Calvin Heimburg Goes Back To Back, Kristin Tattar's Injury, PDGA Moves Major Again | EP 71 - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)

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3:12 Brodie/Uli Week Recap
13:45 PDGA Announces Champions Cup Is Moving Once Again
22:53 OTB Open Recap
1:00:41 FPO
1:46:10 Drew Gibson got dinged on showing up late
1:54:01 DGPT Changes DGPT Championship Format
1:58:01 Manufacturer Cup Updates
2:05:03 Wild Story of the Week

#tourlife #discgolf #discraft #brodiesmith #paululibarri

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oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a what is happening everybody welcome back to tour life today is May 21st and we’re got a lot to talk about today Julie not only did we have a nice little event happening out in Stockton California where the first thing they tell you when you’re about to rent a car is you might want to get insurance here there’s a lot of break-ins very nice um we saw Calvin heinberg say hey did you forget about me we’ll talk about him the PDGA did their thing once again so we’ll have a lot to discuss there Ella Hansen finally gets it done tons of weird stuff decided to happen at OTB open like just really weird so we’ll jump into some of those Chris Nar injured what what what’s going on over there Edwin stats as always wild Story the week is back we got a long one too I I I saw the length of this wild story I don’t know why it’s a novel but we’ll f figure it out and then we’re going to open up the floor tonight Julie to the to the people the people in chat our tour life crew members we’re going to open up the floor to end the show if you guys have anything you want us to discuss any questions throw it in the chat and we will talk all about it but before we get into that ulie how’s it going brother it’s good I’m home so I was home last week for for life I’m home this week it’s always nice I’m here for like six days so I’m I’m pumped man I’m just happy to be home it’s beautiful out too last week it was a little rainy this week sunny every day so I went to the dentist today I was worried about coming on the show I thought my half of this fa my half of the face was going to be all numb but it’s good I got the smile back so that’s all that’s all I got going on man nice yeah today today was a chill day for me um Kelsey we went out to uh take the trash out and um on our driveway she was like oh there’s like a dead tree out here I was like oh where she’s like right here I was like oh let me handle that and she’s like what and I was like no let me handle that 5 seconds later dead tree on the ground completely out of the ground no problem and she was like I was gonna pay someone $150 to remove that I was like no we save our money here um just let just let Brody take care of the the house house items around if you’ve never have pushed pushed down a dead tree before it’s one of the better feelings in life super satisfying it really I highly yeah I highly recommend if you can I highly recommend you all uh go out there and push down a dead tree it is it is really really fun uh but no I took a red eyee out after the tournament on Sunday got in uh early Monday morning and uh yeah just been getting a lot of stuff done obviously we got to get ready to go and move back out to to Vegas so that’s coming up I think Kelsey’s heading out there in a couple weeks so trying to get everything kind of lined up for that um but how’ the tournament go for youie little OTB o open in Stockton yeah you know what it was weird I started off the tournament fine I shot 6 under first round I was feeling pretty good about the course and then it got windy man and I always you know what I’ve come to realize PA youber sucks in the wind like I’m just not a good player in the wi like bad it was Gusty for sure cuz I went I went back cuz I’m like is this just a one-off thing and I went back to all the windy tournaments Music City open played horrible it windy every single round little Breezy here and there played awful I’m just not good in the wind I don’t know and I’m and I don’t think I’m gonna be good I don’t want to go practice in the wind dude are you bad are you bad because are you bad in when that’s like consistent if it’s a consistent 10 miles per hour in One Direction are you bad or are you bad when the wind is like es and flows like Gusty all of it you just don’t like the wind don’t I can’t pin it down man whenever it’s windy I Just sh I shank shots and I I don’t I don’t really shank I think it’s just like I don’t know where my disc is going like out of my hand I’ll hit the Gap and then it’s like if it goes left whatever if it goes right sweet if it goes straight dope like I felt like I played really good this week and I just I ended up missing cash by a stroke and that was so bizarre because I played so good I don’t I didn’t I didn’t get it and so I just I just kind of chocked it up to being bad in the wind yeah I I I feel that I mean for me it’s I actually think when it’s windy it actually gives me a little bit more Advantage cuz I I think a lot of people are like in your boat where they just don’t feel that confident or don’t feel that great when it’s windy and I think for the people that uh I think I think it just advantageous for longer throwers on forehand and backand right because you can just basically juice up to a more overstable disc and throw just as far as you need to where others are now having to throw flipp earier plastic to get the distance but now in the wind that it’s kind of dicey so it’s no surprise to you look at the leaderboard and you look at kind of some of the people at the top there a lot of power throwers on a course like this right even though this course is not I would say a long course by any means but when it’s windy it’s always nice to be like you know what I just want to throw one angle super overstable make sure this disc is going left the whole time and uh you can you can do that when it’s um when you can throw far so but yeah my week was my week was interesting I I got in on Wednesday uh play to practice around on Wednesday was extremely sore on Thursday afterwards um extremely sore so definitely kind of did a a pitcher count on uh on Friday’s round or Thursday’s round only threw a couple times here and there on some of the holes and then uh went into the tournament and it was a weird one it was the first two days I don’t think I played necessarily well there was a string of I don’t know five or six holes where I think I birdied five or six holes in a row it might have been round two I can’t remember where I felt like oh man okay things are starting to click things are coming together um but my putt wasn’t that great the first two rounds I I missed a lot of putts inside the circle uh and then fast forward to the final round and I actually made a lot of putts the final round uh outside the circle I made I I started stepp putting again and made some putts um but it’s one of those things where it’s like there’s parts of my game right now that need a lot of attention and what I’m doing currently of just kind of showing up a couple days before the event practicing playing coming home not really practicing not really playing that much and then rinse and repeat it’s not really working so I definitely need to hone in on a couple shots uh one of those being like upshots inside of 300 ft if if you don’t have a tight window ulie if you don’t have uh like a crazy low ceiling we need to be getting that into the circle 95% of the time and I mean there was times where I wasn’t even throwing inside a circle two you know I’m 280 feet out and I’m throwing it to 70t um so that needs to be that needs to be drastically improved and that’s more uh just reps of like knowing my disc and knowing what angle I need to throw because like I would just be like oh I need to I need to throw this Zone this wide out here and then I’d throw it and it wouldn’t fade at all and it just go exactly where I thre it I’m like okay well that sucks so that definitely needs to be worked on and then um the other thing is uh what was the other one I was going to say wait there was one other thing that oh the other thing is just like there’s certain shots where you just you can’t throw a bad shot you have to throw just an okay shot so prime example uh was it the second part five what is that hole is that uh six is that six second part five yeah no is that that’s whole six yeah yep whole six so I threw a great roller got past the tree line I’ve got you know 520 into the into the basket I can pretty much throw almost any shot and should get up and down for birdie right yeah I try to go for the green the the gap on the left hand side I try to go for like a flat a Hiser flip turn nuke into the green it never flips up to Flat it just immediately goes left and I go OB and like right there it’s just like I’m in the middle of the Fairway 520 ft out on a par five at worst I should be taking a birdie and I walk away with the [Laughter] par yeah you can’t be having that especially on the par fives those are scoring holes I this weekend I felt like the course was okay four birdies in a row by the way sorry four bires correction Edwin Edwin’s in the the chat correcting me I don’t like the fact when you can uh I don’t like I don’t like a course where the only way you’re gonna bogey is if you go for birdie yeah that that’s where it’s that’s where disc golf is backwards that’s what that’s what’s going on in in with that there was I like the course I think there’s a ton of good holes there but I feel like when you when you’re on a course and the only possible way you get a bogey is if you go for birdie I just don’t like that no one no one the way golf is designed and again all you people out there that hate this we took the sport from golf so it is what it is brother but the way that golf is designed is like a par three that’s 150 yards if you say you know what I’m actually not going to play this hole for birdie I’m just going to hit a 70 yard shot and then another 70 yard shot and take my par and walk off and not even risk bogeying this hole at all because there’s so much trouble up by the green like that’s not that’s not good that like that doesn’t happen in golf because that 75 yard shot is landing in rough or Landing in a really bad spot or now your second shot also getting up and down from 75 yards is way harder in golf than it is in discol like impossible yeah but but to answer your qu there are holes out there that you’re like you know what Bird’s off the table I can’t birdy it and you just make it so easy for people to play Super safe and Par and so that is my big criticism of that we’ll get we’ll get into that later I I I let’s the whole course is like that yeah let’s table let’s table the uh let’s table the course design here for a second because we got to jump into this thing first though Julie pdj announces Champions Cup is moving once again so the initial plan was okay these beetles they’re taking down these trees no worries guys you pay us millions of dollars with your membership fees uh no worries we will take care of it we will still make a championship major level course out here no problem well that timeline got pushed back to where they had to go to Northwood and we have to have the major there that major was in my opinion super well received I feel like the people that the the players loved it I think the spectators on the ground loved it ex for the double the double round in one day yeah the weather was terrible that was bad but I think the the spectators at home the fans at home loved it I feel like everyone really liked it and you almost got to see like oh Champions Cup okay it’s this wooden major at WR Jackson but is it really that like challenging not really guys are a I mean Paul shot what 16 under out there people are shooting 12 13 under it’s not really that challenging and I think when we W want to see Majors we get to see people shoot 30 under rounds 40 under rounds in these three to four uh round tournaments every week so we get to a major ulie let let’s see people sweat and I think that’s what people saw at northw they loved it and now the pgj says time out um let’s just go to a golf course so what are your thoughts on this move well I think the original plan was actually for it to get bidded out it was never supposed to be a on spot major so so since the first year they were supposed to ship it out the next year anyway MH but because it was so well received and I think they were I think and I don’t know for sure but my little birdies were telling me that it was tipping to the point of no it’s going to be at the PDGA headquarters every single year um that’s just my opinion I think that it would be smart for them to do that and then the Beatles came and ruined everything we went to Jackson and then they and then you know Stockton won the bid for the major so now we have uh we have another Golf Course major coming in my here’s my issue because I think there’s a lot of people that are up in arms with the move and I actually think a lot of the a lot of the move is good like I think OTB the the the people that run the tournament out there Shawn Jack and Shawn Mercy who will be the co- tournament directors of the Champions Cup they run it’s one of the most it’s one of the most professional yep uh like we actually have player like just small things for the players we actually have player parking that is separated with like fencing uh they actually have a great warm-up area they have a nice ho one situation they’ve got a nice parking and like uh ticket way for like Spectators that come in it it is really a well-run tournament so it’s going to be a really well-run um a really well-run major also having a major out in the west coast I think that’s super nice all of her Majors right now are heavily on the East Coast or they are in Europe right so having a major out on the west coast I think is also going to be nice I think they will be able to buff up the course out there I’m hoping I they definitely can it’s whether or not they will uh but it is possible that they can buff up the course and make the course really really challenging so that’s all fine and dandy I don’t have any problems with that my big issue here is Champions Cup needs to have some sort of identity they need to have something European open you’re in Europe we’re playing European courses it’s way different over there we got European crowds it’s that’s that’s its own thing usdgc tons of OB tons of challenge whole 17 the qualifier how do you get in all those things play into that World Championship it’s the biggest tournament it’s the most important thing you’re playing two courses a lot of times it is a wooded course and a lot of times it is an open course so you get to see who is the best overall disc golfer that weekend Champions Cup really had an opportunity to fit that niche of the wooded major and now by going to a non- wooded course like that’s where it’s like I I thought they missed the the boat is they could have they could have easily said you know what I get it and I get people saying like hey you have to put bids in we’re not in control of the bid situation of like who wants to run it and like that’s where I ask if there’s a lack of bids should the pdj be looking at themsel and saying hey why aren’t more people wanting to hold a major look in the mirror pdj if if we go back a little bit to the world’s debacle that was Utah what did the PDGA do they turned it around and said no no no it’s on all these people it’s not us this terment doesn’t suck because of us it’s it’s all these people and they put it on the volunteers they put it on all like the local people and said like all these people are the the reason why the tournament’s not running well so like that’s where I think like the lack of bids like I think the PJ needs to look at themselves in the mirror and say maybe the lack of bids is because people don’t want to work with us why would you why would you want to like take that risk