The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)

THE ATLANTA rONSTlTl'TION, Satnifiay, Marrh 5, 1960 COMPLETE MUTUAL FUNDS Staple Weak On Selling NEW YORK (fl-Cotton futures J. M. Cooper Dies at 84; Publisher, Civie Leader John M. Cooper, publishing: executive and civic leader, died at the age of 8-1 Friday at his home, 724 Wd Askert 3 91 4 27 7 76 I 41 4 03 4 59 1.17 193 Lit 1.92 t'navailab 12.14 13.14 fnt Hrsoor 4 62 27 Inv Co Am 9.49 10 371 lnvea Bos 10 77 11.771 Inv Keh 11.34 12.33 l'f Mk Inronic Slock Grwth islet 3I.0J 31.67 Johnston 23.23 23.23 New NY Cauit VUTf IVL' 1 sn 12 50 1 3 66 Cui Bl rnavailab Oppen Fd 10 40 10 67 Cua B3 32 51 f5 Cui B4 Vnavailab f-j 'J-SSJ-S Cua Kl Vnavailab 11 Cua SI Vnavailab Cui S2 t'navailab UH'sSl Cua SI fln.vailah Puritan 7 75 8.38 i fi.T. Putnam 13.63 14.

B2 Kev r.ii tinovaiiah Put Orth 17.94 19.50 Kmc Knit a Lexmgt I 1 11 tin ua io.boh Bid Asked Innr ii 1 il Glh 4 01 4S8s-ud 11 73 1 2 68 Krd0Ulli sn'n 57? Scud SC t'navai at. 11.0512.08 tnayailab no Am B.J V. 44 iforecIstI Vf NFW YORK AP! NKW YOKK IAP) Eel Inv National Assoria-i Km-my National Ass.icia-Kuroid Bid Askedt 7 35 am 19 84 19.16 liMvaiiub Vnavailab 11.93 12.97 mm w-cuillie Ittul- 'lUlty erii Inc. Kill fan Ask Fidelity 2 25 F'tl Mut 7 42 N-F-in FU Gth s.rt -i4 49 18.04 Aberdeen AKU rd Am Bin Am Inv 5 05 404 VO 541 in ii in Mut 2 24 7.451 Am Mut lit oisFnd Milt 10 DJ 1(1 tm A km im 14.50 1 00 r.nM 5 5' 3 Asso Fd 1.51 1.44 Frank P( 2.7J 3.07 Atom Dv 4.99 S.5 Jund Inv 172 9.54 Axe A 3.11 J.U Jap tlnavailab Am 1.15 184 Gen Tnves 4.72 Axe IB? ,4.25 GNOI KF.C: Ax Temfl 7.43 i ll Autn 94 1A 1 Blue Rid 10.89)1.84 AviEl i tap Gr Chem Com St Food Fill Ad Gen Bd Ind Mrh Inst Bd Merch Minim Petrol BH Bd I(R Kq BR St Steel Tobac 8.40 9 9 Hunt Fd 16.27 17.5V 12.00 12 97 168 4 33 6.94 2.50 13.60 Broad St Bullock Calif Fd Can Gea 12.31 13 49 t'navailab 11 8 12 99 12.84 13.88 15.93 17.24 9 19 10 04 A 111 'iU i Cdn Fd Cdn I Gth cent snr 9 61 Chain Chem Fd Col Ener Colon Fd Cwth Inc Com Inv Com Stk Comp Bd Comp Fd Concord Cona InV Corp Ld 13.1714.39 10.5211.38 t'navailab Vnavailab 8.77 9.53 9.22 10.02 14.62 15.89 18.27 19.86 SM tn 9.73 212 2.34 64 4.19 8 82 9.47 9 26 10.15 7.50 8.22 7.88 8 56 1'tilit 10 50 11.50 13.92 15.05'Grth Ind tnavailab i.w lo.ju Guardn t'navailab 20.82 22.67 Ham he 7 4.90 S.34 crown Ham da A 11 I Dcla Fd 11.04 12.16 Havdnk 34 i 34i l)cla Inc 0 in AOii i r' Xfirt l. li ca ii 7c! fi 8044LeSk 7.72 8.05 sBBaBsaBsapg---' 4 37 4 94 Ed 15.40188 I.nnm Sav InV 13.45 14.95 Weather Bureau Forecast NEW YORK Snow flurries are expected from the Lakes region to the Appalachians and northern New England and in the western plains and the north and central Rockies Saturday.

Rain is forecast for southern Texas and the Pacific states from central California north. Rain with snow is probable in the state of Washington. Warmer temperatures are expected in the north and central plains and the north and central Rockies. (Associated Press Wirephoto) deVegh 44.50 69.00 ieorp Ine 9.05 9.85!Mut Shra 13.57 13.57 Va Jne 5 2 5." Tlver fir 09 4 9A 1., 1.. an 1m ul IVnit 191 1 iQ Val SPl ill 4 Uf OBITUARIES ljiver inv .3 Kiins.

DivTr 20 23 22 85 Divid Shr 2.83 3.10 I)revfus 13.45 14.62 Bank 12 42 Found Grwth Income 10.30 11.26 10.35 11.32 Katnn Bal 21.84 23.37 Eaton Stk 23.04 24.64! 4.34 4.941 Atlanta Produce Trading wai light with receipt light to moderate on the Atlanta fruit and vegetable market Friday morning, according to the A.M.S. Pricei 'were mostly unchanged. Eastern round white potatoes were firm with other potatoes mostly steady. Florida oranges were easier for large sizes--at 2.10-2.25 with 125 size still 2.35-2.50. Grapefruit jobbed mostly 1.75 per carton with pink varieties 1.75-1.85.

