02 Liquid fuels (derived liquid fuels)
Derived Liquid Fuels 95/05751 Catal derlved naohths: It
ic hydrotreatment of llllnols No. 6 coal- he removal of lndlvldual nltroaen and sulfur
95105773 ‘C n.m.r. analysis of catalyst carbon deposlts slm- ulated by model compounds Fonseca, A. et al., Fuel, Sep. 1995, 74, (9), 1267-1276. Mixtures of pyrene and cholestane adsorbed on Haldor Topsoc TK.551 catalyst were studied as model compounds for carbonaceous deposits (co*ke) formed during use of the same catalyst. Several techniques were screened for quantitative analysis of the carbonaceous compounds by 13C n.m.r. and the best results were obtained usin pulse sequence coupled with depth pulses. T a
the proton gated decoupling ese quantitative analyses are
vrformed using an external model compound calibration line. Quantitative n.m.r. analysis of different types of co*ke revealed that not all the carbons
in the co*ke were observable. The ‘invisible’ carbons are attributed to 4 ra- phitic material, since pure graphite is also completely invisible to ‘C n.m.r. under these conditions.
95105774 The actlvlty of nanoscale Iron oxlde for model com- pound reactlons Hager, G. T. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. ChemSoc., Div. Fuel Chem., 1995, 40, (2), 383-386. The &per discusses how nanoscale sulphated hematite catalysts a exhibit moderate activity for hydrogenation reactions of coal mo B
pear to el com-
pounds. The use of Ni and Co metals as promoters had only a slight effect on the activity of sulphated hematite. This agreed well with results from coal liquefaction experiments. It would appear from these investigations that hydrogenation and ether cleavage are relevant catalyst functions in the liquefaction of low-rank coal.
95105775 Agltatlon and heat transfer studies In suspensions ;;z;Ebramanian, A. and Pandey, S. K. J. Heal Transfer, 1995, 117, (l),
compoundi over MoS, and Mo,N Liaw, S. J. et al., Appl. Caral. A, 1995,)23, (2), 251-271. Describes the conversion of individual nitrogen and sulphur compounds present in Illinois No. 6 coal-derived naphtha which was determined as a function of reactor residence time. The major nitrogen compounds in the naphtha are anilines,
1. uinolines, and pyridines. The major sul hur com-
pounds are thiols, sulp Ides, and thiophenes. The conversion o P the heter- oatom compounds are different and depend on the heteroatom compounds class.
95105702 Catal r
Ic behavlor of
performance tests and deactlvatlon NI-W/A ,O, catalysts developed for upgrading coal-
derived llqulds Kameoka, T. et al., AppL Catal. A., 1995, 123, (2), 217-228. A Ni-W catalyst designed and developed for upgrading coal-derived liquids was used in 500 and 1000 h catalyst performance tests using wal- derived kerosine and gas oil, respectively. The catalyst showed considera- ble improvement in hydrodenitrogcnation and hydrogenation activities and less initial deactivation as compared to commercial catalysts. The catalysts used for the tests were characterized to clarify catalyst deactivation behaviour.
95105753 Catalytic systems for hydrogenatlon of brown coal under &MPa hydrogen pressure Yulin, M. K. et al., Khim. Tverd. Topl. (Moscow), 1995, (2), 22-26. (In Russian) Describes design experiments used to find optimum catalyst composition and concentration for brown coal hydrogenation at 425” and 6 MPa H.
95105704 Catalytlcal reactlons In supercrltlcal flulds Fujimoto, K. Kagaku Kogyo, 1995, 46, (4), 297-301. (In Japanese) The paper discusses supercritical-phase Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, oligomerization, alkylation, enzymic transesterification, and isomerization using solid catalysts.
Discusses a study of the effect of the impeller speed and solid particle concentration on the heat-transfer coefficient in suspensions. The effect of particle concentration on the heat-transfer coefficient for sand-water and coal-water suspensions are presented graphically.
95105776 Alternatlve to the conventlonal use of coal. I. Com- parlson of llquefactlon processes
95105755 Characterlzatlon of Fe,.,S catalysts synthesized from ferrlhydrltes under DCL condltlon Zhao, J. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div..Fuel CHem., 1995, 40, (21. 351-355. Describes the characterization of pyrrhotite catalysts synthesized under simulated direct coal liquefaction -conditions. Binary firrihydrites were used as catalyst precursors.
