The Drop of Water that became an Ocean (A Legacy That Will Go Down For Generations) - Iggybee - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

The students of class 1A were on the bus, and their destination wasn’t until another two hours or so. Izuku was seated beside Iida, who was attempting to shut the class up fruitlessly. Aizawa had just stopped caring in the first five minutes, and the driver was one with a mutant quirk, one with the head of a giraffe. An angry Pomeranian, otherwise known as mayo head or Bakugou was yelling at a ketchup head and mustard head. Izuku couldn’t really catch what he was saying through the countless other conversations on the chaotic bus. What he could hear, though, was “sh*t head, shut the f*ck up,” and Kirishima, said sh*t head, trying to retort but unable to between earthshaking laughter. The Pikachu guy was somewhat involved, Izuku couldn’t really tell how, just that he was definitely taking Kirishima’s side.

Behind Iida and Izuku, Hitoshi sat by Shouto, the two quiet kids just appreciating the quietness of the other, and it seemed they were tuning out the rest of the class.

A week earlier, their Sensei had explained that they would be going on the first excursion of the year, to a beach not too far from Musutafu. It was a science one, as they were studying rocks. They would find rocks, identify them, as well as the mineral composition which made them up.

Now, Sato was frantically looking for a bag, or anything, really, as Aoyama unsurprisingly needed to puke. The other students had avoided sitting beside the blonde, but what can I say, Rikido is oblivious. Yaoyorozu quickly produced one from her arm, and handed it to Jirou beside her, who passed it to the blonde.

A few moments was all it took for the students to get bored (gen z attention span <3) and begin voicing a wonderful melody of Wheels on the Bus, conducted by Jirou Kyoka. Aizawa groaned as he closed his eyes and fell asleep, but then Tooru started requesting Olivia Rodrigo songs. Well heck, his unrealistic, peaceful nap on the bus just went out the window. For reasons only f*ck knew, the girls had started singing You Belong With Me, with a few boys including Denki and Kirishima joining in, still trying to stifle their laughter, while Bakugou cursed.

Todoroki was going cross-eyed for whatever reason, and Hitoshi was trying (and failing) to keep a poker face.

Class 1A is quite…different, one might say, but it’s family to those who are in it.

Upon arrival, the students filed out of the bus in quite an orderly fashion under Iida’s watch. Jirou almost tripped, but luckily Kaminari was there to catch her.

The students marvelled in awe at the sight bestowed upon them. The sun hugged the students in a warm embrace, as if welcoming them outside. The waves lapping at the shore seemed to welcome them with open arms as well. The students had been permitted to swim in the ocean, since it was supposed to not only educational, but fun as well.

Hitoshi inhaled the salty ocean air, and Aizawa couldn’t supress a smile at his adorable son. He hid it in his capture weapon, though.

The girls had gotten their hands on a volleyball via Yaoyorozu and were playing on the warm sand, while the boys were splashing around in the cool ocean. Even Hitoshi had warmed up to the class, just as they had warmed up to him by trusting him and befriending him. They swam and piggy-backed each other, laughing at Bakugou as he tried to get off of Kirishima’s back.

After what felt like ten minutes, the hour had passed and it was time for work.

Without too much effort, Aizawa had rallied them up and instructed them to listen.

“Off you go, kids, you may go anywhere as long as it’s between these two lifeguard towers,” he gestured to said towers, which had quite a lot of space in between them. They were also able to go to a small park to the side of the beach.

“Remember, you must look for three of each type of rock; you can go in groups or by yourself. Now, recall what the three types of rocks are?”

A slight smile curled onto his lips as he saw many of the students raise their hands. And yet, chose to pick on an unsuspecting Kaminari who was rizzing Sero up jokingly.

“Uh-uhm. Let’s see, so there’s igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.” He said cheerfully, somewhat of a smug look covering his face.

Gosh, Aizawa’s question was a little too easy.