Sweet potatoes were in moderate volume and steady. Florida round type cabbage jobbed 1.00-1.25. mostly 1.10-1.15 Per sack. Turnips and greens were mostly steady. Georgia bunched turnips brought 1.25-1.75 and collards also 1.25-1.75, mostly 1.50 dozen with few Florida at 2.00.

Turnip greens Bold for 1.25-1.50J few high as 2.00 with mustard greens 1.25-1.75, mostly 1.50 bushel, Georgia green onions were slow at mostly 75-80 cents per dozen bunches. Florida 50-pound bags of round red potatoes U.S. No. 1, size A and held at 2.75-3.00, and Florida 16-inch crates of pascal celery, 3 dozen, jobbed 2.65-2.75, with four dozen, few, quoted 2.50-2.75. Other F'lorida vegetables included ordinary to fair contender beans at 3.00-4.00! few Wades and Seminoles at 4.75: pole beans, 7.50.

with few higher: medium to large acorn squash held at 3.00-4.00 crate, according to size and quality. Yellow crookneck squash jobbed 4.75-7.00 and some large, 4.00; fancy cucumbers Jobbed and U.S. No. 2s at S.50-4.00: best eggplant was 4.50: fair, 2.50-2.75 and medium to large bell peppers jobbed 4.50-5.00: tome medium, 4.00-4.25: small and fair, 3.00-3.50. Es-carnle and endive were 2.00-2.25 per crate: romaine, 2.25-2.75 and parsley, 3.00-3.50 crate.

Florida basket radishes were mostly 1.35-1.50. Sears' Sales Rise CHICAGO ffl Sears, Roebuck Co, reported Friday that its February sales total of $256,721,805 was an increase of 5.9 per cent over the same month last and the 18th consecutive monthly record high. AVAILABLE FOR LEASE Sept. 1 Brick Bldg. Large Air-Conditioned Office.

Warehouse. 30-Car Parking. Located 1415 Howell Mill N. Near Expressway. For further information, call Mr.


WEATHER ATT A rtm u. an. nrfau Uowth 7. 1959: High 44, low 38. TIDES (SAVANNAH RIVER ENT.) 7:48 a.m.: Low 0 Si 1:10 p.m.t low 0 5 1:12 a.m.

High 4.1; 1:39 p.m.: high 3 SUN AND MOON FOR TODAY Sun rises 7:02 a.m.! sen 6:38 p.m. Moon rises 12:05 p.m.! set 1:21 a.m. WASHINGTON OT Weather Bureau report of temperature and rainfall for elected areas: H. L. Pr.l 26 14 .69 Knoxvllle 15 11 ILittleRock 26 07 ILosAnKPle 23 13 .02: Louisville H.

25 15 .0 35 20 70 48 21 13 30 21 48 22 62 47 22 09 53 25 47 23 30 21 24 15 51 31 30 18 .15 35 25 .01 27 18 76 47 20 11 34 22 .80 32 21 15 08 44 35 40 53 AlbanyNY Alpena Amarillo Asheville AtlanticC. Baltimore Brmnghm Bismarck Boise Boston Buffalo Burlinston C. Hatteras Charleston Charlotte Chatanoga Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Columbus Dallas Denver D. Moines Duluth Fresno Houston Indianplis Jacksonvil KeyWest 28 26 IB .04: Meridian MiamiBch, Milwaukee 51 38 28 25 1.74) Mobile IB 15 MontRomnr 77 12 Montreal 38 28 44 29 34 21 32 20 21 13 19 10 IB 13 23 I 36 25 23 -3 7 -8 14 -7 44 37 52 31 13 6 54 30 43 55 Nashville N.Orleans NewYork Norfolk Phiidelpha Phoenix ,051 Pittsburgh Richmond St.

Louis SanAntonio S.Francsco Savannah Seattle Tampa Washington 4 24 39 29 58 37 ,10 29 19 ,01 1 I Wichita David Eli Page Funeral services for David Eli Page, 84, who died Thursday night at his home, 590 Candler NE, will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at Blanchard's Chapel. The Rev. J. G.

Burgess and the Rev. Roy Niager will officiate. Burial will be in Mountain Creek Baptist Church cemetery, Walton County. Mr. Page, retired from the construction business, was a native of Jackson County and a member of Mountain Creek Church.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. C. A. Mitcham, Mrs. L.

F. Haulk and Mrs. E. A. Hens-ley, and two sons, D.

P. and A. B. Page, all of Atlanta; four brothers, J. H.

Page, Athens; R. H. Page, Grayson; C. T. and George Page, both of Atlanta, and three sisters, Mrs.

Bob Thornton, Winder; Mrs. C. T. Peters and Mrs. Charles Gravitt, both of Monroe.

J. W. Stephens John William (Uncle John) Stephens, 75, retired from the Warren Refrigeration died in a private hospital Friday. A longtime resident of Atlanta, Mr. Stephens lived at 1064 Emerson SE.

Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Trinity Assembly of God. The Rev. W. B.

Lee and the Rev. Jimmy Mayo will officiate. Burial will be in Westview Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, the former Monnie Virginia High-tower; stepbrother, Carl Sanders, and sister, Mrs. John Allen, all of Atlanta.

Mrs. Leopold Kraker Mrs. Josephine Eppich Kraker, born in 1892 in Austria, died Friday in a private hospital. She lived with a daughter, Mrs. Carroll W.

Buxton, of 4635 Lake Forest NE. Mrs. Kraker was the widow of Leopold Kraker. Funeral services will be at 9 a.m. Monday in St, Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Cleveland, Ohio.

Burial vill be in Calvary Cemetery there. Other survivors include a sister, Mrs. Edward Reifschneider, Bay-side, N.Y., and two brothers, Louis Eppich, Caroga Lake, N.Y., and Matthew Eppich, New York, New York. FUNERAL NOTICES Allrfd, Mrs. Emily C.

