NCAA Baseball gripes | Don Waddell exits Carolina Hurricanes | NC State & UNC hockey move up | OG199 - Raw Chili (2024)

NCAA Baseball gripes | Don Waddell exits Carolina Hurricanes | NC State & UNC hockey move up | OG199

let’s podcast alongside Joe jilo I’m Joe obus inside eford studios in downtown Raleigh thanks to Empire properties and thanks to copers plus check them out online at copiers I was in the land of copiers plus this weekend down on the Wilmington rville Beach Carolina Beach area I think you mean the home of the Eastern State Champions Ashley beating Cardinal given uh sad to say I went to the Cardinal GI game here in Raleigh you’re a moer one but then they played a nailbiter one nothing in the deciding game down there at Ashley so congrats uh not only to Drew who was an assistant coach there but the shepherd family I think you would like this I was at the game do you remember chance Shephard yeah at for State big guy he would just crank home runs yes him and his brother played at State well the dad sees me in the stands and he goes he looks at me gives me the one you know you know when people look at you and give you the one yeah they do the thing he looks at me and he go finally he comes up to me he goes how do you put up with Joe ovus oh really really I said I like [Music] Joe he’s like no I know I’m just giving you a hard time I was like okay I mean then again I get that same I get that same question about you sometimes mostly from Kelly mostly yeah I would I would imagine mostly from Kelly mostly from Kelly she understands the commitment involved there yes um I take it you did not go to Charlotte this weekend your your plans were to go to Charlotte on Sunday to watch NC State in AC champion saw a chance he said to me uh I thought you would be in Charlotte and I said well I’ll be there on Sun Sunday State lost to Duke again yeah again Duke in the uh in the OG therapy session why do you hate Duke so much just let Elliot eat once please well the Duke didn’t care about baseball for so long they didn’t even fund scholarships like it was this rack Rack shamble uh operation you know it’s like oh who cares and Chris Po’s a really good coach done a really good job at Duke freaking Kevin White had to go and hire a good baseball coach it’s like this is what gets me mad about Virginia like when they do pop up and are good in football I’m like no yeah the balance of the world is you have to be bad at something so that the other sports can understand that there is a little a little bit of something to it we we’ll talk to Darren bot about this in a little bit but the balance to Duke winning these things is they don’t get the host because of the you know the things that are kind of set up for Duke baseball they don’t have a traditional home setup uh because they spend time between their actual home field on Duke’s campus and the dbap which kind of prevents you from if I understand the rules correctly and now this led to shout out to Eno over at nice price because he sent me Cliff Godwin’s Instagram account where he went full yellow pad without the yellow pad defending the resume I was not aware cliff and Elliot are the same person they really are man they really are mirror images of each other one ECU version one the state version yes yes and for a while there they didn’t like each other and now they fin think they finally realized that they’re the same person this a Spider-Man pointing yes I think they finally have a a built-in respect now which I I appreciate between the two you know what I have relationships like that there you know me and some other people that didn’t quite get along and then we realize oh wait a minute we have hold on do we can we sit and [ __ ] about the same things did we just become best friends it’s the best thing but we’ll talk to Darren bot about that here in a little bit uh because there’s plenty to get into with ACC Baseball yes congratulations to Ashley though yeah and also copier plus I don’t know if you know this because it came to my phone not yours Josh our corporate Champion Josh whiter and texted me he goes hey what’s the name of that guy who’s your contact over at copers plus kioo what is it you’re always talking about it we have some copier needs I was like you have copier needs corporate Synergy excuse me corporate help with that Synergy let’s go send out the signal the OG signal check them out I can help you with copers um look I hope it was a good weekend for everybody although this weekend wasn’t necessarily um great in terms of some tragic news uh some sad news um we start the weekend off finding out about Grayson Murray a lot of people who listen to this podcast who are around here know of Grayson Murray they’ve got a Grayson Murray story of some sort local guy went to leeville uh bounced around in college uh won a couple times on the PGA tour but has had a public fight with his own demon so to speak uh and you know the nature of him leaving the tournament on a Friday and then finding out he had passed away at age 30 and his parents um confirmed that it was from suide that it leads to all sorts of conversations U the only thing I’ll I’ll say to this is check in on your people with these types of stories you don’t know what people are going through in the grand scheme of things check in with your people and I know that’s what Grayson’s parents had openly talked about in their statements about um about the reaction and and going forward yeah this is a tough one because you you know I’ve learned firsthand that people with mental health issues have a tendency to want to treat themselves yeah and the way that they treat that is with alcohol and drugs that’s the easiest path that they see because you become detached from your own reality and last year Grayson made a commitment to stop drinking and you know deal with sobriety and and deal with the process and and live in recovery and you saw the Improvement in his game late last year and if you don’t follow golf the way that the split season had worked you have to play a lot in those tournaments you have to play in a lot of like offbrand tournaments and he also played last year here in the corn Ferry event in Raleigh because you have to build up your points you have to build up your money you have to be able to pay for everything like if your name’s not Rory maroy and he he famously kind of got into it with Rory last summer you have to pay for everything and the best way to do that is to play and to win and to play well and to make money and he turned his he he really did turn his life around in sobriety and played his best golf to the point where I even said to Brad frish I go I would put Grayson Murray on the Ryder Cup team you know why because he cares about birdies and that’s it like this is a guy that’s the way he played you want somebody safe that was not Grayson okay he was aggressive in how he played I remember him uh when he was just a teenager and he had earned the Arnold Palmer scholarship and obviously at an early age he was dealing with those demons he was dealing with his addiction issues and dealing with his mental health issues and that’s what ultimately makes this heartbreaking is that he had come to that piece in his life where I need and this is where the day-by-day part of this all comes in mhm cuz he made that piece in his life he had never been playing he won the Sony Open out in Hawaii right Jo the only reason to go to Hawaii is to play golf as I found man this no one would have ever gone there without golf little little out of the way Place nobody’s heard of so he wins early in the season which basically set him up for every he was in the PGA Championship he was at the Masters so he was able to play and everything this year because of his success and what he been able to do and you see what happens in you know there was a relationship part of this and you realize it really truly is a day by day we’re all day by day day to day I think it was Bob uker who said I’m I’m day to day we’re all day to day and it can turn that quickly that he really reached the peak of his playing form in the last six months with his sobriety and now you see the situation where it goes that quickly because sometimes it’s not just as simple as not using anymore because the mental health aspect is still there m and that’s what’s you know that’s what should frighten and put everybody on alert when you say check in it’s not just to check in you know his parents were there for them were there for him and made you know this is as a parent it crushes you or someone you love goes through it crushes you because we’re we as Neanderthal men think oh we can solve every problem hey look I can solve this problem even if it means I’ll take you to the hospital and solve the problem that’s part of me solving the problem right yeah it is a problem solver aspect it’s also a and something that I’m I’m I’m very guilty of and that is to just shove it down shove it down shove it down shove it down without actually addressing those particular things um but yeah I mean even even if you have the right infrastructure around you it’s still going to be a it’s an individual struggle it’s your own fight it’s your own fight and man he tried and the ending is so young so talented as I had Brad had initially texted me about the news so I was a little bit ahead of the curve and I just texted him I said man he had a gift and a curse you know that the talent like that like I said he he was one of those types of players who had top I’m talking like top 10% Talent on the tourque that’s a lot y if you don’t follow golf like just understand he was that talented it was everything else that he had to deal with like think about it like I said he got the Arnold Palmer scholarship to Wake Forest they don’t just give that out to anybody by the way uh you may have heard a couple of the other ones web Simpson will Zealot Tores you know what I mean like so this is you’re talking about a like I said you’re talking about a super talented guy but he had obviously a fight that he lost and it’s tough because you’re sitting there as parents and you’re going what you want your instinct is to say what else could I have done to help him you know what I mean sometimes there isn’t sometimes there isn’t and you justos that with the passing of Bill Walton somebody who was full of life lived life you know the way that he wanted to and cancer uh takes that away at age 71 and you got you got the bill Walton experience once at a final four everybody’s got a Bill Walton story I know that was when we went to the final four in in 2022 for the UNCC Duke final for Extravaganza that was the thing that you were most looking forward to is finally getting to see the Bill Walton thing in person you know the leadup to it the writing down of the names and all that stuff the guy always had stories and you didn’t have to ask a question question you basically just asked you just welcomed Bill Walton onto the show and Bill Walton would just go and all you can do is just sit there and just kind of take in the stories and that’s the part that everybody’s Gonna Miss well I’ll say this and I think I saw it on Twitter Bill Walton I did no I didn’t know he had cancer I don’t I think some of the people it felt like people knew yeah but people1 but didn’t know the way cancer Works um I’ll say this Bill Walton was not prepared to live in the world without the Pack 12 so he he decided you know what I will go out with my conference of Champions same weekend that the Pack 12 off signed off I will go out without because if he can’t talk about the conference champions what what do we have look the the one lesson that I took from from Bill Walton in all those times where well Bill Walton on your wall right there I do have Bill Walton on the wall right behind me in that that 1974 NC State Championship record behind me there was two Bill Walton interactions that will always stick out with me one was when we were in San Antonio for the final