My favorite character - Chapter 24 - wito_chan_bla_bla - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

Gradually, the heat wave took over all of Japan, but this did not prevent the flowers on the school grounds from blooming.Walking along the road with a large bouquet, you involuntarily remembered how you taught your classmates to weave wreaths.After that,GojoandGetooften came running to you, silently put a flower ornament on your head and ran away, not forgetting to take a photo. You had no idea what they were trying to achieve, but the pleasant smell calmed you down... and they kept the area clear of weeds, so no one complained.

But this time there were a lot more people with you. While Nanami and Shoko sipped soft drinks under a tree, relaxing after their missions, the children (including two teenagers who looked suspiciously organic) played and learned how to make wreaths. You and Kuroi explained how the color interweaving scheme works. While you were doing this, two idiots used up all the plants to make a long garland and tie Shoko and Nanami to the tree. So you had to go get some new supplies.

Your campaign ended successfully.You were holding a large pile of flowers in your hands, and a few were constantly breaking out of the general mass and falling.You didn't try to pick them up any more, because it was useless.

You were about to turn away and go to where the children and teenagers were, but suddenly you froze, almost dropping the flowers.A man's figure loomed ahead, a pleasant smile that scared you more than any predatory grin.You watched as the sorcerer approached you, accompanied by a faceless assistant guard.

-Oh, I came here for copper, but I ended up finding gold.

Naoya walked up to you, leaned in, and smiled politely. You have unwittingly moved away from him. Your face was creased from trying to move as far away from him as possible, while not really shifting in space.

–(Y/N), right? - he smiled sweetly. - These flowers seem heavy. Maybe I could help you?

You held the plants close, as if your life depended on their safety.W-what's going on? Is this... is this really Naoya Zenin?!

-Although a girl like you should probably get used to carrying heavy bouquets, - the teenager continued sweetly. – I just looked at you, and I immediately had the urge to give you flowers. What a pity I came unprepared… My mistake. I'll fix it next time.

N-next time? What "next time"?!

-Um... I'm sorry, but we don't know each other, - you tried to force a smile... at least some of it. – So I'm not sure you can address me as '(Y/N)'... and you can't address me at all, because this is the first time I've seen you. No one even in-ntroduced us…

I need to get out of here as fast as possible. I have a bad feeling about this.

-Oh, really? Because I thought I saw you in my dreams, – he straightened up and put a hand to his chest. – I am Naoya Zenin, the heir of the Zenin Clan. I heard that you were declared the Saint. There are definitely a lot of outstanding people studying at the Tokyo school, but I only came here for your sake... and only for your sake.

He seems suspiciously respectful of women today. Did someone bite him?..

-Well, I didn't see you there, so we don't know each other, - you coughed nervously. - Um, Zenin-san, why did you come here? What did you want to talk to me about?

–I heard a rumor, – you didn't like it any more, – that you decided to take care of two children who were left without parents. Oh, there were two other girls you saved from death… You are truly admirable, (Y/N), - he held out his hand to you, his smile suddenly wavering. – But I can only imagine how difficult it is for you to take care of four children at once. Yet your clan, unfortunately, is not famous for its wealth. And while I think it's unfair... it's the truth that I can't argue with.

So, what's he driving at?.. Hey, Satoru-ku-un, Suguru-ku-un, come and save me, please! Naoya is still the heir of a major clan, I can't just ignore him or beat him up!.. Although who else is going to beat someone up, huh...

-The elders write you letters asking you to marry their relatives, right? - you nodded, immediately understanding what he was trying to imply... - So rude, right? They could at least send their sons and nephews to personally propose marriage to you… But, – his eyes flashed like a snake about to attack, and you immediately realized that Naoya wasn't crazy, he was just pretending, - I can't be so rude to a girl like you. Even if you weren't the Saint, I would still come to see you personally…

He reached out and touched your cheek.You froze as if poison had been injected through your fangs.

–I respect that you can take care of someone else's children.And I want to help you, (Y/N).If you marry me... then these children can have everything they want.They will be treated as the inheritors of the clan.

You knew he was lying.Even if you didn't know his real identity, you could see from those eyes that there was a catch.Yeah,sure.Most likely, you'll takeMegumi-kunand just throw the rest of them in the trash.How can I stand up to you and the entire clan once I become your wife?And I don't think I won't be pregnant by then...forcibly.

-I-I'm sorry, but my father won't let me get married yet…

–I'm sure I can negotiate with him. If he is a wonderful person like you, then there will be no problem. And don't worry, I'll find a way to negotiate with him.

-Um, I'm still too young, just like you…

–I can wait for you as long as you need, (Y/N).There's no hurry.Of course, once you become my bride, your children will get what they deserve.

–W-we don't know each other at all!..

-Then let me invite you to my clan's territory, - he suddenly appeared at your side and wrapped his arm around your waist. The flowers almost fell out of your hands. – I assure you, you will never forgetthe beauty of my family's territory.

You didn't want to go anywhere!At least now and with him!You had to come up with something that would definitely make the sorcerer move twenty meters away from you!..

–Um... I can't go with you because I'm... because I'm... um... - you watched a red beetle fly by behind the teenager. - B-because I'm on my period!

Naoya froze, then frowned. He was thinking about something... but he didn't let you go!..

–Is it like the flu?..

-Hey, I'm actually the only one allowed to pry into other people's personal space without their consent! Get your hands off her, Zenin!

You turned your head towards the sudden appearance ofSatoruand let out a sigh of relief.My savior!WhileNaoyawas standing there, you got out of his grip and ran towardsGojo.Your classmate instantly hugged and hugged you, as if you were in real danger... although why "as if"?!You were really in danger!

The smile on Naoya's faceimmediately disappeared.He grimaced and glanced atSatoru.

–Well, I hope (Y/N) infects you with her period, since you're so close to her.

Are they... are they kidding me now?

You cast a glance at the man who came along withZenin.He was either dying of laughter or shame.In any case, he didn't feel quite normal.

–(Y/N), are you sick?! - meanwhile, Gojo yelled in your ear and started peering at you. - But my Six Eyes tell me that you're all right! "Period"... is it something that has to do with the intestines?..

-Um ... do you know what that is? Seriously?

They exchanged glances, and thenZeninshrugged.

–I've never been sick, so I don't know much about diseases.And that's all the more reason why you should probablymarryme.I am healthy and rich…

-Hey, get in line! I'm the first!

-What woman would want a husband like you? You'll just run around yelling that you have nothing but money and looks.

-And you seem to have one!

–I havesomany positive qualities that not even a day is enough to list them all!..

You stared at them and then sighed.Well... I basically understand why they don't know what a "period" is. It is unlikely that this will be told to the heirs of the clans. Most likely, the older generation assumes that their wives will take care of themselves and will not distract their spouses with such "small problems".

It's time to enlighten them…

-Um... can you hear me?.. - you stared at the sorcerers, who immediately turned to you, breaking off their verbal scuffle. - Excellent… So, now I will tell you what menstruation - or period - is. In short… this is a monthly event that is associated with childbirth. If pregnancy does not occur, such a thing as the "endometrium" peels off and comes out of the girl along with the blood.

-Where does c-come from? - Gojo frowned and swallowed.

While you explained to him in detail, Zenin approached his servant and asked a question. A slightly flushed man leaned over and whispered something in his ear. You haven't seen suchdisgust on someone's face in a long time.

-...this is how it works, - you said indifferently, watching out of the corner of your eye as Naoya struggled to control a sudden fit of vomiting. – This can be accompanied by pain, mood swings, and other things that I didn't understand in depth.

