The Faulkner Focus : FOXNEWSW : August 8, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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shannon an bill. >> shannon: terrifying. >> bill: we have an incredible comeback for team usa on the track. here we go. roll it and watch the finish. >> quincy hall is coming back and digging deep. quincy hall is running past all of them. can he get there? he does! >> bill: great call, huh? really good. hang on it. wait for the end here. it was a snow man in paris, well done. first time in more than 15 years for the u.s., the fifth fastest time in the event history. medal count we're leading. chinese tied us. we were ahead on the gold but as of today -- love quincy hall. see you later today and tomorrow. good deal. here is harris. we have to roll. bye. >> harris: former president

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donald trump will hold a news conference coming up today. it was just announced this morning. this kind of impromptu transparent and unfettered access to the press that american voters are not seeing from the democratic -- democrat running for the white house. vice president kamala harris. this is a stark difference. a couple of conferences now, news conferences with the press both from the republican presidential nominee now and the republican vice presidential nominee in the last few days this week. kamala harris was chosen by her party to replace joe biden atop the ticket 18 days ago. question know she can read a teleprompter. but can she answer questions about the harris biden border crisis? weakening economy and piercingly high prices on food and everything else? i'm harris faulkner and you are

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in "the faulkner focus." v.p. kamala harris has been busy on the campaign trail but it is predominantly scripted. even liberal media are getting antsy. >> i think they played it smart. she has been running for president for two weeks. she had to get a lot down in the two weeks, the base of her party, had to get the actual nominee, pick a v.p. i'm not mad she is not doing 50 interviews a day but it can't last. it is very important. and we can't make favorites. anybody running for the top office needs to be available as possible. >> harris: can't make favorites. what did he mean by that? maybe talk to all the press not just her fa favorites. a nod to this from vance. here he is in wisconsin where both he and kamala harris held rallies yesterday in the same

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city. >> i thought it might be nice to check out this plane that will be mine in a few months if we all take care of business. i think we will. but mostly actually i want to go and say hello to the journalists traveling along with the vice president. i figured they must be lonely. kamala harris doesn't take any questions. >> harris: ouch. kamala harris won't talk to reporters. that's true. and there is another thing, too. joe biden is not at her side. the last time in fact we saw president biden was on monday. he still has five months left in office and remember, he was asked do you think iran will back down from imminently attacking israel and he said i hope so. i don't know. don't worry about any of this, though, because the vice president sends her best regards to the american public on his behalf. >> i also bring greetings from

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our incredible president, joe biden. joe. and i know we all deeply, deeply grateful to joe for his lifetime of service to our nation and we thank you, joe biden, each and every day for all you are and all you've done and have yet to do. [cheers and applause] >> harris: senior white house correspondent peter doocy now. >> harris, there is so much going on in the world. president biden does plan to appear in public today and that is going to be at an event celebrating the world series champion texas rangers. that is apparently what the press secretary meant when she said this. >> there will be more opportunities. we have five months left. plenty of opportunities to see the president and certainly when we have events, public events to share and travel to share as we normally do, we will do just that. >> president biden is no longer a candidate. he will leave office in january regardless of who wins.

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we don't even know if he watched the harris-walz roll-out in philly. president biden is trying to keep interested parties focused on donald trump in his first interview since dropping out. >> are you confident that there will be a peaceful transfer of power in january of 2025? >> if trump wins, i'm not confident at all. if trump loses i'm not confident at all. app means what he says, he means it. all the stuff about if we lose there be will a bloodbath. >> the trump people continue to insist the bloodbath comment from him was a reference to the auto industry from a rally months back. that's what president biden was referring to there. as for vice president harris, she has still not sat or stood for in-depth question since she was elevated to the top of the ticket 19 days ago.

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new reporting in "politico" saying it might not happen until after labor day. >> harris: peter, thank you very much. in "focus" now jason chaffetz fox news contributor and former republican congressman of utah. it has been 18 days. we haven't heard from her. we've barely seen president biden and now she is singing his praises on the stump like he couldn't do that himself? what do you think of it? >> this is awful. look, the so-called traditional mainstream media, in is on them. if they made issues of it and wrote the articles and wrote the stories about the lack of access, the lack of candor, then it would be an issue and she would do that. this media doesn't do their job. just judge this book by its cover. don't actually read behind the pages. don't actually read the content of their policies. that is their strategy. >> harris: you know, i guess you can have that as a strategy.