Manhunt, Mrs, Dixie Griffith. Mr. Harry N. Landers. Mr.

James Elmer Potts, Mr. Rufus A. Rffra, Mr. Oscar (Pld) Smith, Mr. James ELLENBCRG -The friends and relatives of Mrs.

Dixie Ellen-btirg, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Don-. aid Ellenburg, Savannah, Mr. and Mrs, R.

H. Barnett, Mrs. Bertha Bankston, Jacksonville, live grandchildren, several nieces and nephews are invited to attend the funeral of Mrs. Dixie Eilenhurif Sunday, March 6, lfWO, at 3 o'clock from Dillon's Chapel, Rev. Lamar Cherry will officiate.

Interment, Melwood Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers will be selected from members of the Lions Clubs. Messrs: Pat Brookshaw, Bill Slye, Al Brim, Jack May, Cecil Cochran, and Jim Corbett. Florists, 2 p.m.) J. Justin Dillon Co.

LANDERS The friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. James Elmer Landers, Mr. and Mrs. F.

A. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stratley, Mr. and Mrs.

John L. Landers, Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Landers, Mrs. Jewel Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Landers and the grandchildren are invited to attend the funeral of Mr. James Elmer Landers Sunday at 2:30 o'clock from the Mt.

Zion Methodist Church, Gwinnett County. Interment will be in the churchyard. Allen Couch and Son. REEVES-Friends and relatives of Mr. Oscar Reeves, Mr.

and Mrs, T. L. Reeves, Stone Mountain; Mr. and Mrs, Floyd L. Reeves, Lilburn, nieces and nephews are Invited to attend the funeral services of Mr.

Oscar (Pld) Reeves Sunday afternoon, March 8, at 1 o'clock from Corinth Baptist Church. Rev. J. Fields and Rev. Gordon Plttard will officiate.

Interment, Atavista Cemetery, Gainesville, Ga, Couch Funeral Home, Stone Mountian, Ga. GRIFFITH Funeral services for Mr. Harry N. Griffith will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 o'clock at Trinity Chapel (new address, 2773 N. Decatur Dr.

Charles Allen will officiate. Interment in Decatur Cemetery. A. S. Turner Sons.

POTTSThe friends and relatives of Mr. Rufus A. Potts and Mrs. Margaret Ray are invited to attend the funeral services of Mr. Rufus A.

Potts Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the graveside in East View Cemetery. A. S. Turner Sons. SMITH Mr.

James E. Smith of 605 Clayton College Park, passed away March 4. Funeral arrangements later. Paul T. Donehoo, ALLRED Interment services for Mrs.

Emily C. Allied will be field Saturday, March 5, 1960, at 10:30 a.m. in Hollywood Cemetery. J. Austin Dillon Co.

LODGE NOTICES A rilled communicating of Tinker Lodge No. 42, A. this morning at 10 o'clock for the purpose of paying our last sad tribute of respect to the memory of our itpciwt hrnthr. tf M. Cruce Jr.

All members are urged to attend. n. Li. ftiacr.uu, CLYDE KENOPKE.

Secy. Called communication Battle Hill Lodge No. 523. HAM. will be held in the lodge, Gordon and Lucile.

this Satur day, March at 1 p.m., for the purpose of paying our last sad tribute nl resoect for Bro. T. C. Burnett. Services at Spring Hill.

Interment in Westview. By order of JOHN fcADfcS, YV.M. NELSON CRIST, Secy. Capital City Chapter No. 111, O.E.S..

will hold special meeting this Saturday, March al. 5, pm for the purpose of reading minutes, paying 7 bills and sickness and distress. All members take due notice. Order of ELISE HOLTZCLAW. W.M.

FANNIE MAE BALL. Secy, LEGAL NOTICE By authority of Section 30,141 of Ui Traffic Code of the City of Atlanta adopted on August 7, 1957, I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, the following described automobiles at the garage of Robinson-Stephens, 542 Glenn S. Atlanta, Georgia, beginning at 10:00 A. Marcs 14, I960: MAKE and TYPE MOTOR NO. '50 Buick 2 dr 5544494 '51 Buiek 4 dr 44216444 52 Buick 4W4144 "50 Bun 59304975 38 Buick 1344601 '52 Chev KAA45748t "47 Chev 4 dr FA A326943 52 Chev conv '55 Chev 0383121F55Z 50 Chev DAAS51602 '48 Chev 0094396T55Z '52 Chev 1 dr HAD9854C8 50 Chev 2 dr HHA490C3 '50 Chev HAMU8I44 51 Chev JAM201940 '50 Chev 3516957 Chrys C45-72091 41 Chrys 4 dr C38U3490 '50 peSoto Conv SI 5-1 944 bodge 4 dr D24-17332 Podge Sed P42 234463 Dodge PIJ P1535589 40 Ford Falcon OH12S-122342 50 Ford 4 dr BOAT1C8852 '40 Ford 18-5470642 '49 Ford 2 dr 9BA37084 55 Ford M5MT-72'C '4 Ford 2 dr 895A2344709 '49 Ford Sed 98BA858587 '51 Ford 2 dr B1MP12235S '41 Ford 2 dr 18-472775 "40 Ford 4 dr 19-5554584 '49 Ford 8BA94A400 '40 Ford trk 18-6097552 Merc 50MF.65432M '4? Ford 2 dr 98BA48'6'1 '40 Ford 18-5444234 52 Ford B2AT103817 '49 Ford dr 98BA782135 '49 Hud Sed 484IC38I 51 Hud 50457890 '51 Hud 49164482 '51 Line S1LP13326L 49 Line 9EH577CO 51 Merc 51SL7322CM '48 Merc 51SL73220M '48 Merc 799 15541 1 '51 Merc 5Sl.S4764f '55 Merc 54MES5'2'M 51 Nash Sed 5X3234 54 Olds V4132H 49 Olds IAH6992 50 Olds i dr R'9l24g 51 Olds Sed 8C298'5 '52 Olds ST1 75887 52 Olds RU4410 50 Olds IASl684n 53 Pack L219C87 '47 Pack 4 dr H241239 '50 Pack F237421 '47 Ply 3 dr '44 Ply P2341J4H 48 Piv PI 5914667 49 Ply 4 dr P2 3 568I50 '49 Ply Sed Pl4 4C4il '49 Ply Sed P18-295 U4 50 Pont P6TH736S 52 Pont A3WH12639 50 Pont CP P8TH! 23444 52 Pont A8WH1664I 51 Pont '5! Stud V2M9 50 Mad 768JJ1 I-Wheel I'tilHv Trailer Indian Wheel M.7.IM T.