before and I was hung over as hell because I went a little too hard in the pain at Hospitality the night before so 08 no I think it was like 17 no not 17 yeah might have been 17 actually well I have to go back and look anyway it was a few years ago okay but long story short I was in bad shape completely I was in terrible shape you might have been pretty young um and I was I knew that with Bill wal and there I didn’t really have to say anything but he called me out like even he was aware that like oh man there’s something’s not right with this guy he was hanging out with ramrod that’s exactly what it was and then lesson number two was actually really the only lesson was I had started to listen to Grateful Dead I think you were here for this actually if I’m not mistaken or maybe it was the year before I started to listen to Grateful Dead because I never really listened to Grateful Dead before and anytime he brought it up I was completely lost so out of boredom Adam lost gold was all about Grateful Dead right so I finally went down that path of trying to figure out all right what am I missing here with Grateful Dead and I tried to have like a conver like a you know me I get a little music nerdy at time right yeah Bill Walton was not here to have a music nerd conversation about Grateful Dead and that’s when it finally C click with me I’m like oh it’s not about that it’s not about getting into the intricacies of things it’s about the vibe man it’s all about the vibe he did not care he he’s like I don’t even remember half the shows blah blah blah blah dude was just living the life and enjoying the music as it was I was meant to be and I’m like oh I see now got it and from that point on I’ve had a different appreciation of Music in that regard so uh just wanted to kind of highlight those two things from the weekend before we get back to ACC Baseball which we will do right now by welcoming on Darren vot ACC Baseball Etc D1 baseball all that fun stuff Darren what’s going on man uh big week big week pretty exciting week other than that I’m uh doing well doing well how are you guys I feel like baseball coaches in the area are a little bit in their feelings right now when it comes to who gets the host who doesn’t get the host and that kind of stuff buty sends me a screen grab of Cliff Godwin ECU baseball coach going full yellow pad describing their resume and why they get the right to host meanwhile Chris Po ver Duke is disappointed as an ACC champ not being able to host and there’s all sorts of variety of reasons that go into that but uh one thing the NCAA does well and that’s they upset people when it comes to their bracket one way or the other yeah it and it happens every year and uh look I mean like there are a lot of people who think Coastal Carolina is not an NCAA tournament team but the fact of the matter is their athletic director Matt Hogue is chair of the committee and they’ve got a legendary coach in Gary Gilmore who has announced that he’s retiring at the end of the season so if it’s close I mean you know what’s gonna happen we’ve seen it time and time again and you know with Duke Renovations aren’t scheduled for Jack kum’s field until after this season yeah that matters that matter if you’re if you’re an ECU fan you remember the same thing happened to you not that long ago where the committee did not want to put a regional in Greenville so you had to either play it elsewhere or you got snubbed and look I mean they’re just those are things that go into it what are the rule real quick what are the rules when it comes to that because if I looked correct if I looked if I looked right the durren Bulls are not playing this weekend so they could have played at the dbap right because I unless they’ve changed the rule because I remember ECU one time hosting this was mind you 20 some odd years ago but they had they hosted at the the hosted in Wilson one of the years yeah and I remember East you hosting in the Kinston ballpark uh there for a bit so like what what exactly goes on with the scheduling of these of these regionals you have to if you’re going to play it at a a different site which is allowed it’s totally allowed okay I just want to make sure it’s allowed you have to be able to put that bid in for that sooner than you have the the bid if that makes sense like like if you’re close in the case that Duke was they would have had to have communicated with the Durham Bulls and gotten that arranged like two weeks ago okay got in order to submit that as hey if we were to host this would be where we did it now you guys I’m I’m sure are aware the Duke Blue Devils did not play games at durh Bulls Athletic Park at all this year that is a relation ship that has ended I think it’s you know peacefully ended but it just came time for it to to not be a thing anymore I don’t know if that had anything to do with it or not but I mean cly I am not in that orbit anymore so I don’t know the uh I don’t know the the particulars I mean I’m sure I could make a phone call I don’t even like mentioning the site Darren perfectly h i could text I could text somebody right now to see what the real story is with that but I I just do my best to kind of stay out of that orbit there well I mean and I I kind of try to do the same but I I do know that it’s it’s a relationship that did not continue starting this season so it would have seemed a bit peculiar had it picked back up specific purpose of we want to host the regional right Goa okay all right Darren do you get paid by the NCAA no why because I’m about to go off on the NCAA oh boy here we go um and I don’t I’m trying to learn from these things cuz Joe doesn’t like it when there’s like people who are on with like Jo Joe doesn’t care what I do when we’re together sure but when there’s other people who are gainfully employed he’s like hey you should probably think of those other people because you don’t want to get them in trouble potentially with with people who they work for right oh sure no let’s let’s inse a blade bash sure let’s go ahead um I I tried to explain this I tried to explain this before the the the bracket was unveiled but and some people were like oh jilo actually knows what he’s talking about pay attention to jilo and John Manuel disagrees but that’s hey Darren Darren Darren Darren Arizona wh why is Arizona hosting why is Arizona number 30 in the RPI which is the metric they use why is Arizona one of the top 16 seeds in the NCAA tournament wait let me let me look let me try to help you because I’m not trying to put you on the spot it must be their quad one record which is three and nine oh okay they do have a great non-conference schedule it’s probably because they get to play a bunch of teams from out there but the NCAA refuses to make this a national tournament that is the problem and all of the good teams the S are in the SEC and the ACC and then you have the teams in the state of North Carolina who’ve obviously carved their own Niche right the truth of the matter is they refuse to make this a national tournament Arizona in my opinion should not be a host but they do this every year because the NCAA pays for everyone’s travel in every NCAA Championship listen to what listen to the words coming out of my mouth all of the money the NCAA makes on the men’s basketball tournament they have to put somewhere other than their pockets so what they do is they try to save on travel instead of making it a true National Tournament so the question really isn’t is Duke should it be Duke should it be ECU should it be State No it should be all [ __ ] three but the NCAA refuses to make it a national tournament back to your regular scheduled program Darren yeah no no this ties into something that I was texting with Kyle Peterson with yesterday actually um after he and Mike Rooney and Matt schik were on the selection show we started to talk about the possibility of and he and runes are way in on tournament expansion they want to see it go up to to possibly 72 teams and have sort of a playin and that’s that’s beside the point I don’t know that I love that idea as much as these these teams need to be seated truthfully TR like truly seated one through 64 no more two three slotting wherever it’s most convenient right I know it makes for cool matchups South Carolina’s you know the two with NC State and you get Coastal Carolina there with Clemson and and it makes travel easier I know that but in a lot of cases it can make the the bracket extremely lopsided in terms of qualities of teams and it’s just like it it becomes so so difficult to to prop up a sport that is ever growing in popularity when you don’t have it as as truly seated as you can um the fact that LSU is at North Carolina this weekend is wild like wild in terms of if you seated them one through 64 that would be way off and it’s not giving a a number four National seed an advantage at all that they probably should have LSU seven spots ahead of Arizona in the metric again that the committee uses not the one that I’m picking out a thin air for my own purposes and they’re headed here right right so correct they’re gonna be the two seat at the Bosch and basically refuse to admit that the SEC and the ACC are the two conferences that run everything because ultimately like Stanford is Stanford in it this year Darren or is Arizona my designated Stanford this year Arizona is your designated Stanford your ACC teams Stanford and Cal by the way bubble team did not make it as probably like the sacrificial team for this like that the committee giveth the committee taketh away it’s like okay Arizona we’ll give the pack team a host but we’re just gonna we’re gonna bump Cal out even though they have some Merit and could be a bubble team that’s in I need Jim Phillips on the ACC Network right now fighting for Cal and Stanford Stanford every year shows up in Omaha then you go back and you look at their path and you’re like oh that’s weird you didn’t play an ACC team or team and you made it to omah Meanwhile ECU is like hey can I just get that path once maybe just once yeah speaking of PS and Darren vot joining us on the heaster automotive Automotive Group hotline um North Carolina gets to play at home at the Bosch which is nice they’re pretty good at the Bosch so I would say that this this trend will continue for the Tar Heels to to get to the next round I think so like I mentioned LSU is being a tough draw but look North Carolina’s lost two games at the Bosch all year North Carolina is in addition to having maybe the most dynamic lineup that I’ve seen a top 12 or 15 or so I don’t I haven’t looked lately at that ER but I know they’re in that range yeah um in a year where pitching was their concern right we just kept waiting for the PIN to to drop because they lost two Friday starters throughout the span of the year one was their their more experienced guy who was going to be that Jake nap like two weeks before the season started he’s gone then it’s like okay we got true freshman going on both Friday and Saturday fer Boaz their Friday guy after that point boom injured then they slide up the second true freshman who just happens to be the youngest player in all of division one baseball he turned 18 like three and a half weeks ago and he’s been phenomenal second Team all ACC as a pitcher um so like you they just keep delivering they’re one of the most consistent teams in the country and that HomeField Advantage matters so I I think it’s going to bode well for them LSU is going to be a fit but I think it’s going to bode well jio’s already shaking his head no sir NC State [ __ ] is Dead Tommy White already has a national championship how many home runs is he G to hit this weekend come on you can’t make this [ __ ] up is he still there is he is he the is he the new kylo Ren no just asking I’m just asking because you love to have these concocted story lines I know but Tommy White in Chapel Hill okay just say after already vanquishing Forest you talk about a revenge tour maybe there’s something