I don’t I I I can’t speak to that I have no idea what it what it’s like to run a big tournament um with the PDGA it a It Ain’t Easy I bet I don’t know do we have somebody who’s done it and they can give us a little perspective yeah maybe maybe that should be like a future guess is we maybe have what is it like to to work with the PDGA in these situations somebody who’s not obviously running one right now yeah we need someone that’s willing to uh talk freely on the matter and not and not uh not sugarcoat stuff I’m with you though I wish that they would have kept it wooded I feel like that could have been its identity like you said like and it it just sucks that it’s not and the thing that I worry about is with the course is like okay how are you going to make it harder and it’s always one answer on Golf Course make it longer and that’s a sad that’s sad to me yeah I think that’s sad to me yeah I mean it it’s um it was weird timing too like doing it right before the T like right before OTB open that’s at the same course I don’t know it it all seems weird to me is there going to be a OTB open next year as well I don’t think I don’t think you can you’re not allowed to that’s why oh they could do like the weird thing that Nate heinold’s trying to do where it’s like you play a different layout so technically it’s a different course yeah um because if you just play the same course you can’t you know you can’t have you just change like one hole and yeah that’s what that’s my question is like what’s the wording like how much because that’s what that’s why I think Northwood change I mean obviously I think whole 18 was a better kind of spectator hole potentially than last whole 18 at Northwood but like that’s what I was kind of speculating is like were the changes at Northwood simply just so they could maybe have ledstone at Northwood and Eureka because they’re like oh whoa we’re playing a different course we’re not playing these couple holes here you know um I don’t know be interesting but um Shay says Jimmy MC mcavin from Iron Hill would be interesting that crew broke their backs to improve the course and then the tour never came back oo that’s a good one yeah you remember that Iron Hill one of my favorite places yeah they went there and then they never came back yeah interesting yeah Shay maybe maybe get in contact with him and and have him reach out to me or Julie on Instagram uh have him shoot us like a DM on Instagram and that would that would be really sweet so um okay um well let’s let’s jump into OTB open here um Calvin heinberg is good at disc golf y yeah really good I I think I think we had a shiny new toy in front of us with AB this season and I think a lot of us kind of like oh my God ab ab ab and it’s easy to do he throws far he’s got all the shots it’s easy to do but I think Calvin was like wait a second guys I’m I’m still the the best disc golfer in the world and you know back to back I think he’s has obviously proven that um winning these two events back to back uh I I want to say did he Park did you guys ever find out that maybe Edwin can find did he Park a quarter of the holes I have no idea I I thought I heard that somewhere that he parked a quarter of the holes which is just it’s very good when you just have uh what would that end up being like what 12 12 or 14 holes 25 yeah 25% Park rate so that’s like that’s like 14 drop in birdies or something that’s like literally like 12 12 or 13 of your birdies you’re literally just dropping in the basket that’s ridiculous for a three-day tournament I don’t think I had any I want to say maybe I had one maybe two kind of nuts uh also currently has the longest active cast streak at 44 events last Miss cash I want to say in like 2022 at Las Vegas challenge I believe was the tournament um but I’m going to roll through the final round here because this I think was a very interesting final round and you stop me and jump in if you if you have anything to interject or say okay but I’m gonna kind of do some highlights and low lights of this round because I thought this round was very interesting start of this round I I think there was four people and really just three that actually had a chance to win this round uh win this tournament I think Calvin obviously G uh Gavin and Sully there goes the balloons those three I think had a legitimate shot of winning I think Ezra had like an outside shot but he had to start early he had to get off with like four birdies in the first five holes five birdies to the first six he needed to get a super heart start everyone else though I think was too far back because even Ezra like Ezra was already I think three I think Ezra was three shots back from Gavin to start and a course like that it’s just GNA be really tough to to make up that many strokes especially if you have three guys in front of you that you have to pass right so Ezra starts his round the exact opposite way you want to start your round three putts the first hole I mean what do you I guess put yourself in his shoes has that ever happened to you of where cuz I remember the night before we were at the Airbnb and we were looking at scores and I was like you know he played really well round two and I was like where do you think you’re going to end up he’s like I think top 10 and you know 15 20 minutes go by and I’m like I think you might actually make Chase Card Ezra another five or 10 minutes go by and I’m like you might be a lead card and so there was this kind of I don’t know if that had a psyche going into it but I mean you talk talk me through what’s going on with Ezra’s head here very uncharacteristic of him to to three putt the first hole there well I don’t mind I don’t mind the way it happened he sent a putt which he does y you’re gonna have nerves he sends it over the top of the basket I like that better than yanking it right yanking it left getting a roll or something unlucky and then missing he just straight powered it right over the top and then left him another putt of the same distance I mean I don’t I didn’t think after he did that that his chances were over because of the Firepower that he has and these rounds that he’s been dropping so a boy on hole one doesn’t hurt you but when you’ve never won before yes it kills you that’s okay good because immediately you’re thinking oh yeah this is what I do this is why I don’t win whole one yeah my notes literally say Ezra three putts hole one he’s now five shots behind Gavin four behind Calvin chance to win over that’s that’s literally my notes um it’s the truth though I think if you would have t if you take Calvin out though wait let me let me dive into this a little bit more too because this is important I think if I’m in that situation like let’s say I’m Calvin I believe there is some chess going on and there’s confidence being exchanged through the card that people don’t realize right so when you start the round there’s different things that happen during the round and we call it momentum but it’s actually like confidence being exchanged through the card right like okay I have momentum I have the confidence this is what’s going to happen I can only I can only say this at like smaller events because I don’t win big tournaments but it I do have experience winning at smaller events right and when there’s somebody on my card and he let’s say that he makes the lead card I already know if I play good I’m gonna beat that guy right yeah if he bogey the first hole he just gave me his confidence that is I own that now and I’m going to hold on to that through the whole entire round because I know in a big situation he might do that again so I won’t ever give up I won’t ever get down and then I have control over the car you can’t do that with people like Calvin because he knows that’s who you are right after H one now if Ricky Bogey’s the first hole doesn’t do anything to Calvin right because they have exchanged this momentum through a hundred rounds and they’re proven winners that’s why I’m saying he’s done after the first hole that’s the reason Ricky’s proven to be a winner winners can bogey the first hole until you can prove that you can win that’s just the way that it works yeah and I I I would say to he is also thinking in his head the Calvin’s not going to just like let me back in right right um Gavin is up there like Gavin’s a wild card so if Cal if Calvin would have got replaced with someone else that is kind of like hey there’s my first time trying to win a big event let’s let’s put like Robert bur for example who had a phenomenal was that round two that he had a phenomenal round I think same round as as yeah phenomenal round two from Robert like if that’s Robert and and Gavin like we’ve seen Robert once in that position and that was against Simon right and to be Fair like he actually did hold his own pretty well but if I’m Ezra I’m liking Robert in that position a lot more than having to track down Calvin now that I’m you know F four shots behind Calvin five behind Gavin yeah um he proceeds then to hit first available on hole two which definitely does not like you said does not help his confidence level as at all his his second shot in Ho two probably should have gone OB but it like got caught up by the by the um the long grass there so he got kind of Lucky to stay there now here here we’ll get back to eer here in a little bit because he does actually kind of fight his way back into it a little bit later but here’s the big storyline Gavin and putting when there’s pressure we’ve had him on the show he’s talked about it he’s talked about how um you know a camera shows up he recognizes that the camera’s there I think it was what tournament was it that we had him on where I was like did you know the camera was there because you’re were playing so well and then you missed Austin I think was it Austin it might have he missed that birdie putt as soon as the camera showed up and so this is not this is not something new this is definitely 100% something that Gavin got to work through and kind of get over the hump he misses birdie putts Julie on hole three and I’m not talking about like 45 50 60 Footers I’m talking inside Circle birdie putts inside of 33 feet hold three four six and nine he misses four putts for birdie inside the circle on the front nine I mean you’re like four under yeah you’re just I know but you’re just not gonna beat Calvin you’re not gonna be Calvin when you do that you can miss one just like I said because you’re exchanging confidence I mean I think that’s the biggest knock on Calvin is is the competitors know like hey if I’m close like Calvin might miss a couple mhm you know what I mean the same knock was on AB for the longest time yeah stretch he missed the 25 Footers and that’s how that’s how you lose tournaments man yeah you’re never out of it because you never know if AB is gonna have a blowup hole where he’s just GNA putt back and forth three times now Calvin does blunder a little bit on whole six which I think is one of the easier you we talked about earlier at the top of the show where I threw it OB on my second shot like a ninka poop but I think whole six if you get off the te on the easiest hole in the course it’s the easiest hole as long as you just get anywhere off the off you can’t hit one of the first trees on the tea which are actually really hard to do but VI get off easiest Birdie on the course and uh Calvin end up BL blundering doesn’t doesn’t get the birdie on whole six Ezra actually gets the eagle throws a really nice second shot makes a putt his his putting is actually starting to warm up a little bit he makes some pretty good putts here uh in this in this round after the three putt debacle on hole one um but Calvin Calvin uh Calvin kind of opens the door just a little bit there he gave three to him yeah he he goes OB you know he throws he throws a pretty bad um was it his second or third shot second shot no well his third shot’s the one that went OB yeah his second shot though he kind of like turns over and doesn’t get that much distance then blast ones deep OB misses the putt for par and makes a bogey so see that’s where it Gavin misses it Gavin misses there yes that’s another one where it’s like Gavin’s right there it’s like okay Calvin open the door like step on his throat that’s where you got step on his throat and he just clanks it off the bask and you’re just like oh man it’s right there for the taking um we’re gonna fast forward to hold 10 now uh Gavin misses another birdie put on hole nine but we’re going to Hole 10 Calvin turns it over on hole 10 and now is another moment where it’s like okay Gavin Step Up throw a shot and he does the same exact thing right after Calvin turns it over on a hole that that hole where it’s like that water is right behind the basket Ezra actually went super aggressive which I think he had to there right yeah he goes OB he’s got to try to make that power putt to somehow stay in it he ends up going OB again doubles he’s gone seea Deuces um but Gavin you got to get one close there right you got to get one close there at least to give yourself a birdie putt again that’s one of those holes where if you want a birdie you’re going to have to bring bogey into play I don’t mind him I don’t mind listen I don’t safe there you think I don’t mind him playing safe as well I think if if if if uh Calvin puts one close then you kind of have to go after it but if he doesn’t then it’s it’s okay to miss right I think the Miss is right there and take the par because he still had the lead at that point right yeah I think he he was up maybe one or so that’s fine when you’re playing with a lead you don’t have to go after holes like that the thing that’s crazy to me though is but here’s the thing the exact opposite yes but on the whole prior he could have made the Putt and been up by two no I agree I mean he could have made all four of those putts and been up by like five right like he he could have he could have been coasting in for a win on the back nine if he makes all those puts on the front nine that’s where I I I that’s the only reason I think he needs to kind of go aggressive there because again we kind of talk about this a little bit you wake up the next morning you wake up on Monday morning getting second place do you want to think in yourself man I did all that I could and I just didn’t execute the shots or holy cow I kind of played safe like what if like I feel like if you play safe you’re gonna have those wh ifs no I’m gonna say that I don’t think he did it on purpose I don’t think he just turns it over on purpose I think that’s the correct when I say Miss that’s the correct Miss Calvin missed to the right I’m sure he was thinking okay if I throw this perfect I get to circle’s Edge and I make my Putt and I think he I was making I was making sure you weren’t saying that you thought the layup there or playing safe I don’t I I can’t imagine somebody doing that like not on that hole unless it’s like your game plan you know like we’ve seen like sometimes we’ve seen Ganon do that like just stick to his guns and like lay up on a hole to where we’re like well I don’t know you could probably birdy that but I think he was probably going after that hole and just threw a bad shot uh suin ends up actually closing the Gap a little bit like at this point in time it it seems like it’s gonna be Gavin or um Gavin or uh cvin Calvin uh but s svin actually closed the Gap a little bit he uh on on the next hole he ends up uh burning there which which is nice but he could have closed the Gap so much more on whole 10 he had a birdie put on whole 10 like inside the 20 ft and he clanks it like we were seeing Yulie a bunch of guys that want to win so bad their first time and like the nerv is G I mean it’s 100% neres like these guys aren’t missing putts inside the circle this often no no but that’s just what happens like somebody’s got to miss and somebody’s got to make it in order to win it’s very rare that we see some somebody just go blow for blow all the way down the stretch and win the tournament I