After a thumbs up of approval, their teacher let the students off, watching as they all ran excitedly in their separate friend groups in all directions. There was the Dekusquad, consisting of Izuku, Hitoshi, Shoto, Uraraka, Iida and Tusyu, then there was, Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero. The rest of the girls, Yaoyorozu, Mina, Jirou, Hagakure, all stuck together, though often the other two girls did too (but not today). Bakugou had sort of just attached himself with his fellow condiments (Ketchup, Mustard, Soy sauce). Anyway, he walked lazily while the others ran. Fumikage stayed alone, muttering about banquets of darkness and the loneliness that welcomed children of the shadows with open arms. Then there were the remainders; Satou, Kouda, Shouji and Aoyama who formed an alliance.

After little to no time, the Dekusquad had found two of each rock, and three igneous rocks. They found pumice, granite and shale, which, aCcOrDiNg To IiDa’S CaLcULaTiOnS, were igneous, sandstone and mudstone, which Uraraka knew to be sedimentary, and slate and gneiss.

The Bakusquad weren’t too far behind. Kirishima did most the work, since Bakugou was preoccupied with telling rocks that weren’t his desired type to die, and Denki and Hanta were just goofing around. They found one metamorphic and two of the others.

Now, if Yaoyorozu studied a rock for a prolonged period of time, yes, she could probably create them, but then again, what was the fun in that? The girls laughed as Hagakure shared the latest Yueei gossip which she somehow always knew about. Mina speculated that she had an older sister who was really popular. Said pink girl danced as she hopped from trails of rocks to piles of rocks, examining each one with a bright smile, while Jirou listened to the waves in shells and helped too.

Tokoyami scoured the beach, almost catching up to the others, though he was just one bird.

The last group were just as quick as the Dekusquad, having found just as many rocks, just three of the sedimentary rocks, with them having possession of chert. They were about to approach them to potentially trade information when something happens.

Izuku wandered away from his group, who were still arguing whether an ice cube would melt or not in Todoroki’s mouth.

He walked up to a pile of rocks by some larger ones, when a transient light blinded him. He shielded his eyes, but within seconds it was gone. He looked around, and it seemed everyone, including Aizawa Sensei, had seen the light too, as they were all curiously approaching him.

He scoured the rocks, his eyes landing on a single rock that seemed…different. It had a soft glow to it, and the light reflected off of it beautifully. Izuku couldn’t put a finger on the color, it seemed to be…all of them, or none of them. But it was utterly beautiful. That was inarguable. It seemed to call his name as he reached for it, mesmerized, just before Aizawa called out, “IZUKU, DON’T YOU f*ckING DARE…” But it was too late.

By the time he did it, Izuku hadn’t noticed the whole class looming over him. But when he did, the light became even stronger. He felt himself fall back onto the soft sand, hearing thumps as his classmates followed suit. Then, his eyelids felt heavier, and the rock still loosely in his palm became icy cold. He didn’t notice, though, when he fell into deep unconsciousness.

Izuku woke up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he stretched his back and glanced around.

He saw Uraraka and Bakugou lying still asleep a few meters away from him on soft, lush turf. He spied a beautiful dreamscape, well, that’s what he assumed it was, and was taken back by shock by mythical creatures. There seemed to be no end to the meadows dotted with daisies. It stretched on and on for miles, way beyond sight. Izuku sighted a small cottage, as well, though it was quite far away, perhaps a few hundred meters or more. He saw unicorns grazing the grass and kitsunes and kappa and phoenixes and pegasi flying in the cloudless – purple? Pink? – sky – it seemed to be changing as he was lost in his thoughts. Nonetheless, it was doubtless that the place was beautiful.

Admittingly, Izuku was afraid to anger Katsuki, and so he decided on shaking Uraraka awake first. When she did, she was equally as confused, she queried alarmingly, though knowing Izuku probably didn’t have an answer.

“Well, I did hear Aizawa Sensei call out for me not to touch the stone, so it mustn’t be good that we’re here. Did you hear?” he continued with a solemn nod from the girl. Izuku felt a little guilty when he said: “Perhaps it could be harmful to our health if we stay here too long.” He paused once again while Uraraka breathed in shock at the view she was granted from her now-standing vantage point. “If you and Kacchan are here, maybe the rest of our class is too. And if Aizawa was running towards us, maybe he got sucked it too. And if we can find the rest of our class and Aizawa Sensei, we could probably formulate a plan to escape. I’m sure Aizawa would know what to do, but he wouldn’t leave without us, right? Oh my gosh this is all my fault!” he yelped at the sudden realization.