JENKINS Chief of Folic A closed unchanged to $1 a bale lower. Mill and commission house buy. ing led small gains. The market weakened toward the close as liq uidation set in. There were no March delivery notices issued at New York.

There was further evening of positions in nearby March futures, where the open interest at the start was down to 23,500 bales. Net Close Chg. 33.0lb 2 33.05b 4 32.53 4 30.76b 30.82 31.28b- 2 31.54b Open 33.05 33.08 32.62 30.79 30.83 31.30 Hish 33.05 33.08 32 62 30 82 30.84 31.31 Low Wd 32.51 30.74 38.82 31.30 March May July October December March May July October December Middling 31.35b -20 30.76b 30.76b unchanged. spot 33 25iu Nominal; Bid. New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, March 4 Ifl-Cotton futures declined today under weekend long liquidation and hedge selling.

Net Open High Low Close Chg. March 33.00 33.00 33.00 32.98b- 2 May 33.10b 33.06b 4 July 32.55 32.55 32.54 32.55b- 5 October 30.78 30.71 30.75 30.73b- 5 December 30.82b 30.80b 3 March 31.33b 31.30b 4 May 31.62 31.42 31.42 July 31.55b VA7 1 October 30.79b 30.80b- 5 December 30.83b 30.83b- Bid. Spot cotton closed steady and I unchanged. Salea none. Low middling 26.60; middling 31.40; good middling 32.30s receipt 42.369.

Stock 350,777. Atlanta Spot Cotton Report by Atlanta Cotton Exchange In cooperation with the USDA. Quotations are for mixed lots equal to official standards, uncompressed, in warehouse. basis middling inch 72.75c per pound (unchanged from the previous close). This is 30 off New York May futures, rounded to nearest five points, which closed Friday at 33.0u.

Number of bales purchased 1,000. Prices la Cents Per Pound GRADE AND COLOR inch WHITE Good middling Strict middling Middling plug Middling St. 1. middling plug Strict low middling Low middling plug Low middling St. gd.

ordinary plug Strict good ordinary Good ordinary plug Good ordinary 1 1514 1 132 114 incb Inch inch Inch 31.05 33.05 33.80 34.55 31.00 33.00 33.75 34.50 30.85 32.85 33.60 34.35 30 75 32.75 33.50 34.25 30.75 32.85 33.60 34.35 28.75 30.50 31.25 31.75 27.75 29.35 29.75 30.00 26.75 28.75 28.75 28.75 26.00 27.75 27.75 27.75 25.50 26.75 26.75 26.75 24.25 25.00 25.00 25.00 23.25 24.00 24.00 24.00 Good middling 29.85 32.25 33.10 33.50 Strict middling 29.70 32.15 33.00 33.35 Middling 28.50 30.50 31.25 31.75 Strict low middling 27.00 28.50 29.00 29.50 LIVESTOCK ATLANTA HOGS AND NORTH GEORGIA CATTLE (USDA-GDA) Estimated receipts packing plantg Atlanta area: 100 cattle, 30 calves, 800 hoss. Hogs: Limited sales mostly 25c higher than Wednesday and Thursday. Few head No. 1,2 and 3, mostly 2 and 3 180-240-lb. barrows and gilts 14.25-14.75.

Sows No. 1-3 and medium grades 250-450 lbs. 10.25-12.00. Compared last Friday barrows and gilts 25c-50c higher, sow 50s higher. North Georgia cattle.

(Weekly gum-mary) receipts 2,405 cattle and calves Friday of last week through Tuesday of this week at five auctions. Trading after Tuesday virtually at a standstill pace due to extreme Icy conditions in the area reported to be the worst In at least 20 years. Trading on canner and cutter cows continued fairly active. Outlet for vealeri and slaughter calves much more restricted than last midweek. Stocker and feeder calve generally active and out-of-state buyers were aggressive bidder for most part.

Corn-Dared sales late last week slaughter steers, heifers and canner and cutter cows gteaay. utility cow wean to 50c lower. Bulls Weak to 50c lower. Vealers lower, Slaughter calves lower. Stocker and feeder steers scarce, unevenly steady.

Stocker heifers and cows strong. Over 350-lb. stocker calves steady to $1.00 higher, heifer calve strong. All grades steer and heifer calves under 300 lbs. active and strong to $2.00 higher with prices and demand very uneven.

High-standard and average-good 700-1, 100-lb. slaughter steers Most standard steers and heifers Few near 1.100-lb. low-standard steers down $19.50. Utility Canner and cutter Utility cows bulk sales Few commercial Cutter cow down $1.00. Utility bulls few commercial over 950 lbs.