mean think about Jonesboro like like AB should have been out of it and it was just hot potato with that title you know I I’ve said the last time we saw was European open yeah with with Paul long Eagle like that was the last time where you just like people just incredible yeah yeah I think that one thing people have to understand is there’s this like mystical thing that we put on our great players like a clutch Jean like he’s so clutch I I think that’s hilarious because there’s nobody who chokes more than the top five guys in the world there’s nobody because they lose so much yeah they lose so much you know what I mean like Calvin loses he’s the biggest choke artist in the world because he loses all the time you get what I’m saying you can’t be a choke artist if you never put yourself in a position to choke exactly like like like ganon’s a big joke artist because he gets into the position and then he loses and these guys are Choke Artist and Majors yeah you get what I’m saying like there’s four or five great players who win and they’re like these clutch guys but really if you look at it oh then why aren’t they winning like Paul MC Beth clutch jeene you know why because he went Seasons where he only lost like two times ever you get what I mean like he did it for Seasons like Ricky’s won four five six in a row and we look at that like AB at the beginning of the year clutch Jean he did it multiple times now Calvin clutch yes but eventually one of them’s like Calvin’s going to choke one away because you just miss puts at the end and you mess up and you choke one away and so I think it’s I I think I’ve always thought that that was funny that the perspective is it’s like oh my gosh this so clutch under pressure and it’s like just great that’s all that like they’re they’re just great and they give themselves opportunity after opportunity after opportunity but winning is hard and being under pressure and putting is really hard to do it’s really hard to just make it all the time imagine if they made the basket smaller um Calvin opens the door yet again by missing his birdie putt on whole 12 I thought this was just K choked it away um you know thought this was a moment for Gavin also to kind of put a little bit more pressure on Calvin he ends up going OB uh just throws the backand which I thought was interesting did you did you find that was interesting that he decided to go backhand there with how good of his forehand is on which hole sorry I was drinking on ho 12 the island hole yes I thought I was surprised he went backand uh I think Green’s so much harder to hold coming in right to left yeah yeah it can be I think the win was kind of favorable and I think they just misjudged it it was like lifting instead of like pushing you straight which I think oh Shay he’s throwing forehand brother I’m talking about I’m talking about Gavin he said he’s still injured Brody Cal Calvin’s not throwing Big Four Hands yeah g Gavin’s throwing Big Four Hands he threw multiple big forehand that last round yeah I thought that was surprising but at the I don’t know I think that they’re both pretty easy and I would I I personally if I was Cad and for Gavin I would rather see somebody I think I thought the forehand was a sucker play oh did you I did everybody that I saw that was throwing the sidearms were barely holding the green deep because you have to throw it either wide and high in order to stick it but then when it bounces because of the wind it was bouncing deep and I saw a bunch of people like they definitely played later than I did that day the backand the way that it was coming in was giving you a lot of ground to work with left if that makes sense but I don’t know I played I mean I played early in the morning all three rounds so it was a pretty pretty big headwin for me so I I I felt more comfortable throwing a forehand into that head I was curious since you played early on on Saturday was it windy it was windy all three days because when we played I to shoot 13 under in that win like I was looking I I didn’t look at the scores and then I checked it out and I was like that’s not real it was it it was the least amount of wind on Saturday morning but it was still windy I mean it’s still you have a 20f footer you’re still thinking about the wind right um whole 14 we’re going to skip 13 they all end up throwing great shots on whole 13 but whole 14 uh Calvin and Gavin both throw poor t- shots uh which was a little bit surprising to me um but Gavin ends up making a massive par save big that like to me that was a big confidence thing that he can take back yeah because you missed that putt it’s over yeah like it it you’re too far down it’s over makes a huge huge putt uh Sully actually takes the only Birdie on whole 14 and now he’s within three which you know 15 16 17 18 three shots like 17 is a two shot one of the few two shot 16 weird stuff can happen yeah so three a stretch but still in the mix now so those three out you definitely are applying pressure 1,00% you’re pressure for sure yeah um Gavin hits first available in whole 16 that that’s tough that that was that that’s one of the few holes that’s designed in a way of where like you if you don’t get off the te you’re screwed oh yeah I doubled it cuz I I didn’t miss the Mando I hit the tree and I didn’t miss the Mando D in double boy that hole is brutal if you don’t get yeah if you don’t get out that tunnel that hole is BR there’s very there’s so many holes where you can hit first available and still par no problem that hole if you hit first available a par is very hard it’s almost it’s almost not going to happen um so he ends up F hitting first available Calvin ends up actually missing a birdie putt on that probably would have closed the door so the door is a little bit open there but um Gavin throws a great shot and whole 17 that power sidearm that’s the shot I thought he should have thrown on whole 12 that power overstable sidearm comes in um but throws a great shot on ho 17 and then Calvin just an absolute madman runs that putt on ho 17 cashes it in takes the dub and the those are the putts that I see some people maybe lay up on 17 I don’t think it’s that it’s that diabolical of a green I didn’t see any I didn’t see anybody airball a putt out of bounds there there’s a lot of green to work with there there is but can you see do do you think everyone’s running that putt nor okay there’s a difference between running that putt to try to make it and like being like Oh if I miss I’ll still be okay cuz I’m running it a certain way way and doing your normal putt like he did his normal putt I think a lot of people there do like a a little bit of an adjusted putt to be like ah just in case right I just don’t he has that sort of putt that he’s able to do that like he like his putt doesn’t like just float 100 feet by the basket like it’s it’s got a nice little speed on it when’s the last time you saw Calvin spit out I know he does he doesn’t have a lot of spit outs he doesn’t he does the only time like when he misses high high almost right there actually go rewat close like hit and like barely caught on on the rim that that such a dirty putt man yeah I mean that’s dead center game over clutch it’s very clutch yes but he did miss a five-footer on the whole prior uh not five foot dude he was did you watch it it was it was like 18t 15t 18 ft give him 18t okay what’s the difference between that five it’s pretty at that level not that much but we’re going to give him 18 ft um we also uh I we saw a lot of course changes I think now is a good time to jump into that um I do want to go down the leaderboard a little bit let’s go down the leaderboard first before we do that shout out to Calvin for taking it down and absolutely just of course backto back wins that’s pretty sick man man in the field that we have now yes it’s sick yeah just consistent play throwing great shots and being able to miss putts like that and winning it’s a rare thing these days he does it man he’s so good oh yes okay let’s hit let’s hit Silas with the ad read and then we’ll go down the leaderboard a little bit so Silas here’s your big moment all right here we go hey there beach babes are you ready to soak up the summer Vibes and unveil your ultimate Beach B well you’re in luck because our friends at over at manscaped have covered you from head to toe with the performance pack package 5.0 Ultra this ultimate all-in-one grooming kit is set to have you looking and feeling your best in the Summer Sun Trust manscaped and unlock the confidence you need to turn heads this season join the 10 million men worldwide who trust mans skate for 20% off and free shipping with code tour lifee let’s make the summer your SM this one yet embrace your summer bod goals with our all-inclusive performance package 5.0 perfect for those aiming for that crisp clean and confident look the updated lawn mower 5.0 Ultra groin and body hair trimmer got a summer makeover it’s waterproof designed for Splashy pool parties and Beach Hangouts keep your ears and nose as tidy as your Hedges next door with our weed whacker 2.0 ear and hair nose trimmer pesky hair be be gone post trim care never felt so good with the crop Soother ball After Shave lotion say goodbye to painful chafing and hello to all day comfort for those Sunny Beach days don’t leave home without the crop preserver anti-chafing ball deodorant let you let the sun see you shine not sweat our magic mat five our magic mat not the 5.0 just the magic mat disposable shaving mats got your back and front and everything else that needs grooming it’s like having a magician in your bathroom surprise your purchase comes with free boxers 2.0 midnight Bravo comfort and style that fit like a dream get 20% off in free shipping with the code tourlife that’s 20% off and free shipping with the code tourlife man that’s harder than it looks that’s how it looks exactly a why are we reading a whole novel every single episode all right that’ll be something that we’ll talk about in the future uh let’s let’s let’s go down the leaderboard a little bit um talk about some other people so Calvin obviously taking it down Gavin end up losing only by Two Shots Yul again we go back to those four putts that he missed in the front nine um you never know uh Randon l absolute Monster final round 12 birdies one Eagle to shoot 13 under which I believe is now the course record at Swinson Park well two different course records because because the new course yeah and then Ezra has the course record at well because that’s kind of whack because the the hole is different yeah I don’t like that me neither um I definitely don’t like that but uh I also don’t love the idea that we play a part four and then part five but we’ll get into that later uh Gavin Babco*ck great final round shoots 10 under final round to jump him up seven spots to finish in the top five Sullivan Tipton holds on to a top five finish shooting uh 22 under par for the entire tournament Ricky moves up 15 spots shooting 11 under final round great final round 11 birdies no pars or sorry 11 birdies no Bogies um Ezra still played kind of played kind of well for some of the struggles there taking a double A bogy on 16 a bogey on whole one like we discussed still finishing in the top 10 uh Ezra Robinson Zachary Nash who has an absolute Cannon for a forehand so no surprise that he was able to just launch his forehand around that course good finish for him Garett girthy haven’t been talking much about Garrett girthy this year great finish for Garrett girthy top 10 as well as Andrew mared also finishing the top 10 with Robert Burge as well so great top 10 um good to see Eagle back yeah uh after you know a really poor performance at Champions Cup good to see him have a great tournament top uh tied for 13th with our um world champion Isaac Robinson as well Colt Montgomery had a great tournament Ganon burs up there a Anthony Barella incredible tournament Aaron gosage oh absolute was on a heater had uh in the middle of the course he had SI 10 birdies 10 birdies out of 11 holes in the middle of the course I didn’t see that just absolute nasty whole four to whole 15 took one par that’s disgusting absolutely disgusting and then ends up Bing whole 17 or ho 16 and then doubles whole 18 otherwise I think he would have probably jumped that would have jumped him probably in a top 10 finish as well um he loves this course he does really well out here obviously being contention for winning it last year Paul MCB Beth good good to see him back right little signs was in the lead after round one um sure got everyone probably jacked up with that I don’t know really if we want to take too much away with his final round final round was not good he shot 10 under seven under Final Round Shot three under uh I don’t know if we want to really take that much away from bunch of butts okay yeah he miss a bunch of bunch of the whole tournament but he’s he looks like he’s throwing well so good to see him back up towards the top of the leaderboard uh Casey White’s been playing great Jessie Nan who’s coming off of his win over in Europe finishing 2 um let’s see who else we got on here yeah I don’t know is there anyone else you want to shout out here any other names h no surp surprising to see nichlas down the leaderboard surprising to see Mato yeah but no a tournament like a tournament like this too where we you know being on the west coast not everyone travels out here so you’re going to see a lot of people at the bottom of the leaderboard that you’ve never heard of before a lot of local guys or guys kind of in the West Coast Area coming out to this one um so for the most part everyone pretty much finished in like the top 80 like the normal the tour card holders all finished pretty much in the top 80 the cutline was uh top 46 and that was Jacob Curtis Luke Samson Joseph Anderson and Max all finishing on the cut line and making it in so congratulations to those guys um but yeah overall tournament I we’ll run through you want to run through the fpo and then we’ll talk talk The course design a little bit here sure so Foo you had Ella Hansen winning by seven uh something that we were seeing a little bit more often here on the fo side where someone just like absolutely runs away with it cat merch in second Holland Hanley in third Holland Hanley shot three over the final round she was you have to go all the way down to 17th place to find the next person that shot overpar so every one shot even or better in the top 17 um so just did not have her stuff I don’t that I mean that’s got to 100% be nerves yeah 100% that is yeah she basic she was averaging 10 under the first two rounds and then shoots three over so definitely 100% nerves Paige Pierce making a little bit of a statement finishing the top five I believe this is her best finish of the Season it is um so nice to see but really the big storyline to me here obviously Ella Hansen congratulations uh she’s been so close she probably should have won wakeo a couple years ago there’s a couple other tournaments that she was right there but I think to me the big storyline in all this is FP really needs the European players in their events I I I don’t think the field is deep enough no I agree of course we need we need the um European play more but there’s no arguing that but I do think that Ella has the game to take anybody down at any weekend no her game is solid and like I said I think it’s in between the ears for her um because we’ve seen her play with evina with Kristen with all the European players and go toe-to-toe and then you know make a couple bad decisions or a couple bad throws down the stret this could be like a Ab situation she get she tastes a little Victory and then likes the way it tastes because I I she throws farther than everybody in the field I think yeah I she do uh farther than evina too okay I don’t know you know you’re talking like I’m talking coar distance managing I would say evely is the only one that’s probably close oh Hannah oh Hannah too yeah you’re right you’re right Hannah