“No. This isn’t your fault. That stone must’ve had some sort of power, mesmerizing you. I saw the way your eyes seemed emotionless when you reached for it…” she stopped, realizing that must’ve sounded a little creepy. A few moments of awkward and profound silence told Izuku of his cue.

“I-I’m gonna wake Kacchan now.” Despite being afraid, it wasn’t like he was going to make Ochako do it, and he couldn’t just let his (former? He was unsure at this point) friend stay here, either. He was going to man up.

At first, he shook Katsuki gently, who was cursing softly in his sleep. (Wow, leave it to bakugou to f*cking swear in his sleep-) He realized this wasn’t going to work, and so he shook him harder. Bakugou’s crimson red eyes shot open.

Deku . Nerd . What the f*ck are you doing.”

“U-uhm.” Izuku stuttered, before explaining the situation in which they had found themselves in while Ochako unhelpfully watched.

“So this is all your fault? Seriously?” Bakugou practically growled at the greenette.

Izuku chose to ignore him as he and Ochako put their minds together to put together a plan.

“How about we use my quirk and float around to search for anyone else?” Uraraka offered.

“Hm.” Midoriya began, showing off his tactical thinking from experience, “I don’t think that would be a good idea. We don’t know how large this place is, and for all we know, they could be lightyears away from us. I say we get Bakugou’s quirk, send off an explosion, in an attempt to let everyone know of our location. If they are close enough to hear to see it, they could come to us.” Uraraka nodded and Katsuki growled.

“Fine, nerd, but I get the credit,” he agreed for once, channelling the sweat in his hand and letting off a deafening explosion, sending bright embers of orange and red sparks into the air.

They waited in anticipation and there seemed to be no result. That was, until they sought a blue laser a minute or so later. Izuku’s heart skipped a beat, feeling a huge beam spread from ear to ear.

It was Aoyama, that Izuku knew, and Izuku was hoping he was with some other classmates as well. Putting that thought to the side, he realized that they were pretty far away. The beam of light that had now waned seemed to be about three or so miles away. If both groups (well, they hoped it was a small group) walked towards each other, it should take about half an hour.

Izuku was very confused why they were so far apart, but now wasn’t the time to think about it.

He was about to ask his friends to begin their trek when a Pegasus landed beside him, followed by two of their friends. It nudged him gently, and Izuku marvelled at the beauty of the creature. It truly was nothing short of a miracle. Izuku had never believed in legends (and he still didn’t, it’s a dream ), but he wasn’t sure his mind could make something so breathtaking up.

Blinking to see if he wasn’t delusional, the silver-maned creature nudged him once again, seeming to gesture for him to climb aboard. The Pegasus was well built, and Izuku had gone horseback riding before when he was just a wee lil’ chap, but he was still reluctant. For one, he had no intention of mistaking or hurting it, and two, he had no intention of it mistaking or hurting him. Nonetheless, he climbed right on board, if a little cautious. Finding it quite comfortable, Izuku quickly let his friends know, and Uraraka followed suit with a huge grin.

Obviously Katsuki was spitting out curses that Izuku had learnt to tune out, but eventually gave in and climbed on board the last one, one with pale pink fur and a pixie cut.

As the Pegasi took flight, Izuku was once again, stunned at the sight. From his new vantage point, he could see countless fruit trees, though what fruit, he had no clue, and more small creatures, yokais included.

At the considerable speed of the mighty creature, Izuku and his friends(?) flew for about five minutes before seeing a blonde, a pinkette, and a ravenette. They were on foot, probably half a mile away, but Izuku could still make out Aoyama, Ashido, and Hanta. The three covered their eyes, looking up, and Uraraka waved excitedly at them. Mina, being the first to spot who they were, quickly returned the gesture, to which Bakugou sneered at.