Few head good and choice fed bulls Cutter bulls Standard and few good 300-500-lb. slaughter calves few 275-300-lb. high-standard and good Utility calves Good vealers choice $37.00. Standard vealers Good 500-750-ib. stocker and feeder steers few choice 600-750-lb.

steers Medium 5OO-800-lh. steers common Medium and good 50-650-lb. stocker heifers Common Good an choice 250-500-lb. stocker steer calves mostly US 00.31 Ml Good and choice 250-500-lb. stocker steer, mostly

Medium over 250-lb. calves common Common and medium calves under 250 lbs. Common and medium stocker cows inferior AUCTION HOGS THOMASVILLE (AP) Hog receipts 3.000 at auction markets at Arlington, Bainbridge, Cordele, Tifton. Geneva, Alabama. Fully 50 cent higher.

Mixed U.S. 1-3 and 2-3 180-240 lbs. 13.95-14.86, No. 1-2 160-180 lbs. 13.40-14.06, 140-160 lbs.

100-140 lbs. No. 2-3 240-270 lbs. 13.00-13.75. Sows 11.70-12.80.

SOUTHEASTERN HOO MARKET ll THOMASVTLLE. March 4 P)-Hog receipts 4,700 at packing plants at Albany, Columbus, Moultrie, Thomas-ville, Dothan. and Jacksonville, Fla; 25 higher; mixed No. 1-3 and No. 2-3 180-240-lb.

barrows and gilts 13.50-14.00; few sorted lots No. 1-2 200-230 lhs. 14.00-14.50; No. 1-2 160-180 lbs, and No. 2-3 240-270 lbs.

12.75-13.50; sows 8.00-11.00. CHICAGO, March 4 WHUSDAI-Hogs slow early, later trade fairly active, steady to 25 lower on butchers; sows scarce, steady; all interests in trade early and complete early clearance: mixed grade 2-3 and mixed 1-3 190-240 lbs. 14.65-15.00; several lots Is and mixed 1-2 190-240 lbs. 15.00-15.15, and a few lots 1s and mixed 1-2 200-220 lbs. 15.15-15.40; 100 head Is and mixed 1-2 210-225 lbs.

at 15.50: mixed 2 3 240-290 lbs. 14.25-14.75: weights over 270 ids. scarce; mixed grade 2-3 330-550-lb sow 12.25-13.25. Treasury Statement WASHINGTON, March 4 UP-The cash position of the Treasury compared with corresponding date a year ago: MARCH 1. 1960 Balance 5.324,915,322 Deposits fiscal year July 1 55,172,534,191 Withdrawals fiscal year 62,325,670,869 xTotal debt 290,721,583.220 Gold assets 19.420.825.208 MARCH 1 1959 Balance Deposits fiscal, year July 1 47,808,720,262 vvimnrawais iiscai year 62,722,321,801 Total debt Gold asset 20.478.428.960 includes debt not subject to statutory limit.

STATE DEATHS LA GRANGETillman Cephus (Duggan) Bassett, 49. Funeral was Friday. DOUGLAS-Mrs. Ida B. Blank-enship, 79.

Funeral was Friday. Allen Harper 72. Funeral was Thursday. RENTiW. Wash Horton, 69.

Funeral was Friday. DONALSONTLLtv Mi s. W. F. Glisson, 78.

Funeral was Friday. STATESBORO Mrs. Jim G. Moore. Funeral was Wednesday.

SYLVESTER i 1 a a Walker, 60. Funeral was Friday. Wyman J. Mathews 54. Fu neral was Thursday.

Piedmont NE. Funeral services wilt at 3 p.m. Saturday at Spring Hill. Dr. Harry Fifield and the Rev.

W. I. Howell will officiate. Entomb- 77 ment will be in Wcstview Abbfy. Mr.

Cooper, a lifelong resident of Atlanta, was a vice president of Foote and Davii and had on-1 CnT I ceived many hon ors and awards from the industries with which Jeba Cr he was associated. He was a leader in the success Samuel M. Owen Samuel M. Owen, 72, retired construction foreman for the Rock wood Sprinkler died in a private hospital Friday. His home was at 934 Amsterdam Northeast.

Mr. Owen was a member of Morningside Baptist Church, the Veterans of World War Order of the Purple Heart and American Legion. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Sunday at Spring Hill. Dr.

James P. Wesberry will officiate. Burial will be in Cartersville. Survivors include his wife: a stepson, Carlton G. Tedder, Pen-sacola, and three sisters, Mrs.

John Haase, Fair Oaks, Mrs. G. W. Nations, Smyrna, and Mrs. Jack Brannam, Atlantic Beach, Fla.

Mrs. Mattie Reddy Mrs, Mattie Williams Reddy, 78, who moved to Atlanta from Macon after the death of her husband, died here Friday in a private hospital. Mrs. Reddy, born in Monroe County, was the widow of G. Reddy who died in September 1958.

Mr. Reddy was a retired engineer for the Macon, Dublin Savannah Railroad. Survivors include a son, T. G. Reddy of 890 Highland Northeast.

Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Riverside Cemetery, Macon. Mrs. Tula Richardson Mrs. Tula Crowe Richardson, 88, of Rte.

3, Dalton, died Friday at the home of a daughter, Mrs. B. II. Palmer of 177 Warren SE. Mrs.

Richardson lived in Whitfield County most of her life and was a member of Harmony Baptist Church, Dalton. She was the widow of James David Richardson. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Macedonia Baptist Church, Dawnville. Burial will be in Dawnville Cemetery.

Other survivors include two sons, J. L. Richardson, Atlanta, and H. A. Richardson, Dalton, and three other daughters, Mrs.

I. E. Cady and Mrs. C. A.

Rollins, both of Dalton, and Mrs. A. E. Johnston, Chickamauga. Charles F.

