT HAULING 4 MOVING STUDENT WfTH TRUCK.

CALL MATT ANYTIME, Of 61-5350. PICKUP TRUCK 4 DRIVER For hire. Light houkng, odd lobe. No ob too tmol. Col Kenti, 747-562.

TRIPLE MOVING 4 HAULING Co 495-9443 TRUCKING? Student with van Low rare Vincent 41-5291 MASONRY A A MASONRY EjM. Contractor. Al types of masonry work, fuly Insured Cat 44-480. ANY TYPE MASONRY Fre-pacet our toecloffy. Fuly Inturea Free estimates.

Col 899-647. BRICKS Used. Ideal for wads, patios 4 nroptULO conttructton. Cal 367-3888. MASON Wll fix 4 repair slept, plastering, ektowakt and drive- ways.

Very reasonable, 988-0029 PLASTER Stops, stone 4 brick work. Sid wolkt, fireplaces. Reosattotjlo. Cal eves. 681-041 MASSAGES AAA BETTER MASSAGE 24 HOURS Your Horn, Motel, Business.

CALL 367-2622. A RESIDENTIAL BOOY MASSAGE FOR A RELAXING SESSION CALL 223-6695. ALL MALE MASSAGE BY FRED 870-9644 ATTENTION Applications now being taken tor club ntembertntp. Call velvet Touch, 341-7700. AT THE SON SPOT We come up with a new speck.

892-0842. have A-1 BOOY RUBS Given by Janet, Dee and Joy. Co 681-3813 BODY RUBS GIVEN By Frances sea Nicole 4 Rebecca CALL 776-6685. COME TO VELVET TOUCH Sfll number 1 because pleating TW, our ixtuwrf. EVE'S GARDEN OF EDEN 51 MAPLE AVENUE 842-4S4.

EXPERT THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE For appt. coll 170-390 from J0 to 11:30. MEDICALLY TRAINED Grnrjuate of Klnktv Center. Atk for Mikred. 10-10, 776-8547.

i ROOFERS Bv the hour or by tn squoro, Jio por ivquare. New od worn. ExpericftCtxi. 255-4 1M. ROOFING MECHANIC Experienced aN types of roofing.

Good pay for right person. Cat 4149-5474. ROUTE DRIVER Company lup- pHed van. Servtc existing account. No sate Irtvolvea.

$170 week put expenses. FuN benems. Send resume to Press Box 65V-M, ASDuryparR, H-j. vrvz. SALES CLERK Retail stcrrtorry, FuN lime, with beneftts.

Borden't 601 ArrtoM Ave Pt. Pteasont Ueacn. SALES Do you believe that you possess sates abHity but hove never had the opportunity to prove It? If so, the notkwwl co. has open ings for 2 salespersons. Storting sakry to tlSOO per mo, ptus Incen-ttve income as earned.

Cal Mr. Foster, dotty 9-4. 741-4900. SALES Experienced ladies' sates person fuH or part time. Experienced mens clothing sates part time.

Experienced part ttme furnishings sates person. Apptv person MaM. Donas uoiTtert, mnmaum SALES Ft or Dart ttme rwmeowners. Work with a winner 4 earn Mgh commissions. Our beautiful fuel money saving tn4jong system (eaves the others comi ATOTote aysrems, 4v iw SALES Get on the ground fkw.

Aomco frarismlssians has one opening for a sharp, aggres" stve salesperson In a new Aomco center in Marlboro. Can 536-1000 TO p.m. Mon. trtrough Fn. SALES HELP STOP1 ASK.

YOUftSsCiF "Where wM I be and what wM be doing years from now?" We have soles positions to fW In this area which can develop Into man agement tor me ngnt person, you can Immediately expect to attend a formalized ckisiroom training school minimum 2 weeks ex penses pokH Be given fhe oppor luniry to aovance rapiaiy inro morKigement. Earn up to tTOrOOO or more vour first year. To ouaiH fvr you should be bondabte, ambitious, deoendobte aggressive, own a good car and be wMUng to do some limited traveling, pot the right persori, this Is a lifetime career opportunity with on interno-flonat group of companies. For your personal It confidential Inter-vfeWf send resume to P.O. Box 473.

Mechanicstajrg, Pa. 17055. An equal opponunrry employer wr. SALES HELP WANTED For cheese store tn Manasquan area Weekends only. Apptv person Fn.

or noon 4 pjn. reeselana Peddlers visage. Rt. 35, Morxaguart. SALES HELP WANTED FuH port time hours ovaUable for (un ion spomwear store in me ocean County Mad CaH Roy AnoreoW for mtervtew at i-vbvj.

SALES HELP Wanted for camera store. Some photography experience, inquire Camera Snow- prOCe, 739-2255. SALES tntvurance. Life agents. We can offer you good commis-skms, vestefl contracty the best programs ovailable- piutpecli from our clients 4 throw smaM groups ki simplified demoi pro-oroms.

Cal S91-8881 Tues. Wed. lo to iwr. OTjonnex. SALES PERSON For fine guest home orressnriet thoo.

Must be aMe to go up down stairs easily weena to oust stock 4k Sliver. JAMIAN, 164 Norwood Ave. Deal SALESPERSON To tee BOATS. Salary plus commission. Excellent ooportuntty.

Wll tram soles orient- person. 1)341-500! cat ttruce. (201)34 5005. SALESPERSONS To wont midnight shift. Excexeni worxmg uxHlllons.

Untforms furn. Applv In person uunxm lkxiuts. kt. 44 Broad St Motawan. SALESPERSON Fran Mar Lames Clothing Outlet needs tosh-Ion oriented salesperson tulport nme.

40 fine Neprune evj-axxi SALESPERSON To assist surgical tupoty retal store. Light typing 4 abHlfy to take telephone oraert esserrnaL un vee-oioi. SALESPERSON Ful Mm. Ex oerienced In sates. Good sakrv.

Repv to Press Box eSO-P, Asbury p*rn, NJ. 07 iz SALES PEOPLE Wanted tor otiiMxtshod home remodeling nrm. Lax fj-wxxi oerween p.m. SALESPERSON Wonted. Golden Disco Industry, Neptune City.

Cal tor appt. srae-erao. SALES POSITION secratortol duties for deokrship. 364-4470 between 10-4. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Growth opportune writ, young odvoi tiling puuikjutkwi.

Monmouth County tefTfmrv. sakrv olus expenses. Send resume 4 sakrv rooutf einents ottentton Dave Tobkv Po Box 2t1, Rt. S37, Colts Neck, nj4 vra. SALES TRAINEE Excekent ooportuntty for agoressive person, fuH or part ttme.

Management wxMrnna. uw up, parr nme. urn Mr. wobertSj, 972-2200; 11-2 pm SALES Turn spare ttme Into monev. do vou waste enc hours wotchlng TV? If it costing you $30-170 per night.

Find out how you can turn those TV hours into money plus kiterrotronat travel, prnes 4 fun. Co 367-1299, am. -i 2 noon. SALES urtiaue career oooortunity. $200 to 4400.