to it maybe there’s something to it it’s kind of my point like why is Carolina having to play this LSU team yeah you know what I mean which which could have easily won the SEC and still not been a host and like they could have won the SEC final and possibly still been in this same slot is and again like you mentioned NC State like Series victories for NC State down the stretch I don’t know that anybody in the power conferences had a more impressive resume LSU was right there like they just they they flicked a switch in the past month or so and really turned it on like it’s a that’s a very very good team right and North Carolina’s the number four National seed wh why I don’t understand why that’s happening and I’m not again they can beat LSU so it’s not that big of a deal I don’t think um but it’s GNA be a hell of a lot more difficult than beating some teams and speaking of the wolf pack we’ll we’ll get out of here on this as it relates to NC State I know that Elliot Dent was very very high on this squad going to the ACC tournament um did not work out for them obviously losing eventually to the to the champion at Duke um pitching the this seems to be the thing that you know we talked about it with North Carolina I can I can trace back every conversation about carolana and their lack of College World Series success winning the whole thing all the way back to the bullpen right that’s always the case with Carolina when it comes to pitching with NC State I mean not to get to base here but it really does come down to their guys their arms and whether or not you know Elliott’s saving guys in the tournament blah blah blah blah blah but they have their key guys going into this thing and you gotta like the chances getting out of this draw yeah and they’ve state has seemingly been unfazed by um some pretty tough injuries that have come their way Josh Hogue has hit toward the top of the lineup for them most of the year and and when he exited for the season they sort of pick it right back up um ECU transfer Alec maevic is literally the most experienced player in college baseball he is the active player with the most games played in all of division one college baseball um he’s been huge for them and he’s an awesome switch hitter he’s a great defender um you mentioned the pitching again I’ll have people talk to me about a team and express that they don’t trust the bullpen my response is are we not watching college baseball like that’s kind of the case for everyone it’s whoever’s Bullpen delivers is going to be favored um with NC State man they’re interesting because coming into the season they had a lot of guys who we’ve seen there for many years Sam highi is is back and healthy and he set some career highs this year that were originally set in the 2021 season so like he’s been around and he’s back into form and he’s their Cas and they did have Matt Willison before he went out for injury Logan Whitaker has been around forever he’s been hurt for a lot of that but I mean that’s an experienced guy so you looked at their their rotation anyways Dom fritton came back he was a freshman All-American last year he’s had sort of a sophom*ore slump you looked at their rotation coming into the year and it was like man this might be the most Rock Solid pitching staff in the conference um and they’ve just been kind of a roller coaster man the lineup’s been the same way some days you think they’re going to score 15 runs others it’s like are they going to get a hit um so they’re just as capable as anybody I like I I like NC State I actually really like their draw I mentioned South Carolina that’s not an SEC team that I love um I like ncate to to potentially get to a Super Regional and Beyond I think they’re set up well it’s just a matter of their jaal andh High nature right like which NC State shows up I actually like Duke straw too yeah same again all you have to do is Joe you know nothing about college baseball all you have to do is look at who who doesn’t I know Oklahoma’s going to be there next year but who doesn’t have an SEC team in your little pod that works that works move you move forward like I get it it’s at Oklahoma but yeah I love where they are that’s a good spot and Carolina by the way you mentioned their Bullpen before you know I know Joe said before we let you go what do you make of this ECU situation with their starter I mean Joe and I were talking off the air about how or maybe we were how Elliot and Cliff are the same person and right down to I believe they are snake bitten like yavich for for ECU Elliot’s been literally bit by his literally but Cliff I feel like is trending in that direction now with his starter what’s what’s the status here and is this simply like an infection that put him in the hospital and he could pitch or is is this guy really risking his future if he comes back and pitches in the NCAA tournament I mean a partially punctured lung sure sounds like let’s shut it down and be ready for the draft so you can make money yes and look you gotta look and I’m not gonna blame them if they do that it’s a totally this is a different I mean we talk about like years of old with Cliff years of old with Elliott we got to understand too agents have always been there the draft has always potentially been there for guys this this is this is a very very different environment that we’re talking about a guy suffering a freak injury during the last week or you know yeah the last week of the regular season during treatment right is is that is my understanding it was it was I don’t I don’t want to go as far as to say it was a Tyrod Taylor situation but we could have a Tyrod Taylor situation on our hands youall can Google that one kids so again you savage is g to be the third pitcher off the board there’s Hagen Smith otherworldly Talent left-hander there’s Chase Burns people if you were at the ACC tournament or watched the ACC tournament you saw what he can do for Wake Forest otherworldly Talent then it’s Trey you savage there’s a lot of money on the line and again a partially punctured lung sounds a lot more serious than ah you know he’s dealing with some shoulder discomfort it’s not your it’s not your average injury so I mean truthfully I have no idea if if it was just Cliff’s decision you said it perfectly your Savage is going to go and he’s probably going to go till his arm falls off right as long as it gives ECU the best chance to win Cliff’s not the only voice in the room um and he knows that and I don’t know that he loves that I don’t know that most coaches love that it’s just it’s the truth now and you know they their second starter Zack root has been dealing with some discomfort and some injury over the past few weeks he finally pitched for them in the conference tournament and threw really well but he had sort of held out from pitching for you cl to a month and um they’ve got a reliever Wyatt Lansford shankman who’s a a semi-finalist for the golden spikes award which is like the Heisman Trophy of college baseball that’s pretty good for a reliever he’s been on the Shelf here and there too he actually started as an opener in the conference tournament and got lit up so I don’t know if he’s back and and better um so they got some issues to work through because it’s a lineup that yeah they score runs in the American Athletic Conference but it’s not a lineup that I really believe in to be as complete as some of the others that we’re talking about like North Carolina yeah maybe another day we could talk about how I really feel like AAC should still be in in Greenville but the third baseman there as a local kid you talk about other people being in the room it’s like ECU buddy we this is not like uh you know Alabama football where you should be sending people away as I kind of understand that situation like y iMac has been State’s best player all year y you could use him he’s GNA be first team all ACC like you know like that’s that was that’s that was clear from day one it was like okay he’s elevated his his conference he’s elevated his play like he could have been doing that in purple and gold fascinating f it really is fasc it’s the hardest I don’t care what anyone says every time I say this people are like no it’s the stay on the cup NCAA baseball tournament is the most difficult tournament to win because of the format and because of all of these things that we just talked about who else holds their draft in the middle of the championship me I think it just it boils down to people want to go College kickers I think ultimately the biggest thing you have to overcome is college bullpens that’s what it comes down to College bullpens college kicker there we go no no no College college Bullpen can definitely blow it for you if you’re not paying attention Darren B hey man we appreciate the time been overdue to to catch up with you I know you were slammed last week sorry for the fire we’ll uh yeah there was a fire alarm that went off but we’re good uh we’ll we’ll chat later man sounds good appreciate you guys housekeeping it is brought to you by enovana check them out online at enovana dcom Green Cleaning [Music] Solutions I just want to let you know they’re coming today I know you want the update they come today and they trust me I need it because the kids have been they can still handle everybody else while they’re taking care of okay this is true this is true all right couple couple housekeeping notes podcast Festival tickets are on sale right now via you can go to the Rialta website as well we’re going to be doing it August 24th at the Rialto we’ve had robust ticket sales we’re very very close Rob very close to a sellout which anticipate oh yeah man people ride for shutdown full cast they’re not here to see us they’re here for the shutdown full cast that’s what it’s all about so go to eex um we’re going to have some some stuff you and I have to determine what kind of merch we want to sell at this event know we’re going to have a very special hoodie thanks to our friends at HomeField the yeah and I want to go with Hats we have to decide what kind of hats we want to get a lot going on there there’s a lot going on so anyway go to look up that podcast Festival uh again thanks to everybody who bought tickets already really really awesome response so far very close to a sellout so hopefully we can make that thing happen so head on over to etic uh a little bit of business to attend to uh David Cook I would go see David Cook okay mat the right now I have no idea who David Cook is American Idol he was actually one of the better singers sure he could he could walk into this room right now have no idea who DAV is right now July 19th and right after that the sports podcast Festival brought to you by so we joined bluewire uh bluewire podcast bluewire is a podcast Network you might know them from such popular podcast as Cam Newton’s or Chris Long screen light with Chris long and then we’re like at the bottom of that list of notable podcasts under the bluewire family hey as long as we’re notable I guess we’re notable I have no idea notable NC State Al lumps I’ve had some people asking what is exactly does that mean for me ultimately it doesn’t really mean anything to you the RSS feed has been imported exported all that stuff the feed’s gonna remain the same you’re still get your podcast you will hear some more ads though including this yes from bluewire well not not quite yet hold on hold on hold on we’re still workshopping that part I just want to let people know you’re for that you’re going to hear a pre-roll you’re going to hear a pre-roll you’re going to hear some mid rolls and you’re going to hear a post roll so you hear commercials before we start that’s pretty standard operating procedure these days in podcasting and then yes after we talk about our corporate Champions you will hear me and julo then say and now a word from our friends at blue wire and then boom you’ll hear some dynamically inserted ads uh yes more ads however we do have to make a living