bombs gez you’re right but I don’t think I think I’m pretty sure I’ve seen her play man it it goes out faster than and she’s got a she’s got a good sidearm too her putts good man a nice spinny putt she can make him from Deep that’s one thing that I really look at with uh the foo field is is how far does their range get you know what I mean because For the Longest Time my biggest knock on the field was they can’t make anything outside of 35 ft like that’s a tough distance for the for them for them to go and I think Kristen really has a stronghold on the field because she makes all those putts and she can make three four bonuses around yes her I would say own and then Missy I would also maybe put in that paage two paig jump think about the people who make like we can talk about the consistency sidearm back hand combo whatever you want to go I think when you look at the field and you look at who wins look at their range yeah no you’re you’re 100% right it goes deep you’re 100% right because if you’re if you’re having to throw inside a 35 feet to make a birdie every time you’re giving yourself so much so many less opportunities with the because I think too the courses right the courses are getting harder on the FP side and I think that’s what is our big knock on the European players that’s why we talk about their putting every single time cuz if they make just in their inside the circle putts they’re winning the tournaments you know what I mean so this graphic got posted around uh if the 2024 fpo season which I thought this is also very interesting to me because it’s like why don’t they ever do this at like the end of the obviously not everyone plays the same events and that’s probably why but that would be fascinating to bring up of like who’s the player of the year well let’s just add up all the scores throughout the entire year and see who see who took the least amount of Strokes um so the 2024 FP season was one event and this is after the Copenhagen open Christen atar would be at4 under par evina would be at 80 ens Scoggins would be at 75 Missy Ganon would be at 57 Paul and Hanley would be at 51 hna would be at 41 and Heidi uh would be at minus three now I have to think I didn’t check the stats myself I have to think ulie that they just put these down top to bottom now why did they decide to have seven in there and show like a massive gap between H and Heidi to be like hey after these six players the field just drops off um I don’t I don’t know who made the executive decision there yeah but that that just kind of shows uh a little bit of a snapshot I guess of you know just how far ahead some of these Foo players are from the rest of the field yep it’s crazy um all right bad some bad sad news here coming out of Kristen atar she went to Instagram and posted a couple days ago saying with a heavy heart I must share unfortunate news I’ve suffered an injury that will keep me away from the disc golf course for at least four weeks in a freak accident admidst our home renovation I stumbled I stumbled among scattered items resulting in a broken rib after Consulting with some wonderful doctors I’ve decided to prioritize my recovery leading to my withdrawal from the Portland open and beaver State fling though I eagerly anticipated the US trip I understand that life throws unexpected challenges I’ll use this time to heal and return stronger I’ll likely resume playing at the crook hole open starting on July 12th is she writing this Yulie or does she have someone writing this she’s not writing okay I don’t know with a heavy heart I doesn’t sound something like I love Kristen speed too I love Kristen we gotta talk about this there are people out there that have people posting for them on social media I that that’s not her talking there’s no way no one no one talks like that people from Estonia don’t say with a heavy heart I don’t think I stumbled across some items je I fell and jacked up my rib that’s what happened I broke my rib but yeah I mean I don’t know it might be who knows bad news I mean she was one of the most like formal speaking interviews we’ve ever had on here but bad bad news there for the FP bad news for for the fpo there uh bad news for disc golf bad news for disc golf yeah I agree and hopefully this isn’t something that I’ve never had a broken rib or at least I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever had a broken rib multiple lingering could we potentially see something for five months from now or is it gonna be sore but no it it listen a broken rib is brutal you can’t breathe you have to you can’t sleep on your side you have to sleep on your back because you have to do that it’s your body’s not used to it and you can get like pneumonia because you’re not breathing correctly from your back and you can’t you can’t like take deep breaths dude it’s it’s miserable but I I definitely played after I broke my rib okay so there there isn’t anything that we’re going to be like six months from now you got to take you got to get x-rays to make sure that the it’s not like a complete fracture because if that’s the case you’re going to be out for a long time and if it’s like chipped in the wrong spot it can puncture your lung with a bad like a bad move and then that’s super dangerous but that’s that’s a super rare case but you should get x-rays it’s four weeks do we do we think that’s like not it’s not as bad then because it could be we is about when it like you can start doing stuff it’s still gonna hurt no I’m saying like could you have a broken rib and be like hey I’m out for three months yeah okay so it’s it’s not as Ser it’s not as serious as it could have been so that’s good 100% okay gotcha um all right let’s talk let’s talk course changes here let’s talk course changes um we were met with uh some course changes I actually love the course designer out there too I think he does a great job I think he’s constantly like actually thinking um about consequences and I remember we we I chatt with him a little bit this week and he was just talking about cuz the first time I went out there I was telling him I was like Hey listen I love this course it’s a lot of fun but right now you’re able to kind of just throw it wherever you want and there’s really no consequences like you there’s no there’s no like oh man that’s gonna be really tough from over there or anything like that and what we’ve what we’ve seen in disc golf is a like it feels like a lot of like tiptoeing yeah let you know let me know when you’re done so I can jump in sure but we’ve seen a lot of tiptoeing we’ve seen it with the disc golf prot tour we’ve seen it with the PDGA we’ve seen it with course designers we’ve seen a lot of like like okay we want to change and do something but we’re just like we’re just going to do this and step back see what everyone thinks and then maybe we haven’t really seen someone that’s been like you know what this is what we’re doing we’re going for it um so that’s what I felt like is I felt like there were small little changes here and there but there wasn’t this like oh man this thing is they just blew this this place wide open I agree I think there’s levels to course design the first level that I see on the tour is well there’s levels of course design on the tour I’ll say that the first one is the course designer makes you want to hit a tough Gap right so the t-shot is where the expensive currency is and then after that you can do whatever you want pick or choose your shot into the green I see that a lot uh I see I see course designers think okay I’m going to make tough birdies and that is something I don’t really enjoy that much just a tough birdie this is like a distant shot like we saw people play with it I think what was it like two years ago where we were having like 600 foot par 3s and it was like okay this is kindland open like Portland open um the DD the DDO had that one that was like insane um and I think that everybody was like okay this isn’t good in my opinion what I would like to see with course design and I’m not going to say stroke and distance because everybody’s so sick of hearing that from me but let’s look at it at a different and In a Different Light I love the course design at OTB I really think he did a good job of making tough tough birdies but I don’t like a hole where it’s either birdie or Bogey and that’s what there is a lot out there the reason I don’t like it is because there’s an easy way to par I like a tough birdie but I also don’t think there should be a really hard birdie and a really easy way to make par you know what I mean because then the people are going to get rewarded for their birdie but if they mess up they get a bogey and then the person who’s parring along who can’t even get to the holes is going to beat you that’s silly to me a really bad shot gives you a par and a really good shot that’s barely off gives you a bogey and there’s multiple holes like that um I don’t like that I think if this course designer can figure out how to make the t- shots you have to make the t- shot otherwise you’re Bogey and then in order to get the birdie you have to make great t-shot great upshot get a birdie and there’s no way to just be like I’m going to just play really really uh safe and take a par you know what it is you it’s it’s Force carries it’s something that golf has that disc golf has all kinds of different ways to do it but I’m saying Force carry is the easiest way of doing that you got you you got to start make let’s just talk about whole six real quick the part five yeah right right if you made it to where your second shot you’re throwing over OB similar to like so this is the perfect example size has it pulled up right here so you guys can see there’s OB and for those listening there’s OB down the right side there’s Obie down the left side it’s probably like 150 200 feet wide Fairways it’s a huge Fairway between that second Fairway and that third Fairway and even maybe that second fery if they had like a 250 OB like a an an artificial Lake whatever you want to say now all of a sudden if you throw a bad shot or you’re like have a low ceiling now you have to think like am I actually going to try to clear all this or am I going to lay up like force carries is what needs to happen for those that don’t know what force carry is You’re simply forcing people to have to throw a shot a certain distance another hole silus if you can throw up whole 11 I like that and I like that because let’s say that you mess up you don’t get the force carry or whatever or even if you do throwing into that green is really hard to park it like you’re left with a 20 20 25 footer for birdie almost every time and that’s what I really enjoyed about that hole is yes it was the easiest hole on the course but the birdie I didn’t see very many people just park it they’re throwing it into the hill it’s not skipping and they’re left with a 25 footer I like that imagine how much harder that hole would be though no with instead of throwing 250 foot up shots people are throwing 350 into that green right uh whole 11’s another perfect example par 4 a lot of the big throwers are going over the water but the guys that can’t throw that far they just throw like this easy Hiser this is a perfect hole ulie that a lot of people are like I’m not playing this ho for birdie and they just play this ho for par they chip AOH Heiser they throw it into the trees they chip up make a par the guys that are playing this hole for birdie that’s the people that are going OB on their second shot and they’re taking a bogey so what I would do right here is that waterline I’m I would just go straight across left and all that is OB now or connect connect where um so where that OB like that point on the left there Julie where that point is I just connect that down to the water and make all that left side OB so now you have a you have a very specific Landing Zone that you have to throw in and that’s where I think this course really could shine is if they could have more specific Landing Zone what do you think a fair distance is though for that because let’s say it flips and there’s 400 foot carry yeah but if it flips and there’s a straight headwind that’s where they need to have multiple tads ex that’s the perfect example of where hey this hole is now playing into a headwind let’s move the Tad let’s go up to the shorter Tad that it’s a 375t carry because now that’s actually playing 420 into the head with that’s the thing that this golf is missing is being able to move the te’s because they do that in golf they literally look at the forecast in golf and see what the wind is going to be and move the teas according to how the wind is see my my favorite design on the course I don’t want to skip your next hole is 16 because there’s no way to really play that safe for bar no it’s a great because they because they put that OB y they made that OB on the right that such a great hole the green by the green by the golf green by R dis golf green used to be the only OB that OB line on the right is new people could just Chuck a shot way out there and then pitch up and make par you’re right that’s that shot is tough now Julie yeah because it’s a very specific Landing zones and that’s that’s what disc golf needs need very specific Landing zones um let’s talk about I think the Mando on whole three was a great change and let’s make make it clear to the audience I don’t know if you’re on the same page but there does there’s also needs to be like real gable holes there’s nothing wrong with a par like get there there’s a place for that there’s a place for that in the game I don’t want every single hole to be like hole 16 to where it’s like oh my gosh what what do I do I’m seven over par I’ve played six of these already like this is impossible there’s feel good though yes there’s there’s places for yes real easy holes where you got to get and you got to get that hole but there shouldn’t be a bunch of them there shouldn’t be a bunch of the hardest holes in the world but there should be more hard holes than really easy holes yeah I I definitely don’t mind having a couple holes where you step up and you’re like I got to get this hole yeah um I’d still would love to have some sort of aspect where like if you throw a terrible shot you can still make a bogey cuz we do play some holes where it’s like you can throw an absolute terrible shot and you’re always going to walk away with the par I don’t think that’s a great Disc Off Hole uh even if it’s an easy birdie but um I think the Mando on hole three was a good change I I like the hazard on whole one I saw multiple people throw into the hazard on whole one really I didn’t see anybody throw into that thing well you played later probably than me but um again that’s it’s just a separator a great hole two’s two is a phenomenal hole and then the only thing I would say is like I hate I’ll say it again I hate Drop Zones where it’s like a putt I I I don’t like that at all whole 12 I I don’t know why they decide to do that for whole 12 um super lame and then I think that it’s better to have a drop zone where you can make a putt rather than get a easy the easiest par it it needs to be one or the other needs to be makeable putt or it needs to be you’re taking a bogey yeah like I think I think you should still be able to you can still make a par Julie if you go be on 12 you just have to throw it in from 200 feet yeah you like to me that would have been that’s such an interesting second shot if you have like a little touchy 200 foot shot at an angle into that green I would love I would have loved to seen people have to try to do that in the final day um I love hold N I think whole n is the par four and again this is another thing that disc golf course design five real quick oh five uh oh I didn’t no I I hated the hazards there because that’s like your thing though I think if they were going to do it Julie you got to make everything Hazard short because it was it was random enough to where some bad shots would just kind of get through and some bad shots get