–S-so... you and Shoko have to endure pain every month just because both of you at the age of sixteen or seventeen didn't conceive a child with someone?!


What's the point?!And that's right according to the logic of the elders... if they could, they would force the birth of young sorcerers at the age of fifteen.

–From the point of view of society, this is really strange.But nature prefers when the parents are young creatures.This increases the likelihood that the offspring will be healthy.

WhileSatoruwas shocked by this life, you looked atZenin, who was green and trembling.

-Ahem, (Y/N)... perhaps this really isn't the time for us to talk... - you took a step towards him, and he immediately moved a few meters away from you. – I-I'll... come back later!

And he ran away from you.You snorted.Well, if you find something so natural repugnant, then we're out of the way.

You just stood there for a second, looking at the back of the fleeing sorcerer, and thenGojoscreamed and ran away somewhere to the side.You frowned and watched him go.Was he disgusted, too?

Before you could even blink, you were suddenly hugged from behind.Suguruplaced his hands on your stomach before giving you a hug and suddenly picking you up.You gasped and wrapped your arms around the sorcerer's neck.Your flowers have been caught and held with curses.

-Um, S-Suguru-kun?..

–If you're on your period, you might have a stomach ache. I just don't want you to strain yourself. I'll carry you to the kids.

-Um... thank you, Suguru-kun, but I don't have my period right now, to be honest.

–I know, but I had to get you out of this madhouse, – he laughed at the question in your eyes. – I already told you that I went to the choir in high school, right? There were a lot of girls there. They were just beginning puberty… So I know a lot about this period. I also know that for some reason, you and Shoko are having it at the same time…

-It happens, - you spread your hands. - Hormones and all that… Um, Suguru-kun, by the way, aren't you disgusted or something? Still, it's a pretty personal process... and it's not really about you.

–I bought pads for my classmates, so it's okay, " he smiled sweetly at you.– And now you and I are taking care of two girls.Someday they will need to be told what will happen to their bodies.


-Yes, 'we'. Don't you want to be a part of it?..

-No, I'm just really glad, - you rested your cheek on his chest and smiled. – I'm glad you're here with me, raising the twins.

He smiled back at you and carried you to the children.

You were in the middle of making your own wreath whenGojosuddenly jumped out into the clearing, screaming.(Nanami, who was dozing under a tree, woke up from shock.)Satoruheld a first-aid kit in one hand, while in the other he carriedShoko, who had gone out for a smoke.Ieirisighed and tried to kick her classmate, but the teenager didn't even notice.

–(Y/N), DON't PANIC, DON'T PANIC!I brought a first aid kit and broughtShoko, SOON YOU WON'T GET HURT!..

(Y/S)-sama in pain?! - Mimiko looked at you with horror and almost immediately burst into tears. – (Y/S)-sama, l-let me put my hand on the sore spot, I will take away your pain!..

–W-what are you worth, Gojo?! - Nanako jumped towards Satoru. - Open the first aid kit! H-hurry up, (Y/S)-sama is in danger!..

Fushiguros looked on it in shock. Tsumiki froze with the wreath in her hands, she still hadn't put it on her brother.

-Satoru, what happened? - Shoko sighed.


Everyone instantly froze.Tsumikicoughed awkwardly, and the three children stared at you with question and concern.Nanamislapped his face and groaned loudly.

-Not really.

–How do you know that?

-Because I'm a doctor, - she still successfully kicked him, and while he was gasping in pain, she jumped to the ground. - And because I saw her calendar.

Mimiko letoutasigh of relief and hugged your stomach, resting her head on your thighs.

-Yay, (Y/S)-sama doesn't hurt! - Nanako clapped her hands happily.

-Um... what is 'period'?

Everyone turned toMegumi.Tsumikicoughed awkwardly and placed a wreath on his head.

–I think so… you'll have to tell me everything, (Y/N)-san, Ieiri-san, - the girl looked at the two reverse technique users, then glanced at the younger children.

Well... it's time for intellectual conversations.

Once you andShokoexplained to them how the female body works,Megumijust shrugged and went back to making the wreath.The sisters stood for a moment, thinking about what was happening, then looked at you, looked again and again…

–(Y/S)-sama, d-does it hurt every month?!

They snuggled up to you and wrapped their arms around your legs, and they looked like they were in pain.You patted them on the head and told them everything was fine.No wonder you carried a first-aid kit with you all this time!

Satoru looked at you for a few seconds, still holding the first-aid kit, and then said loudly:

–(Y/N), become my wife.

You froze and turned to him with pursed lips.Ishe starting this bullying thing again?!.You shook your head, but suddenly froze in place whenGojotook out a small box with the symbol of his clan from his pocket.Satorutook a few steps towards you and held out the item.He opened the lid... and you saw a ring that was definitelytoo heavyfor you.Because this amount of gems can't be easy.

–It's one of my family heirlooms.I do not know how much it costs... but it can buy several apartments in the center of Tokyo.

Suguru froze, clenching his fists tightly.I thought... we both promised to confess at the same time!He should have at least told me that he wanted to do it today!His heart ached at the thought that (Y/N) was about to say yes.If he broke our deal... then I don't need to restrain myself anymore!..

–(Y/N)!-Getosuddenly rushed towards you as if to save you from an explosion.

Gojo took a step toward you, a look of concern on his face that you didn't understand. You clutched the wreath in your hands and took a step away from both sorcerers, but they only seemed to get closer. You couldn't escape!..

-No. I'm against.

Both of them stopped and looked at Megumi, who made a final movement with his hands and placed a wreath on his sister's head. The sorcerers blinked at the child a couple of times, and then Satoru spat out sharply:

–No one asks for your opinion.

–(F/N)-san forbade (Y/N)-san to marry you, - Fushiguro stuck out his tongue. – And you're both minors. You can't get married.

-And I already told you, Satoru-kun! I won't become your wife just to get rid of the influence of the elders! I would love to help you, but I can't take away your love and privacy!

–I-it's not about the elders! That is, the point is in them, but!..

Shokosuddenly hit him on the back of the head, and he turned to her with a cry of displeasure.Ieiricrossed her arms and glanced atKuroi, who just shrugged and gave Mimikoadried mango.

-I'm against (Y/S)-sama marrying Gojo-san! - Nanako shouted, and her sister nodded. – If (Y/S)-sama is going to marry someone, then let it be Geto-sama!

Sugurualmost jumped out of his own clothes.He blushed and looked in surprise at the little girl, who started jumping up and down and stamping her feet.

-Geto-sama is very kind! And he's caring! And he came with us to the village and beat up those who offended us!

-Y-you did what?! – you stared at the sorcerer in shock. - S-Suguru-kun... y-you didn't kill them, right?!

-Calm down, (Y/N), they're fine, – you could see from his eyes that he wasn't lying... sort of. – I just felt... really sorry for those girls. When I came to the village to see what the villagers were doing... I saw that they had already forgotten what had happened. I just decided to remind them and scare them with my curses.

Although I wouldn't mind killing those who bully such small bodies and souls.

You let out a sigh of relief.Ihope he's not lying to me.You glanced atGojo, who was still clutching the ring box in his hand.

-Satoru, either you put this ring away and explain what's going on, - Shoko said coldly, – or I'll take it and sell it on the black market. Choose quickly!

-T-the four of us... need to talk.

You took a look at the kids who were still begging you not to marryGojo.You promised them that you wouldn't do anything like that, and then you and your classmates moved away from the clearing.(Nanami, meanwhile, left to make himself something delicious.)