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what you can't have a being complicit. when you don't press in with hard questions, you do it with respect. you don't have to be an attack dog. you don't have to ambush people. do it with respect and ask the tough questions. why is there a flip-flop on flaking in pennsylvania where they know they need to frack for energy to help the rest of us? i think the questions are basic. you don't have to be caustic. why the avoidance? what do you think we aren't seeing? you have been on capitol hill and know the players, what are we not seeing about kamala harris right now? >> because she is terrible at this. she doesn't actually have principles. she doesn't actually have policies that work. they try to gas light us talking about it. a legitimate question is your new running mate that you selected wants to put ladders over walls so it is easier to come over the border and you tell us the border is secure. how about that?

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a question about walz and his military record, how about maybe a question about setting up a hotline so that you could spy on your neighbors and tattle tale on them? are you in favor of that? that doesn't sound like freedom. there are so many questions but they hide and to some degree it actually works. >> harris: when you are talking about that snitch line as it has been called, people were telling on their neighbors for not wearing masks. if you saw a neighbor outside you were supposed to turn them into the governor of minnesota. that is the opposite of democracy and who is pressing against democracy? well, i think somebody with that idea might be. vice president harris seems to lean into her far left record. how do we know? she chose her running mate tim walz. here are some of the things they know. they both have a long history of supporting hard line liberal policies. critics are calling out media

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outlets for seeming to gloss over all these facts by selling -- remember the word complicit -- selling tim walz to the nation. >> tim walz is like this folksy charm . >> informal vibe that has appealed to a lot of democrats. >> harris: the new word is folksy. it is everywhere. demeanor folksy style. folksy reputations and mannerisms. an opinion piece says seriously. the memes started right away as well hammering home the idea that walz is your neighborly dad who loves dogs and hunting, can change your oil and occasionally embarrasses his daughter. ic. never mind to minnesota fell to blm, antifa and covid tyranny under his watch, a quote.

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you have seen this. recent words from tim walz saying one person's socialism is another person's neighborlyness. >> yeah. this is absolutely unbelievable. i think america wants competency at this point. it is not enough to just be folksy. that's the guy i want to hang out with. a football coach. great, he did that. why not go out there and talk about actual issues. are you really going to take the most complicated job in the world, talking about the world economy, do you think the combined knowledge and expertise on the world economy between tim walz and kamala harris adds up to anything? what will we do with the world on fire and iran now very close to, if not already achieving a nuclear bomb? what are we going to do about that?

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everybody who likes taylor swift. isis the trying to blow up people. why not answer questions about that? how about the terrorists they let across the border? maybe taking one of those tim walz ladders to get into the united states of america. what about the economy? what do they have an answer for the economy? tim walz has never owned a home. i don't know how he thinks he will relate to the average american and what's going on in this country. those are the questions the media should be asking rather than just getting in line and saying oh, he is so cute. >> harris: i have to get you a press card. i know you were chairman of oversight. i can see why. you ask great questions and we need all those answers. jason chaffetz, and your passion. people will have to vote. they do. they have a stark choice to make now in november. everybody vote. vote your interest. thank you, jason. new scrutiny for democrat vp nominee tim walz if you can get

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more scrutinized than what jason chaffetz did. he laid it down. now there are growing questions on his military record and how it all might affect the top of the ticket for the democrats. can they win the white house with that guy? a new report claims iran may be having second thoughts about directly hitting israel. however, some experts say don't relax on that. >> iran knows what it is like to be threatened by the united states. i don't judge they think it's credible we will. i think retaliation is still likely. i don't think iran is deterred. i think they are buying time. >> harris: and the border feud continuing between israel and lebanon. that second front of the war now that has taken shape. iran-backed hezbollah terrorists are launching new strikes every day. israel has had to move 100,000 of its citizens away from the northern zone of their nation.

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can the u.s. help turn down the temperature? well, that would take kamala harris and joe biden. lieutenant general keith kellogg in "focus" with me next. verizs are here. august 5th to the 11th. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out. get started today. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete,

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>> harris: hezbollah terrorists on the border of israel in lebanon are launching new attacks against israel today. overnight israel's air force attacked the terrorist group's military sites in southern lebanon and a rocket attack earlier this week wounded five american service members and two contractors on a u.s. air base in iraq. so their proxies are hitting us. you know who this ties back to, iran.