Izuku gently patted the Pegasus, pointing at their classmates, and it turned out it was quite a smart creature, getting the gesture immediately. The three landed with a thud , eager to greet their friends. They learned that Hanta had found a rock, it looked similar to obsidian, but then again, didn’t. It was glassy, with a dark undertone, but it seemed to have something shiny trapped inside. Bakugou demanded to see it following Izuku’s examination. He ‘lost control’ of his quirk and destroyed it, but in all honesty, that sasshole just missed destroying stuff and deemed it a piece of junk. And yet, somehow everything worked out because it freed a bloody fairy.

The tiny creature emerged from the rock as if it had been hibernating for centuries, it stretched it back, which cracked oddly satisfyingly. Ochako was practically squealing at how cute it was, in all it’s glowing glory. He smiled warmly and pointed to himself, repeating, “Aki, Akimitsu!”

Aoyama began venting at what Izuku assumed to be Akimitsu about how he missed cheese, but Akimitsu shot him a disapproving look and sat himself in Katsuki’s palm. To which the Pomeranian howled at in victory.

The little fairy must’ve disliked the noise, because he then settled himself in Izuku’s messy bush of green hair. Izuku patted the fairy, and asked in Japanese, “hey! We’re actually lost, and were wondering if you knew how to um. Leave this place?” Izuku waited for a response, but Akimitsu seemed to ponder endlessly. He returned a question, and Izuku was shocked at how lucky they were that he was fluent in the same tongue.

“Why do you want to leave.” It didn’t sound much of a question, the ‘desuka’ at the end sounded more like a statement, but the girls were melting at the adorableness of Akimitsu. Izuku patiently proceeded with the conversation, “We need to go home.” He gestured with a roof above his arms, in case he didn’t know. Akimitsu nodded thoughtfully, seeming tore between letting his new friends go and not.

Everyone was relieved when he nodded. He pulled out a little wand made of what looked like a twig and flashed it around, and five pictures of small groups of his classmates appeared in a hologram. “Are these your friends too.” He spoke, again, unquestioningly. “They dropped by my land at about the same time as you. They almost woke me from my nap.” Though his tone seemed petty, he sounded quite a bit older, more commanding and powerful. The fairy (or was it a pixie?) had messy, navy dark hair that seemed to have stars in it, or rather glowing, scintillant dots, with starlight yellow eyes and a sincere smile when he flashed it. His caramel skin glinted in the daylight alike a banana.

Izuku was confused why the fairy slept in a rock, but that was besides the point. Sero piped up, “Could you take us to them?” He asked hopefully, baring his fangs in a friendly grin.

“That could be difficult. My land is very large, and could take time…unless…” Akimitsu trailed off, lost in his own thoughts.

“Unless what?” Mina pushed, obviously speaking what was on the mind of everyone else.

“Unless you play a game with me. I haven’t had visitors in forever!” Akimitsu laughed, a warm, lovable sound. His childish personality returned as he put his balled arms above his blue tufts of hair.

“What the f*ck, a game?” Katsuki huffed in disbelief, though he kept his voice quiet.

After a moment of silence, Aoyama chimed, “pourquoi pas!”

“Alright, I’m down if you guys are,” Izuku nodded, which was quite a lot easier to understand to those who didn’t understand French.

A chorus of agreeing words had Akimitsu beaming even brighter, like the sun.

“Okay! Let’s play hide and seek!” He chirped, readying himself. “You can all seek, and I’ll hide.”

“This whole place?!” Uraraka asked, alarmed. This provoked some thought from the little guy. “Hmm. That does seem a little hard, for humans, anyway. How about we set the boundaries to that cottage?” He pointed to a nearby abode. “Race ya there!” He giggled, speeding off at the speed of light. Despite feeling a little guilty to play games with a literal pixie while his other classmates might be desperately searching for them (or they could still be sleeping), Izuku led his friends in jogging to the hut. It was about a few hundred meters away from their little chatting spot where they had bid their goodbyes to the Pegasi, but Akimitsu stomped his foot mid-air, complaining about how they took eons. He didn’t seem to make it seem exaggerative, which made Izuku wonder how old the fairy really was.