to me it’s yeah I think if they would have connected the two and then made everything Hazard which is now Force carry which we all love I think that takes a little bit a little bit of the flakiness out yeah but to me I saw B multiple bad shots that didn’t land there and I saw bad shots that landed there it’s like I I didn’t like that um but because again none of us are like laying up it would have been different if that was like uh lay no I’m saying it would have been different if that design was like pushed to where now we’re trying to land it in that L Landing Zone if we’re left we’re in the hazard we’re right in the hazard like most of us are trying to go past that so um but let’s talk about hold nine real quick size you can throw up hold nine too the angled Fairways guys if you’re out there the angled Fairways is where it’s at and this actually doesn’t even do it see I I hate their freaking caddy books because this is it’s so much more angled than that ulie yeah it is this makes it look like we’re like throwing we’re like if you see where the tead is guys the tead is more like where like the MVP is right like that’s the angle that we’re throwing at we’re not throw that’s a terrible design um but these angled teads I AB uh angled Fairways ulie I absolutely love it because now it’s like do I want to get really far up and try to cut off the angle it’s kind of risky but get closer what are your thoughts on them changing this from a par four to a par five on [Music] Saturday not a good enough change I don’t know if I like okay let me let me go more broad do you like the idea of having a whole play a different par on different days no yeah I don’t either I think I think they should have just moved the te or moved the basket or both and kept it a par for and made it made we I don’t think anything needs to change with that hole except for bring it in a little closer to the water the baskk like the better holes that I’ve ever oh that’s a great hole then yeah to me the problem with the going to a par five ulie is you literally play it the same way no different yeah shot and now you just add an extra shot so I yeah I like what they were trying to do there but I would say don’t change the pars on holes let’s keep the pars consistent this this course has some of the best holes on tour they do they have so many good holes so many that that hole is one of my favorite holes on tour me too Par Four and if they moved it like you said 10 feet past the water oh my gosh that hole gets even more dicier and see but to me you go 10 feet past the water ulie and then you do like 40 feet past that OB because now in your head you that’s so many more people are going to throw in the water if there’s OB behind that basket if there’s no OB everyone’s try to land 30 ft behind the basket um any other course changes you want to talk about anything else you want to talk about for the course I mean they did bring in the OB I think on hole two a little bit which I thought was good they did yep it was tighter definitely um they moved hole one into the trees left I thought that I thought that was better that was better I think they made the everything that I saw made it better except for the par five um I thought that they made 18 easier what would they do there so it used to be uh super skinny skinny Fairway all the way to the Grim remember oh you’re right and now you can and now you could like land super short see that just that should just be a force carry ulie I agree yeah so make that all OB so that way everyone I love 18 I think 18’s a great finishing hole um no real easy way to play it for bar it’s a it’s a good hole Marco says should there more guarded baskets there was a couple out there that were kind of guarded oh that that’s another thing listen to this I think that there has to be they have to add this the fact that they haven’t added this is insane to me they have to start mapping an actual green this 30 foot circle is not a green if you land behind a bush and you have to scuber over the bush to make the pup from 20 2 fet it’s not the green what is that hole uh right after the island hole what hole is that 1 yeah that’s that’s in the trees 13 if you land behind that big old tree you don’t have a putt you did not hit the Green in my opinion the the green there is different it’s almost like a uh uh what do you call it um a clover the those that don’t know the size of this tree me Aaron and Ezra all went fingertip to finger tip and barely got our wings span all around I mean this tree is massive it’s huge um but I I think that they need to be mapping the greens you can have the 30 foot circle for the rule important yeah but that’s not a green hit dude for the stats to make the stats better you’re right these stats are wrong these stats are completely wrong because you can be 40 feet and hit a green and you can be 20 feet and not hit a Green in my opinion I agree with you and sometimes laying up to 45 ft is actually hitting a green it’s just a long Putt and sometimes being really close and not and having to straddle out and doing like an air bounce or something or hit a tiny Gap you didn’t hit a green that’s more of like a trick shot a pit shot you know what I mean like on a golf course that’s hit it out of had hit it out of the bunker or something like I I think that the statistics in our game the most important statistic that we have as far as being able to win is Greens in regulation yeah but we don’t know what a green in regulation is it’s a 30 foot circle I mean we get a broad idea these guys are putting it close yes but if you actually had the green mapped out you could even add another stat of who’s like chipping it in or or making scramble putts you know what I mean like you could have that like who’s the best like who’s not making the green and actually making birdies yeah no that’s good I think also for the the viewer too Julie I think that that that would be a good thing too because now you see two shots land 25 feet from the basket but one of them lands on the green and one doesn’t you immediately know that the one that didn’t land on the green is gonna have a harder putt even though the same didn’t throw a good shot yes like like that not only is it going to change that aspect of it but it’s going to make the players better understand the green like right now anyone if you throw within 30 feet people get pissed if they don’t have an easy putt yes and then we kind of get I think it would make the players better because it would make them better understand like I’m not just trying to throw it to 30 feet I’m trying to throw into a specific spot to get a putt I agree at the basket and then this would give this would give tournament directors an opportunity to then allow to have bushes around the basket or whatever close to it because you’re like no that’s not the green you threw it there that’s not the green and then of course you’re going to have people be like oh I can’t believe that there’s a bush right next to the green well we don’t get mad when there’s water right next to the green like on 17 you’re not mad about that you don’t even get your dis back I did lose a machete in there was sad it’s sad but if you threw it into a bush you’d be mad you’d be like I can’t believe I’m in this bush right next to the basket I can’t make a putt well you didn’t hit the green Dumbo it also uh it also place too where you can you can now use my uh my marble flooring for parts of the non like you can put one side of the basket all marble flooring so if your if your disc lands there see you later it’s gone I don’t mind that I don’t mind that I I think they should do that more too because I really believe and not in order to make it the next step but it’s an it to add to the um this is where you change the the skill level this is where you really make the best players stand out exactly who’s actually like we know Calvin’s good we know that he’s throwing good shots because he’s throwing it into the circle but do we actually know that he’s throwing it within 10 feet of where he wants to go yeah we don’t know and some of these guys too putt so well that we have no idea EXA they’re cashing in from 40 ft like people hated the uh mozzarella sticks at the usdgc I like that it took you didn’t hit the green over there buddy the Green’s to the right and sure good point you know what I mean and so we’re not actively trying to throw it 30 feet to the left of that basket well you’re not because there’s OB right there you’re trying to get it to the right side of the bucket and short I think so that you have a look at it I’m trying to land between 45 and 30t short of that basket CU if I get to pin high I might not have a look between there the the good thing too Julie with or the way to also look at it for the mozzarella sticks on that hole at uscgc is whenever someone does throw a shot and it goes over there they’re not like walking up being like they like oh no yeah like and it’s like Yeah it’s you’re reacting the same way you would react if you do a shot OB like you threw a bad shot you weren’t trying to go over there so you’re getting punished exactly and not every needs to be OB and you won’t see that and you won’t see that anymore if the Green’s actually marked yeah you’re right the Green’s actually marked you’re not even on the green brother can’t complain throw a better shot yeah you make that putt though you got a new stat how good are you at manufacturing your look and your putt to make more putts let’s talk pace of play did you have any issues this week pace of play did I did I I want okay this is something that is obviously a major issue I’m not going to take too much away from it on this course though Julie cuz we had someone shoot 52 overpar we had a couple people shoot 35 30 29 27 we had we had a lot of people in the field shooting really overp par First first day I played with a guy really nice guy named Roger and he shot 20 over yeah so this is what I’ll say is I never like the excuse of someone saying and Roger played fast than a lot of people on tour I’ll tell you that much that see that’s the thing is I don’t like the excuse of like was the car that you’re waiting on every hole were they just playing bad and you guys are playing good I’ll say this and I’ll say this again if any people on tour are listening to this if you throw the worst shot off the te if you’re going to be the first one to have to throw your second shot you cannot be the last one off the tea you you got to walk you got to walk and all these people talking about here’s the thing guys I I I after whole I think it was round one or round two I can’t remember what round it was we get through the island hole where people Spectators are actually there sitting all day watching which is awesome for us that’s what we want we want to play in front of Spectators we want to make this product exciting for them to come out and watch us play if no one’s watching us play we’re not playing for anything we’re not making them any money we’re this is not a job this is now just a hobby a fun thing to do I walked by Julie and this guy stopped me he goes hey bro I just want to let you know um we waited 30 minutes earlier for the next C to come in there was a 30 minute gap between someone playing a hole and then the next group coming and I said oh like I turned I turned around I was like oh you guys love that right like that was awesome that you guys had nothing to watch for 30 minutes and they all like H yeah yeah like that’s a problem Julie that that’s a huge problem if I’m if I show up and there’s no action for 30 minutes I’m like this Sport’s way too slow this is way bad man every round I waited on every single shot every single shot that wasn’t my experience I had one round where I waited for like two holes we caught up to every group on whole two yeah I mine was smooth saling most of the time that’s good yeah and again it’s a lot of it ulie too has to do with the fact of like if you just don’t get behind the right the wrong people yeah it’s that’s 100% it it’s there’s certain people who just take a unbelievable time yeah I say I always say take your time don’t take my time they were taking my time yeah and everyone again people in the chat slanging dish just add 30 second shot clocks that’s not the problem slanging there the problem is not people are getting to their disc and they’re taking 30 seconds the problem is PE I’ve said this for the get-go there was multiple times one of the cars I played I didn’t say anything because I probably should have um but I definitely was kind of hinting at like hey you’re up you’re up there’s multiple times where like people that are first on the tea are just taking way too too long to even throw their first shot if I play whole one and everyone TAPS in for birdie and I was the first one to throw on whole one I shouldn’t be getting to whole two and waiting for everyone to get to whole two and have my okay what did everyone get type it in put it in then I grab my disc and then I W like I should already be on the teapad ready to go and that I mean it’s just again I’ll keep saying it disc golf will not grow if the sport continues need to go slower and slower the product needs to be fast needs to be have action and and live I think they can sometimes cheat that youie and that doesn’t mean you can’t take time no yes exactly you can take time there are certain shot 30 seconds multiple times yeah there’s certain shots that take a little time when it gets windy and you need to figure out what the gusts are doing when you’re putting from 30 foot take take a little time that’s fine you yeah do it but it’s the in between stuff the walk and the this and the chatting and oh wow look at this that will Ducks yeah no one will ever tell me that I took more than 30 seconds for a shot even though I have multiple times no one will ever say anything because I get to my disc faster than anyone else like I I’m moving to where I’m at my disc and sometimes like there’s there’s still 20 seconds behind me before they even will get up to me so you”ve played with me I don’t take a lot of time but I do take a little bit of time on the putting green yes I take 25 30 seconds every time I put but it’s okay how do you feel about them making you keep track of score to me that just s so that’s another thing Marcos another thing that would speed up pace of play drastically is if you literally just kept your score and one other person’s score if I just kept me and Julie’s score and that was it I never have to like be like wait would you get on this hole again what what you get keeping trying to keep track of four PE your score and three other people’s score on some of these holes is like nearly impossible but me and keeping track of me and Julie’s score wouldn’t be very hard at all right so that that’s what needs to to happen you you got to get it to where we’re each keeping track of our score and one other person’s score and then vice versa in the entire group um all right let’s jump to now the saxophone guy on hole one what what was that Yulie it scared you guys on coverage M Melton didn’t know what to do by the way good job you guys both did great you and Melton in the uh in the booth for JZ um think it was a saxophone I don’t know someone I you know again I’m on the course I’m waiting on some of these holes for like five minutes four minutes to throw so like I’m on Twitter just there’s like literally nothing else what am I going to do for 4 minutes like 12 12 15 times throughout my round and someone tweeted me being like hey Brody uh any thoughts on the saxophone guy on whole one and I was like what I was like immediately send me a clip so is this is this a Jedi situation is this something that me and you are uh we’re just kind of off base like this is cool and we’re just we just don’t understand that’s cool listen it’s that guy was getting after it with the saxophone he was good nice job unless it is in the DNA of the tournament like if we’re in if we’re playing the British Open and somebody comes out