so I hope most people understand that as we’re figuring this thing out one year in uh how to uh bring that Revenue in so we can keep doing this well this is one way to do it and we’re really really excited about some other opportunities with bluewire including things like activation this might actually mean that we get to go to Vegas for once are you ready for that Joe you mean for the Filipino cup yes let do it yeah I’m all in on that man I’m all in on that speaking of our corporate champions We want to thank State Farm Matt Davis over at State Farm for getting it done he’s been with us for a while now check him out 91977 98277 if you actually want to talk to a human right then and there boom just like that you can go to insur or the ogin so you can save on home and auto shout out to everybody who has pointed out their local Stay Ready Allstars maybe they’re wearing roback I hope they’re wearing rack Joe’s wearing roback right now so use that promo code OG G20 to save 20% off your order at uh we’re going to be out at a golf course tomorrow I’ll be wearing roback shorts because I don’t have a roback Holo yet you’re not allowed to have one I know that I know that but I will be wearing roback shorts to stay comfortable while we this what’s gonna happen the the proam is tomorrow and we’re gonna be on the 18th green and you know Roy Williams is gonna look up and say Hey Big fell hey big fella can you can you make this putt for me and you’re like I I don’t have a collar shirt off but but I’m in my I’m in my Birkin spot how can I do this and then I’ll be like I am officially ready because roback is the official stay ready Allstar Champion corporate Champion too good and big thanks to sporl they did our OG pod they did our OG Birthday Bash at the beginning of May uh Jason did a great job with that trivia you can support Jason and the crew over at sporle go to OG triangle uh he’s doing music trivia at shadies in Garner on Thursday nights drift with Cantina for the traditional pub quiz on Sundays again you can find out more at triangle we thank them for sponsoring us for our OG Birthday Bash which now gets us to a word from our friends at [Music] bluewire so we go off the air Thursday we don’t do a show Friday we’re taking Memorial day off like a lot of other people but there was a there was a big impactful news item that hit the Carolina Hurricanes once we were done with Thursday show going into Friday and that is Don wadell president general manager of the Carolina Hurricanes announced he was resigning from his position with the Carolina Hurricanes now as of this recording as of 9:48 in the morning here on Tuesday uh I know that wadell has been attached to the Columbus Blue Jackets for a similar role but I don’t know if that’s official where that where that stands right now as as of this recording um wadell had a quote in there I know we got a text from um Philip Eisley who was part of the Centennial Authority and how integral Don wadell was to the renovations and the next plan and the lease agreement and everything else with uh with PNC Arena so I was surprised at the news but then you start to replay things in your head and maybe we should not have been surprised that Don wadell is moving on from the Carolina Hurricanes my initial thought was man you are no longer a journalist you didn’t even it didn’t even occur to you that this guy might be taking a step out the door like sometimes you just have to throw in a question hey everything good with you yeah which I’ll now try to remember to do in in these year end wrap-ups well I think the reason why is because we were so focused on Rod brendam Moore’s contract everybody else too right like all the work that he had to do and everything else that you go oh wait a minute Don Waddell’s deal is also coming due what does that mean nobody bought because we were so focused on so anyway at first I’m mad at myself for not even asking like the one pruner question hey what’s your F yeah uh then I started thinking about the press conference the proper press conference itself and I thought number one e at least twice Don had said oh I haven’t talked to Raw we haven’t we haven’t had that conversation yet about every player on the roster and I thought to myself well that’s weird but what are you waiting for like that doesn’t make any that didn’t make any sense to me at the time sure that that and I thought about that and then I thought about his effusive praise for Seth Jarvis and I’m sitting here thinking that never sat right with me you can’t you could love him up for sure yeah after you sign him but you can’t say the kind of things that he said yeah and be like Oh I’m about to go sit down with this guy and then that doesn’t work right the agent the agent going so so we just G to play the tape of you complimenting my here here put it on the big video board here’s all the things you’re saying about Seth Jarvis and here is our contract offer exactly so you’re going to sign that cuz I mean this is the guy you want right I I thought that was out of character yeah and even though Don said I can’t help it that’s the way I am I like to I thought you thought something was up with that I didn’t like I did not that I didn’t like it I thought it was odd okay now this is all in retrospect of course of course but the last thing though when the last thing he said to us when we were leaving our little bunker area in the Wolfpack family room again ego Joe he I I thought what he had said was kind of like Ong the lines of thank you for all that you do for us thank you for your coverage and sometimes when people just say something like that they mean like hey you guys are different we we appreciate you coming out you know we both obviously made an effort this year you know there there was a lot of work we put into because we felt like that’s a story that people who watch and partake of our show care about I thought I thought he was being like super nice and acknowledging that real quick thing that I will uh that ego a slightly push back on when it comes to the Carolina Hurricanes and how we approach the Carolina Hurricanes understand that given where we are now and how we kind of dictate our own schedule we can do this stuff now before we couldn’t right because we were constantly stuck in meetings in a building building I took his initial comment as like Hey Okay that was super nice here’s the clip I’ll let the audience decide if Don wadell was actually giving us a secret message if very John Swafford uh you thinking about retiring H I’m not telling you idiots but I am thinking about retiring D president general manager Carolina Hurricanes we appreciate the time as always uh obviously we’re having this conversation a little sooner than we wanted to but uh the offseason starts and we’ll see what happens great appreciate uh you guys uh being here and uh thank you for everything you did to sure that was super ego Joe was taking that as he was being night like he was us I I think I don’t think it’s any deeper than that but now retroactive journalism Joe says he was really saying hey I appreciate you no 10 years no you know this Market we don’t always we didn’t always get a lot of attention but you guys paid attention to us you did some different things that Seth Jarvis mixtape thing was a was a stroke of Genius no it’s not that deep letting AO beat you in in uh laying down for AO so he would have confidence this season multiple times I really appreciate you boosting his confidence like that’s that’s what he was really saying is that what that’s what he was really saying yeah all all in all in the because he knew let me hear Don W president general manager Caroline hurricanes we appreciate the time as always uh obviously we’re having this conversation a little sooner than we wanted to but uh the offseason starts and we’ll see what happens great appreciate uh you guys uh being here and uh thank you for everything you did this year everything you did this year but it really meant was thanks for everything man like it’s been great it’s been real I’m leaving I appreciate you two had nothing to do with it that’s what I heard retroactively like you’re basically treating that like Dell kissing the court at the Smith on his way out like no there’s nothing to it there’s nothing to it but he kissed the court it means something he did KISS did Dell kiss the ice on his way out of PNC Arena uh okay a couple thoughts on this with Don wad right not everybody I was surprised I was surprised to I’m not I’m not going to act like I wasn’t surprised I was legitimately surprised and there was a reason why I had framed a question to Don wadell related to Tom Dundon the way that I did at this point Tom Dundon is a known quantity in how he operates he does things a little bit differently he has a number in his head what you what he thinks you’re worth Market be damned and if he has to pay above Market he’s GNA do it kicking and screaming like we saw with Rod berore the last two times and you’ll remember his own negotiation with Donald was kind of awkward because ah well he’s got a lifetime contract if he wants it yeah no dude you have to give him a contract it’s in the rules it’s it’s an NHL bylaw you have to give these front office personnels contracts okay so at that point Don knows what’s up and I I was talking to somebody within the Carolina Hurricanes organization who was actually praising the trio Tom Don and Rod in that there’s no [ __ ] like everybody knows where everybody stands at any given moment there’s no like speaking through the media although it did kind of get to that with Rob bore but that’s another story all together but ultimately they all know what’s up and if you want proof of that go back and listen to our conversation with Rod bore who was very much like yeah well you know that’s business Tom business Tom which thanks to rod for coining that phrase for us because I look at this and I think yeah business Tom strikes again so not I was surprised that Don is leaving I’m not surprised it’s gotten to a point where Don’s thinking look man I’ve done what I can at this organization it’s run a particular way which I kind of got used to but let me have a crack at this somewhere else as Don being the hockey lifer that he is uh it’s like Jim Rutherford too I mean heck maybe Jim Rutherford can come back to be the general manager yeah something tells me Jim Rutherford’s not going to do that these guys are going to have a crack at you you gave the story about Lou larell man yeah right like these guys they just want to keep giving it a shot let’s see what happens fine so be it here’s my worry here’s my worry going forward and I think I don’t think I don’t think I’m I’m out of out of turn here or out of sorts when I say I thought it was odd that in the exit of Don wadell which included its own official release from the Carolina Hurricanes there wasn’t a quote from Tom Dundon even Mike Shashi when he was not happy with somebody leaving the program would give give you one sentence yeah man best of luck right not a thing from Tom not a thank you not a hey was a good run hey thanks to thanks to Don for being the front facing person for the Carolina hurricane somebody who’s here all that kind of stuff not a peep from Tom I have not seen any quotes from Tom as it relates to Tom when it relates to either that’s odd to me that’s odd to me I’m gonna I’m gonna try to make an analogy or or use an example of something and see if this resonates with you see if you think this might be along the lines of what’s Happening here cuz I don’t think it’s nefarious oh no Don I think you just said it perfectly Don’s been somewhere for 10 years and probably looks at another opportunity and says I can apply what I’ve already done right use what I want to do because he is a hockey lifer which help made him uniquely positioned of that Trio you heard Rod brenor tell us I don’t want any I didn’t even want to coach but now it’s like this personal challenge right and then