FuN or pan time, ww from, urn wr. Arexqnaer, 922-2203. SALES need representatives to tefl our Jry to Excekent ocoortunfty for qualified inowKja to earn wmtfruo per weeK or more orovlde ar owlno account. htospltaiirotton, paid vocohon, bonuses and fuR trotrkng for our uHrOue concept. For appt.

com Mr. Russo of 44-044Q. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS WANTED Ideal for thmworkers, or persons with free time. WW train for specks kosnse. Contact Martaiopon-Erxgrkshtown Regional Schools.

CaH for aoot Mon. thru FrL. 40 ajn. to pjtw -rrt. SCHOOL CUSTODIAN 17 pm Shift, block seal license preferred.

song resume salary autre ments to Loroin 4, Hark Business Administrator, Red Bank Public Schools. 7 Brortch Av. Keo aann no. oti. SECRETARY For (wisli uction 1 k.

Must be post, type. povrokV answer nanoxt vorwus ig to construction. nowieaat of butovxi to wtMna to learn sorne. FuN ttme. fringe benefits.

Please send resume to: P.O. box 40Q, uakhursi, hu. SECRETARY EKCeikmt typing. abHttv to work without supervision. excekent personokty 4 neat ap- uej iirti obikty to take die tot ton desired.

Princeton area S.53-S143 to start. AffkTrrattve AchonEciual Opportunm Empiover. co*k Ros- mary at letm yit-mi. SECRETARY EjuKiittve. Young aggressive OBmpany krOkkw for ecurrve secrerarv wrm sti ping 4 excekent offlot expert- Pktosant workina environ ment.

Send resume to Press I 72-M, Asbury Park, NJ. 07712 SECRETARIAL HELP 1 or 2 days ptt week. Stena fPn9 oorieral office duties. Red Bank area Reply to Press Box 439-M, Asourv pgng hj. griz.

SECRETARY Good Wptng steno sklkSa some booKkeeolna oertence. I girl ofneo. Real estote oovtopmonr wmpany. usm niwu for aoot. SCCPFTARY Lkihf tvijna.

some dictation, fMtrtg, answering tele ibie hours. CaM Mr. Scorao 536- 16. SECRETARY Some executive ability, part ttme. Must be excet-

Green orove Looae. For Interview, H. L. Cohen, Adrmn- istrotor. 072-1900.

SECRETARY FuN 4 port time. Typing, pleasant voice, convenient hoursj secure position. Mlooxtowit ornce. cai tor mervrew irww. SECRETARY Exoerierice rexmilr- ed.

Excellent opportunfry. Cal Vlckl ot (201) 341-500S SECRETARY BUSINthU MANAGER To run busmess office, good pay. COX 222-0347. SECljRtTY GUARD Motor Norttv em Monmouth County manufochx" comoanv opening for a reteponsiPki irtdMdud to fW vacancy os securtty guard. Experience reouired.

Jwy VM liberal employee benefits. Retirees welcome. Appry person, 12 am Moa-rn. to: rooott look. Securtty Director, Mtdkrtd Glass Co.

atffwood Avev Cltffwooel HJ. An equal opportunity empiover SECURITY GUARDS f*ck time. dnr ttitft In Preettold. Pi. I ttme weekend! In Neotune, wan Two.

Loxewooo. Apptv f4i wtute Morse Mercerviile Rd. Crestwood foa. Room XL Trenton. Mon-Prl e-l Sat.

8-JO-ll einxerton't mc Eauol Opportuntty Empiover MP. SECURITY GUARDS Part time, pet manent potmon ovaeaMe. tven- nm, Long stranan area unt-HMied Par Interview cal 170-2526 day or everiinos. SERVICE PERSON WANTEO To service heovy consli uction eaulp ooean countv area Respontitxe person reouired. txeary ability, orxv exptrieoced need apply.

WI-IW4. SERVICE TECMNOAN Hearing' cotmna. Good hrwwleade of low vottaae wiling. Col or write Ag-grettlve Heating 4 Cooling, 2IO0 Kwv. 35, Sea Gtrt44e-1155.

SERVICE STATION ATTENDENT Pul time. Mon. thru Pn. Experiencea Port, time nights weekends. Rumson Exxon, 27 West River Rd.

Rumton. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION MAJOR seeks to babysit Preschool chHdren, 8 am pm, S25 week. Cat 364-2119. EXPERIENCED MOM WW give your cneo tll ri home. Cal 363-2541.

HOUSEKEEPER Uve-m. Dlvertl-tied backgrauna Ful charge capabilities. Only for motherless homes. Drives. Cal between 7 4 10 am.

244-UBUU, eXT. JB. HOUSEKEEPING Day work, Sll 4 car fare a day. fcxperiencea. Col 774-7501 HOUSEKEEPING By hour, port time or by the day.

Lai 3-joev. HOUSES CLEANED Reasonable rotes. References. 363-7176. LOVING FAMILY ENVIRONMENT For your Infant or toddttr.

Betmor area los oni-iese. MOTHER withes to babysit mv home weekdays tor Infants or young children. Own transporto- tktn. 367-277 pm. MOTHER WILL BABYSIT In my Pt.

Pleasant home. Clean 4 loving environment. Playmates. Reference. V2-7 107.

NURSE'S AIDE to eMertv or convoiescent. Nights. Ex- pertence 4 lefeiencet. 922-366Z NURSE'S AIDE Experienced, seeks afternoon or eves, position In your home. Rereiences.

322-2915 SEAMSTRESS Professional aressmaklng 4 minor repairs. Call 44V? 100 arrer 0 p-m. TYPING IN MY HOME. CALL DEBBIE, 774-0175 DAYS WALLPAPER HANGING REASONABLE CALL 543-7450 430 WORK WANTED COLLEGE GRADUATE BS In Accounting, 46 year experience, looking tor work with a pucwlc or privare nrm. joe, imj tvarv.

DEPENDABLE MAN To clear town of leaves at weekly rotes. BW, 322-9051. DRUMMER VOCALIST Experienced In Rock, Jan 4 Disco seek Lounge work, co 741-71153 eves. GENTLEMAN 55 veart Ota, 6' 3" 330 tn. wishes position at prtvate chauffeur, security or something of that nature.

Single 4 free to travel. Wll otto deliver your car anvwher USA. Excellent drtvlng record 4 references. 542-3200, Ext. 36 or ktove messoae.

LEAD VOCALIST arofesslonal seeks established working bona Cal Mike after p-m, 319-5251. NEAT 4 Deoendctne. Wll do any carpentry, aluminum siding, light masonry. Experienced, fast 4 penoapkt. 244-6 ij, arrer p.m.

U.S. ARMY DOG HANDLER Lackland A.F.B. trained looking for any type dog work. 301-364-365. 51H0ANS1NVESTMENTS PAY OFF All YOUR DEBTS With a new first mortgage loan.

Capital Resources Corp. 201-365-0771 Credit Assistance Agency Bod credit Mortoooe Refected by your banks 4 lending Institutions? Judgements, suns on your property? We guorantee to dean up your credit and make you credit wormy. Co 88-55 or 988-5061 520 MORTGAGES LOANS BY PHONE Col now tor fast service! Second ary Mortgage Loans. MAJESTIC FINANCE CORP. 259 Rt.