with a couple bag pipes or whatever they use love that that’s part of it yeah right or Let the Music City open maybe yes but I’ve never seen a saxophone at the OTV open and if it’s if that’s the way it’s going to be forever then that’s okay but what what is the thought process behind that it was it was probably some I know a guy that plays a saxophone and he’s down to play it’s probably honestly a local guy who loves the tournament loves the club and people know that he’s like nasty with the saxophone he’s like hey man I’ll come do it on the whole one and then they’re all Buds and they’re like yeah dude get after it probably all in good fun okay well um I think I think some people will roast us for not liking the saxophone but hey there’s a lot of people out there like the saxophone you did not like the saxophone I like his play I don’t I didn’t like it much for the you like the timing yeah the timing of it I had I had mult before they’re all going and there’s people waiting and this guy’s just just getting after it you know what I mean for the crowd and then they call the names and then there no more saxophone right there’s no more saxophone at that time he also wasn’t playing the same song it was like a different like a little different tune each person I it was like almost like he was roasting him I don’t know um I had multiple people though tweet me saying uh my wife or my girlfriend or my friend just walked in while I’m watching coverage and was like what the heck is that and again guys here’s the thing we aren’t wearing shoulder pack in a helmet and slamming into people we aren’t dunking a basketball we aren’t skating on ice and punching people in the face we’re throwing a frisbee into a basket we need all the help we can get this isn’t helping us yeah some people some people are saying it is some people say that the uh Jedi was helping because it got more publicity and and uh you need all the eyes in the world on it that’s the conclusion that and then that some people are having all that didn’t get outside of like but that didn’t see I agree like all press is good press if something happened and like all of a sudden like everyone’s talking about disc golf and now people are like what the heck I don’t even know what dis golf is I think that’s good no like it it wasn’t getting like massive attention it was more just like random people saying it could it could get massive attention like what if it went viral this guy like somebody Aces it and then the guy goes berserk and it’s on the fourth of or what may the fourth be with you they were given hypotheticals I am I am a I am an all press is good press type of guy for sure I get it I understand it we’re giving him good press right now yeah I don’t know I I’ll I’ll there’s just been so many other sports where I’m sure there’s people in that sport being like gosh I wish people took me seriously gosh I wish people thought this was actually legit I mean live live players have the concert going on while they’re playing yeah it’s a joke they did did you see everyone making fun of them when they had the uh that dance mob come out on the first teen all these people dancing before the it’s a complete joke people make a mockery of it no one Liv isn’t taking off the only reason Liv is still around is a TCH of ton of money is being pumped in it I’m just saying I’ve been in the shoes of where I’ve looked at another Sport and I was like that’s a joke those guys are that that’s not even a real sport and I’m sure there’s people in that sport being like I wish people took us seriously why don’t they take us seriously and I want to be like that whatever that is stop doing that and I don’t know maybe maybe I’m alone in that thought with disc golf but that’s that’s my take on it yeah PJ players getting arrested on the course bunch of low lives exactly uh oh gmz or jmz with the $ five says ules you’re the man keep grinding for us old heads broess love what you’re doing for the sport keep spitting facts hey thank you g jmz appreciate you brother appreciate it man um all right also update big shout out to the PDGA we’re in May and we have a cut line we have the cash line it took them until May we have a cash line Julie I love that on pdj live great feature now if it took them months to figure out how to put a cash line on pdj live how many more months do we have to wait for favoring players what are we thinking double that next year next year okay a full full year all right you guys will be able to favorite players again next OTB open oh well Champions Cup all right this might be the craziest thing I’ve ever seen and I want to preface this real quick craziest thing ever I want to preface this real quick the divers at OTB are some of the best that we see in disc golf now this is a disc golf thing and I I actually like this about disc golf right cuz you you play golf you hit your ball in the water Deuces that Ball’s gone you’re never seeing it again disc golf so many times you’re like I need to get that disc back I need to get that disc back and these guys are on it I don’t think I’ve ever lost a disc at OTB it always gets found there was one year I think it was two years ago Yulie I threw the same disc every practice round in the water and it got back to me every time I got my favorite disc back from OTB this year that I lost last year I’m telling you these guys are incredible it was completely different super flat nuke now with crusties on it and uh I was happy to get it back but I think that one’s going in Brad’s back people hate when I bring this up I just want to note uh Julie is crystal clear for me on this program but he’s blurry as heck in the actual output I don’t I don’t understand it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that’s not true don’t you’re blurry you’re blurry you clear you’re both clear okay why are you why am I seeing all all three of you are blurry and well all three of you that’s me in there too all right everyone’s saying he’s clear am I clear am I sharp yeah I’m blurry as HCK yeah no you’re good all right I’m good all right we’re moving forward um all right so shout out to the divers they’re absolutely amazing but here we go this is the craziest thing I’ve ever seen go ahead and play the video silus hit this guy oh that’s what we’re hearing apparently let’s take a look from our flight Factory oh my oh wait what bro uh I don’t have you seen this Julie I can’t see it it’s blurry was cool don’t tell that to silus okay we are on whole seven here the par three uh shout out to the whole seven people too though they’re get they were getting a little Rowdy I like it I like it trying to get a little environment going over there there we’re on whole s the divers are actually in the water here Yulie yeah one of the divers is in front of the Saw Grass and for those that don’t know like the OB line is pushed up pretty far past that saw grass like it’s um it’s a good maybe 15 to 20 feet off that Sawgrass waterline yeah diers is about 10 to 15 feet in front of the Saw Grass Madison Walker throws her shot turns it over clearly going in the water has has no chance of going in bounds no chance diver jumps out of the water knocks it down so they’re easily able to grab it and give it back to Madison Walker out of the air okay so like first off just a weird thing like seeing a mer man a merman jump out and like SWAT the disc now in the moment I think Madison actually was very I someone I heard someone say that she might even yelled to like hey get that or something like that and we’ve heard Paige Pierce do this to Terry Miller we’ve heard heard this before of like hey get that this for me and she was actually uh very pleased Zack Melton caught up with her and said I talk to Madison about it it was shanked towards the water bad shot no chance of it Landing in bounds apparently everyone flipped out on the diver for trying to catch it she hates he’s catching Flack for it literally said it was a terrible shot I think think Madison was actually kind of happy um Madison was kind of happy that she got her disc back right but here’s the thing Julie there is a rule in the rule book courtesy of our friends over at PDGA and this was something that me and uh Aeron and Ezra did like a deep dive one night a couple weeks ago we we were yeah we were talking about can you like if if I had my disc and I just chucked it at your bag can I stroke you and being like your bag was in my way right and we learned that’s that actually is not how that rule works but we kept deep diving and Aaron found this Rule and it goes like this guys a throne disc whose course was intentionally altered by someone other than the thrower is given a position at the point of contact as agreed on by the group The thrower may choose to play it from that resulting lie or or they can abandon the throw without penalty and in which case the original throw is not counted in the player score so what Madison Walker could have done just R she could have said hey that guy intentionally altered my disc I’m going to abandon that throw and I’m going to rethrow with no penalty and that that would have been that that honestly that’s what she should have done that’s a crazy rule Julie how much I mean hunter hunter hunter was saying like when I told him this he’s like oh wait so like at New London I can if you know one of your shots are going out OB I can just Sprint after it and SWAT it and then you get to I did that once at you know that little what is it whole six yeah seven whole course we talking about whole at Fountain okay the little Peninsula yeah I threw one guy ran over smacked it down I told my group hey I can play that shot and they all called me a cheater oh because you can yeah you can play it where it was hit he smacked it down right by the bucket safe and I’m like that’s my lie and they’re like it was going 100 fet out of bounds and I’m like I know but I can play it there I ended up not and I took it my meter in and I’m like you guys don’t know the rules like that’s that’s legitimately my lie and then afterwards I forgot I won’t name drop who it was but they were like they made like a thread about it that Paul’s a big cheater and all this stuff and then the then um my buddy posted the rules on it or whatever and one of the guys messaged me he’s like dude I had no idea that was an actual rule it’s still bull crap to totally is bull crap but terrible rule it’s a rule like he hit my he hit my disc out of the sky bro what do you oh man I yeah I thought that was I thought that was pretty fascinating that that is a uh that is actually one of the rules in the PJ it does not does it surprise me at all that that’s a rule that the pgga somehow came up with no not at all um is that a rule that the disc golf pro tour should have absolutely not no yeah but what happens when a guy runs out hits your disc out of bounds just smacks it out of bounds on purpose like a like a rage monster like a Happy Gilmore situation see and and and that in that T’s discretion yeah I was going to say in that case I think it needs like the massive Walker case like absolutely not you don’t get a absolutely not your case absolutely not someone throws a roller and someone runs out and kicks it then yeah that needs to be rethrown for sure even if it was going way out of bounds no I mean like what would the N what would the NFL do if someone if someone ran onto the field during a play and tackled a player they would probably replay the like I would go to jail I know but they probably don’t have like a rule that’s like spec they might actually do but it it’s probably like it’s probably a re like the play doesn’t count replay yeah right like that’s that’s how I think I would do it and also yeah I mean obviously you like send these people to jail what not um uh Drew Gibson showed up late uh surprisingly enough showed up late to his tea time on the car with me um so yeah so I got to see my very first interaction um between the two it was an interesting one because I thought I’ll say this I think after it settled in Drew just like took it he ended up actually cashing like a 50-footer on whole one for bogey uh which was weird that he only threw two shots and we had to put bogey down because that’s I guess that’s how you do The Strokes St is like hey just add two strokes to his first hole so um so I think he I mean I don’t think he let it kind of get to him too much but I did I was a little surprised I’ll say this I was a little surprised that he did fight back a little bit with the person assessing the penon being like I’m 7 seconds late I don’t know what we have to do here Yulie it’s five minutes guys if you’re if it’s 501 you’re late I I mean and the guy feel bad for the guy because he was like he knew he’s he was like oh my gosh Drew’s not here I’m gonna have I don’t want to do like no one wants to do this no so players if you’re late I don’t know about that though I think I think there was a certain situation this year there might be a TD that gets excited about it I swear he was like I won’t say who he was but he was like he’s like rub his hands like oh please where is this guy at like I’m like what do you mean he’s like he’s about to be late and I’m like oh dude they had like an intercom system Julie I don’t know if you heard it where they were like calling players I hate that like that should not do don’t do that we’re not we’re not middle schoolers we don’t need to be like Yulie is Julie on the cour has anyone seen Julie Julie’s tea time like no stop doing that immediately um but yeah he showed up late so he tweeted out saying fell victim to the 5 minute pre-t time rule today by 7 seconds again this is where I have a problem ulie people do this they’re counting out like how many seconds they’re it doesn’t matter if you’re late by 30 seconds or late by two seconds you were late and that’s where I know certain people don’t understand this rule or don’t respect this rule or whatever because you would not if you were late you would just say like bonehead decision I was late so he said by 7 Seconds rules are Ru see that’s where it makes doesn’t make sense rules are rules you wouldn’t if rules are rules you wouldn’t say 7 Seconds my game feels good and my arm is also feeling great this week better scores to come he actually did play really well yeah but but that that’s the thing too like freaking Gat in here there’s a difference rules are rules but there is a difference being seven minutes late is different than being 7 seconds late Brody there is a difference but seven minutes late Julie yeah but I’m just saying there’s a big difference people are showing up a minute to two minutes late somewhere in that window that’s when people are showing up late yes well two minutes late is way different than 7 Seconds like he he was almost there sir but I’m saying there’s no reason almost there there’s no reason to say this the time uh Ricky responded saying sorry bud such a dumb rule I think we should should just keep it like it used to be you either show up for your lot of tea time or you don’t and that seems very simple and easy to enforce I couldn’t disagree more with Ricky here um no I he he wants to go he wants us to go back to where like help me out here what is Ricky trying to say here he’s saying that you get 30 seconds before your throw you should be there in time for your 30 seconds so if you’re second if you’re the fourth person on the card you get more time than the first person no you get the same amount of time is it 30 seconds before the first person throws yeah for the card well if you’re off if it’s your tea time and you’re the first on the tea time then you have 30 seconds to go but you don’t know what what what tea order it is either they never know and sometimes mixes up I my tea order was messed up one time so that’s what I’m saying doesn’t matter it’s still 30 seconds is it 30 seconds if our tea time’s at 11:00 ulie do I need to be there at 10:59 and 30 seconds or if I’m the fourth one to tea off can I get there at 11 M 11 with 30 seconds well depends on