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one official told fox news two of the people who were wounded are undergoing medical procedures for their injuries, serious. u.s. central command took preemptive steps against the houthis in yemen yesterday. who have been wiping out weapons and equipment in yemen. that's how we're dealing with them. they've hit us, too. a statement from centcom reads this way. a clear and imminent threat to u.s. and coalition forces and merchant vessels in the region. the reckless and dangerous behavior by houthis continues to threaten regional stability and security. reckless? you mean war-like, don't you? the white house is still pushing for diplomacy to avoid a larger war. >> we don't want to see this conflict escalate. we certainly don't want to see any sort of all-out regional war. if iran moves forward as they

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have said they are going to, we will make sure we're ready to defend israel and our own interests. >> harris: i want to bring in lieutenant general keith kellogg. former national security advisor to president trump and vice president pence and fox news contributor. first of all, we have been getting hit forever but most recently rapidly, the numbers going up north of 200 times in that region. america now taking it again and iran is behind it all. your thoughts. >> thanks for having me, harris. look, i think if chamberlain was alive today he would welcome to comment that came out of the white house with appeasem*nt. we need to look what netanyahu and the israelis have done. when you look at basically deterrents in the region it means it has to be credible. meaning credible it has underpinnings. the capability to do it but more

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importantly a will to do something. the political will to do it. we can have an aircraft carrier battle group out there, we do, the teddy roosevelt. if you haven't got the will to execute nothing will happen. what netanyahu has done and it is important to note and we should take note as well. when they did that dramatic attack a little over a week ago and deep into iran and killed the number one leader of hamas, haniyeh, it sent a very clear message. then they killed the number two guy in hezbollah, went into yemen and attacked houthi targets. they have the will and capability and capacity to do it and the reason i believe iran hasn't reached out and attacked heavily into israel again. they have now know their leadership is at risk, refineries are at risk, nuclear facilities are at risk. whatever is out there they can be touched by the israelis.

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we haven't down that. >> harris: they respect the power israel has and uses it. i don't know if they have that respect for the united states right now. which is why they hit our military bases, our personnel in and around that region and who knows what else they are capable of right now because they have so many of these terror groups that they fund and command? look, i got a deep inside look at this when i sat down with former president donald trump, who now as you know as the nominee is getting national security advisories, the classified material. i was with him on july 13th just a few hours before the assassination attempt on him. i want to show as much of that interview. it was 90 minutes. i want to show as much as i can. we talked in detail about the war in israel and the threat from iran. >> this is money that came from iran and they fed hamas, they feed all these terror groups, hezbollah. iran was broke when i was president.

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they were broke. there was no terror, no attacks. take a look, check the facts. i want to talk about it so badly three years in i wanted to say three years without an attack. i didn't want to do that because the next day there is an attack and use it against me. but here is the thing, iran was broke. they are the ones that finance terror. they finance terror. if china bought from iran oil, which they were buying a lot, i said that's okay, you can buy it but you aren't doing any more business in the united states. we'll go cold turkey and put tariffs on china. they didn't buy anything. other countries didn't buy anything. iran was broke and have no money. they have $300 billion. the biggest thing they are developing a nuclear weapon. i think they're very close. biden has done nothing to stop it. i think it will go down as possibly the worst thing they've

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done. they have allowed iran to do some really bad things. iran is rich now. they were broke with me. no money for hamas. when i left, iran was broke. now i don't want them to be broke. i just want them not to have a nuclear weapon. very simple. i would have made a deal with them. i would have had a deal with them done so fast within one week of the election i would have had a deal done just like i will make a deal between russia and ukraine as president elect before i take office. >> harris: there is so much there in terms of policy and planning. what do you see from what he said? what do you take away? >> i take away boldness and action. that's what i take away. i was privileged to serve with him in the white house for four years. at the end of his administration the last state of the union address when he went before the joint house in congress said very clearly if you attack an american, your life is forfeit.