Howes. Atk for Mr. Lewis TOLL FREE: (800) 822-8 60HIVESTOa( 4 PETS AAA Beautiful ColleShepherd puppets, mow lemots. tie spay, snots, no cnorge. 40'-zmo.

ADORABLE KITTENS Free to oood homes. JOr-lt. ADVANCED 4 BEGINNERS DOG training Classes eves. 4 Sot. uflei i xjofts.

Next beginner doss Nov. 14. Bovstiare CorrearMon Dog Liuo, ei-eueo. AFGHAN PUPS FOR SALE. CHAMPION STOOL CALL 344-5953.

AIREDALE PUPS sired, oarttv trained. Charripton duced to find home. 88-8537. AKC REGISTERED German SharttKXr Pointer Pups. Col 758-3063.

ALL BREED SHOW HANDLING CLASSES Thursdays. I tun. JbObLK. 450-25VB. BATH UNIT WrWttpool, ftrt out-skM of tub.

Cost 1460 new, wM tee tor siwj. avs-t 444. BEAGLE PUPPIES Good hunting stock, AKC, shots 4 wormea I mom, ftmceev cal 449-779. CCOCAPOGS moMt left. 150.

i weeks oW, 1 Cal 34-4 106 co*ckER SPANIEL PUPPIES 4 weeks okt AKC S125. skiff color. LO 91-4232. co*ckER SPANIEL PUPS weekt okt, 1 rnoMt. buff cot AKC registered.

Co 229-0263. co*ckER SPANIEL Black male I mot. oh. AKC chcx ground. Best offer.

Col 68M140. CUTE Playful female kitten. Free to loving home. Likes of fee1 non company, avycrp otter a. DALMATtON 1 year okt fernats, papers, shots 4 spayed.

Mutt sex. 15. COI 477-43B3. DOBERMANS Berxuttful pups. Con be seen onvtlme.

Reasonable to gooa nome. Lot 774499, DOCTOR Sovt dogs must ga 13 year ok) mats, 3V year ok) fe-male. FREE. 611-6711. ENGLISH SETTER PUPS WANTED.

Good home. Purebred, white wtm block spots, mole 4 temolo. Excels, it dispositions. 747-569, FREE DOG To oood Matt nth Setter. AKC Houtebro- ken.

oood with children. 367-8738. FREE KITTENS u. PERSIAN CALL 946-3277. FREE Orange Tiger Kittens, irh 1 vear.

oranae white female. Left by rWigrsbor. 899-6713 FREE PUPS Mixed Lab, I okt, with shots. 1 68 1-397 A km. cat FREE PUPPtES I metes, 3 tomokii.

mteretiod cal 843-367, FREE TO GOOO HOME ONLY 1 black too, 1 year. 1 cow sheo-ord, 3 years. Both female, spared, up to eote snors. un 44V-366V. FREE TO GOOO HOME Male HuikySxysaherdpupokn, 11 weeks FREE TOY FOX TERRIER-Mott.

Mornmy It tick. Please good home. 609-693-62M. FREE 15 ma okt matt, Sheperd Come. Owner w.

Must give away. Needs yard to run. Cal 295-1495 FREE 6 months ok) SoMoPtacX Kitten, Free shots 4 spay. 295-9344. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC Champion tired.

Ratted for temperament 4 beauty. Al pups fuly guaranteed. Cal 988-3144 If no answer cal 775-5174. GERMAN SHORT HAIR POINTER Puppies. Charnpion sired.

Field 4 show quatty. Born 13. Also rab-btft, S3. 446-4378 after 5 p.m. GERMAN SHEPERD PUPPtES AKC Large boned, (red tor beauty 4 temperament Tinea, tired.

Paper trained. Cat 934)61 GERMAN SHEPHERD Profaned PtMxDkts. AKC. Btwxilltil mm. irvikxj.

iixp imxxu wnes. reTliex. GERMAN Shepherd Pups older, AKC Beautiful kroe boned, toe blood Ines. Guaronfeed. 536-301.

GERMAN SHEPHERD FREE 11 MONTH OLD MALE. CALL 938-7310. GOATS FOR SALE I Does milking. S50 ea CO 431-413. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPtES CAornceon GokHtutti Lightening sir.

Outttandlng show puppies. 495-9359 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES AKC IfM fUt itlOvY, teefTlaTJaVijWTMnt 4 txsundness. Cummlngs tkood line. Col 89X1. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS AKC Champion Woodknet.

Cal 270-9302 GOLDEN RETRIEVER Purebred ret. 1 year oKL ottered, won- dertui ditposmon. S50, 671-363. HAY Altdtfa timothy. 4 mixed Guaranteed dean.

Free delivery hi Monmouth County, 25 pott rrenl- mum. 542-5907 otter p.m, HAYBALED We by the arte or the truck load. Co 295-1450 between am. 4 4:30 pm. SERVICE STATION AtteMants.

Full time, 4-mionight. Apply fn person omv Rom-4pm at MorxXopan SneM, Rt. 91 Frank Un Ln. (rwrtnbouno- next to Tne pantry), Enoiisntown. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Ful time.

Experienced, neat and dependable. Cal 922-9750 or Sun. 449-4708. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS FuN 4. part time.

Experienced onlv. Applv at Mobil Station, 119 New- mon springs Ha, snrewsoury. SERVICE PERSON Experienced In heating 8, as conamonlng serv ice insTatanon. James o. e.etv mc V7-lro4.

SERVICE MANAGER ASSISTANT Mutt be dean and personable. See service wianager ot anermon loyo- to, rreenoia. SERVICE PERSON For at- conditioning 8, heojttnQ company, Top pay and benefits. Cal Misstate Mechanical 842-7109. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT tul Nme, days, got omv.

Applv eves or weekends, snore uettv, Rt. 34 AMenwood Rd. Wal. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Part nil time. Aootv Eatontown Sunoco, corner Hwv.

Wyckotl ro, fcotontown. SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR Single needle Overtook. Cotner Coat Co nog industrial pkwv. Brick Town. 4S8-4800J SHEET METAL INSTALLERS State's ksroest reskiermol heating contractor hot several openings for sheet metal mechanics, Must be experienced residential Installers.

Top wages. Many company benefits. Coo 925-3717 tor appt. After 3, 401-41 14. SHEET METAL MECHANIC Must be experienced 4, NltllAulluil of duct commercial level.

Witie turate with experience. Penems Include pad vacanon. rwspttalwjtton 4. pata hOIIOOVS. LOW 462-OVJU.

SHEET METAL WORKER Growing sign shop looking tor experienced sheet metal and sign erector, exsnerrrs. Lae see jjxx tween 1-5 p-m. SHEET METAL MECHANIC Shop layout S. lii9lumiHon ot Heating 8, Air CondrMonlno dXictwork. Cal WORRELL BROTHERS.

774-5035, Mon-Frl, SHEET METAL MECHANIC For air conditioning 8, heating osnsud-nv. Top pay and benefllt. Cal MM-StOte MeOVXWcal, 842-7199. SHEET METAL MECHANIC HELPERS Cal Al Seasons Sheet Metal, me. 1-6462.