-W-what was that, Satoru-kun?!

You didn't know whySuguruwas suddenly holding you close and looking atGojolike a killer, but you assumed that in this situation, it would be better if someone held you.Otherwise, you will simply beat upSatorufor continuing to mock you by coming up with similar offers.…

Gojo, whom Shoko put on his lap, looked at you from under his white eyelashes. He swallowed and squeezed his pants with his fingers before saying:

–The elders of my clan want to steal (Y/N) and make her the wife of one of my relatives.They said that if they didn't do it, someone fromZenin or Kamowould do it.

You frowned and stared at the ring that Ieiri was currently holding.Well, that explains whyhere.

–And that's why you decided that the best solution was to suddenly propose marriage?! - Shoko slapped her classmate on the shoulder. – Maybe you should at least talk to (Y/N) first before bringing this, – she nodded towards the ring, - to school and saying such harsh words?!

–Unlike the elders, I care about other people's opinions!

-I don't see it yet, Satoru.

–I think you, (Y/N), would be better off marrying me than anyone else, - Gojo looked at you with an apologetic look in his eyes. – Unlike my relatives... I wouldn't threaten you and force you to stay in this marriage once it's time for our... divorce.

Getopulled you closer to him, and you could feel his hair tickling your neck.

–I'm grateful that you want to take care of me. But I... I've already made up my mind. I'm not going to get married without love. And for that, I'm willing to never leave the school grounds again... for exsample.

–B-but what will you do if they trap you?! - Gojo swallowed. – Have you heard those sweet speeches from Naoya? He's actually not that kind of person at all! He's a disgusting person! If he kept talking, you might have fallen for his charm!..

-Satoru-kun, who do you think I am? Do you think I'm that naive? I am quite an adult and a girl who understands this world, I will not fall for such a naive lie!

-But you're... so kind, - Satoru looked at you with concern. Shoko suddenly nodded at his words. – I'm just... I'm just worried about you! I know you're not a small child... but you're still younger than the rest of us. And you don't have as much experience as we do.

-He's right, (Y/N), - Suguru hugged you tighter and rested his chin on your shoulder. – I grew up in a "normal society", Shoko, I'm sure, also met a lot of bad people. You don't even need to talk about Satoru. But you... you grew up all your life in one place, and then you barely left the school grounds for a year and a half. You just don't have the same experience as us.

–Y-yes! I'm just afraid… that someone will lie to you, (Y/N).

You stared at them for a while and then sighed.I understand their concerns. But I am morally older, mentally better developed. I also know who is "bad" and who is "good" in this world. I'm not as easily fooled as they think.

At-t least I hope so…

–I appreciate your concern... but I'm not as naive as you think.

–(Y/N), you literally took custody of a child that is being hunted by the Zenin clan.

–Because I knew you'd see potential in him, – you stared at Gojo. – And that's why you'll want to take care of him. And I know perfectly well that many people will want to trick me into taking advantage of my abilities. Yes, I can't do anything if they want to kidnap me. But that's what... we're friends for, right?

You raised your hand and ran your fingers throughSuguru's hair.You put your hand on top ofSatoru's head and sighed.

–We're friends to help each other and take care of each other.And I trust you enough, and I'm confident enough in your abilities, not to be afraid of anything.

Shokosmiled, then suddenly removed your hand from the sorcerer's head and wrapped it around her.You hugged the girl andGeto.Satorustarted complaining and snuggled up to you.

–You must return this ring back to the clan's territory.No buts.

After you hugged everyone, Gojo and Geto suddenly started fighting. Shoko offered to leave them, and you agreed. As soon as Satoru, to your surprise, returned with bruises, you sat him down next to you and began to treat him. That's when you said it.


–Something as valuable as your clan's ring shouldn't be in the middle of nowhere.

–So you're still... really refusing... aren't you?

–I don't want a divorce document. Also... I would like to wear something that will symbolize me and my spouse. Paired rings or something like that. I don't want to... be associated with people who are long dead.

–I-I'm sorry…

–It's not your fault. You just wanted to help, - you patted him on the head. – And I would be angry if you stole me and tried to marry me, so that your relatives or other sorcerers wouldn't do it sooner. As it is... you actually talked to me and didn't force me to do anything. So I'm fine with that.

Gojo gave you an awkward smile.I won't tell her that this was my plan B. Asif hearing his thoughts,Getotook a break from being a horse forMegumi and Mimiko, turned to his classmate, and with one eye told him what he would do to him if he broke his promise.Satorucould only smile awkwardly, grabTsumiki, and run with her somewhere, justifying it all with a game.


–(Y/S)-sama, (Y/S)-sama-a, look, Kuroi-san has checked our tests!

You involuntarily twitched at the way the children addressed you, but you still smiled sincerely.Putting your hands on your hair, which was pulled back in small ponytails, you complimented the girls and said that they did a great job.

–Why don't you show the results to Suguru-kun? He's just having tea in the kitchen.

-Oh, I want to have tea with Geto-sama! - Mimiko trembled with joy and hurried forward, passing her sister.

You watched their small figures maneuver easily in the small living room.Their whitepapers had rather low numbers on them."30" and "32".You weren't sure if they had been educated before or something like that, so you turned toMisatoand asked how the two children were being educated.

–They are both smart and good at memorizing material, although sometimes it is difficult to get them to sit down at the table…But we definitely achieved a good result.Especially since just a couple of weeks ago they couldn't write or read.

-They... didn't know how to do that? But they're older than Megumi-kun, and he went to a normal school, even though he was always a smart boy.

–I thought it was strange, too.If a settlement has a school nearby, the village children are sent there.If everything is generally bad, you can send a request to the nearest city…But the girls said that no one had ever told them about "school."

-Is it because they are sorcerers?.. But their parents were still alive. Why didn't they send them to school?

-They told me, - Misato suddenly began to whisper, – that their parents disappeared after several large creatures broke into their house. I think from that moment on, the villagers were suspicious of them. No one wanted to take care of children who could see all sorts of evil spirits, and so no one thought about their education.

–They were literally ready to kill them, so I'm not surprised, – you sighed loudly. - How are they now? Are they already used to the outside world?

-They've already stopped snuggling up to me like their lives depend on it when we go out for a walk. I think they are very well influenced by Megumi-kun and Tsumiki-chan. Tsumiki-chan usually helps them interact with the people around them, Megumi-kun very often talks about something that girls meet for the first time. I think they are more comfortable receiving information from their peers, rather than from adults.

–I'm glad they're growing up together, - you chuckled contentedly. – And I'm glad that they live with you and my father. Maybe both of you will not be able to become their real parents, but at least there is an adult man and an adult woman next to him who will be able to influence them well. It is very important to have good behaviors around you in childhood…

Happy shouts came from the kitchen, and you watched asGetoslowly walked into the living room.There were girls hanging from his pants, giggling happily and still clutching test sheets in their hands.

–(Y/S)-sama, (Y/S)-sama, will you read to us? - Nanako looked at you with shining eyes. – I want to know what happened next in the book!

-(Y/S)-sama, can I sit on your left today? I like it when you put your free arm around me.

–Um, I'd love to read to you, but... can I ask you not to call me '(Y/S)-sama'? I'm... embarrassed.

The girls stared at you and then simultaneously let go of your pant legs.They stared at you blankly.

-B-but why, (Y/S)-sama?! - Nanako swallowed and clenched her small fists. – Y-you saved us from that awful place! And you've taught these nasty residents a lesson! W-we owe you our lives! W-what else can we call someone who saved us and allowed us to see so many interesting things?!