how fast those guys go as soon as a person that’s the problem that’s the problem because if your homeboys are on the card your homeboys are all going to take their time that’s why this rule sucks five minutes home boys if this happened in any other sport people would still take their time nobody wants to see somebody get stroked over being two seconds late Brody some people I think don’t care yeah some people the most part like yeah we can all agree five minutes is far too long Julie we were up there on that stage I was looking around it’s actually 10 minutes it really is because I get there way earlier because I don’t want to I put my alarm for 10 minutes before my tea time in the morning when I wake up that’s why to me like I think all these players would stop complaining if they literally just do like 2 minutes I don’t understand it it makes it easy for the PDGA to enforce the first ever rule that they’re going to ever enforce ever they do a great job enforcing this rule they because somebody’s doing it for them it’s the announcer it’s not the pdj who’s even enforcing it like it’s the only person who can cease a one rule out of the whole entire tournament that’s being broken they definitely don’t do pace of play because there’s multiple times where it’s like hey there’s no one on these three holes there’s a three hole Gap maybe you guys should do your job and go out there and tell people to speed up I saw somebody tweet like hey but they’ll stroke you if you’re s seconds late they’ll stroke you if you’re 7 seconds late but they’ll let everybody spend two hours putting silly to me man it’s a it is a silly rule do I think that it should be like Ricky says in like the olden times no do I think it should be five minutes no do do I think we need a we need here’s another thing do I think we need five minutes for the person to tell me like I said that there’s a swap me at the end of the round I hate that hey guys we’re doing ax throwing tonight come on by for axe throwing um Bobby shiz sums it up perfectly you keep talking about professionalism be on time yes sir Bobby yes sir but there is a difference between being seven Trevor Trevor was trying to tell me that if you have a meeting at 11: and you show up at 11:00 and 59 seconds you’re not late you’re you’re 59 seconds late you’re late he was saying that you’re not late as long as you show up between 11: and 111 saying cuz some clocks don’t say like they don’t count the second he considers you not late if you’re somewhere in that like he gives almost like a one minute grace period and I’m like no 11:00 is when the meeting starts like if the meeting starts at 11: I’m already being like all right guys this is what we’re talking about so if you show up at 11:59 you’ve missed 59 seconds of the meeting are you an on time guy or a late guy depends on what it is okay 100% depends on what it is 100% um disc golf protour changes disc golf prot tour championship format yet again Julie they said hey we threw this out at the wall you guys didn’t like it we threw this out at the wall you guys didn’t like it what about this so let’s look at this format now 2020 2024 tournament format top 32 noo top 20 Foo in the disc golf world standings qualify which is different because I think is it is the disc golf pro tour world standings points based or is that different normally must put it on there right wrong it’s it’s points oh you think this graphic’s wrong yeah it’s points that’s what I thought too it is okay um so now we’re having the first place starts at 10 under second at nine third at eight fourth at seven 5th through 8 at 6 9- 12 at 5 under 13- 16 at 4 17 through 20 at 3 21- 24 at 2 25 through 28 at one under 29 and 32 at none so you start at even um some notable changes we are doing stroke play four rounds no cut scores do not reset I think this is a better format 100% um they also threw in a Parker wel clause which is basically saying if you win a tournament you get to go to this Golf Pro Tour Championship no matter what but you don’t kick out someone else’s spot so just you’re just an additional person so yeah cuz that that almost happened to me last year I was in 32nd but I almost got booted because Parker won Parker exactly but then MC Beth dropped so I got in there so they’re just they’re just adding to that now um size but I I do have one problem with it oh yeah that’s fine like 10 under second place is nine under 20th is even yeah like how are they calculating how much a point is worth like why why why would why wouldn’t you be able to gain Strokes with the way that they’re putting the format like why not if you dominate everybody you should be able to by the way they’re doing it with these random things it should just be a stroke is worth this many points and you can gain a big lead like they’re just setting it setting it like okay here’s the here it is but that doesn’t make any sense because if you’re 32 and you’re and you make it in into the pro tour championships and you’re 10 Strokes behind but this guy beat you by 500 points and then you you get what I’m saying and then the next guy is like however many points ahead of you and you’re tied with that guy like what if you’re you’re in 32nd and then 31st beat you by 300 points how do you have the same score as that guy but you have the same score yeah that’s interesting I didn’t really think about it that way like I you think there should be a scale I think there should be a scale for the points this many points is worth this much if you get into the pro tour championships you might be 10 under par or 10 overpar that’s fine because you’re earning your Strokes for the end you know like your points are currencies that’s what they’re trying to tell us I like it I like it I like I like where you’re headed there but like second place is going to be like could be 200 points behind first place and one stroke [Laughter] back you get what I mean I I feel you um I feel you no I I I I think that would be interesting because then then you could have some years where like the top guys are all really close together going into it and then you have years they’ve earned it yeah you have other years where one guy’s way ahead and everyone has to try to chase him down yeah I like it and he earned to be 10 shots ahead he dominated everybody therefore he gets a 12-stroke lead going in the Pro Tour Championship that’s fine it’d be weird but he earned it you know what I mean I I I like that idea Julie I like that idea um all right manufacturers cup after ot2 be opened Calvin leads in Inova to their largest weekly point total All Season Inova leads the Cup points for the second consecutive week and had four players in the top 10 open bag player Gavin Rathbun finished second and currently World ranked as the number fifth as the fifth wait what hold on is it okay here we go open bag player Gavin Rathbun finished second and currently would rank as the fifth manufacturer on his own with 47 points on the season ahead of Prodigy MVP and DGA wow uh Sullivan Tipton’s tied for fourth finish propelled DGA up from 10th to 7th passing Westside mint and cast you’ve got dmania and two Inova Discraft still in a commanding lead by the way with 264 points so Discraft still killing everyone in the manufacturers cup um all right some Edwin stats for you the purse went up 5% this year to $15 ,000 um Edwin I don’t know if Edwin took into account the field here but this course played as the fifth hardest event since 2023 that is simply 100% because of the field if we had a full field this would be one of the easier courses I think on tour um and you can look at that just by the scores of at the top these guys are buring 10 11 holes and maybe one bogey right there just that’s just final score I forgot 20 28 he laid up a putt to win 28 under is that right guys okay I think I think it’s 27 27 27 yeah Calvin laid up the putt on whole 18 to shoot 27 Three N wins uh Edwin says maybe I should base that stat on the top on just the top 50 yes I agree Edwin that I think that would be a better stat because we got guys shooting 50 overp par out here that are making the course seem like it’s the hardest course alive um let’s see here Calvin lead tournament birdie rate 57% Greens in regulation 59% Calvin had the lowest c1x putting 79% and strokes game putting 1.9 of an elite winner oh wow so that tells me that he was just throwing the disc so well that his putting didn’t matter parking 25% of the whole yeah uh Calvin becomes the second player this year to win consecutive Elite events behind AB after no one going back to back since 2022 Simon laat did it Calin Strokes gain T to green 19.3 and again this is inflated because I’m guessing he’s doing Strokes gained on the field and again our field here we had a bunch of guys that were kind of inflating these numbers Calvin was the only player here you go uh Julie Calvin was the only player to have all three rounds eight under or better so just played Super consistent out there um let Gavin led the tournament with 80% scramble rate this is second consecutive Podium finish of 2024 Ganon Burr falls out of the top 10 for the first time in 20124 he bogeys whole 18 in the final round to drop out wow I didn’t know that and Gavin Babco*ck first ever back-to-back top 10 finishes at Elite major events has three top 10 finishes in 2024 raking him tied for tent on the season so he’s actually Gavin’s having a great little season himself yeah he’s getting it done yeah very nice um all right sweet let’s you know what I was thinking I think we’re missing I think we’re missing the best player in the world don’t say the guy from Japan no I think I think we are I think we’re we’re all up on ab and Ganon and hey who the heck are you talking about here Simon’s won more than anybody in the last couple seasons and he hasn’t beening Simon action he hasn’t been playing at all I don’t know just a quick little shout out to my boy Simon who didn’t who wasn’t able I don’t know if I’d put him at the best in the world right now but many times has he won in the last top five top five top five no how many times has he won in the last however many years well this is different though we’re going off of now you’re going off of just um like his ceiling I agree when he’s playing at the at his Peak I’m not I’m saying wins is everything how many times has he won I think he’s won more than anybody five six in the last two seasons he won four that one won four and then he’s won one this year did he win more than four thought he I thought he won I thought he won four last year or was it two years ago that he won four I don’t know I think he won four then one then one yeah he had four in one year what year was that was that two years ago or one year ago I think it was two years ago did he not win last year you better hope he won last year he did win last year well he won Music City because he went back to back but was that his only win last year and his only win this year so you could be right six in the last six of the last three seasons that’s got to be the most right um yeah yes maybe Calvin just caught him up maybe Calvin just caught him maybe that’s the only person I would say maybe I don’t know Ed Edwin Edwin’s on it for sure though so a little a little curveball at you real quick yeah you gave uh last three years I believe he has seven says Barry Barry’s trying to get ahead of it before Edwin um all right seven that’s past it bar stats J this isn’t Barry stats all right this is Edwin stats so anyone that throws out numbers that’s not Edwin I can’t take him at face skeptic you’re gonna all of a sudden start making Barry stats merch um all right this wild story of the week I guess buckle up here boys I don’t know where this is going to go uh here we go it’s started out as a typical Saturday afternoon at a c tier disc golf tournament I was playing in the no Division and found myself on a card with a few guys who had met before but didn’t know super well though the first few holes The Vibes were decent even though I alone with two of the guys were still a little disappointed with our round one performances Among Us was a guy who was probably the worst player in no but had somehow managed to shoot a stellar round one and was perform and was performing above his usual skill level so far in round two we were about five holes in when we reached the tea of a soft Par 3 we all teed off and just as we were walking away from the te the overachieving card mate stopped suddenly in his tracks as his face paled like he just saw a ghost He whispered something to one of our card mates and then bolted off startled I turned to the guy he whispered to and asked what was that about he had Taco Bell for lunch was the solmn reply that explained everything as we all knew the old the only restroom at the park the only restroom at the park was over a half a mile away we watched in both uh amazement and pity as the poor guy sprinted towards a small patch of woods in the middle of the public park we were playing at presumably to take care of urgent business we took our time walking down the Fairway putting out and moving leisurely towards the next tea all the while me and the guy who first heard the news were joking about the situation and talking about when and if our buddy would show up again meanwhile the other car mate still with us began to Grumble he’s got 5 minutes before we give him a stroke he declared then up the antie maybe we need to give him a par plus four on this hole and then after missing his short birdie putt he muttered he might have to dnf he doesn’t get back soon myself and the other car mates seeing that this was getting out of hand disagreed show us the rules for that we challenged obviously he couldn’t find such a rule so after a couple minutes he just angrily said that this was going to affect his play and stopped talking fast forward a few minutes and by this time there was a group backed up on the tea waiting for us I jogged back up to the tea and noticed they were somewhat annoyed explained to them what was happening in the woods just behind them Lu they all took it well and said the guy in the woods had it worse than they did and waiting a few minutes wasn’t a big deal finally we saw our relieved carmate emerging from the woods he did a full Sprint from the woods a few hundred feet away hurried up to his shot put that had been waiting for him for over 10 minutes clanked it off the band tapped in and scurried over to us at the next t as the group behind us started teeing off we noticed something peculiar our now relieved buddy was missing his sweatshirt oh my gosh and his mic in his microfiber towel oh my gosh he casually me mentioned that he also had to use a brand new flight towel and socks to clean up and even use the driver to dig a hole in true Boy Scout fashion if you catch my drift we we couldn’t help but chuckle all except the guy who had been keen on penalizing him and who continually muttered throughout the round that he wasn’t playing well due to the pace of play we finished the rest of the round with without any further excitement though there was a silent agreement that handshakes should be off the table before teeing off on 18 hey these are my type of guys the side note pre8 handshakes are the dumbest thing in disc golf other than telling people nice bid when they miss a putt from short Circle two yeah it is dumb to say good playing with you before the tournament’s over in the end our Taco Bell Survivor may not have won the tournament but he certainly won some serious respect from me I’m recommending this guy to head a dgpt committee that cracks down on Pros dnfing for no reason oh great great finish to that story too that’s good stuff Bobby says never touch a random towel on the course never uh okay Edwin stat since the beginning of 2022 the top win count is Simon seven Calvin s Ricky six Ganon five there you have it I just don’t think we we ever we talk about no one talks about him as enough yeah I agree we don’t talk about him as the best player in the world I think