SHEET METAL MECHANIC Experience necessary. Good pay 4 benefits, cal 349-0389. SHEET ROCKERS-TAPERS-FTNISH-ERS Top wages, steady work. Cal 287-3525 from 7 p.m. After 6 p.m.

462-2824 or 545-6294 SHEET ROCK TAPERS Experienced omv. Col 363-8039 between 14 4. After 6, 681-5982. SHEETROCKERS, TAPERS TROWLERS Short area Top pay, low Byy-som. SHIPPINGRECEIVING CLERIC For Mfg.

company. Supervisory copobHIttes. Forklrtt anving. Send resume to press Box 613-M, Asbury Pork, NJ. 07712.

SHIRT PRESSERS Experiencea Immediate f*ck time work. 2 oorson umt. Applv, Utne SMver Cleaners, 601 Branch Ave. Lime silver. SHORT ORDER COOKS Experi encea Apply person only to Harry.

Old Time Tavern, Dover MOW, RtS. 166 37, Toms River, SHORT ORDER COOK Day shift, pleasant turounotngs. Cat! 774-9688. SIDING CREWS Gutter persons. Experienced stdtng persons.

Cal 892-4855. SITjIMG HELPERS Exnerienotd In Texture 111. Cat otter 6 p.m. 229-9156. SIDING INSTALLERS Seamless vinyl A aluminum.

Year round work, top pay. Cat 531-6777. SPEECHLANGUAGE PATHOLO GIST Masters Degree CCC Ful time. PICA trained. Team ori ented In pell i ill In dt vetopmentol seouenana booa sararv pt tin.

Send resume to Garden State Rehobllatatton Hospital 14 Hospital Dr Toms River. Aft. Bonnie Kiane. SPRAY PAINTER For kitchen couriers, txoerienceo, 1st clo Manohowkm area (609) 597-2708. STAFF ACCOUNTANT A OVnarmc corporation located Ocean Countv Is seeking an Indt-vldua) who hat reoetved degree In Accounting or hot hod 3-4 years related work experisrtce.

Excellent working condttiont with fuly paid fringe txtrierttv Send resume to Mrs. Joyce Trvaar, 239 Anchor Ave. beachwooa, N-J. 08722. START YOUR CAREER WITH A RETAIL GIANT Join She F.

W. wootworth Co. monouement train ing program, un me hsd traeiing In phases of retaN rnariojgetTKtnf. Buying, teeing, tlnorice, personnel, oovertlslna, public relatione wM moke vou a total oust nest executive. Personal recognition.

Your progress It totowed fn beginning 4 you receive promotions 4 sakry Increases at you aei i xx ish uie vour ccxxxotimes. IJnemlred otxOortuMrlet to the top. At toon at you've relished training, you move mto store man-ogement with snore of company profits. From there, you con move up to posmont the oritrlct. regional 4 executive offices.

company benetttt. These Incluat company sponsored group Kfe 4 extended medical Insurance. Stock purchasing plan, paid vocations, retirement pension fuly paid by the company. An equal opportunity empiover MF. Apply at Ocean county Max, 10-5.

SUPERINTENDENT For garden opts. Must be frMioriteaty Inclined. Experience rktcessory. Couple pretVabtt. With apt.

Occupancy Intmeawterv. Cal 229-405 or Ni-iesi mornings or eves. SUPERINTENDENT WANTED Far git deii apt. In excellent noluti borttooa Good sakrv. Apt.

4 une- tiet furn. Experienced couple Lxeieiieu 6eno resume to nr. j. Baker, 1Z2I N.J. Magie Avtv.

Ureon, SUPERINTENDENT Experienced for smal apt. Asbury Park. Handy with toots. Smal apt. smal salary.

References required Law rrs-jeje tor irrrorrnonon. SUPERVISOR Grounat. Mult hove lutowktdgo of supervising crew tn general grounds luxfping. Appry person Leslure Vleaat Tree. nexx.

txt. rv, Laxenurst. SURVEYER Rod person, transit person or party chief. Local knowledge aesiroMo. Horn, Tyson 4 Jacobus, 94 East Water St.

lomt River. TAILOR SEAMSTRESS Anerottont for dry cleaning store. Cal 493-2121. TAXI DRIVERS For Star Taxi. arv open.

9884033. needed. Col TEACHER ENGLISH AS SECOND LANGUAGE oosmon avataMe English at Second Longuogo eoCTor to learn aauns. rrxxr ex ptrtence preteiTed. BA Oearee mimmom requlren-ent.

Fuf time oov position. Can Pet tutinet Dept. Monmouth County CETA 988-9200. Equal Opportunity Employer MF TEACHER AIDE Kindergarten, am session only. Catholic tchool.

Send resume to Press Box 594-M, Asourv Park, NJ. 077 It TEACHER NARIAN SUeSTTTUTEDISaPLI-Vi time leaching, Vt Nttant (aisct- pHi Me lani. Permorxtnt teaching cei llftuute necessary. Fringe benefits. Applcotlont be ocoepted through Oct.

31, 1971. Aootv Pt. Pleoxarrl Bx-art- Hna-ri of Education, Cook Lane. Pt. Pleae-orrl Beach.

NJ. 08742 or cal 201- ewettg. An i equal omxx tunny em- plover. TEACHERVACANCY 7th8ltl grade niothematic poetson. ttuno-ard NJ.

leuuliing cei ilncote reouir ed. Send resume to Suptx-tntend- office. Far Haven PubM Schoors, Honce Rd, Fair Haven, NJ. 07701 or col 747-2294 to ob- i owXKonon. An eau tuntty employer.

TEACHERS Private Special Ed St-hoot. Errk-rtlonoltv ottturtxta bovt 4 girts. 2-cer titled teachers ful t. 1 -Social Worker or Psvctioio- gist part time, 2 aovs. Experience Oxnirotxe).

Send resume to The Coastal Learning Center, Rt. 79, Morrxx-vWe, J. 07751. TEACHER Of the tK-ndlcoixaeo' for severely svnotlonary oxeturbed chtaren a prtvate day tetttng. Matters level and teact-tng exixsi fence prettrred Write Press Box 670-M, Atburv Pork, NJ.

07712 TEACHERS NEEDED Part time tor tutoring service. Good sokry. Al subiects. Send resume to Prest Box 676-M, Asbury Park, NJ. 07713 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS Need ed to work ot home for clothing ortve.

some exotrience otrslred. MorM-nouth County retldttilt only. Col 446-4041. TELEPHONE SOLtCTTOR Want- tor established home remooxM Ing ttrm. 223-8060 from yi pjn.

TELEPHONE SOLICITOR For akjmlnom slotng Sotctt from your none. mm. tor lorn, xv-r-jeuu. TELLERS Cvxtmngt for ful time tellers. Cat Mrs.