Tom probably quite frankly probably wanted to own the Dallas Cowboys instead of the Carolina Hurricanes but now he’s trying to make the most of what he does own so you tell me if this doesn’t resonate Tom Dundon comes in and they had a Hall of Fame radio guy he tells the Hall of Chuck Kate he tells the Hall of Fame radio guy hey man uh if you’d like to stick around you need to sell your own ads to pull your own weight to make your money yeah and of course Chuck dude that that’s crazy at this point in his career no then so why does Tom do that well because I can replace this Hall of Famer with John forsland who will end up with the Hall of Fame himself can I can I give you quick context though because you look at the books and you got to understand that the radio side of things was okay but radio or not I’m talking about personalities and what he believes okay fine so you have Chuck and he goes I can replace that Hall of Famer and he does because John forsland is going to be Hall ofer h ofer right and then then he treats joh in a way that I don’t think was respectful no because in his head he goes I just replaced one Hall of Famer with you I can replace you and guess what Mike maniscalco’s been really good he has been good so in Tom’s brain I can replace the Hall of Famer because I just did and now I can replace you because I just did same thing with wadell I can replace you with your Mentor with your Protege M because we’ll we’ll we’ll think the same talking about Eric tulsky we’ll think the same right we have the same thought process of odds anytime you hear anytime you hear Tom say our odds yeah they ain’t Tom’s yeah so yeah I think he’s seeing that and he and it’s the opposite of of uh Tepper when you have success with something you think oh no matter what I do I’m gonna have success with teer he keeps reaching for straws because he doesn’t have the success whereas Tom is going every button I push seems to work so why wouldn’t it work with this transition I I understand where you’re coming from here is my and I don’t necessarily disagree because most of Tom dundon’s moves have actually paid off in the long run so who am I to say hey wait a minute you got this one wrong but there’s a difference between replacing play-by-play people front-facing people because ultimately the bet is if we win everything will take care of itself cool you’re not GNA it’s not going to matter who’s doing radio right just straight up it’s not going to matter who’s you know doing the PA that day that those are the things that ultimately don’t matter because people only care about winning as evidenced by the fact that they had a sellout through the they sold out the entire year they always had a sellout last year here is my concern are you going to replace Don wadell who understood the assignment understood that Tom wants to run the Carolina Hurricanes FR an office differently than a traditional hockey team because you got to remember Don as president general manager wasn’t just you know the guy who signed off on everything Tom was the one who signed off and everything however Tom’s not always here Tom’s not the one who’s plugged in in the hockey world who can work the phones be front facing Tom is not the one who was in those Centennial Authority meetings making sure that everything was good at some point in your structure you need a front fing front-facing finesse person and Don was really really good at being that front facing that industry for sure you have to have that you have to have somebody with a particular set of skills people skills this is why Joe you are who you are and I am who I am you are the person with people skills I am not but you work it all in tandem it all works out in the end therefore a team so I’m really curious going forward how they’re going to replace Don Waddell’s front-facing Persona somebody who understood the front offices elsewhere who knew who to call the agents all that kind of stuff that’s experience that’s really really difficult to replace and you can’t just do everything through a spreadsheet sometimes at some point you do have to go outside and touch grass and Don was really really good at that so how do you replace him do you replace him with the rumored Justin Williams all right here’s a guy who’s been around the league for a very long time he’s an interesting front-facing person maybe it works out because I don’t see like tulsky doing the same things as as Don nor am I asking tulsky to do the same things as Don so who do you bring in to replace him in that regard that would be my curiosity and I do wonder that at some point as you chip away from expertise for lack of a better term what you lose in the long run that’s my only curiosity going forward but to your point most of the things that Tom dunan has done that make us all go how could you do that have ultimately worked out so we’ll see how it works out in his little bit different arrangement of a front office for the Carolina Hurricanes but yeah Don was really really good at his job and he’s gonna be missed just like Jim Rutherford was really really good at his job for what he was working with with the Carolina Hurricanes now you have brymore you have one key piece of what you’re trying to do culture-wise and I guess if I really wanted to be alarmist if I wanted a hot ticket up I do wonder what this organization would be without rod and Don working together as is I wonder what this organization would be without Rod bremore you know who wants to work for a team that doesn’t necessarily want to pay you what you think your value is I mean we had it right from Don when I asked him straight up you know at this point you know what you’re getting with Tom Dundon he’s like gu he gets a little bit of a bad rep right you know people want to know what’s fair yeah you know like I get that it’s fine it’s fine but I’m not gonna go I’m not going to go super alarmist I’m simply asking a question I’m curious where this is GNA go I think in his brain yeah he has made changes before and it’s worked out and he will make this change work you’re right that’s in his braak it it has always worked out take a [Music] a and big thanks to happy and Hill check him out North Hills location I’m might actually be hitting the North Hills location on my way out today I also do now think back when I said about the parking decks and yeah and Don goes oh parking decks are to Le of their problem yeah yeah there’s that maybe maybe there’s something to it I don’t know we talk about Quinton Tarantino in this podcast all the time man I’ve been going through that I’ve been going through that interview in my brain ever since he announced it yeah you really have been trying to like what did I get parking deck but here’s where you’re not gonna here’s where you’re not gonna go wrong you’re gonna go to happy and hell you’re gonna get yourself tie chicken crunch get the burnsy bowl get the Bueno bowl or like I’m going to do later today get a smoothie got to get a smoothie Almond Brothers or you’re not an Almond Brothers guy I’m the green smoothie guy because I I’m I’m not going to lie man I’ve been laying it on thick all weekend yeah laying it on real thick all weekend uh grill out all that stuff I went to Nature’s relief before the trip to Oak Island yes so I’ve had a nice weekend good for you yeah catchup no wonder you’re spunky today makes total sense had a good weekend makes total sense again go check out happy and Hell one other hockey note before we move on um more hockey what were their games played is there a horseshoe up the oh my God two overtimes now H come on I think it’s the opposite I you know me and how I feel about starcross people yeah I think my gu Mo might be Starcrossed you think so yeah I did enjoy they have the best team I did enjoy how people are finally putting two and two together about how Peter Laviolette and um Paul Maurice are essentially chasing each other in the grand scheme of things like these guys are just combined not just with the Carolina Hurricanes by the way right uh just in general and um yeah maybe it’s just not going to work out for him maybe the whole NC State [ __ ] being dead did not rub off on Paul Maurice all that time he spent at PNC Arena but the series is not over the series is not over I hate it fair enough I hate it for Mo I hate it for my tickets oh that’s is that what that’s about both that must be what it is you hate it for your ticket speaking of which it’s time to get into the OG gambling syndicate [Music] all right use that promo code og4 when you log into DraftKings or download the DraftKings Sportsbook app the official betting partner of the NBA yeah I’m with you I I need to replenish my DraftKings account because a lot of those futures no didn’t happen you know whether it’s Carolina Hurricanes um there’s some NBA stuff in there my terrible no good Drake May is gonna be the overall number one pick in the NFL draft that didn’t cash out wasn’t he the second pick he was second but I went number one thinking that the Bears were gonna do something crazy you know but no I was wrong I was wrong about that one um gambling’s hard it is hard as Don wadell pointed out in the interview yeah like people like to gamble but there’s a reason keep printing this money which is why I do this for fun I was referencing the Rangers uh the Rangers and the Panthers I when it got to overtime I was like all right let me I I I channeled you I’m like watch La frer be the guy so I went I put I put $2 down on laf frer to have the overtime winning goal it was like plus 1,200 or something like that I like yeah why not let’s let’s go kylo I’m gonna go like Little Joe jilo appeared on my shoulder go go I put two bucks on that it didn’t work out it’s fine but I do it for fun it’s it’s that’s the entire point of this those Russian goalies C you every time they do they do maybe it’ll pan out for the Carolina Hurricanes going forward but yes the playoffs are here we’re getting very very close to an NBA Finals matchup as the Boston Celtics have punched their ticket to the finals which we’ve talked about in a little bit and you can go to the DraftKings Sportsbook app right now and when you use that promo code og4 you can bet $5 and get two $0000 in bonus bets instantly again new customers download that draftking Sportsbook app use that promo code OG G24 get $200 in bonus bets when you bet $5 only on DraftKings the crown is yours gambling problem call 87771816208 what do you got Joe um the French Open I actually won my first bet this morning so that’s really not helping anybody at this point oh okay but I should I Jinx one of my tickets go I feel do it really matter I was gonna say at this point it’s like it is written something tell it doesn’t really matter for you so get ready for me in the coming weeks to be really really mad at Kyrie Irving just get ready okay uh because I had a future from the start of the playoffs for the Mavericks to beat the Celtics m in the championship okay and Kyrie as I thought in this Minnesota series would be the differentiating factor um but let’s go talk to LeBron James about how much you should really trust Kyrie iring he is feeling it right now absolutely feeling right now they’re probably GNA lose tonight Luca is not playing yeah um although as we’ve seen in these playoffs when you have an injured player doesn’t necessarily matter um but yeah that’s that’s what we’ll be you’ll keep an eye out on how my my attitude towards Kyrie changes very quickly use that promo code og2 [Music] 24 so I’ve been mentioning uh grilling out a bunch went to butcher market last week got the filet Burger I was gonna say have you had a burger from there yeah no I’ve had the burgers there in in the past uh I got the filet Burger but I also discovered in the freezer section they’ve got the wagu beef burgers how many uh I I want to say say it’s by the P I think there’s four burgers in that um I think it ended up coming out to like 30 bucks okay if I’m not mistaken but I went filet