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he didn't say if you kill, if you attack. everybody knew that and backed away from us. they had respect and they had fear. i really believe when he says things like that those things will happen because adversaries and allies alike will realize he means business. this administration doesn't have that. they don't have the will. they don't have the force, and they don't have the respect of anybody in the world that they will use it. i see what is happening today and it is frustrating. you mentioned our great young men and women in uniform. the fact that we had american service members wounded in action recently and nobody said a word about it and the president hasn't said a word about it or gone in front of the american people and said a word about it or kamala harris, that is disgraceful. it shouldn't happen. >> harris: they never do. we have been hit so many times after october 7th and they never do. we'll hear a drip, drip about this number of people were wounded, this sort of thing. but a direct conversation from this white house, we'll wait. i imagine a long time.

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general, thank you. the party has virtually stamped -- rubber stamped the harris-walz ticket for november. but some critics are suggesting that could all change. maybe there is some on the left who don't like the fact they didn't get a voice because they didn't. plus the trump-vance win. >> we will stop the massive flow of illegal aliens in the first place. >> harris: they laid out how they plan to get tough on biden and harris's border crisis. senator rick scott is here in "focus."

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the debacle on our southern border if trump and vance win in november. >> you have to stop the bleeding before you can actually fix the problem here. you reimplement deportations and finish construction of the border wall and stop proposing mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. if you have come to this country illegally and plowed into an innocent mom and daughter and lost their lives because of your actions, the message from the trump administration is simple, pack your bags because in four months you are going home. >> harris: joe biden and kamala harris have presided over a record number of illegal border crossings. so far there have been more than 8 million of illegal border crossings. and that is massive 233% spike compared to the trump presidency. i want to keep showing you that number because it is not going to go away. it will just get bigger. critics have been calling both

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harris and now her v.p. pick walz's liberal border records. they've been calling them out and walz has reaffirmed his support for joe biden's border orders and for sanctuary policies in his home state of minnesota. and would see them in general. he has talked about that in interviews. in cities across the country. kamala harris opposed criminalizing illegal crossings and has suggested eliminating our customs, ice. the trump campaign national press secretary said this to me yesterday. >> kamala harris and tim walz america criminals will be put first ahead of law abiding citizens and we will continue to have a wide open border for illegal migrants from all over this world. we are entering into dangerous territory where we knowingly have known terrorists from countries around this world that hate us roaming around our country and our government has no idea where they are. kamala harris owns that, tim

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walz supports it. >> harris: no idea where they are. now remember, i just shared former president trump is now getting the classified security information. his numbers are fresh. republican senator rick scott of the great state of florida is right here today. member of the homeland security armed services and budget committees. so good to have you. we have been talking about this and i want to know where it stands in your mind now with the most liberal ticket we've ever seen on the left running for the white house. >> look at what harris did when she picked walz. she believes in defunding the police, she believes in allowing children to mutilate their bodies without consent of parents. believes that you can forcefully take away weapons, guns from people. she confirmed she believes in the green new deal and completely open border. what i don't get is don't the democrats care about the people dying of fentanyl? you think it happens to republicans? don't they care about little girls being raped by illegal immigrants that should never be here? don't they worry about a

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terrorist attack against democrats? because it doesn't make any sense. there is no logic. it is the most radical ticket we've ever had in this country's history. we all have to do what trump said. we need to swamp them in november. we need to get out and vote and vote and get all our friends to vote. >> harris: i want to share this with you and the audience. house judiciary republicans made a report on the illegal immigrant from venezuela with suspected gang ties. he has been released by the biden-harris administration in january of last year. the report says in the six months after he was released, he committed 22 fresh crimes in new york city including assault, menacing and criminal possession of a weapon. house republicans call it an example of the administration's failures. joe biden and kamala harris. they even put out a video.

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the crisis is terrorizeing american communities was the tag line there. congressional report said it was unclear if he had been removed from the u.s. going back to that venezuelan illegal border crosser who committed 22 fresh crimes after they released him. however, a "new york post" investigation has found he has yet to be deported and is being held in buffalo, new york right now. why not get rid of this guy? what will we do with him? let him go again? >> did you see one of those guys said they don't commit crimes because we put them in jail? they're in new york. they go commit these crimes in new york because they know nothing will happen to them.

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when walz didn't put looters and rioters in prison. if the democrats continue this no accountability it will get worse. more people will die, more people will get hurt. more girls will get raped. it will be a more dangerous place. >> harris: i have to ask you because there are so many things happening at once. a lot of it centers on how we hold our sovereignty at both our borders, by the way. i give southern border numbers and add in the northern ones and we probably should. what keeps you up at night right now? >> i sent a text to my daughters the other day and said you guys need to be careful what's going on in the world. look at all the crime coming from people who cross had the southern border illegally. look at the lives going on now. look at the fact that iran attacked our troops and we did nothing. this is not a normal time. elections are being stolen in venezuela. so this is a scary time.