–Y-yes! - Mimiko nodded vigorously. – I don't want to go back to the cold and hungry place again! I want to be with (Y/S)-sama! I'm r-ready to make sure that (Y/S)-sama keeps playing with us and hugging us!

–And s-still, I can't hear you calling me '(Y/S)-sama', - their loud shouts made you swallow and take a small step back. – I'm not saying I'll take the life you have now. I just want to ask... that you both call me something else. I feel like some kind of villain when the little kids who are in my care call me "-sama".

You expected them to call you the same as many other sorcerers around you. That is, with "- san". «(Y/S)-san». That was fine with you. But…

The girls suddenly snuggled up to each other and turned a little pink.They took a few steps toward you before they both grabbed your skirt.When they slowly tilted their heads back and looked at you with innocent eyes, youknewsomething was going to happen that your heart might not be able to handle.

-T-then can we... - Mimiko breathed softly, - call you... 'mom'?"

You froze as if someone had hit you on the head.While mentally in space, you opened your mouth and stared at the girls waiting for your actions.Probably to finish you off,Nanakosuddenly tugged on your skirt and squeaked softly:


You felt tears start to form in your eyes. You didn't know what was going on. But that simple word suddenly made your heart clench a few times before jumping off at a tremendous speed. You were never a mother in that life. But now... when the children whose smiles you sincerely want to see, called…You couldn't contain your emotions.

These two little angels definitely made you happy.

-Of-f course! – you sat down and suddenly hugged the children to you. – You can call me 'mom' if you t-think I'm worthy of it! Y-you can... consider me your mom.

You didn't know why they decided thatyou should be their "mother figure".Kuroitaught them, fed them, walked with them…And yet, every day whenMegumi and Tsumikicame home from school, two girls would run with them to the dorm, to you, to play with them, to read to them, to help them do their homework.And they always left with a disgruntled expression on their faces, as if the evening was robbing them of something really important.

Sisters listened to your sobs, and then abruptly put their arms around your neck. Their small hands clutched at the collar of your uniform as they both whispered, "Don't cry... Mom."

Geto looked at this with a small smile. He wanted to join in, but he knew he shouldn't. Although he wasn't sure why the girls called him "-sama" as well, it didn't matter now. He couldn't become a part of something that didn't concern him…

Nanako suddenly turned around and looked at Suguru with pleading eyes. She stretched out one hand towards him and squeaked, "Dad ..." The sorcerer froze, he didn't know what to do. He looked at Kuroi, who smiled faintly and nodded towards the children. The teenager on weak legs walked over to them, crouched down and hugged three girls at once, two small and one large.

-C-can we... can we call you 'daddy', Geto-sama? - Mimiko sniffed and reached out to place her hand on the sorcerer's nose.

-Yes... you can do it, - Suguru smiled happily and placed a small kiss on the top of the girl's head. – If you want me to be your 'daddy'... then I'll try to take this role really seriously.

You continued to hug the girls, who started crying and shouting the same thing."Dad" and "Mom".

When the Hasabas finally calmed down a bit and came to their senses, you raised your head and looked at Geto, who for some reason was veryred.You raised an eyebrow, but he just squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head.

If she's "Mom" and I'm "dad"… This m-means… that we're... just like real family.

A big smile appeared on his lips.He squeezed you and the girls harder, flooding you with love and warmth.He didn't know what had happened to him in the "past".But he didn't want to find out.He wanted to be happy, just like he was here and now.

"Mom" and "Dad".If these statuses will be worn (Y/N) and he himself, thenSugurudoes not mind at all... even if it will not be their own children.


It was just another normal day.You finished your job at the hospital and were now sitting in the dorm eating dumplings.However, this does not mean that you were alone in the kitchen…

–Now you need to arrange the filling evenly inside the pie.

You turned your head to the stove and looked at the two girls and Suguru with a smile. Children wanted dessert, but they refused to go to the store. They wanted to cook something together with their "dad". (Kuroi told you that one night Mimiko started crying in her sleep and Nanako started whispering things like "m-mama… I want to eat again... your pie... don't go... mama..." After that, you promised them that they could make dessert together with you and Geto. Unfortunately, you were late at work, and therefore could not join the cooking).

All three sorcerers were covered in flour, and you had no idea how it happened. You were distracted by the dumplings for just a second. The next moment, when you turned to them, Suguru's dark clothes and the girls' light sundresses were all stained white.

The girls clearly didn't plan on taking care of cleanliness, at least not yet.Their clothes and hands were smeared with all sorts of ingredients, and you were glad that the school had spare clothes for them.

–D-daddy, daddy, can I decorate the top of the pie?

Nanako quivered excitedly, and Geto nodded, holding up a board with narrow strips of dough. Mimiko hurriedly muttered "thank you, d-daddy" and started to help her sister.

They were still confused by the words "dad" and "mom", but they tried to say them whenever they could. Every time they spoke to you or Suguru like that, their eyes shone like jewels or little suns.

Finally, you finished eating and the pie was put in the oven.Getoturned to you and you laughed at his appearance.The sorcerer rolled his eyes and hurried to wash his hands.The girls jumped down from the ladder and ran to you, pointing at the dessert that was being prepared with delight, as if you hadn't watched them cook all this time.

-Great job! – you applauded them for a while before getting up and putting your dirty plate in the sink. – I'm going to clean up after myself, and we'll go and clean you up, okay?

-I'll take care of your plate, - Suguru said, rolling up his sleeves with clean hands. – Don't worry, (Y/N).

You nodded to him and smiled gratefully.With your hands outstretched, you let the girls cling to your fingers.

You quickly finished washing and changing them.You weresurethat children are actually much more difficult to work with.It's justthat Tsumiki and Megumiwere quite mature and serious, not capricious, andNanako and Mimiko loved youtoo much and were grateful for your rescue to scream, cry and complain.

As soon as sisters were clean again and looked neat, they ran to Suguru's room to get their hair bands for themselves. You sat down on the couch and bent down to look at the homework of two children. Megumi had finished everything a long time ago and was now reading, but Tsumiki was slowly adding the last few symbols.

A loud clatter warned you that two girls were about to run out of the corridor and run straight towards you.You relaxed and prepared to catch them in your arms, pressed your back against the back of the sofa and stared in the direction of the exit from the living room.


Nanakojumped up and landed heavily on the floor, holding a bright pink elastic band with dangling ribbons that could have been tied into a bow.Mimikopeeked out from behind her sister with a soft "mama" and a cat-shaped elastic band.

Megumi instantly froze. He watched as the girls ran towards you and took up space between your legs for you to do their hair. The boy's hands shook, and the book fell out of his hands and onto the table.

-M-Megumi, don't shake the table!..

Tsumiki stared regretfully at the thin line left by the sharp twitch of the pen in her hands. Kuroi silently handed her the smudging device. While Fushiguro was trying to get what she had been working on for the last half hour back in order, her brother stared at you as if you had betrayed him.

-Mom, - Nanako pretended not to notice, - I want the same hairstyle as dad.

Megumi opened his mouth and immediately closed it. He watched you nod and start brushing blond hair. Your fingers, trained during all this time, quickly gathered the perfect bun on the girl's head. Mimiko reached out to you and you started braiding her hair.

Kids wrapped their arms around your waist and hugged you as soon as you were done. They smiled happily at you and glanced at the boy who was still sitting there, only now his mouth was slightly open in shock.

-(Y/N)-san... w-why do they call you "mom"?!