Dunn Sr. Charles Frank Dunn 62, who had been a salesman for Lander Motors, died Friday at his home, 2865 Sewell SW. Mr. Dunn, a native of Concord, was a member of W. D.

Luckie Lodge No. 89, and the Yaarab Temple of the Shrine, AAONMS. Funeral services will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at Spring Hill. The Rev.

Joe Roberts will officiate. Burial will be in Westview Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, the former Eula Warren; two daughters, Mrs. J. W.

Hughes, Philadelphia, and Mrs. D. L. Dunn, Athens; a son, Charles Frank Dunn Atlanta, and two brothers, R. C.

Dunn, Atlanta, and Mercer Dunn, Zebulon. Mrs. Jaffie Woods THOMASTON Funeral services for Mrs, Jaffie Emma Woods, 70, were held Friday in Emory's Chapel. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs.

Woods' died at her home Tuesday. Survivors include her husband, Barnev Woods. Thomaston: a daughter, Mrs. Grady Carr, Thom aston; a son, James B. woods, Thomaston: mother.

Mrs. Ida Harden, Atlanta; two brothers, Loy West, Atlanta, tlniora west, Lithonia and a sister Mrs. N. Harper, Atlanta. Fred L.

Kinney COVINGTON Funeral services for Fred L. Kinney, 75, of Covington, who died Wednesday at his home, will be Saturday in the Wesley an Methodist Church in Covingtdn, the Rev. Ralph Day and the Rev. Clyde Hicks officiating. Burial will be in Social Circle Cemetery.

He is survived by two sons. James Kinney, Atlanta, and Tom Kinney, Covington; a daughter, Miss Jeanie Kinney, Covington; a sister, Mrs. Allene Crowley, Greensboro, and two brothers, Dewey Greensboro and Walla Kinney, Pensacola, Fla. ful fight for equalization of freight tariffs between the North and South, and from this struggle the annual Southern Governors Conference was born some 23 years ego. Mr.

Cooper was a member and director of the Atlanta Freight Bureau for half a century and had served terms as president and vice president. As a member of the Chattahoochee Valley Authority Mr. Cooper long advocated the development of the big river as a shipping lane from Atlanta to the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Cooper had also served as president, chairman and director of the Printing Industries of Atlanta and as a director of the Printing Industry of America.

He was also active in the Atlanta Kiwanis Club, Ansley Golf Club, First Presbyterian Church, and Piedmont Lodge No. 447, F. A. and had served as a director of the Atlanta Historical Society. Mr.

Cooper suffered what doctors described as a "small stroke" during a special "Welcome Hawaii" luncheon last October, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. T. H. Tennent, Houston, Texas; a son, Sanborn Cooper, and two sisters, Mrs.

Carl F. Hutcheson and Miss Vera Cooper, all of Atlanta. U.S. Official Burdcttc Dies Driving Hiram Specr Burdette 73, federal educator official, died of a heart attack Friday afternoon as he was driving his car out of a parking lot near the Peachtree-Seventh Building. Mr.

Burdette, a resident of LaGrange, was regional representative for the Southeastern states for the School Assist ance in Federal ly Affected Areas Program, U. S. Office of 'l I Education, Dell! department of tieaim, txmca tion and Wei ,1 fare. He had just left his office in h. s.

Burdett. jne peachtree- Seventh building when he was stricken, associates said. He had had heart attacks in Jnauary and in 1951, they added. Mr. Burdette was honored at a surprise testimonial dinner earlier this month in Washington by education officials.

Mr. Burdette's territory included Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi. He was scheduled to retire in April. He had been with the government since 1945, working under the Surplus Property Utilization Program, and later moving to the School Assistance in Federally Affected Areas program. From 1937 to 1945 Mr.

Burdette worked for the Georgia Department of Education. Earlier, from 1925 to 1937, he had been principal of LaGrange High School. He was a member of LaGrange First Methodist Church. Born at Lanford Station, S.C., Mr. Burdette received his AB degree from Wofford College and a master's degree in education from Mercer University.

Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon in LaGrange. Survivors include his wife, Mary Kate; three sons, Roy Burdette, Winnsboro, S.C.; Tom Burdette, Greenville, S.C., and H. Speer Burdette LaGrange, and a daughter, Mrs. Margaret Kerr, Decatur. LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION TO BIT) Sealed proposals from general contractor will be received bjr the University System Building Authority, Owner.

Room 550, 244 Washington Street. S.W.. Atlanta. Georgia, until 3 P.M.. Eastern Standard lime, on April 5, 1960, lor the construction of AN ADDITION TO WEST HALL for VALDOSTA STATE COLLKCK, located at Valdosta, Georgia.

At the time and place noted above, the proposal! will be publicly opened and read. No extension of the DiUdoig period will be made. Bidding document may be obtained at the office of the architects, LOGAN AND WILLIAMS, 331 Palmer Building, Atlanta 3. Georgia. Applications for documents together with deposit of $50.00 per set should be filed promptly with the architects.

Bidding material will be forwarded, shipping charges collect, as toon as possible. The full amount of deposit for one set will be refunded to each general contractor who submits a bona fide bid upon return of such set in good condition within 30 days after date of opening of bids. Ail other deposits will be refunded with riesiuctnins approximating cost of reproduction of documents upon return of same in good ronil.twn within 30 days after date of opening of bids. Contract, if awarded, will be on a lump sum basis. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 35 days after time has been called on the date of opening Bids must be accompanied by a bid 'xmd in an amount not lesi than.

5 of the base bid. Both a performance bond and a payment bond will be required in an amount equal to of the contract rrk-e. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. UNIVERSITY SYSTEM BtTLPTNO AUTHORITY. By i E.