it’s because he is comes and goes we don’t see him week to week I think that’s got to be the reason that’s got to be the reason we kind of forget about him yeah right I’m just saying I think he might be the best player in the world you might be right he’s won seven times that was one more than I well that’s a little bit more than I thought he was so five that’s two more than you thought yeah I know um all right if you guys have a wild story that you want us to read here on tour life send it into us to our intern David who goes through all the stories send in the email wild storyour that’s wild storyour and we might read it right here live quick shout out ulie quick shout out to my boys tarmo Thompson Thompson and Caspar Nitro Arvy they played a full marathon on disc golf and at first you might think like oh that’s kind of cool no Julie they didn’t do like they didn’t you know start their watch and walk and played 26.2 miles of disc golf they played 22 26.2 miles of disc golf holes so they only counted the hole length as the length so they played a full marathon of disc golf absolutely insane shout out to these guys that’s that’s crazy what’s the time awesome what’s the time on that 33 hours and 39 minutes yeah JZ hey man hats off to that right there that is impressive stuff I think that’s I think that’s some sort of world record or something they went for so congrats to those guys I believe estonians too very cool so hey the Marcus set who can play a marathon of disc golf faster than 33 hours 39 minutes and 38 seconds that’s like I don’t know like what three rounds on the pro tour just stop stop it I barely get my I barely get my steps in on these Pro Tour courses freaking shrimp courses all right let’s open it up here to the people tour life crew we love you guys we thank you guys so much for supporting us uh we’re going to open up the floor to you guys so any questions for me ulie silus anyone drop it in the chat right now um or any kind of uh discussions that you want to bring up it might not be a question it might be a discussion we have our first one here from David Craig should big manufacturers consider hiring full-time Caddies tour managers to travel with their younger Stars DDO Cole Rolan situation might be rented with a mentor SL older advisor I have an easy answer for this but ulie go ahead no absolutely not that’s a waste of money if you’re on the pro tour figure your crap out uh the aquarium TV says any course that has lwh head drives Calvin should win agree or disagree with the Aquarian TV yeah if it’s a low ceiling shot on the pro tour Calvin’s probably going to win unless Simon’s in the field will I’m just kiding I’m totally kidding no Simon Sim’s got those nasty rollers no no no Calvin’s gonna win Jeremy levit says cicada passion don’t throw either of them I’ll answer then passion it’s always a passion did you see that nasty passion shot that Ezra had on that on that hole Yeah nasty uh he threw that practice round and I was like what the heck are you doing dude he’s like d he’s like this shot just shapes perfectly for me I was like all right whatever weirdo go ahead and get third place yeah go ahead and get a rethrow when the spotter knocks it out of the sky maybe he maybe he did have like some sort of agreement where it’s like hey if I turn this passion over too much it’s heading towards the water just SWAT it Levi Smith says Brody what’s your favorite course in DFW Town L’s a good one Levi Town L’s a good one I like uh uh Woods at Trinity is really good um I love bord when it doesn’t rain um trying to think green belt green belts a really fun one as well there’s a lot of really good fun low courses oh Gary down says he’s looking forward to seeing Nate Doss play 100% agree 100% agree gonna be dope uh cucko kachu just joined welcome welcome any other questions for us guys RI rise Lopez just joined welcome welcome welcome welcome favorite tour stop combination of course and City I got a good one my favorite is Vermont Fox Run bruer Ridge didn’t really think about that atmosphere out there is electric beautiful place scenery is amazing Chill Spot seems like you go up there to relax which is a rarity it’s the closest thing we have in the states to European Golf yeah it’s it’s a it’s a Vibe for sure up there now here I’ll say this might not be the sexiest pick de Mo love the crowd out there the people and they’ve got the nastiest Mexican restaurant right by the course that’s absolutely fire it’s um crap what’s the name of it I can’t remember the name of it but we we eat there probably four or five times absolutely love it um Ronnie says he resent his wild story just FYI all right Ronnie David will take a look at it oh here we go cuckoo kachu excited to see you guys at Portland open BSF I actually won’t be there cuckoo kachu but ulie will be out there how do you guys feel about Milo as a course good question most overrated course in the world there you go that I do not think he’s gonna take that one happily um I love it but I I I always said I think it’s the new layout is way better amazing but the old layout Milo West Milo East I always thought it was the most overrated course in the world and I’ll tell you why because there was four holes that you had to birdie which were the flakiest four holes of all time you go into those little woodsy things and you were throwing sidearm rollers whoever got those holes won the tournament if you didn’t you had you had to go play the real course and it was tough I remember doing uh my first round out there I think was a doubles round with Nate ston and um Thomas Gilbert who are both like have played that course multiple times obviously Nate seon kind of being in the area yeah and when we got to that hole the roller hole where I was like all right yeah so like what’s the play here guys he’s like oh forehand roller I was like okay like but like what’s the other shot no it’s it’s a forehand roller hole I was like what and you just Chuck it at the ground you hope it don’t it doesn’t hit a route and you play the hole yes sir the big crash shot like throw it his eyes as you can an he into the woods this is the this is the best one in the world this is what we’re saying um all right let me get this guy’s name right so I don’t mess up it is it is it is beautiful out there and I love it y Reyes do you think the disc golf pro tour holds back on publicizing disc golf that’s an interesting question what do you mean like is he saying like doesn’t post enough on Instagram and Twitter is that I think that’s true you think they could be doing more uhhuh okay I think they do a pretty good job during the tournament they’ve been they’ve been clipping stuff out which I think is pretty good yeah you need to clip what you need to do is you need to clip things out and then you need to collab with certain people and it would grow faster they also don’t do really any stories though that’s the one thing that they’re kind of missing is like you got to make people want to tune in and watch like what is what’s the reason why why do I want to watch the Portland open coming up I got to get stories I got to have story lines here and yeah there’s a lot of boring people sure find the interesting people talk to them the stories what event do each of you believe have the best chance to win on tour oh what event what event do each of you believe you have the best chance to win on tour I think I’m gonna say Portland open because I’ve gotten top 10 there twice but I’m not playing there this year so probably Vermont I mean a place where I’m comfortable I play I play well there I’m comfortable like I said and then I think at this stage in my career I think probably uh I probably have the and this is going to be wild to some people but I think I probably have the best chance to win a major a far from all the other ones the reason I say that is it’s the one I haven’t done so I feel like if I get into a situation where I come out hot or something and they’re the hardest courses that we play and I think I have a better chance because there’s a lot of uh it’s not just like throw far like there’s a lot punishment there’s a lot of punishment for having there’s extra pressure there’s more um putting is more valuable at Majors not saying that it’s a great chance but I feel like it would be a better chance for my for myself is a great question because I actually don’t know anything about this what kind of disc is best for rollers something with a thick Rim depends on what kind of roller you want to throw like a sidearm roller you don’t want like a flippy disc you want a thick Rim like a maybe uh cap wrap or um stable Fairway like a Firebird or something and then for like long bomber shots you’re going to want something that is fast so whatever your fastest disc is throw it against the wall for two days use that one and then right out of the box heat really great w roller um SS Avenger really great roller don’t sleep on the Janice Thrasher don’t sleep on the Janice Thrasher David Craig actually says they need to let you screen record so I think that’s what he was saying you can’t screen record right now and post out Clips yourself which I think is probably bad I think I think you probably should let people do that you need to be able to let you look at other things when you’re watching the coverage too that also kills me yeah some people some people some people say it works for them it’s never works for me it closes me out of the app every time me too um was hoping this could be a topic for discussion how could Ella have one overall but Holland plays first in wge overall by 0.1 this seems so bizarre what’s wge I don’t even know what that is yeah what’s 0.1 they wge women’s world I have no idea what WG is I tried I just tried to figure it out couldn’t figure it out um next question next question jie if you didn’t play disc golf for your career what do you think you’d be doing it’s a good that’s a good question I’ve thought about this I knew I was one of those kids who knew I was going to be in professional sports super young and when I say that like uh I don’t know I just knew it I think I’d be playing golf probably I really loved golf um maybe a golf coach maybe uh I could have seen myself going into uh being a teacher of some sort maybe my favorite one to contemplate is maybe a lawyer that would be fun but I’m not kidding um when I was a little kid I just I never thought I would do anything else I’d be professional at something in sports we got an answer women’s Global event I don’t know what that is so I I can’t oh it’s ratings based I think right I I’ve never heard of women’s Global event I don’t know so they go they no no they go and they play like it’s it was a women’s Global event which is a series open which is a SE no it was part of the women’s Global event so it could be part of a c tier was doing the same event for that thing okay and they’re going on all over I don’t know exactly how it works but that’s why because I’m pretty sure it has something to do with ratings and points all together oh what do you think you would have been Brody I think I would have gone into Camp counseling like like uh like own my like own my own summer camp or something yeah okay I did you can still do that by the way no I know and and I might I I’ve always wanted to I’ve always I was very close to starting my own Ultimate Frisbee Camp very close I I helped build one that was already established and uh was very close to just starting my own I I mean I still might do something like that later I I I actually I’m similar to you I actually love coaching a lot um as well and um yeah I just I love seeing people that are super like to me that’s what I find the most joy in is like helping people that are super passionate about something um so if someone’s like crazy passionate about getting good at Ultimate Frisbee then let’s freaking go and let’s let’s get after it so an ultimate frisbee Camp who knows but I did I did a lot of Camp counseling I was a a YMCA Camp counselor for like multiple Summers throughout uh College I think I started in high school and then did through college a little bit and then I did two years at probably one of the best camps in the United States uh Camp Laurel South shout out in Maine um so good times up there uh Curious question for Julie how many times have you been stung on whole 15 at sholo Park very specific question probably at least once apparently it’s a very you got you might have a stalker on your hands watching you go out there and play that course um all right folks oh my mom my mom text me and said lawyer that that would be your job that’s funny um all right that was awesome thank you guys again we really appreciate all of our tour life crew members we really do thank you guys so much um we’ve got some uh new stuff over at Foundation disl if you guys want to go check that out we also have some new stuff on the Discraft team site I think our my get freaky jerseys came out I don’t I don’t know how many are those are still available I’m sure they are get freaky jerseys came out so you guys can check those out and uh what do we got over here oh is that the skull dude look at this though oh you can’t see it now I can see it oh can’t see it this Dr this dropped at seven seven Eastern today that’s sick what is what is it mantis this week at the tournament this thing’s this is the best mantis I’ve had in Forever straight out the box dead straight baby little fade yeah they just dropped though so go check those out what up heck yeah um shout out to uh our winner for early Ed uh Edwin early trivia for those that don’t know every show about 15 minutes 10 minutes before the show start so that’s 750 or so East Coast time and yes you can be late to it um guess guess this player Brody and I’ll give it a away to the chat jersey signed jersey signed n current current npl player current gonur So Close Calvin Isaac Isaac Robinson dang I gota keep it so shout out to our win I don’t know who won today but shout out to our winner if you want to try to win Edwin is in here before the show every week giving out a frisbee so uh check that out aquarium TV said he knew it was Isaac um tour life crew yes thank you thank you and tour life merch update all right so we are so what what do we what was our goal last week would we say that we wanted four 50 I think you check this out though my favorite sh shirt guess we at 449 literally one away from 450 someone buy that real quick in the chat come on someone go to Foundation look at the shirt that yul’s wearing pick it up type in tour life check out all the sweet merch we got Minis on there we got Frisbee’s discs hats shirts hoodies go pick it up go pick it up we appreciate apprciate all the support uh Julie SI anything else left for the people I think we hit all the things I wanted to cover nope everything good all right sweet um next week Portland open is that where you’ll be Yulie yep next Monday yep next week is Portland open and then Beaver State flings so a little backtack West Coast plus yeah big boy big boy um and then we’ll be in De Preserve Turk oh you’re going to turku I’m going to preserve y I’m doing a I’m doing the same thing like I didn’t so I won’t see you for like a month yeah I’m going well no I’m coming back to preserve wait it goes oh there’s a week yeah so it’s it is going to be a month yep I won’t I won’t see you for a month basically or close see me every Tuesday my dude well yeah but I’m saying in person in the live EX for the tur weekend I won’t be able to do the Pod probably CU I’ll be flying yeah no I mean the the podcast is is brutal when we start messing around with European time zones so we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out um but all right thank you guys so much for listening thank you guys for watching we appreciate it and uh we’ll see you guys next week have a good one

Calvin Heimburg Goes Back To Back, Kristin Tattar's Injury, PDGA Moves Major Again | EP 71 - FOGOLF - FOLLOW GOLF (2024)
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