You were distracted from the girls and looked in surprise at Fushiguro, who was clutching his pants with small fists. He didn't look as serious as usual. He looked like a lost boy who couldn't find his parents' eyes in the crowd.


-I've been with you longer, (Y/N)-san, - he jumped up and clenched his hands into fists. – But why do theycall youthat?

You looked down at the girls, who completely ignored the boy and continued to hug you.Fushigurowas looking at you with more and more despair by the second.Such emotionality was not like him, so you were a little afraid.

-Megumi-kun, are you... jealous?

His cheeks instantly flushed, and he lowered his head and pursed his lips.His sister shot her brother a quick glance, then at you, before returning her gaze to her notebook.

-I-I am? N-no! - he shook his head. – I j-just… I just don't understand why they spent less time with you, but they're already calling you that!How can you... allow them to be so disrespectful after what you've done for them?!

You blinked a couple of times.Ah?What kind of disrespect are we talking about?..You looked back at the girls, who were now completely ignoring everyone and chatting while being held in your arms.You looked atMegumi, who definitely didn't know what to do with himself.He's been staring at you for an answer, but so far he's got nothing.

-You can call me 'mom' too, Megumi-kun, – you exhaled softly and smiled at him. – I just didn't like them calling me '(Y/S)-sama'. And since we're all comfortable with them calling me "mom", I don't mind. I just want you to be... comfortable, too. So I'm not going to force you to do something that you don't like…

Fushiguro suddenly appeared next to you. He pushed the girls slightly away from you and landed face first in your stomach. He wrapped his arms around your body and buried his forehead in you. You didn't see his face, but you did see the red tips of his ears.

–I am truly grateful to you, (Y/N)-san, for wanting to protect me and my sister... and for respecting the fact that I am... different from other children. I-I'm sorry... if you feel offended because I don't smile at you as often as my sister or Nanako and Mimiko. I just can't act... like kids my age.

-So what? – you stroked his spiky dark hair. - You're a good boy, Megumi-kun. And I'm glad I can spend time with you, read you books, and do homework with you. It's even cute that you don't like children's games.

You giggled when Fushigurolookedup at you.He reached out to you and suddenly climbed on the sofa.He clung to you and muttered:

–Am I worthy of... calling you 'mother', (Y/N)-san?

–You should ask me that. Am I worthy of being called "mama" by a child like you?

Megumi paused before burying her face in your clothes. The room was quiet, even Tsumiki took a break from her homework and looked at you. And then suddenly the boy sighed and exhaled loudly into your stomach:


You smiled, put your hand on the back of his head, and nodded vigorously.

-Did you have something to say... Megumi-kun?

He shook his head, and you chuckled happily.

You looked atTsumikiand she smiled at you.The girl raised a trembling hand and waved at you.

-Hi... m-mom.

A pleasant laugh rose in your chest, and you shook your head, inviting the child to join the little sorcerers who had found a comfortable place in your arms. Tsumiki hurried to close her homework and run over to you, climb on the couch and stick to her side.

You wereincredibly hot, but you didn't mind.You sat and listened to the children tell you something or talk to each other.Means…this is how parents who genuinely love their children feel?You hummed contentedly, feeling your heart begin to melt.They're so cute.

Suddenly, cool hands rested on your cheeks and you shivered.You looked up and sawSugurusmiling sweetly at you.

–Your face is red, I thought you needed to cool off.

-I-I guess you're right... um, kids, we need to get away from each other temporarily before I'm cooked alive…

Everyone immediately jumped away from you by half a meter or more.Getosuddenly leaned over and hugged you, wrapping you in another hot cage.Nanakoimmediately waved her hands in displeasure.

-Dad, that's not fair! Let your mother breathe in peace!

-The pie is almost ready, - Suguru drawled with a big grin as if nothing had happened. - Who wants the first bite?


You turned toGojo, who was standing on the side of the dorm, holding some folders in his hands.He looked annoyed.

-The question wasn't addressed to you, Satoru. Although all my efforts are useless, you will still be the first to stuff the pie into yourself.

-Welcome back, Satoru-kun! How was the mission?..

-Dad, I want the first piece, - Mimiko tugged on Geto's sleeve.

–I've only been gone a few weeks, and you're already crazy here! I came here hoping for a warm welcome, but what do I hear instead? (Y/N) and Suguru have become "parents"!

-At least they know how to take care of others, - Megumi coughed into his fist.

-Hey, actually, according to the documents, you're now officially in my family's custody, - Gojo grinned and opened a dark blue folder. – You and your sister are now under the protection of my clan! So if you both call (Y/N) "mom"... then by this logic, you should call me "dad"!

–I'd rather die than call you that, Gojo.

-I'm sorry, Satoru-san... but I don't think I can call you "dad" either.

You've seen somethingdieinGojo.The sorcerer suddenly fell to his knees and hit his forehead on the floor.He muttered something about no one liking him before tossing two folders on the coffee table.The other two flew toGeto.After that, the sorcerer ran outside, shouting something about how this world was too unfair to him, the strongest sorcerer.

–I think I'll have to go and calm him down…

–Why? - Megumi rested his head on your chest and squeezed his eyes shut like a disgruntled cat. – That idiot will come back here soon when he wants to eat.

-What's that, dad? - Mimiko craned her neck and looked at Suguru, who was carefully reading the contents of the folders.

-Oh, these are official documents, - Geto smiled at the girls. – Both of you are now officially under the care of my family. Satoru had to use his connections to send Megumi-kun and Tsumiki-chan, who were not officially related to him, to school, especially in the middle of the year. But since both of you are now under the care of my family, you will be able to start your studies from next school year without any problems.

-Looks like all these kids aren't officially mine, - you snorted. – I feel like a corrupt official who has all the apartments registered to my mother.

–If you decide to get married, please adopt me and Tsumiki. I don't want to be protected by someone like Gojo…

Megumiturned towards the sound coming from his backpack.The boy ran to his bag and pulled out his phone.He pressed a button and hurried outside to talk to someone.His behavior amused you... and at the same time, you were surprised.

-How did he get the phone?..

-Satoru-san bought them for us, - Tsumiki also left you, only to return with her lilac gadget. – He told us to call Kuroi-san, you, or him if anything happened… But I called you several times, but you never returned my calls…

-S-so it was you the whole time?! – you felt your ears start to burn. I t-thought they were some kind of scammers! And b-basically I don't like to take unfamiliar numbers!.. - Um... Tsumiki-chan, so that this doesn't happen again, can I add you and Megumi-kun to my contact list?..

Once everything was done,Fushigurocalled you and put the phone to her ear.You answered her phone and watched her giggle.You've heard her voice twice.

-Hi... mom.I hope that next time we can talk after school.

-Yes... of course, Tsumiki-chan.

At this point,Megumireturned.He looked at you, and then sighed wearily and said:

-Mother, - he paused for a long moment, as if analyzing the complex word "mother", - can you bring Gojo back here? I was... invited to my place by a friend. I need Gojo to take me to him.

-Why can't Kuroi-san do it?

–I don't think she can easily... get me a kimono and drive me to the sorcerer clan's territory.

You blinked a couple of times and then stared atTsumiki and Misatoin surprise.They both shrugged.

-Gojo took me to a meeting with the Kamo clan, - the boy reminded you grimly, clearly not wanting to go into details. He physically displayed his awkwardness by starting to lift one leg with the other. – And there I met Noritoshi Kamo-kun…

-With the h-heir of the Kamo Clan?!

-Yes. I shouldn't have been friends with him?..