Thrasher. Vic Chairman. State. St 34.50 3 375 Stein BP 34.45 34.45 MANAG Ft NPi F.lect 2.92 53 StHFStk 26.38 24 38 11.62 12.56 Gen Ind Metal Paper Petrol Snecl Sterl Inv Telev EI. Texal Fd 2 26 3 42 2.01 3.51 240 7.53 8.21 24 10.10 Tnwnitnd 4.55 7.17 Twen CGth 5.84J1.38 fXlTF.

FINDS: Aecu 11774 12.78 Cont 7 02 7.47 Incom 10.3311.23 Scien 13.28 14.51 Trans Masi Tr 12 3 13 65 Masi Gth 13 49 14 58 Masi till t'navailab Minn Fd IM 8 .38 Mimil Jet 11.8912.99 1U I li AT 1C On 'STitn nllVa Line 6UU it Nat lnvei 12.B7 ri ix sj NAt-SEC-SERT Sfl 13 liil 12.68 Balan Bund 10.57 11.55! Whitehtt 5.63 4.151 Wiacon 12.1413.15 4 21 Over the Counter Securities The following bid nd asked price are obtained from the National Assn. of Securities Dealerg but are unofficial. Tbey do not represent actual transactions. They are intended as a guide to the approximate ranse within which these securities could have been sold indicated by or bought indicated bv the at the tune of American Art Metals 13V 14H American Art Met. debs 107 115 American Express 435 46''; American 13V J4 American Greeting Corp, 47' 51 American Heritage 10 American Independent Reins.

2V 3 American Investors Corp. 3'4 Atlanta Gas Light com 35i 38Va Atlanta Gas light $4.44 pfd Atlanta Gas Light $4.50 Pfd 82' Ift. Atlantic Company 15Vi 17 Atlantic Co. deb 5l 1980 151 Atlantic Steel 19H 22 Atlas Finance Auto Soler S'f Avon Products 53; S'a Bank of Georgia 28 4 Bibb Mfg. Company 16''a Billups Eastern 4s Billups Western IJ Borax Holdings.

Ltd VM Botany Mills Bowater Paper (A.D.H.) 10H Butlers Shoe Corp 15 17 Chattanooga Gas 3'4 'j Chemical Enterprises Cherokee Life of Tenn. 19Vi SI Cher-O-Kee Photofinisheri 12, 13'A CAS National Bank Tk 45? Coastal States Life Ins. 13'A 25 Colonial Stores 16'a 18 Commonw. Life of Ky. 21 22 Delhi Taylor 105 11s Echlin Mfg.

31 34H Economy Auto Storeg 10H ll't Farrington Mfg 24'4 2M First Natl. Bank of Atlanta 407 44 Fulton Investment 121 Fulton National Bank 37H Gen. America Corp 151 167 General Gas 67b Genuine Parts 503 Georgia Intl. Life 5' 4 Georgia Investors Vk Georgia Life H. Ins.

27 30-i Georgia Marble 401 44 Ga. Pwr. $4.60 Pfd 89 94'4 Ga. Shoe Mfg. 4 7M Griggs Equipment 3' 37i Gulf Life 205 22 Haverty Furniture I9'A 21 Houston Corp 12H T3 Industrial Vinyls 2Vi 3 Intermountain Telephone 15V 17 Interstate Life of Chatt.

V. 10 Jackson's Minit Market 4H 5' Jefferson Standard Life 50 Kennesaw Life I7 2 Lay, H. 26V4 J8' Liberty Natl. Life 61 65' Life Casualty Ini 19'A 21 Life Companies 18 197 Life Ins. Co.

of Georgia ..81 Marble Products of Georgia 6 7 McLean Industries 3' Mississippi Shipping 13 14' Miss. Valley Gas 22 Vi 24' Mobile Gas Service 22J4 26'4 Moore-Handley Hdwr. 12V4 Morton Mfg 12 137 Natl. Food Product 15 17 Natl. Life Accident 112 -117 National Old Line 19 21 Nat Pool Equipment 13' 14' N.C.

Telephone 1 1' One Hour Valet 11 12 Oxford Chemical Corp SVi 4 Pacific Pwr. Light 36 39 Parker Pet. com 1 1 Parker Pet. Pfd. 7 8 Pecos Exploration IV 1 Peoples Bank 29 Phoenix Investment Co.

7 8' Piedmont Aviation VM i' Piedmont Southern Life (new) 69 74' Radiation 26'A 287 Reb (Johnny) 2V4 VM Rich's 22'a 24 Rockwell Mfg 33'A 36 Ryder 27 29 Savannah Electric 27V 30 Savannah Sugar Ref. com 34 37 Scientific Atlanta 12' 14 Seripto, Inc 6 7 Seapak 7 Security Life 14 16' South Atlantic Gas 13 14 Southern Airways 3 4 Sou. Bakeriea com 10V 11 Sou. Bakeries deb 7'4s 1989 100 108 Southern Spring Bed 55 Spur Oil 9 10 Sterling Discount 7 8 Tekoil 3 4 Tclechrome 12 13 Tenn. Natural Gas 12' 14' Texas Eastern Trans 28' Texas Natural Gasoline 34'4 37 Thermo King 23 25 Thomastnn Mills 23 Trade Winds 2 3 Trans-Cont.

Gas Pipeline 20 21 Trust Company of Georgia 117 124 U.S. Envelope com 27 O.S. Envelope pfd 14 15 I'nited American Unlti 3 3 Walter (Jim) Corp 27 29 West Point Mfg 18 19 Western Ky. Gas 16 17 (g)-Ex-Divldend. Cottonseed Meal MEMPHIS.