Munson for Interview between 230 at 0-9000. TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS are Making tor professional drtvert with 2 years current ex- rktnce and good drtvlng records, yours) tired of commuttna and wish to be with a company who -s year round work pntvktet exceetnl beneflfs while you work within the trtttot area Please cal 244-2244. TRAINEE Field Reoresentonvo needed tor ksrge mortgage banking company, for Central Jersey orea Car provided. Excellent opportunity. Write to Pret Box 6e2-M, Asoury fork, wj.

oiz. 410 HELP WANTED Ok. BURNER TECHNICIAN Service Ocean County area Top pay, excellent working cofkJmons, minimum experience 2 years. Cal Point Boy Fust Point Pleasant neoch, Mr. John Homey, OIL BURNER SERVICE PERSON Experience necessary, teamster health 4 pension benefits.

Call 564- ixki, aprague uii service. OPERATORS A minimum of years experience on loaders and bulldozers. References are required. Apply In person between am. 4 4 am.

Muccio mc 5300 Asbury Rd. Farrrxngoole. An Equal upportunny tmpiover OPTICIAN N.J. Licensed Dispenser wonted for kjk time posi-tton Ocean County. Col (215) OWNER OPERATOR Due expansion.

Increased volume new stores, we ore In need owner operators with 1973 or later twin axle tractors capable of hauling 45' trailers legally. Experience me aeiivery or roousiuiit red. Good driving record a must. Local deliveries. Steady work good pay.

Call 27-4600, Ext. 583 or 680 or apply at Twin County uroosrs, i3 igimooge HQ. fc Orion. OWNER OPERATOR Aggressive owner gueiotut with van or dump trailer. To deliver buk or paletired loads out of the Penh Amboy and port Newark area to New York and New England states.

We offer high earnings, year round work and no nresorrte commuting. Interested contact Mike at 34-l07. OWNER OPERATORS We looking tor professional drivers wrm good anving records. Bom single 4 tandem axle tractors acceptable. We offer year round work, provtdt flat beds tor boo toad work and service accounts wimm a iw nuie radius.

If osted, please call 244-2244. PACKERS WANTED In plastic factory. No experience necessary. Day 4 night shifts. The Harwood Lo.

rormingarxe, n-j. PAINTER EXPERIENCED Must hove general knowledge of field, work with experienced orarrsman. Lax zovro. PAINTERS HELPER Needed. Immedkrte work.

Interior 4 exteri or. COS 741-1753. PAINTER OR HELPER Experienced. Year round work. Own trotnportanon.

can 462-5711. PAINTERS EXPERIENCED. CALL EVES. 458-2020 PAINTERSEXPERIENCED Steady work. Cal 2499i after 6 p-m.

PAINT SALESPERSON Port time. Retail store exoenence mutt. Hardware experience hemx. Cal 774-4033. Carney's Hardware, TOi w.

syivonio Ave. Neptune city PARKING ATTENDANT ends, days 4 eves. Must be pojrtenced. Apply Jumping Brook country quo, TO-eTOO, PART TIME WORKERS knme-okt opening Responsible, outgoing people wanted to fxkhxm In-store demonstrations in Monmoum-Ocean area Good hours, good pay, car necessary. Experience oesiraoit.

cat (2121 535-0257. PUtT TTmE CLERK Nights Quick Chek Food Stores. Must be 11 Ex- pjtrience helpful but not necessary. r-or Kmevtew please apply in son at Rt. 7 ft School Rd Martxro, NJ.

or caH Gary Hrynko ar PART TIME AVON GET BACK ON BUDGET WITH MONEY TO SPARE Sen Quality products In your own area and earn extra SS for fuel bus, taxes, savings. No experience necessary, lux iryvnr. PART TIME OFFICE WORKER Sot. 4 Sun. amy, to help busy yacht brokerage office.

Typing essential. Apply person. Miller Yacht Sales, Foot West Lake Ave. Day neaa PART TIME CLEANING PERSON Steady, kite MaM. to verm niani per week.

No floor waxma Neat, honest and feHAio people. Write Press Box 661-M, Asbury Park, NJ. VTZ PART TIME Cashler-ofnce work, nights, 6 to -30 pm. including Sat. evening.

Benefits. Pleasant atmosphere. WM train. Barclay Jewelers, Monmouth Mas, fcoroniown, sej-tvw. PART TIME Earn good pay supervising carrier delivery of a must nave van or station wagon.

Routes open in Wayside 4 Oceanport. 229-3500: PART TIME II veart or General helper, must have charted optttudt. Anchor Marine, jet. 44 ft 44, Farmrxjaoje. VJe- S4I1.

PART TIME II years or over. weiHn 1 On Pashioned Hombura ers. Applv person, 600 Shrews- pjry Ave. Timon f-axs, N.J. PART TIME Newspaper route Jackson Township.

7 days per week. Must hove cor. 3V hours per oov. Lax wn-rwu, ext. 7E3.

PART TIME Ste Trt-Chem Hauk) tary. Cal 270-1151 657-9627 or 477-7554. PART TIME Work from your home on telephone program. Earn sz-siw per week aepenoing time ayqnotxo. M1-04J51.

363-02t PART TIME Need extra money? Looking tor people to sen beautiful plants. No Investment. Cal Ruth 431-3511. SIS 431-4340 PART TIME Wrxterwaitreu kitchen work Point Pleosant Beach, morning oftoinomi. Call 82-4415.

TIME DELIVERY PERSON 4 Ocean Co. Good retei once onry. Lot 367-27B0. PART TIME Custodian for eves. at St.

Thomas Lutheran ChuiiJv onck Town. 477-5534, am. -4 p.m. PART TIME Trainee In lab. Brick Town area Reply Press BOX 646-M, Asoury par.

NJ. 0712. PART TIME SECRETARY Legal experience required tor Motawan Office. Cat 566-2232. PART TIME Earn 125-575 week working ot home on phone.

Col 264-3244. PART TIME DRIVERS Deliver am. newspaper. Freehold area No cat 431-0115, PART TIME Experienced help wanted. Must be II or over.

Hours flexible. Cal 566-5556. PART TIME PORTER (MF) 6 om- am. 9 aovs per Neptune. S3J0 per hour.

7V 1-6776. PEST CONTROL TECHNICIAN To handkt al types of tobs. Permanent fiM time position, compviy beneftts 4 car provided, must hove neat appexronce. 10 sc pukiliixwil. Col 741-1122.

PHONE survey ipoctolsts needea Excekent beneftts when quoitftoa part time, ptexirxe hours. 363-2UV5. PHOTOGRAPHERS EXPERIENCE IN ALL PHASES OF WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY REQUIRED. PLEASE CALL 531-W4. PHYSICAL THERAPIST Immedi ate openings tar physical therapist J.CJlH.

hospital In NJ. resort area Recent ci 1 wtiiee occetTtaoie. now 111 ueiknnt mauatng 1 hotutiuHfutiuii for emixovee lejerrj vacation ft sick pok ey, prescription plan, pension pion, tuition assistance and many others. Can or apply corrnnunltv Memorial Hospital, Toms elver, 34e-Hxw ext. 7V2.

equal opportunrry fcmpioyer. PIPING Exoerienced otoma 4 tubing assembly. All berxrfits. Steady. Apprv Better BuW Machinery Corp.

State Hwy. 71 4 SNiakey Ave. Morxisquari. PIZZA PERSON WANTED Also must hove Experience In Italian Apply person, coiorwal mn, 165 Mow y. Manasavan.