Megumistiffened, and you quickly shook your head.

-N-no, no, you can be his friend! I-I'm just... surprised… So, I'm for Satoru-kun!

And without further ado, you ran outside, leaving the children in the care ofSuguru and Misato.

W-why Satoru-kun decide to introduce Megumi-kun and Noritoshi?! I don't see it as a big problem... but what happens if Zenin clan finds out who he really is?! What if someone decided to hurt Megumi-kun because he was close to the heirs of two sorcerer clans?! Satoru-kun, do you even think with your head?!

You shouted the last sentence to the sorcerer in person as soon as you met him.Gojo, sitting on a bench and chewing a cinnamon bun in displeasure, turned away from you.

–I've got a great plan! - he said after you asked about the situation with Kamo.

–At least you should have warned me! - you started poking at his shoulder with your finger. - Satoru-kun, this is a very dangerous plan! Megumi-kun doesn't know how to defend himself yet! What if he gets stolen right out from under your nose?! He is a child, he may not be able to withstand the psychological pressure on himself!

–Did you see him? He'd crush anyone with that hard stare.

–Anyway, - you ignored his whining and sat down next to him, – what made you run away from there? Were you offended by Tsumiki-chan and Megumi-kun's behavior?

-Yes! How can they do this to me? - the corners of his mouth turned down. – I pay for their school fees and their stuff, and they still love you! – well, I actuallychoose you too, but it doesn't matter... - Can't they show me a little gratitude?

–I guess they're just not used to bright personalities like you, - you chuckled at the look on his face. – Try to be more... serious, or at least calm. I'm not asking you to change completely for their sake, but if you want to get the reaction you want from them, you'll have to give in to their desires. They're children. They are just as human as we are. And they also have preferences for their "friends".

-M-m-m, don't kids like funny adults?.. - he swallowed the sweet in one go.

-Maybe they're just not that kind of kids. And... I know you kind of don't want kids, but if you ever have one… I'm sure they'll love their "noisy, fun-loving father".

–W-what makes you think... that I don't want kids? - he gave you a quick glance before looking down at the ground.

-Didn't you say yourself that they were noisy and nasty? That's how I remember it.

-Well, I did say that… And then I met up with these two nerds and changed my mind!

For some reason, he didn't look at you, as if he was embarrassed.You giggled at his reaction and gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

–Well, then, you just have to find a girl who will suit you.Given all your positive qualities, it will be easy.

You wanted to giggle again, but somehow you couldn't.The atmosphere instantly became heavy.You clutched your skirt with your hands and stared up at the sky.

–Did you... at least open your compliment book? - Gojo suddenly asked. – I tried, by the way!

–I-I don't want to give myself any more hope.

You suddenly got up, but you couldn't get very far.The wind picked up your clothes and hair just asSatorugrabbed your wrist and stopped you from running away.You didn't want to look into his heavenly eyes, but you still couldn't look away.

-What if I... just couldn't summon up the strength to tell you I loved you? If I…

-Satoru Gojo, - he shuddered all over when he heard his first and last name said in that tone. – You couldn't muster up the courage several times, even though I asked you every time and waited for an answer. And you don't act like someone who's in love. I... know how people feel when they are around someone they have even the slightest romantic feelings for. And I don't see any signs of love in you.

Because I'm just... used to my heart beating so fast around you.

-Satoru-kun, – you exhaled wearily, - you don't need to make excuses and think about my feelings. After all, no one can force another person to fall in love with someone by force, even if such a cursed technique exists. I'm not mad at you for teasing me all this time. But I just want you to leave it all alone. You've put up with the elders for years, and I'm sure you'll be able to put up with them again until you finally find the right one for yourself. And if anything happens, I'll always listen to you about the elders and help you hold on until you find your true love.

You turned around and started walking back to your dorm.But after a few steps, you stopped, turned to him, and with a smile that didn't even hint at sadness, said:

-Thank you for buying phones for Tsumiki-chan and Megumi-kun. And I-I hope you know what you're doing. I don't want any of the kids to be in danger.

And you left, makingGojofeel like he was walking in a vicious circle.

Satoru opened the calendar in his phone. One particular date was marked with a different color. This is (Y/N)`s birthday. This is the day when he and Suguru planned to declare their love for her and finally decide… this endlessly killing riddle.

It was... exhausting for both of them. When Gojo entered the room, he glanced at Geto and saw him hugging (Y/N). She held him back in her arms, but both male sorcerers wanted... more. They wanted to be closer to (Y/N) than they could be right now. If only they could get under your skin and stay somewhere there forever… they both would like to be with (Y/N) for eternity.

Gojo shuddered as he thought of this... if he had suddenly died and turned into a vengeful cursed spirit… he would want to be there for (Y/N) and protect her... even if he had to curse her... forever.


–Wh-what? Is mother's birthday coming up soon?!

Gojo winced when he once again heard children call (Y/N) "mother", "mommy" or " mom". He always looked enviously at Geto, who was addressed as "daddy" by the two girls. He didn't know what he envied. But he also wanted to be addressed as "daddy" or "dad"!

-Yes. And that's why we're going to choose swimsuits! Last year we went to the beach, so this year we would also like to have a good time!

-There were only four of us last time... but I think it would be nice to celebrate with all of you this year.

–And that's why we need to buy swimsuits! Come on, woman, go and try it on first! I'll give you five minutes, then you can help the girls!..

–Wh-what? Me too?! - Misato, who was being pushed towards the changing booths, stared at Satoru in surprise. - B-but me!..

–You've gotfour minutes left!

Gojo turned to the kids, who were looking at hats, swimsuits, flip-flops, bags, and everything else they could find in a beach-themed store. Satoru silently grabbed two Fushiguros and dragged them towards the children's department. The girls held out their hands for Geto to guide them where they needed to go.

WhileTsumiki and Satorulooked at the cute dresses and children's swimsuits,Megumistood on the side and was still in shock.He was looking at a tall teenager squatting on the ground, handing his sister sundresses so that she could see how they would roughly look on her.Her sunglasses glinted in the bright light of the store lights.

-Megumi-ku-u-un, what are you standing for? Choose something for yourself. If anything, you can take advantage of my incrediblefashion taste, I'll tell you what kind of swimming trunks will suit you.

–W-why didn't you tell me... that mother's birthday is coming up?!

Gojostopped looking at the towels and turned to the boy with a raised eyebrow.

-Well, you didn't ask. And what would that change? You would have gone to her party anyway!

–At least I could have prepared a present for her!..

-You still have time, - Satoru patted his head. Megumi slapped his hands together. – And (Y/N), judging by her attitude towards you all, will be happy about everything. So just do something with your little fingers and make her happy.

-Satoru-san, how do you like this swimsuit and dress?

-Oh, Tsumiki-chan, you look so cu-u-ute-e! Now go and try on these things immediately, so I'll make sure they look great on you!

The girl nodded and ran towards the changing rooms.SoKuroihad already chosen something for herself and was now standing next toGetoand the sisters, choosing what to try on first.Gojowatched Fushiguro leave and felt a smile form on his lips in spite of himself.

-So, – he turned to Megumi, - now we'll see what we can do about your disgruntled face! I suggest you come up with something you like as soon as possible, otherwise we'll rely on mypreferences.

–I want to... learn the techniques of my clan.

Gojoblinked in surprise, then squatted down and exhaled loudly.

–Do you have to think about it right now? Better get busy with your beach outfit!

–You said you'd teach me the techniques. I want to surprise mother with something. I can summon shikigami... I want to summon one for mother.