Tenn. (AP) Cottonseed meal, bulk, future quotations. Prime 41 per cent protein basis. March 4 Prev. Close March 53.25-53.75 53.00-54.00 May 53.00-53.00 52.50-53.00 July 52.75-53.50 52.75-53.25 September 51.0O-52.0O 51.00-52.00 October 51.00-52.00 51.00-52.00 December 51.00-52.00 51.00-52.00 January 51.00-52.00 51.00-52.00 Dry Goods NEW YORK.

March 4 (-Activity In cotton, wool and synthetic textile markets was sharply restricted today by the heavy snowfall in the northeast. Storm conditions cut attendance at cloth trading centers. Mills also were reported hampered in their operations. DATE- James E. Landers James Elmer Landers, 58, a retired upholsterer, died Friday at his home at 1008 Hollywood Northwest.

Funeral services will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Mt. Zion Bap-tist Church, Lawrenceville. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Survivors include his wife, the former Neta Etheridge; two daughters, Mrs.

F. A. Fuller, Atlanta, and Mrs. Ralph Stratley, Smyrna; two sons, John L. and J.

M. Landers, both of Atlanta; sisters, Mrs. Jewel Ford, Stone Mountain, and brother, Frank Landers, Decatur. C. A.

Greene Clifford A. Greene, 64, veteran of two world wars and former resident of Atlanta, died Thursday in a Veterans Administration hospital in Houston, Tex. Mr. Greene, a Mason and member of the Methodist Church, was employed by the City of East Point after graduation from Georgia Tech in 1922. Funeral services will be held in Houston Monday.

Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Beulah Brannon and Mrs. R. L. Jones of Atlanta, and Mrs.

A. E. Dcyo, Orlando, two brothers, J. Ellis Greene Houston, and Ross Greene, Mc-Allen, son; C. Austin Greene, Houston, and four daughters, including Mrs.

Mary J. Degncourt, Houston. Mrs. Cora Bryan Mrs. Cora Kautzschan Bryan, 84, a life-long resident of Atlanta, died Friday in a private hospital.

Mrs. Bryan was the widow of C. M. Bryan, and lived at 318 Mc-Donough SE. She was a member of the Antioch Baptist Church, and the Woodcrest Woman's Club.

Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. J. A. Lemmond, Miss Dovie Bryan and Mrs. J.

B. Purdy, and a son, C. M. Bryan all of Atlanta. Funeral plans will be announced by H.

M. Patterson Son. Mrs. Ida Diggs Mrs. Ida Eidson Diggs of 3126 E.

Walker College Park, died in a private hospital Friday. Funeral plans will be announced by Howard M. Carmichael Sons. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Walter Larkin; son, Carlos Earl Diggs; three sisters, Mrs.

Mary Fincken, Mrs. W. D. Hood and Mrs. S.

J. Tankersley, and five brothers, H. H. H. R.

L. and K. P. Eidson. Mrs.

Ellen Logan Mrs. Ellen Asbury Logan, a longtime resident of Atlanta, died Thursday at her home at 223 Degress NE. Mrs. Logan, born at Woodville, was the widow of G. P.

Logan. Entombment services will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in Westview Abbey. Dr. Monroe F.

Swilley will officiate. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. H. H. May Garden Grove, a brother, H.

N. Asbury, Atlanta, and a sister, Mrs. John Weems, Jacksonville, Fla. son, Harold Brown, Hogansville; parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. J. Brown, Atlanta, and three brothers, Homer Brown, Woodstock; Roy Smyrna, and Sam Brown, Canton. MORTUARY HI GH M. CRICE JB.

Funeral services for Hugh M. Cruce 46, who died Thursday at his home, 2503 Henderson Tucker, will be at 11 a.m. Saturday in Tucker First Baptist Church. The Rev. Homer Fussell, the Rev.

Earle Fuller and the Rev. Bobby Ashworth will ofliciate. Burial will be in Floral Hills Cemetery, Tucker. MRS. DIXIE ELLFNUI RG Funeral services for Mrs.

Dixie House Fltenburg, 62. of 625 N. Hixhland NK. who died after a heart attack Thursday at Terminal Station, will be at 3 P.m. Sunday in Dillon's Chapel.

The Rev. Lamar Cliernr will officiate. Burial will be in Melwood Cemetery. T. CECIL tU'RNETT Funeral servires for T.

Cecil Rurnert of 1427 S. Gordon SW. who died Thursday in a private hospital, will be at 1 pm. Saturday at Spring Hill. The Rev.

William H. Stender will officiate. Burial will be in Westview Cemetery. Seldon C. Brown, Store Owner, Dies Calling on Sales Prospect Seldon Cochran Brown, 54, of 2989 Gordon SW, an appliance and furniture store owner, died Friday while calling on a customer.

mam fin Detectives J. C. Smith and J. G. Adams said they were told Mr.

Brown stopped by a home on Tiger Flower drive, NW, to show a customer a phonograph, warmed his hands by a heater and remarked: "It surely is cold outside." He collapsed and was pronounced dead by a physician, authorities said. They said they were told Mr. Brown had been under the care of a physican for a heart condition. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday in Providence Baptist Church.

The Rev. H. A. Landers, the Rev. Ralph Anderson and the Rev.

Bartow Phillips will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Survivors include his wife, the former Bessie White; a daughter, Miss Linda Brown, Atlanta; I would likt to corry my lovingj with you. Enclosed check jor- of send me: lnformotion Signature CqrdJ FREE Postage Paid "Sove-By-Moil" envelopes NAME- ADDRESS- CITY STATEJ. PHONE.

4.lfc Sh irtnidtMrt gs rSfcijss ifiS 4 iMtiil.

The Atlanta Constitution from Atlanta, Georgia (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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