Burger delicious have not had that the filet Burger was really really good uh so I think next up I’m going to try that wagy beef um I also picked up some more meals for the week Chicken Marsala’s on Deck this week very very excited about that but look we just had the unofficial start summer with Memorial Day weekend you can keep it going all throughout the summer by getting all the goods at the butcher market so check them out Out The Butchers also if you happen to be in the Lake Boon shopping plaza area go to two roosters after you get your Meats from the butcher Market two is the website I believe we’re going to be doing something from the Wake Forest location at two roosters in next month we’re in two months for National Ice Cream Day yeah how much ice cream can Joe jilo consume during the during the taping of a podcast I really hope the whoopy pie is off the menu by that point because you want to see me you’ve seen me drunk you’ve seen me stoned I love it you want to see me in ice cream a coma let’s make that happen so okay big thanks to two roosters check them out online two to see their rotating flavors always delicious and we’re going to be out there uh we’ll have some more details on what’s going on for National Ice Cream Day in the coming weeks but again go to TW and now a word from our friends at bluewire [Music] the lightning round Joe are you ready I forgot how ridiculous the voice was let’s lightning round item number one you sent me the you sent me the Reel it’s a meme he makes the rounds all the time but this really applied you mentioned Dallas and Kyrie if you’re a Dallas sports fan things have actually been pretty good I been unbelievable you have the Rangers win the World Series right you have the stars with the lead in the Western Conference Finals got the Mavericks as we Mavericks on the verge of making the NBA Finals what’s missing what only one other team and it’s the one they really care about so it’s that it’s that Meme some people are familiar with it it’s it’s the scene from Starship Troopers I’m doing my part I’m doing my part and then they get the guy from I think you should leave hot dog the hot dog meme man that’s memes within memes man deep fried memes and he’s like I ain’t doing [ __ ] and that would be the Dallas Cowboys and they’re literally not doing [ __ ] right now because we got that Prescott drama you know they they bring back Mike McCarthy there’s just it’s all sorts of stupidity right yeah and and here’s the question because I’ve seen I have seen this happen locally when we talk about say NC State remember there was a time there where NC State was winning this they’re winning that cheese rolling they’re winning B fishing cheese rolling basketball running hot cross countryes doing the cheerleading squad just one another National right ice pack just stuck into the Tar Heels every single NC State fan would give all that [ __ ] up if it meant they won the NCAA basketball championship right ACC that would be nice that was right now I apply that same question to the Dallas Cowboys all the people in the Dallas Fort metropolitan area all the the five sports talk stations that exist in that area you give up all this [ __ ] Rangers World Series Maverick’s knocking on the door you know Stars knocking you give it all up if you knew the Cowboys I don’t even like what’s the bar now to talk about the Cowboys just getting to the Super Bowl a Conference Final like what what is the bar now for Cowboys fans to be happy how is it not to make make the Super Bowl I mean they won they’ve won one playoff game I feel like in the last few years but then they just it’s been terrible yeah you look at all the things that have happened in Dallas over the last 30 years none of it has included the Dallas Cowboys right it’s been all the other squads you give it all up all of it up probably would if the Cowboys won I’m just telling you so I think that’s very very relatable in that regard lightning round item number two what do we make of the Boston Celtics path to the finals Joe they got past the heat who were hurt didn’t have Jimmy wait a second I’m the one who tells you bracket Lucker is real and then I’m the one who complains about the weak path and how the Knicks right and then now they sweep the they sweep the Pacers doesn’t matter we’re the best they sweep they sweep the Indiana Pacers right here we are the Pacers are also limited as well dealing with injuries Burton gets hurt now it wasn’t a dominant performance by the throughout this enti thing but a sweep is a sweep don’t care how you do it a sweep is a sweep Joe I they the Pacers earned every right to go full broad Bren more on this sweep they really should be up 3-1 right now like there they got they’re out of the playoffs and they really should be up 3-1 okay like that’s how that series turned out but I think people are starting to figure out that Jaylen Brown is actually that guy yeah he’s actually pretty good there is that there is that next up in the lightning round where’s where am I uh oh here it is couldn’t couldn’t find my sound effects there for a second I was a little worried about that lightning round item number three it’s Beach season along with pool season question for you you said you were out at Oka island did you actually go to the beach no you never left the pool because there’s a pool on the property right yeah my sister has a pool at her house okay super nice so hold on a second it was nice this weekend beautiful and you and you never went to the beach nope you got something against the beach were you Anakin Skywalker you hate sand I love the beach then why didn’t you go out to the beach you didn’t go for a walk no and why’d you go because I went to the pool and I chilled out of the pool with it nowadays with a there was a soda involved okay all right if you do go to the beach Joe how do you feel about Bluetooth players on the beach um Bo you should have the right to play your music at the beach yeah how loud I mean loud enough that you can hear it like you shouldn’t be like unless you’re playing like nwa’s Greatest Hits next to like a two-year-old you should be able to play what you want at your volume okay yeah okay particularly if you’re there first yeah and you come in late I don’t know all right I don’t know but you’re there first yeah I was just curious I was just curious about that how you feel about that because honestly you go to the beach to kind of take in the ambient noise I want to hear the crashing of the Waves I want to hear the birds I want to hear just you know the wind and all that stuff I don’t necessarily want to hear and maybe I think the issue was for me when I went to Carolina beach you’re old without telling me here’s the problem what if I told you like your ARP applications what if I told you what if I told you the music coming out of this boom box from the group next to us what do I not want to hear at the beach show please tell me it was Blue Grass it was blueg grass how’s that even possible yeah man who relaxes to right so I’m hearing Bluegrass I’m just like reallying you that had to be Bluegrass this is what you want to hear at the beach on Memorial day was it like a Stairway to have it cover juice again for the 80th time somebody was just listening into I don’t believe by the gourds so yeah that’s what ultimately was about so funny one time I went to the beach and somebody was playing Bad Bunny and I was like all right I comin to this you play me the regone I’m down with that that’s that’s got Beach Vibes to me blueg grass does not give me beach Vibes now if I was in the mountains this weekend and I was at a brewery chilling on the river maybe the blueg grass does it for me but on the beach what’s so funny about it is I woke up this morning and there was an Adele cover in bluegrass in my timeline and I was like oh I really need to make this a weekly thing no OB a Bluegrass a Bluegrass cover of the week I don’t need that in my life I don’t need that over God I’m just trying to think of the music that I don’t associate with the beach you want to play reggae you want to play I’ll even take like the beach country like you want to give me the Kenny your favorite oh oh if it was Tiki Tonk I would like all right it’s Carolina beach it’s appropriate I get it it’s setting the vibe we’re going to play a little PLO Domingo while we’re at it you can get the three ten relaxing three teners while I’m at the beach okay I don’t know about that I I don’t know I feel like this might just be this might this actually might be Thursday’s radio bit with demetrian his binder of bits what is the most inappropriate music you could listen to at the beach no I don’t need that I didn’t need that in my life but it is what it is people apparently miss the lightning round no I took it out my bad I took the music out of it yeah for copyright purposes yeah there was a reason why people like I missed the old thing I’m like well there’s a reason why it was because of the copyright purposes but yeah people we have to we have to make two of what we can do we do we do have to adhere to the rules hence the the Ripoff Motorhead lightning R I am the game and I came to play I’d listen to Motorhead the beach sure or a lightning round cover not in Grass though something the you can’t go this far without saying it stop but Jo but [Music] Jo big thanks to Hometown realy for sponsoring oia and gilia we’re going to talk a little bit about um hockey here in a more hockey just at a at a different level I always thank the hometown realy sign for being the blessings upon blessings when it came to Canes right on the way out to the Garner uh Polar Ice House so big thanks to them check them out we keep hearing about how the housing market has fluctuated XYZ there’s one thing that holds true for the triangle all of North Carolina remains hot um as competitive as it is is you need somebody that can help you buy and sell with confidence and that’s where Hometown realy comes into place especially with a lot of the new construction I mean heck I just went out to Carolina beach and there’s all sorts of new new construction going up and Hometown realy can help you out six locations from here to the coast buy and sell with confidence it’s so you just bought that house you just sold the house you need to take it to closing Whitaker and Hammer check them out wh. lawyer they do a lot more than that there’s just a little corporate Synergy there but with Whitaker and Hammer their attorne and counselors at law they can handle just about any legal need that you have so again check them out wh. lawyer we’ve certainly tested that as well yes yes yes we have big thanks to breu they are our big corporate champ for the sports podcast festival and they can be your summer headquarters as you’re running around maybe you’re going to the pool last minute you got to pick up some goodies snacks beverages Etc they’ve got it at Breeze through maybe you’re headed out to the beach like I was and you got to do one last stop Phill up the cooler they got ice hey man ice is important and they got it at Breeze through we’ve used that breeth through ice before for some of our own tailgates so head on over to Breeze through locations across the triangle locations across North Carolina breeth download the app too so you can save some money when it comes to your [Music] gas heaster Automotive Group hotline getting a work out today Tim Healey he is the head coach of the NC State icec he joins us now on the heaster Automotive Group hotline Tim what’s going on man not too much it’s great to be here after a great holiday weekend and you know can’t believe you guys are over a year in yeah I can’t believe it either honestly for some reason people keep rocking with us we’ll take it just like toddlers wandering around the podcast world now causing destruction episode 199 man yeah man here we are speaking of toddlers I feel like you’re going to be this is all part of a growth trajectory for college hockey in the area