–If you were listening to me, you'd remember what I'm saying. I can't teach you the technique because it's something that's passed down genetically.However, I can find scrolls and other boring literature for you.But... I'm not sure you can master it in such a short period of time.

–You said I still have time before her birthday!

-Yes. But this is the time to make a regular gift.Mastering the cursed techniques won't be so easy…

-Satoru-san, how do I look?

Gojo stood up and looked at Tsumiki, who ran out of the fitting room in a bright cape and pink bathing suit. Satoru felt his heart melt with an incomprehensible feeling. He took a hat with flowers on it from a shelf and put it on the girl's head. She smiled and asked if she was pretty.

-Yes! You are the sweetest Tsumiki-chan that could ever appear in this world! - Satoru scooped her up in his arms and smiled broadly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and murmured her thanks. – But we have to choose the best outfit! So you'll try on some more clothes, okay?

Tsumiki nodded and asked to be taken down. As he watched her run towards Kuroi, Gojo suddenly realized that... he liked watching the girl. (No, not in a bad way). Her melodious laugh made Satoru smile and feel that strange warmth in his chest. No, this feeling couldn't compare to what he felt when he was talking to (Y/N). It was something completely harmless and cute.

Gojo stood for a few seconds, watching Nanako and Mimiko show off their Geto outfits, and then…

–I want a daughter…

The female consultant next to him jerked and tried to run away, butGojo, who had suddenly returned from his reverie, suddenly grabbed her arm and wouldn't let go.Her eyes widened as she stared in shock atSatoru's charming smile.

-Hello! I need help. I'm looking for a boy's swimming trunks... hey Megumi-kun, where did you go?!

Gojo lowered his glasses a little and looked around the store. He watched the boy show something to Geto. After that, the senior sorcerer nodded, and Fushiguro disappeared into the fitting room. Satoru could only smile innocently at the woman and run away before she started asking questions.

Running from store to store,Gojonever stopped watching the three girls, who with their smiles could warm the heart of even the most mischievous old man.Megumisat onGeto's shoulders and sighed sadly, looking atSatoruand thinking about how to kick him on the shoulder.Kuroiwas carrying packages, refusing to accept help fromSuguru.

Gojo didn't know why he needed somanyphotos of three little girls.But how could he stop?The three looked so cute in all their outfits, hats, crowns, and sneakers thatSatorucouldn't help but pull out his black bank card.He was incredibly happy that he was born the heir to the clan and had access to a huge amount of money.

-Satoru, you look like a pedophile maniac. Stop looking at other people's children like that.

–Get your eyes off my sister, Gojo!

The sorcerer blinked hard, snapping back to reality.He looked around and saw his parents looking at him in horror.They held the children close and tried to lead them away from the playground.

–I'm just admiring how cute the girls are. Do you see it? - Gojo pointed to Mimiko playing dolls with Nanako. – I do not know the reason, but I feel so relaxed when I look at them! They're such little lumps of charm that I just want to squeeze them in my arms and!..

-Don't even think about going near my sister, - Megumi tightened his grip on Geto and tried to kick the other sorcerer. – I don't want you to hug her or be near her at all!

–Do you like children? - Kuroi breathed out in surprise. - I didn't think you were particularly interested in this topic.

–My eyes opened as soon as I sawTsumiki-chanin that cute dress.She looks like a fairy or a princess.So cute-cute…

Getoand Fushiguroexchangedglances.Megumistuck out his tongue in disgust, whileSugurujust giggled.

–Don't you want to play with the other kids?

-No. I'm tired. I want to go home.

-Then I suggest we eat somewhere and go home, - Kuroi looked at the time. - It's high time for the kids to eat.

Even in the shopping center, you can find expensive restaurants. And Gojo managed to do it. The largest table was occupied instantly. While the children tried to read the complex names and Misato translated them into "normal language," the sorcerers looked at each other.

–Can we get something for (Y/N) and Shoko? - Geto suggested.

-Definitely yes!

Someone's soft footsteps were heard nearby, and thenMegumisuddenly abruptly hid behind the menu.

-Oh, Fushiguro, I didn't know your guardians would allow you to be taken to any expensive places. Oh, - a boy the same age as Megumi stopped and looked at the two teenagers. – So you have two fathers? Now I know why you're so ugly.

The three sorcerers flinched at his words.While they were recovering from that sentence,Kuroisighed and shook her head.

–You're Megumi-kun's classmate, right? Didn't sensei have a conversation with you about bullying other kids?

-Hey, nanny, – the boy looked dismissively at the woman, - don't meddle in your own business. If I want to, I'll make sure that no otherfamily wants to hire you.

The woman wasn't impressed by the threat.She stared at the menu, not wanting to continue this conversation, leaving the kid to think he'd won.

However, because of the two girls, the conversation didn't end quickly…

–W-what place is Megumi-kun "ugly"?! - Mimiko looked at the two boys in turn. – If he's 'ugly,' then you're an incredible bogeyman!


-Yes! You're a freak! - Nanako nodded. - Megumi-kun is very beautiful inside and out... unlike you!

Kuroi watched the children stick their tongues out and argue. She sighed and slapped the menu down loudly, but they ignored her. Meanwhile, Fushiguro hid behind the thick paper more tightly and muttered through his teeth:

-If only I could hit him…

-Megumi-kun, don't do this, - Geto shook his head. – At least not in front of witnesses!

-Hey, I wanted to say that phrase! - Gojo chuckled and smiled broadly.

There was a clatter of heels, and a woman in a dress that was too pretty for a shopping mall appeared.She pursed her red lips and stared at the children with disdain.

–What am I hearing here? How dare two little girls insult my son?! Your parents should beat you up until you both know what proper manners are!.. G-Gojo-sama?!

The woman suddenly looked atSatoru, who smiled sweetly and waved his hand.She instantly paled, her lips starting to stand out even more.She grabbed her son and bowed low.Her apologies were interrupted for a while by her son yelling that it wasn't fair, but then he was told to shut up and the screeching subsided.

The woman hurried away as quickly as possible without even hearing ifGojoaccepted her apology or not.Meanwhile, the waiter came over and everyone ordered.Kuroiled the children to wash their hands, leaving the two teenagers alone.

–Does she... know you? - Geto frowned, glancing at the table of a woman who was ordering her assistant and son to get ready and leave immediately. – But she doesn't have any cursed energy, does she…

-Suguru, - Gojo smirked, - do you want me to tell you a secret that even (Y/N) doesn't know about?

–It bothers me, but I'll take the risk and say yes.

The white-haired teenager grinned and rested his elbow on the table, then rested his cheek on the back of his hand.

–The three great sorcerer clans have their own characteristics that don't change from generation to generation.TheKamoclan, for example, puts tradition and blood on top of everything, ironic as it may sound.They can make a bastard the heir of their clan... and theyalreadyhave, just because he has their blood and is strong enough.The Zenin clanextols strength.You may be the son of the clan head, but if you are weak, you will only be a slave.

Satorunodded gratefully to the waitress who brought him a milkshake.After taking a sip, the sorcerer grunted contentedly and suddenly continued:

–And here's my clan, the Gojo clan... it's known for itswealth.We do not throw away those who were weak or born out of wedlock.We use them to make money.

Satoruglanced at the people who were leaving the restaurant in a hurry.The woman met his gaze... and instantly paled.

-Those who can't become sorcerers are forced to show their benefits in a different way. They go to the best schools, graduate from the best universities, start successful businesses... and all this just to give most of the money to the clan, or rather its main branch.