PLANT OPERATOR WH tram. Cal 721-6900 PLASTIC INJECTION ENGINEER ASSISTANTS For molding company under construction in Ocean County. Now Interviewing Send resume to Press Box 561-M, Asbury Park, NJ. 0712. PLUMBER Experience neces sary.

Plumbtna 4 heart rta mum I years. Salary aommensu- wtm experience. Tixxorton area Cal 296-2161. PLUMBER OR PLUMBERS HELPER Tired of constant layoff? Steady year round work. Salary, benefits, vocation, sick pay.

Opportunity tor advancement. Apply person, servtson water Lonomon- kxj. 3425 Hwy. 33, Neptune. PLUMBER Minimum of I experience.

Excellent pay. Steady year arouna work, vacanon, nor days, opportunities for aavanclng. Law iqeai mumping, PLUMBERS experienced. Toms River area Must hove minimum veors experience. Own tools transportation.

Good starting Sdary. Col (609) 429-6237. PLUMBER Needed Immediately. Steadv work. Good starting sakrv.

Experience rlecessary. Please cal Bob Cuuuxsro Piurnbtng 4 Heating, 4J1-02B4. PLUMBER Mutt hove NJ. state 1 far couth uclian. eokry Open.

COX 223-3642 PLUMBER'S HELPER 1-4 years experience 4 Perry kin, 776-5771. PLUMBERS 4 PLUMBERS HELPERS Steady work in local area Lot rje- rxxj. PLUMBER With NJ. State li cense, tor contractor, Cjcoeenl eot ary Cal 272-3642 PLUMBING SUB CONTRACTORS 4 PLUMBERS START WORK IM MEDIATELY. TOP PAY.

STEADY WUWK. CAU. 971-2300. PLUMBING Experienced service mechanic with ful complement of hand tools 4 knowledoe ot est plumping prates. Cat HfrOVXi, 410-HELP WANTED PLUMBING SUBCONTRACTORS neuu rrut, nxxs ft insurance.


Experienced In ground corttractors for volume operation. Start now. start again early Spring. Cal or write Champion Pools, P.O. Box 70, Freehota, 70- wii asx ror joe 1.

PORTER Davs. Ful Urn Experiencea Trarriportotion necet tary. Hoimaei area Contact Ann 3Q-5I6, -i2 noon. PORTER Full time, dov ehMt Good storting taary. Hoimaei area uwn TransporTanon.

lom 04202. PORTER Ful time, 7 am. 3:30 m. weexenat on tmery Manor nursing nome, Motawan, 566-6400. PORTERS Port time mornings.

Hanet, East Brunswick 4 Brick town areas. Too oav. work. Must hove car. 994-2121.

PRESSER To work dry cleaning plant. Must be fast 4 experiencea Good pay. 5 days. Mpcxy, vr ueaners, KT. ft Aoetphla Ra.

Freettokt PRESS PERSON Part time eves. Experience required on Hetaetxtrg, Kord, Soma Chief 17 4 Oaviaton aoa con days 9-3 am. 741-9300 PRODUCTION MANAGER Ex perlenced only, engineering oriented, structural steel toortcotion. Industrial refrigeration 4 process ing macmnery. Loxewooo mousrrKX fork, ror inrerview con 363-0221 PRODUCTION CONTROLCOORDF NATON Must be with some college.

MRP exposure wwme. uooa sceary comi benents. Col 964-1576 tor appt. REAL ESTATE SALES We can help you get started In Real Estate. If you do not have a license, THE STERLING THOMPSON SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE wW more than prepare you tor the comprehensive State exam.

Brochure 4 more Infix nwf tlon ovaitale by lust caMng today. It you do have a license, we would Hke to meet with you today. We hove openings In many of our 17 offices al of New Jersey. Over 3500 families wll buy or ten a home from us mis year. Professional training 4 al the marketing toots youl need.

Cad today. Sterling Thompson Reoify, coil Fran Miner at 238-6910 REAL ESTATE SALES Are you Intelligent, willing to con- nnue your eauconon, 00 you worn excellent income orxoortunmet be unHmited? Join one of the ksrg- 3T gipaa in cemns jersey. BUS ONIMM NuenvT. LOS BRICK TOWN Mike Farella 892-8300 EAST BRUNSWICK Jim Ookxi 254-6300 MATAWAN Rick Grimm 566 1400 MARLBORO Estate Dunav 536-1140 TOMS RIVER Steve Llerxtrman 770-1700 REAL ESTATE SALES SS09.20 PER WEEK is what our overage ful time associate earned 1977. so It you're licensed or wiling learn can us.

tutrxmfon crea several openings. Ample floor time, leads and sales Incentive program. PLUS INCOMPERABLE TOM HOP-KIN'S FAST START VIDEO TRAINING PROGRAM DRAW AND MAN AGEMENT OPPORTUN TIE AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED PER' SONS Offices Howe. Briak, Pt. Pleasant, wmingboro.

Cal 364-0600 Or toil tret (800) 822-8940. KIR WAN LU.KcAL fc I A I (C I. Robert Bel REAL ESTATE SALES GROWING FAST, and we ore ponding our octtvttlet by buHdkvj a new 3800 tart, office bullotng. At such, we need 1 real estate rrKSnooer and an assistant, 1 ager of our Insurance uttxe liistnl ana top saxes people to xxn our winning team of real estate prat that have mode the Zweben Real Estate Aaencv the numper ogency In Loxewood. part timers with ful time potential wll one be oonsiaerea cat now, sen Attaroa ZWEBEN AGENCY, 364-1400.

REAL ESTATE We need five associates. New loots-town office. Serving area 17 years. Award winning firm. Proven training program.

Advertising provkfca Commissions plut bonuses. Above overage Income. For contioermai Interview Co 270-8303 REAL ESTATE SALES Young, aggressive agency texett i i oaores. you are an exported soles associate who would Hke to work with an active broker and lorn a real team effort, let's talc. If you are IrKtxpertoncod let me tee you what you should earn In vour first veer.

GARDEN STATE PROPERTY GROUP, I tun M5-8686. ask for Mr. WHd REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON Here's an opportunity tor 2 high calibre professional type Indhnduais teoklno to enter the oxctfmo field of reaf estate. This Is your chance to loin on award wnrwu aaencv. offer excellent trnmmo and Incentive programs.

Licensed or unlicensed. Go Al Lerone confidential Interview, Lockwood Associates, 477-9000. REAL ESTATE ATTENTION TOP PRODUCERS! SMre Realtv Is Toms River office. Iborat commission spilt, overnae and expense account for the right person to marxjge t. Must be able to tram and must be familiar with al sects ot jeskxtntlal flnanclna Cal Paul Amoto tor rmiflrionlloj Inter view 52V-6560.

REAL ESTATE SALES PEOP-LE-What Is your net worm and why hvtt Is mare? IT you hove aeked yourself that tome question, you should contact ut about our TOM HOPKINS video training sys tem. Learn now to earn mukb ei month than you hove been ear- i In a year, vour WORTH mS.C Clovton Agency, 223-2222. Eves. 458-294. REAL ESTATE SALES time licensed salesperson or broker neeaeo to snow nouses to our screened prospects.

representatives Uvlna In Monmouth County near our rnanaged vacant homes. Cal 634-5555, Mr. Steinberg for confidential Irrrervlew. eworott Realty Co-Realtor, 267 Ave. Wooobrloge, NJ.