and I’m going to need for you to explain it not like I’m one but like I’m five I saw the announcement coming in 2025 2026 accl ACA M1 Division division one North Carolina State ice pack along with North Carolina as well if there’s one thing that I’ve learned about hockey and I have to go get my junior jacket if we’re gonna be doing this here Tim there are divisions upon divisions upon divisions okay like you guys played Delaware last year doesn’t Delaware feel like three different hockey teams yeah Delaware really will get confusing because they’re about to add NCA division one women’s then they have three different men’s all right so we’re g to try you what does this mean for you what this means is we’re moving up to the highest level possible before you hit NCAA and so I’m going to try and do college hockey levels in 20 seconds or less all right so on the NCA ranks you have division one and you have division three you do not have division two then you move into the ACA world the American Collegiate Hockey Association world and within that you have division one two and three all right so there we go now I’m gonna even try and SL make it even simpler there’s roughly about 120 NCA college teams which means you know this isn’t exact but you divide it out between one and three we’ll say roughly 16 each J there’s not a lot of NCA teams which means there’s a lot of great College hockey players that are not playing NCA hockey and that’s where we come in so the ACA is a collection of schools that and I say non varsity because you do have schools like Liberty and Mary that are fully funded programs they have beautiful ranks their coaches are paid a heck of a lot more than I am uh and you walk in there and you wouldn’t notice the difference so where what that is we have been a top team in AA division two for a long time uh and now we’re moving up to AA division one which again so if you really almost wanted to put it right since there’s no division two it’s almost like AA division one it’s almost like division three and division three is almost like division two if you think about it in different levels compared to the rest of the athletic Universe what’s really cool about AA division one is you’re increasingly seeing AA Division 1 teams play uh NCA teams for example Mina who’s out of North Dakota and kind of a top dog uh in AAA division one they played Denver last year who won the national championship and they played him with about four or five goals and might not and you know they put a few up on Denver and Denver was really hard to score on just as Boston College uh you’ll see UNLV has signed on to play again which is a top AA division one team they’ve signed on to play um Colorado College in Denver next year so it opens up some exciting opportunities for us uh it also just means even a higher caliber of player uh playing out at invisaline Arena and we feel as an organization NC State deserves the best in everything right whether it’s cheese rolling in England Abby lampy she may have actually broken Ed NC State stuff we just didn’t realize it years ago we got we got a Hey Joe question we’re going to address uh a little bit later on related to who actually broke NC State [ __ ] and she might actually be the one we’ll see just took a while to get across the ocean but you know I’m a big believer that NC State deserves the best of everything it possibly can get and so our fans our Lums the Raleigh hockey Community uh the best level of hockey until we eventually make the jump tante which is so far down the line um is ACA division one that’ll put the best players at uh invisaline Arena the best best possible competition coming into invisaline Arena so you’ll see a jump up and play and I think if you’re following us on Instagram you’ve already seen the level of recruits we’ve had come in have taken a jump this year and so you know our role in the college hockey space is to take this as far as we possibly can till there’s kind of a finale like okay it’s really time to make that jump and the in the last three three of the last four teams to make the jump from uh in N division one hockey in the men’s side Arizona State Penn State lyndenwood they were all born out of great ACA division one programs particularly um Penn State and Arizona state with the way they’re funding there a lot you know that’s kind of more the model to eventually get to we’ve discussed this before what it takes to go up and you know it’s gon to take even more until these lawsuits from FSU and Clemson get resolved because I can’t imagine any athletic director uh touching a big ad this I I feel like when Clemson and Florida State believe the ACC will be left uh as a boutique hockey league and I’m not necessarily against that uh in the grand scheme of things all right so I guess my you kind of addressed it but to be a little bit more specific in terms of moving up a level what does that mean where is NC State where is North Carolina for that matter since you guys are kind of like in this symbiotic relationship moving forward together where are these programs in terms of facilities and also access to players to then step up to that level sure unlike with the vote with Cal and St at Cal and Stanford UNCC and NC State we actually stayed together on this one uh throughout the end in terms of launching this conference and what it really means is one invisaline arena is is a first class facility for anything I mean it’s a Cane’s practice facility so we’re really fortunate andc uh UNC is still working on their facility stuff at Chapel Hill I don’t know uh exactly where that is but you know working on a project of my own for a separate thing these things take time so uh just for the sake of Hocking the triangle I hope they get there um what it does mean for the quality of player we’re really fortunate in North Carolina um so we are producing top quality players that are going off and playing Juniors and a lot of my work is actually getting those kids to come back home and saying hey you know tap you can wear this NC State jersey with with all the fans that comes with it with all the school pride that comes with it so next year is our best recruiting class ever and it’s probably not even close and 70% of them are actually North Carolina kids that went off that we’ve convinced to return home it some of the out ofate kids it does help you know for example we had a a recruit staying at the Loft across from the bell tower the night uh they won the ACC basketball championship uh so that helped I mean didn’t take him long to decide to come uh the fluty effect is real and it’s even trickling down to us although I feel really old I mentioned the fluty effect to one of my assistants yeah these kids have no idea who dou flut is that made me feel a little bit old but yeah so I mean I think that’s real and in North Carolina we are producing the magnitude of player the quality of players are producing is just off the charts right now and they’re going off and playing great Junior programs and we’re convincing them to come home uh and then we’re become more attractive for out of state players too especially and you know Kade Cox last year for example super high-end player he’s literally a rocket scientist right so the engineering program at NC State you know out as you know the chancellors moved the school academically we’re even bringing we’re able to get into uh some great out ofate players now too that we weren’t seeing maybe eight years ago gotcha you guys just need to work on your acronyms and your labels that’s all Ted lasso had a great bit about you know English is the Premier League and then the second level is the championship and it’s like that makes no sense but it it’s easy just call yourself the championship level FCS there go the championship level might as well just break off and create our whole thing to really stir the pot in the last couple of weeks I love it exactly I love it all right Tim and congratulations I know that’s a big step I think it’s a big step for uh for hockey in the triangle as well um learned a little bit of something today I’m always learning when it comes to hockey man I’m always learning some new experiences you and I have talked about offline it’s okay I get to wear the jacket one more year about it you do well maybe more than one we hope for more than one more year I’m glad you’re wearing the jacket again look all I know is that Jacob is eating like crazy so I’m hoping at some point all this eating will result in him getting a little bit taller because we are getting to the point where um I know they like to tell you Size Doesn’t Matter but sometimes it does munchkin on Panthers not everybody L all right he need to either be really big or really fast there you go right that’s exactly it all right Tim appreciate it man we’ll talk to you later all right thanks guys thanks for having me on go [Music] pack you are spending a lot of time outside now that it’s warm you do not want to be bitten up by mosquitoes which means you need to contact mosquito Authority and pest Authority check them out bundle and save it’s not too late to get on that now uh they can help you take care of uh mosquitoes in the backyard while you’re trying to grill out and they gos take care of the inside of your house now it’s warm you got Critters trying to come into the house looking for moisture looking for water that kind of stuff roaches mosquito Authority pest Authority can help you out and Joe mentioned it Nature’s relief he dropped on by before he headed out to Oak Island didn’t do anything um except Chill by the pool with his Nature’s relief which you know what I’m not gonna hate out I’m not gonna hate on that I’m serious I’m like a convert over here because I’m like you know the next day like it’s a different Buzz it’s different yeah so I have I feel like I have a fuller range of emotion when I drink okay but with the Nature’s relief it hits you’re just kind of like oh like you know you’re in the pool and you’re looking up at the sky and you’re like all those clouds so I how nice that bird is you’re just chilling you’re not you’re not angry you’re not you’re not hot you’re not cold you’re just chill I um when I went to the beach I had two Groove wagons okay and Delta eight that I’ve learned it’s a Delta eight and not hit me the same way as the Delta 9 no the Delta 9’s will set you back down yes you were down for the count on the Delta 9 that’s what the soda was 10 milligrams goodness gracious I I nursed nice nice I had two of The Grove wagons because again the whole point of those is to be session just but so what I’ve kind of figured out is I do one can of that and then I make sure I have a can of like non-alcoholic just straight up like I got I got a deal on Polar selers the other day so you know get the lemon one the raspberry lime one it’s whatever and then I’ll go back to another one I’m good I I sat there on the beach chilling reading a book it was a great time while the sounds of Blu grass were were coming in grinning with thunder struck oh God that sounds terrible can I get a Blurred Lines folk cover can I how can we get the rights to has anybody done a BL grass version of Kendrick’s not like us yet that’s what I want to know that’s what I want to know anyway head on over to Nature’s relief most importantly about Nature’s relief it’s about educating yourself it’s understanding what exactly you’re looking to accomplish and them sending you on the right path so you can accomplish yeah I mean I I didn’t know anything but now I’m um I at least know what works for me yep and that’s what you could do the same if you go in and and talk to any this The Gardener store is great that’s that’s my home base so I hit them up there [Music] let’s get out of here on some Hey Joe thanks to our friends at crank arm Brewing check them out crank arm better yet drop on by their Brewery in downtown Raleigh West Davy Street beer flavored beer food trucks you might sit here and go yeah of course they