–So... they don't hate you?

-Suguru-u-u, people are easily manipulated, – Gojo spread his arms to the sides. – And in different ways. Someone is afraid that they will be killed. Someone like Verna-san truly believes that he has to give his life for the sake of my clan. Some are just grateful that we allowed them to get a good education and a quiet life. The main branch of the clan is the kings, when all the others are peasants. We allow them to live an almost completely free life, taking tribute in return.

-Pf, did your clan get accepted into the top three just because you paid a bribe?

-No. It's just... if you have the money, you can buy cursed tools and other interesting items to defeat curses. In addition, – his heavenly eyes flashed, – the techniques of my clan are difficult to master, but if you can still master them... then any of the Gojo can get the opportunity to become a great sorcerer. Of course, - Satoru suddenly chuckled, – not as great as me, but still…

There was a clatter of feet, and the children returned to the table.Gojopretty continued to drink his co*cktail, enjoying his life as a rich clan heir.


-So… you didn't have enough imagination, did you?

You giggled at the faces of your classmates.Shokorolled her eyes and silently nodded at you for your gift.

–Just take this and let's go celebrate."

You caught a colorful box and held it to your chest.This time, your classmates warned you that a party is waiting for you on the beach!(And at the same level that you visited last year).And although no one told you that the children would also participate, you were quite happy with everything.

According to the plan, you, your kohais and Kuroi and your children will be here until about dinner. After that, the kids will go home with Misato and Nanami, Yu will probably stay with you. You've seen Shoko tremble with the urge to drink alcohol, but you can't because there are kids here, and you can't help but gloat... mentally, of course.

-Hey, before you go out to eat, take our present! - Gojo handed you the box.


-Yes, - Geto gave you a weak smile. – We thought Toji had taken away a lot of your cursed energy. So we decided to fix it.

You opened their gift and saw the earrings.In the box, they seemed completely transparent, but when you took them out, they began to shimmer black and white.You silently put them on and felt a huge amount of cursed energy flowing through your veins.

–I'm very grateful to you, but... isn't that a lot?

-It's okay, (Y/N), - Gojo gave you a strange smile, then nodded towards the sea. - Shall we have some fun?

The teenagers dragged you to a portable grill, where your kohais were alreadystanding.Nanamisilently handed you his gift and continued to watch the coals, butYuarranged a whole honor of you?You weren't exactly sure.Because at the end, he was shouting something about "I sincerely support yousenpaisand wish you all went well today!" while in the background,Geto and Gojowere making hand signs to tellHaibarato shut up.


You barely had time to turn around and catch the girls in your arms.Nanako and Mimikojumped around you, scattering the petals of some flowers.Suddenly, they stopped and pulled out a paper bouquet from somewhere, the buds looking partially covered in writing.

-Happy birthday, mom!

You weren't their real mother.And yet, you felt infinite happiness.Crouching down, you hugged them and held them close with a happy laugh.

-What is it? Is there something written inside?.. – you looked at the buds.

-Yes! These are our wishes for mom! - Nanako punched the air in joy. - Open the buds when you feel sad and keep smiling!

-We can make you more if you want, - Mimiko stomped around awkwardly and smiled as she tightened her grip on the fox toy.

-Mom! - Tsumiki was running towards you from the same building you once came out of to three teenagers trying to light a candle. – I have a present for you, too!

Fushiguro skidded to a stop next to you, covering your feet with sand. She handed you a bright braided bracelet, and you gave her your wrist in return to secure it.

Your eyes stared at Megumi, who was standing off to the side, under an umbrella. He looked... either focused or sad. You were about to call out to him and tell him that he can have fun even if he doesn't have a present for you, when suddenly there was a strange sound that you heard for the first time. And the next second, a white rabbit was running across the sand, carrying a small rectangle decorated with gold threads and dragon drawings of the same color in its teeth.

You crouched down and held out your arms.The animal jumped on your palms and slowly placed a gift on your fingers.The rabbit winked before disappearing into the smoke.

Megumi slowly walked over to you and stared at the sand in embarrassment, putting his hands behind his back.

-Um... I didn't know what to give you... m-mother, so I thought I'd just go with Suguru-san and buy you a good luck charm.

You clutched a small object in your hands before strapping it to your bag.Sitting down, you patted the boy's head and smiled at him.

-Thank you, Megumi-kun. And you have no idea what a gift this little rabbit you were able to summon was to me.

You turned and looked at the other kids.Opening your arms, you gave the bouquet to the wind.The children immediately ran to you to hug you.

You had a great day. Who says teenagers absolutely need loud parties with alcohol? (Although Shoko still managed to get some drinks somewhere.) While the kids were enjoying their game, you and the other sorcerers were having fun in your own way. Constant running around and some incomprehensible actions kept everyone on their toes and did not let them get bored.

Eventually, splashing in the water and enjoying the beach turned into barbecues and board games.After playing a little beach volleyball, you decided to relax a little, sit and watch the water whileMegumiblindfolded trying to break a watermelon.

Evening gradually descended on the world.You could hear the children's loud voices and smile a little.Somewhere nearby,Nanamisprinkled sand onYu, who had crawled into the hole that was originally dug forGojo.You felt a little tired, but in principle you were ready to continue having fun.

-Hey, (Y/N), - Shoko came up to you and sat down next to you, handed you a cool soda and smiled, – our idiot classmates have some kind of surprise. I'm not sure what they want to do, but they asked you to come to the east side of the beach.

–You'regreat at making surprises, – you giggled at the way the girl shrugged.

–They told me to take you there, but I didn't go near them myself.And how do I do this?So I thought it would be much easier to just ask you to go there.

-Okay... oh, by the way, where's the east end of the beach? I have no idea which side of the world is here, given that the sun is setting in the west... and there's literally a railroad in the east.

-There is a bridge under the railway, - Shoko stood up and held out her hand to you. – I'll take you there, and you'll just have to walk from there. Well, let's go... (Y/N)?

You nodded and grabbed her hand.

Geto and Gojo looked at their watches simultaneously. They both sighed and looked at each other. They wereso nervous.Suguruglanced at the petals that the wind had blown out of the sand and used curses to restore the path to its original state.

-Hey, (Y/N), - Shoko pointed to a small tunnel under the railway line. – You just need to keep going until you see our two idiots. Oh, be sure to tell me what they did there! I hope they didn't smuggle in alcohol, huh!

The sorcerers heard someone running and immediately turned their heads excitedly towards the approaching figure. A light mist suddenly rose, and they both tensed. Gojo looked at the girl who was running towards them and then shouted for (Y/N) to get closer to them faster…

You walked while drinking soda and admiring the plants growing right out of the sand.You were humming softly to yourself the songs you heard on the radio today, and you weren't going to be in a hurry.You've eaten too much food and you couldn't run now, even if your life depended on it.

The sorcerers sawKuroirunning out of the fog towards them.They relaxed a little, but immediately tensed up as soon as they saw the woman approaching.They didn't know what they were looking for, soGetoimmediately asked the question as soon as she was close enough to them.The fog began to gradually dissipate…

You frowned as you looked around.There was nothing to be seen.You didn't even realize when the fog around you appeared!You're ready to fight.You took another small sip of soda and were about to put the can on the sand so it wouldn't get in the way, when suddenly someone was behind you.You didn't even have time to blink.The soda fell on the golden sand and spilled, leaving a dark stain…

–G-Geto-san, Gojo-san, (Y/S)-san... s-she... she's gone!

My favorite character - Chapter 24 - wito_chan_bla_bla - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.