Before he really thought about it, he spoke, “How old are you, Akimitsu?” the creature seemed to give it some thought, then winked and replied, “as old as time.” Call it stupid, but the six of them really believed him when he said it.

“Give me just five minutes to hide,” Akimitsu grinned, flying in at full speed into the warm log cabin on cue.

In the five minutes they were given the six students formed a plan of attack. Akimitsu had told them they would have a whole half an hour to search for him, and assuming he was a good hider, they would probably need it even with all six of them looking. There was no option other than to win; their lives practically depended on them.

Upon five minutes being up (Izuku suspects Bakugou was counting), they headed inside, taking in their surroundings. The cabin wasn’t big, maybe ten by ten meters, with a simple bed, kitchen, living room and bathroom.

They were about ten minutes in, and they had checked every nook and cranny – literally. There was little to no décor under the roof, with a few pots and vases they found to be empty. Izuku was starting to freak out.

Katsuki blasphemed every time he found a spot to be empty, Uraraka was getting delusional, Hanta was sweating furiously, Aoyama hadn’t stopped speaking French in the past three minutes, and even Mina was picking up on a French tongue.

Eventually, Izuku who had sort of adapted to the role of being the leader, summoned his troupes to the dining table for a meeting – a change of tactics. He summarized that Akimitsu probably had some sort of quirk or power to aid him in hiding. He probably had some sort of invisibility like Hagakure or teleported every time someone neared his hiding spot. They had come to the possibility that he may have flew away, but the door was a heavy oak one, and had been closed since they entered, and there were no openable windows.

Izuku abruptly thought of an idea and requested Uraraka to use her Zero Gravity on him. He floated to the top while Katsuki spat at him of his stupidity, touching the roof gently. He approached the corner of the roof and his face lit up in delight as he cupped his hands, seemingly with something in it, and a fairy faded into view. His face was bright red, and apparently he had held his breath for all that long.

“Damn, it’s been a while since anyone’s found me.” He smiled pleasantly. “But I might congratulate you. Although I must say I don’t recall the last time someone came into my dimension…what year is it? The sixteenth century? Damn that’s so far in the future…I can’t even imagine it. Welp, I am a fairy of my word, and as promised, I will bring you to your friends.”

With another flick of his enchanted stick, Iida, Kouda, and Jirou appeared before their eyes and with a third one, Kirishima, Tsuyu and Hitoshi simply…popped in. With more flicks, more people joined the group, each one awestruck and confused. After Tokoyami, Yaoyorozu, Mashirao, and Satou, Shouji, Hagakure, and finally Todoroki and Aizawa emerged from the very air, Izuku, assisted by Uraraka and the others present, began the tiresome journey of explaining anything. Aizawa didn’t say a word, but when Mina asked him how to get back, he answered, “Oh, you just have to ask the fairy guy. He’s the king of his land and has all power, he can do anything.”

“Long time no see, Shouta.” King king greeted, “Hey, why didn’t you guys tell me you were with Shouta? I would’ve let you skip on the hide and seek!” He laughed.

As it turned out, Aizawa had found a moonstone similar to the one Izuku had found, and had wound up in the same land, and Akimitsu had befriended him. In all honesty, Shouta couldn’t say the same.

And with a few bids of farewell and a sad smile, Akimitsu the all-mighty King of dreamland wisped them off into the ‘real world’.

Izuku was dreading how much time they had spent in the dreamscape — it had to be a few hours, at least. A thousand yen said that it was more than five hours. And yet, when they returned, the sun was in the spot, and the class was in the same position, just that the rock wasn’t glowing anymore. Just a normal rock in a pile of the same.

Aizawa didn’t hesitate to pat down his costume, explaining that the enchantment of moonstones moved from rock to rock, destination to destination, and never stayed in the same place for too long.

He suggested not to speak a word of it after, and it was like nothing out of the ordinary had happened that day.

The Drop of Water that became an Ocean (A Legacy That Will Go Down For Generations) - Iggybee - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.