Amboy REAL ESTATE LISTERS WANT' ED. We ore offering Htxerrx com mission spht to me nam uet sunt who with to work ot rut time Nt- If you have what It testes to effecttvery est hornet tor i make it worm your whim cat Paul Amoto for conftdontKI Inter view 528-6560. REAL ESTATE SALES Ful timePart time. Exuerioncod wiling to learn, tree Real Estate SctsooX Tom Hook Ins Video Traln- pi uui urn. Draw vs.

comi tlon. REAL ESTATE ONE KIR WAN REALTORS. Pomt Pleosant, ask far Mgr. Jon co*krttg col 899-1300 REAL ESTATE SALES Excellent opportuntty tor male or fsmros Moiiiutiyo to achieve substantial earnings. Ful or part Large advertising Ik trigs, leads, brokers assistance.

draw, cost coonoonce, Kelly, 842626. REAL ESTATE SALES AGGRESSfVI 4 BRIGHT? It to, wet help you to make Big i with us. Licenced person col 4J1-OW1. REAL ESTATE SALES PERSON Licensed 4 pei ieik.ed preferred Liberal commission structure at turet the 'Yjaarettlve hustler1 eammgt In excess of 125000 vexr- ror corrmxerrrKB errerview, em rrmony Block, (6Qr) 597-eoio. REAL ESTATE CAREER Training atone cess.

Competent, wont attune uttttiunul ca wn, Lett tax about 's on me. In Monmouth 4 Ocean counties, cat Beitser, Reator. 449-1440. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONS Needed tor future Tome River of fice. Mutt be licensed and wMli to start in tyjyvixe office.

I commissions. Motitjor Mi-. 269-4444 REAL ESTATE SALES Active MLS office Bawme seeking co- minded snxMotaoio who are not tonsned wrm an overaae come. Can Ed Gattsh, 269-0400. REAL ESTATE Licensees tor offlctt raHito No.

1 thej rKL Fill) Of IMS'? flfTW. OtOfi tk Inciutim trwvnttv mrntng, Mr. TrCWW REAL. ESTATE Ltcwnod poooet rwoaod. ExjMrtonc hetpfut out wt ww Train vou our wov, offor tctarv du twniiiw.

For OVtallft COM 775-2611. REAL ESTATE SALES Ulft ttA turkstv (f you con Nst, nood you. OM Dot Rolv, Rortfar, U-m. REAL ESTATE SALES Now flea, Hwy. Wo Two.

opportunity. Co REAL ESTATE SALES Ful OT port rims), active ornco. JUNTA lfR-i-, RECEPTIONIST LOW tfffVjy. TVPrejrOJtJeTtj REFRHFRATtON TECHNIQAN For domotttc opoUoncttt. Mutt lencod.

CaH XX467. RESTAURANT HELP WANTED Futf 4 port ftrTt. CoM 370-9009. ROOFERCARPENTER HmtHna ttwv work. Exportoncod or Writing to leorn.

Monrnouth oroa ROOFER Must nprfOcmL Long SnuUi Wond vicinity. Cm rrtaminqt, 3p.m. llpm. stun. Apply person Claremont Care Center, tfuts ko, pt.

tneasom, nj. NURSE LPN MW Part time, 3-11. Con 34-7100. NURSE, RN (MF) rnmeotote njk time Queuing on obstetricoJ unit or area hosottes. 11-7 1 Must hove OB experience excekent samno sukjr lejerai benefits ckxjmo tuition assistance ixcxxum 4 many others.

CxM or oppfy, Community Moi 1 ioi'IoI Hospltct, 34e- iuuu, ext. 2V2, isquai upportunny tempiover. RNIMF opening Immedtote time unit of area hospital, 11-7 Excellent starting salary, benefits Including tuition assistance urogram 4 many others. Cal or apply. Community Memorial Hospital, 34-000, ext.

22. Equal ypporruniry empxpyor. ACCOUNTING ECONOMICAL ACCOUNTING SERVICE Conscientious service to you 4 vour business. 229-1150. ADDING MACHINES ADDING MACHINES Typewriters.

Sex, rent, repair. Al supplies. Rushtan's, 71 Matttson. 775-0423. ATTIC STAIRS DISAPPEARING ATTIC STAIRS Furnished 4 Instated for $89.95.

Medium 4 heavy weight start available. Attic Start CoJ49-0863. AUTO RENTALS VVfe try harder. rVis features CM cars and trucks. FAIRWAY LEASING lAkLY WEEKLY MONTHLY YEARLY "We Tailor the Rate" GtOtxuOOojii T4MrOVt Vans 222-3600 AUTO SERVICES SPRAY any car any color tor 1255.

7000 different colors. 657-101 ext. 18, atk far Mary or John IUSINESS SERVICES Telephone Answering Machine Sanyo and Record-o-Col. TELE PHONICS 364-009 S30 PER WEEK Includes poyrot, fMIng forms 4 balancing checkbooks tor most companies, 531-6071 CARPENTRY ADDITIONS. GARAGES.

REMODEL' ING, GUTTERS. LEADERS 4 ROOFING, GENERAL CONTRACT- hvg. iom weeung, eti-eoiy. ALTER ATkONS-ADDITIONS Paneling, ceilings, porches, etc Ga- ropes moot irrro rooms. rre-6iiT.

CARPENTER Experienced. terior or exterior work. No lab too tmax. Lan jy-44 1 CARPENTRY Bunt-In caMnett 4 corvlrigs. Alto wooden boat re pQtrs.

BOO ASOV, 6-7 p.m, 222-451. EXPERIENCED CARPENTER CoiikxOH home renxMieMiig 4 re-par. Large ar smal loos. Free estimates, ttve. CARPET CLEANING A CLEAN CARPET It a lotting carpet! 815 per room or less.

Free estimate, am j.t.k. 972-279. PORTERHOUSE FLOOR SERVICE prmtt'eutof SPECIAL Carpets cktoned up to 9-xl2. Regular $20, now $9 95. CARPET BEAUTtFUL, 4S-342 eves.

URPH SERVICE ALTEREO, INSTALLED REPAIRED Kugs, upnotttery cteorna Free Fshmote CUSH CARPET 774-5252. BOB'S CARPET SERVICE 4 SALES Sold, kWoJttd 4 repaired. Soeclolli- tng rt custom work. Lot 244-2167 LINOLEUM, CARPET, TILE Custom Installation. Tony 4 Son, 295-8033 or S3I-4J0H).

CERAMIC THE REPAIRS A SPECIALTY New 4 leiiMxttt work. Cal 928-4418 after pjn. CHIMNEY CLEANING ACE OF HEARTHS Chimney Sweep. Fireplace 4 wood stoves txpertty cktanea Co 25-3535. Fuly ktturea A CLEAN CHIMNEY meant a tote, secure season for vou.