have beer flavor beer I’m like no things I learn also this week we can like you can drink like 78 Coors Light and it’s just not going to do anything for you at this point in your life mhm you want some beer that has some flavor and a little bit of a punch you can handle both of those things at crank arm West DAV Street downtown Rally all right to Carl Hey Joe is this actually will put an end to NC State [ __ ] and it is Abby lampy doing the cheese roll again and I again don’t understand how she’s able to do this and just get upright right after it happens uh she’s the as Corey over at pack Pride pointed out she’s the first American woman to win the event she was the first woman to win the event in 2022 she repeats as the cheese Queen in 2024 I messaged Abby with just the straight up you did it again exclamation point question mark blah blah blah blah blah and she’s like I can’t even believe it either we’re we’re efforting to get Abby on at some point I know we talked to her back in 2022 when she won it what’s impressive there is how much further ahead of the rest of the field she is like she smoked everybody is this like a a kids relay race where they let her go like five minutes before the other people or Katie Lei of cheese I think she is I think that’s exactly what it is okay so I have she couldn’t have killed it because it was two years ago and bad things happen so that’s okay so this is this has been the central question that we’ve been receiving from people yeah all right and this is in no way shape or form to diminish what Abby has done I’m sorry but that’s really freak to your down a hill not once multiple times and win two times okay that’s really freaking impressive but the question has been posed to us is this the true source of killing NC State [ __ ] to which I say no it is not the true Source what’s the biblical Parable where you’re throwing stones and just David and Goliath I mean yeah talking about slingshots slingshots more than just one shot so maybe maybe this was one of those shots right and the curse reverse was a shot n no no David and Goliath it was it was just one shot one shot yeah it was one shot on the slot okay so we need something that’s more of like a overtime David if David were around today he would have one-shotted Goliath and he would have gone on to his head mic and be like no scope no scope anyway that’s probably what he would have said I think lot of things contribute to it right like it’s simp it’s silly to think if so many things contributed to making it what it was then why wouldn’t there be multiple things that contributed to bringing it down this is this is true this is true but I still maintain that in order for NC State to truly be dead and no NC State not winning the ACC Baseball Championship that’s not NC State ship being back that’s just hey man it sucks Duke’s good Duke’s good they came up short it sucks no I maintain that Kevin Keats is the one who killed NC State [ __ ] because of how it happened in basketball the sport that people associate with the beginning of NC State [ __ ] there is a circle being complete here all right it is is come back around and it’s also who they beat in the ACC tournament and all that stuff okay that’s why it ultimately matters not to say that what Abby did isn’t like unimpressive it absolutely is impressive and hopefully we can chat with her as NC State literally keeps rolling look NC State ice pack they’re moving up aby’s winning she’s rolling competitions again put you in timeout for that what literally rolling what’s I thought that was funny I don’t see what the problem is all right next up time out for you next up uh from Matthew nights like this this is from uh I think it’s from Saturday night or when sports are have so many eyeballs really makes you wonder how threads drop the ball so badly by not having its feed like Twitter they had a chance to steal so many people uh yeah this is like the Twitter versus threads comp uh conversation that keeps kind of popping up um yeah I think for sports people it’s very very difficult for them to give up on Twitter I mean I still use Twitter for Real Time updates it’s still better in that regard yep ultimately you have to hang out where your people hang out now I know there’s a lot of people on Twitter you don’t want to hang out with but that’s what muting and blocking is for and if you create your feed you should be fine I’m still trying with threads you know threads I kind of has turned into a place where I get more Tech news than anything else okay but if I want Sports stuff yeah man I’m still kicking it on Twitter uh from treat d Atkins unofficial start to the summer look at that beautiful tumbler that’s nice I love that I’m gonna have I I need to Adorn one of my tumblers with Non-Stop ovia and gilio stuff we need an official ovia and gilio Tumblr for being real like I get that we have the lifetime refill from Bree but we need to get like an etched on Logo that’d be a lot of fun that would be a lot of fun uh let’s see from Bennett uh Hey Joe not sure if it’s because of the holiday weekend or if it’s always this way but you need to tell roback there’s a ton of Stay Ready Allstars in Blowing Rock that need to get the gear to go uh Ken also messaged me I forgot where he was I think he was somewhere in South Carolina he also pointed out there was a lot of roadback Stay Ready Allstars at any moment could be out there in the golf you look like you’re ready to go play golf right now not today but yes work to do today all right from will uh the producer for uh for Josh Graham uh Goodwill find that is a hell of a Goodwill find that is a Game Boy Color in the see-through plastic the translucent plastic a little bit purple with Super Mario Brother uh with Super Mario Land whoa that by the way uh whoever owned this copy of Super Mario Land did the thing that I used to do back in the day and write their names on the cartridges because they get loose you’re like know that’s mine oh you borrowed it to play the game huh yeah I need it back it’s got my name on it thank you very much this is the only thing I’m going to say uh about finding a Game Boy color a functioning Game Boy Color you see the translucent colored plastic we used to be a country a proper country and Technology was way cooler when we had see-through plastics for our tech gear none of this stuff I need to bring back the translucent the Nintendo 64 just looks killer with a translucent plastic the IMAX remember the IMAX back in the day the orange one the blue one translucent everything was better with translucent plastic bring it back that’s all I ask everything’s better in Wyoming too uh speaking of which yeah we’ll get out of here on this yeah uh this comes to uh YouTube comment from Jay oh no no no I want to I want to end on on positive no we are gonna end on a positive not we got to go through this to get to the positive note okay these video backgrounds look like clip art collages made by seventh graders yikes and I simply responded on the YouTube comment yeah man that’s the vibe that’s that’s kind of the vibe we have it’s two main operation so Jay responded to that with you need to learn the difference between a hater and someone giving you a legitimate feedback both of you do okay so I just responded I said where did I say that you were a hater feedback taken but as I said Vibe Twan operation that’s still adding things here and there things like backgrounds and whatnot are on the long punch list but in the grand scheme DIY nature of it all will likely remain and I just made sure that he understood that I was the one that was talking so Jay then goes Joe what do you think people actually say around town when you’re not in the room so I’ll go back to Jay’s original comment you need to learn the difference between a hater and someone who’s giving you legitimate feedback based on these responses I would say that you are a hater and we’ll leave it at that but what do I think that people say when I’m not around I’m pretty sure there’s plenty of people out there who don’t like me as evidence at the beginning of this podcast where Joe had somebody come up to him and say how do you put up with ovious differently now I was at the Walmart yeah I think it’s Southport it’s about 30 minutes from Oak Island sure okay and I okay so another flat tire but this time on the bike can KN my car knock on wood knock on wood and not my bike but James’s bike okay so Joe julo bike mechanic decides I’m going to go to Walmart get the tube fix the tube yeah fix the bike we’re on our way uhhuh okay I’m checking out I have a tube I had some glasses I had some socks and some sleepy pants the guy’s walking out the door he stops and he goes hey you’re Jo ovus and I was he paused he’s like hey you’re Joe and then he goes ovious and I’m like close and he goes jilo and I was like yes he’s like hey uh big fan of the show I live in Wyoming obviously I’m from North Carolina Wyoming you guys are the only way I can keep up with what’s going on in North Carolina hey man that’s the goal and I said perfect yeah thank you we are huge in Wyoming and we’ll find you on our Geo fence now I love that we’ll find you we appreciate you so that was that was like hey man I had a guy so I went to Carolina beach yesterday and um I was at the rest stop at Exit 364 on I40 that’s very specific yeah I I know where my rest stops are just as you get old you gotta know the Joey speaking to stay ready yeah stay ready Joe yeah hey I’m not stopping every 30 minutes okay I’m not like my dad so cat’s not in the Cradle in that regard but knowing the rest of them I just know where they are it’s like when my kids asked me like how can you always know where the bathrooms are in the restaurant I was like because you never know you never you got to stay ready do now uh as I was the reason why we stopped at this particular stop is because I’m trying to get Caleb’s driving hours up yeah so app easy way to do it is like all man you’re taking the rest of the way to Carolina beach so I decided I’m like let me use the restroom as I’m walking out I had a guy as I was walking back to the car say hey man really love the podcast like ah thank you we appreciate that and uh don’t be shy just say hey yeah we appreciate the podcast and usually I’ll shout back at you five stars occasionally somebody will go oh yeah I need to do that and hey I appreciate you being honest as long as you give us the five stars so anyway to answer Jay uh Jay’s comments there yeah no I’m I’m pretty familiar with what people think about me both good and bad I always like to say I miss my haters so thanks for showing back there you go that’s GNA wrap it up for today’s edition super siiz Edition since we had a lot of things to get through from Monday uh we will see you Wednesday we’re going to be at Raleigh Country Club uh for the corn faery tour we’ll see you then

5 Stars Only. Positive Vibes Only.

OG Merch:

00:00 – Thoughts on Grayson Murray and Bill Walton
13:00 – NCAA Baseball w/ Daron Vaught
32:00 – Housekeeping
38:00 – Don Waddell exits Carolina Hurricanes
58:00 – OG Gambling Syndicate
1:01:30 – Lightning Round
1:12:30 – NC State & UNC moving up in hockey
1:25:00 – Hey Joe


  1. What was name of the magic shop you went to in NOLA? I might need to pick up some stuff for my Heels. Can you reverse a curse reverse like in UNO?

  2. Maybe it should be noted that we are in a bad situation this year with all of the UFAs and RFAs. Whose fault is that?

  3. Pretty much right after the show wrapped today, the CBJ announced Waddell as prez & GM

  4. Exit 364 is my default rest stop to and from the beach! Glad I'm not the only one who remembers these things.

  5. Bill Walton is my spirit animal.

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NCAA Baseball gripes | Don Waddell exits Carolina Hurricanes | NC State & UNC hockey move up | OG199 - Raw Chili (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

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