Benavides, C. and Sastre, H. Ing. Q&I. (Madrid), 1994, 26, (300), 159-163. (In Spanish) The authors discuss the development and operation experiences of coal liquefaction processes.
95105706 Chemistry of Intermolecular hydrogen transfer processes In coal llquefactlon Futamura, S. Kazakh)
Nippon Enerugi Gakkaishi, 1995, 74, (5), 256-263. (In
95105777 Anal Y
sls of coal llquefactlon reactlon In a bench- scale direct coal lquefactlon reactor Idogawa, K. et al., Nippon Enerugi Gakkaishi, 1995, 74, (3), 161-169. (In Japanese) Coal liquefaction of Taiheiyo coal with decrystallizkd anthracene oil sol- vent and red-mud/sulphur catalyst was conducted in a batch reactor with rapid heating and a bench-scale continuous preheater. Rate constants were obtained from analysis of the experimental results by a 2-reactant model. Moreover, coal conversion in a continuous liquefier was estimated with these rate constants by the perfectly mixed reactor model. Coal liquefaction rates of the less active component for Taiheiyo coal were different between the batch reactor and the continuous reactor, with decrystallized anthracene oil solvent. The reason was due lo the differences in the donor hydrogen concentration of the two reactors.
95105775 coal
Apparatus for manufacturing aqueous slurry of
Discus& the reactivity of active hydrogen, functional mechanism of sol- vents and catalysts in hydrogen transfer, evaluation of hydrogen transfer amount, and the design of effective hydrogen transfer systems.
Stahl, F. V. et al., Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1995, 40, (21, 335-340.
The &tivities of fine-sized catalysts developed at Sandia Laboratories, a 6- line ferrihydrite, were compared with the University of Pittsburgh catalyst,
Comparison of the actlvltles of fine-particle size
sulphated iron oxide containing 2 wt.% sulphur, and pyrite, in liquefaction
(at 350-400’ for 20-60 min) of Blind Canyon coal in phenanthrene solvent.
95105700 Conversion of synthesis gas Into II uld h drocar- bons: Effect of the support and promoters (La, 2 J cobalt catalysts
e an Mn) on
Barrault, J. and Biwole, N. Bull. Sot. Chim. Bdg., 1995, 104, (3), 149-153. (In French) Describes the Fischer-Tropsch reaction to liquid hydrocarbons which was carried out on cobalt catalysts modified by Ce, La, and Mn, and supported
Koda, F. et al., (Assigned to) Babco*ck Hitachi KK, JAP. Pat. JP. 07,39,775, Feb. 1995.
on oxidized carbon. . __
95105779 Bubble column, tube side slurry process and appa- ratus for slurry phase hydrocarbon synthesis Koros, R. M. (Assigned to) Exwn Research & Engineering co., US Par. US.5,384,336, Jan. 1995. The apparatus consists of a reactor housing with a plurality of reaction tubes vertically disposed for conducting slurry phase hydrocarbon synthe- sis reactions under substantially plug flow conditions. A provision is made for uniformly distributing gas bubbles in slurry liquid into the reaction tubes.
Q5lo57ao Catalysis In coal llquefactlon Mochida, I. and Sakanishi, K. Adv. Caral., 1994, 40, 39-85. A review of catalysis in coal liquefaction.
Q5/0578Q synthesis
Data analysls procedure In Fischer-Tropsch
Benham, C. B. Prepr. Pap.-Am. Chem. Sot., Div. Fuel Chem., 1995,40, (l), 301-302. Describes a procedure to assess the approximate activity and selectivity of Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. The equations are based on gas chromatography data on the gases to and from the reactor. -.
Q5lO57QO Design and operatlon of a fluidlzed bed reactor mlnl-pllot plant for gasoline synthesis Sardesai, A. et al:, Fuel Sci. Technol. Int., 1995, 13, (8), 1059-1080. Methanol-to-gasohne (MTG) duces aromatics-rich gasoline rom methanol over the P
recess is an excellent recess which pro- AM-5 catalyst. The
methanol feed in thisprocess is usually derived from coal or natbra gas based syngas. The dehydration of methanol to di-Me ether is a key inter- mediate step in converting methanol into iasoline. The design philosophy of the fluidized bed reactor unit an 8.
aper discusses the Its peripherals.
Fuel and Energy Abstracts November lQQ5 413