Guild member. The Wood Stove, 229-2830. CHIMNEY SWEEPING CornokrK) Freploce maintenance 4 repairs. Col 295-9320 or 295-3464 after 5:30. YE OLDE CHIMNEY SWEEP Professional chimney 4 wood Move cleaning.

Cat 367-6990. CONCRETE WORK CURBS. SIDEWALKS. PATIOS Concrete work of al kinds. Free est! motes.


Col 170-6552 otter tun. ELECTRICAL WORK J.P. EARLY 4 SON ELECTRIC CO. Al types of wiring, home, com merckt 4 Industrial. 920-0707.

"QUALITY ELECTRICAL WORK." Lowest Prices-Free Estlmotet NJ. Ucense Na 569. 681-0699. ESTATES JEWELRY "SAVREWOOD JEWELERS" tick Plu. Brick Town We buy DIAMONDS.

OLD GOLD ESTATE JEWELRY! HIGH cmh prices ptld 3 locttlont Brick Town 477-823 MMMkrlown 671-9794 Perm X-RAY TECHNICIAN Portable X-rovs. Mutt have car 4 be wiling to travel. Send resume to P.O. Drawer R. West Long Branch, NJ.

X-RAY TECHNICIAN Part time, doctor's attic. Hlgtiett saury. Cal 671-4241 NURSE RN (MF) Part time, 7-3, excellent saxry 4 benefits. Can Pme Brook Nursing Home. EngHshtown, 446-3600.

NURSE RN Part shift. Please aoolv am to 3, Mon.rl. Summh Nurslno 7S River f), Lakewood. NURSE RN 4 LPN MW Part time. 11 am Call 164-7100.

NURSE RN (MF) -7-3. charge weekend off. nurse, every Call 364-7100. NURSES AIDES MF Ful tttne. 7 am-I pm.

shtft. Apptv in person Ooremont Core Center, 16S0 Hutse Ra. pi. Pleasant, nj. NURSES AIDES 4 pjtv-lj midnight 4 12 mkknutii am Excet- benefits, con Mrs, wm.

NURSES (MF) RN's, nurse oust Hons. Lorae Medicaid facWtv. f*ck time 4-12 shift. Every other weekend oft. Good sdary 4 Benefits, cat Mrs.

Monica, ioyvlew Cunvukwutnt Center, Bo-rvMe. 201-J-O50u. An equal opprx-tunffV empiover. NURSES (mf) R.N. Ful time osition.

Good stortlno sat Apptv person, Green Grove Convokncent Center, eiv Green Grove Rd. Nepiune. NURSES MF I P.N. and R.N. Pnrt HrtM 11-7 with ulfheeii Apply ECC in Grant Ave.

Eoton- town, N.J. MsecjFk DW'c fMuvl Ful time. 'IV? am. Liberal benefits. Good working condllions.

Apply -son 10-3. Hotrndo votescent Center, Hwy. am. 4e-4200. cT NURSES, RNS (MF) Full 4 part time openings on 11-7 shift for general staffing.

Excellent starting salary, liberal benefits mckjamg tumnn assistance oroarom 4 many others. Cal or apply. Cwronunity Memorial Moepttot, 4e-ooo, ext. 792. Equal Opportunity Employer.

NURSES RN'S OR LPNt (MFJ II cm. 7:30 am. Part time. Con tact Mrs. P.

Care Center, De RisL Appktgarih Hi Twp. N.J. 1-036. NURSES RN'S (Motet, Femaxes) 13 midnight- am. Shift dmeren-tiat rwspMlion, prom wiring, paid vacation 4 other benefits.

Cat Mrl G. for appt. 779004. enced, cuttexTter oriented Invkxdual wrm good krwwledgt of re brokerage tales worried tor estabished growing company. Prefer someone with sat bartt- ground.

Reply to Press Box 642-M, Asoury rarx. w.j. or 12. YARD PERSON Port time. Ex perlence preterabie building nxnewi, u.

ewjie mmf ssnrer, 4ev-4ae. atk tor 420 WORK WANTED AA-I BABYSITTING 11 sit Brick Town anytime. weetutnat x. vacation too. 363- 0094.

AVAILABLE FOR ALL FORMS OF TYPING Steno, or brxxxkeoping www mi wxiw. ix. BABYSITTING Experienced mother would eke chkaren my ooys a week, I am. -5 p.m, flexible. Infants IMtided.

Cal eel-stive onynme. BABYSITTING Experienced nuiie wm oopym my eriOK-town home tor hitunit 4 toddlers. breakfast 4, lunch prvyldd. LOW Je-H33. BABYSfTTER Experienced.

1 ie, hot orookfott 4 lunche ia Activities, us week, exst evq 542-6316. BABYSITTING my Eatontown home by an experienced mother. Former nurterv worker. Week aovs from 6:30 pm. 543-8351.

BABYSITTING FOR LESS PLEASE CALL 899-HrM BABYSITTING Experienced. In my Pme Lake Pork home. Fejnced yard. References. 349-4325.

BABYSITTING I would Ike to mind 1 or 3 children In vour house or mine. Thank you. 775-8733. BABYSITTING to mv Lakewood area 835 0 week. COI 364-4911.

BABYSITTER Registered nurse. Mother care tor newborns 4 m-fartrs. My home. 332-205. BABYSITTING IN MY HOME CALL 780-0461 BABY SITTING Bv home.

Brick Town area Week ly preferred. Cal 458-2344. BABYSITTING to my Eatontown eu Meat orowtded Cor necxte, sary Cat M2-6643 BOOKKEEPER Ful charge, a) pnaees exrjuaing ouanerry No lab too tmol ar ton kxrae rieuee am jmAl oner 3 CHkLO CARE Experienced mother of 4 with pood Christian references WW watch boy 3-4 yean okt my Brick Town home. 892-553. CHkLO CARE Mother of 2 pre school age children babysit mv nome- yveekaoys.

fee. Cal 681-3110. COMPANIONS, EXPERIENCED Live Mi or out. Our specialty. Mon-Frl, -l, 843-8788.

Helping Hand Employment Agency, 60 Brood St. Red Bonk, NJ. DOMESTIC SERVICES Fall, efficient cleaning service. Cal days, Sv 1-9325. Eves, 367-547.

DOMESTIC HELP Houtekeeoina andor child car weekend! or eves, fat I 542-6523 offer j. 'NURSES RNS, PAS 4 MDS. outaolna people wonted Friendly, interesting, high paving part work. (800) 127-QW4 OFFICS nerson I CLERK Responsible Reply Parts, Ocean County Box oTV-M, 077 it OFFICE HELP-PART T1M Exnerlencea, r-mna, ruxiri Work -Ocean, wanomaei CALL CARL ERCCHJNO yel. OFFICE-RENTAL i ivyc I rrai tmmWUfM.

fk-m. Red tJari. Ja'aVtve cars 4 Wrkt to P.O. Box P4, Asbury park, n-i. OFFICE WORKERQ-ERICAi.

cal tor axxwimxpw. MJ-7270. "'production COORDINA- TOR EleraMcei rttt Bom, toTtX AstV Pork. NJ- 07712.

Asbury Park Press from Asbury Park, New Jersey (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.