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the scariest time in my lifetime when the director of the f.b.i. says we have terror cells across our country. i told my family be careful. this is a dangerous time in our country and you need to be watch out what is happening. >> harris: you talk about the elections in venezuela. so much is going on from that particular nation. we need another hour to talk about it. and i'm wondering now with the gangs so on and so forth how it affects america. we'll get into it another day. i haven't heard a conversation yet with national security that doesn't mention venezuela. all right. the dnc virtually confirmed vice president harris. they had a roll call by zoom and as the party's white house nominee is trying to get out there right now. that happened on monday. next day she tapped governor walz as her number two. j.d. vance says drama could still unfold at the dnc convention. >> here is my offer to kamala harris. if she would like to do the debate with me august 13th we

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should do that, right? i don't think she wants to anymore. one she probably doesn't know she will be the democratic nominee. see if the democrats pull a bait and switch on them like they did to joe biden. >> harris: that would make democrats really seem in more disarray and chaos. we haven't had 18 days a news conference or sit-down interview with kamala harris and she wants to be in the white house. >> the threat to democracy. harris was chosen. the left wing media is on board. she got better all of a sudden. i heard she would say she has never met joe biden. wasn't vice president. >> think about it. she was not the border czar. she says she was never responsible. what a joke. >> harris: let me ask you this, do you have any concerns at this point about who is handling our foreign policy? >> absolutely. biden is incapacitated.

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somebody in the white house is making these decisions. they are not doing anything. we're not defending our troops, right? we had election stolen in venezuela, doing nothing about that. so we're not supporting israel. so you wonder who is making these decisions? it is not biden. >> harris: when the president earlier this week was asked about do you think iran will stand down and not attack israel he said i hope so. i don't know. senator scott, it's great to have you. vice president harris and former president donald trump locked in a tight race now when you look at the polling in key battleground states. she says she hopes her running mate walz will give her an edge in the midwest. it could be a risky bet. as pressure mounts from the far left in the kamala harris campaign, is she bending the knee to anti-israel groups? jewish hate. stay close. with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions

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>> tim walz when were you ever in war? what was this weapon that you carried into war? what brother bothers me, don't pretend to be something you're not. >> harris: that is j.d. vance taking aim at his democratic

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counterpart, tim walz, over walz's military record. there are a lot of questions especially after this resurfaced. >> we can do background checks and cdc research and make sure we don't have resip proper call carry among states and the weapons of war i carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at. >> harris: we understand what he is saying there. those remarks suggest that tim walz saw active combat. but his military record shows he did not. the harris campaign has responded. here is a quote. in his 24 years of service, the governor carried, fired and trained others to use weapons of war many times. governor walz would never insult or undermine any american service to this country, end quote. vans jones on cnn with this. >> it is conceivable that he has

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been loose with his language or said stuff that doesn't -- there is -- people are human beings on these campaign trails and so -- now he is running for a major position. if he needs to clean it up, clean it up. reality is if he said one or two things or said something that turned out to be sloppy, fix it. >> harris: and again that's van jones. garrett tenney is live from chicago. garrett. >> it's important to note these allegations of stole in valor going back to his runs for congress and governor. they started with several of the men who served with walz in the national guard. these claims are getting the national spotlight. one of the criticisms is that tim walz has been a bit fast and loose how he described his military service to try and help himself politically. on his gun control comments, walz would have been issued and trained on an m-16 rifle on his years in the national guard.

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according to the service record saying he carried it in war is not accurate. the minnesota national guard confirms walz's battalion deployed in 2003 to support operation enduring freedom but he was stationed in italy and never saw any kind of combat. a few months after walz retired in 2005 his artillery unit was deployed to iraq and saw heavy combat. several of those he served with say walz abandoned his men by retiring when there were rumors they could be deployed. >> if he thinks italy was a combat zone or a war zone and he was carrying that in war, he is delusional. just another way to embellish his career beyond what it was. stolen valor for the people that were actually in war. >> others who served with walz are coming to his defense including a man who says he disagrees with walz politics and won't vote for him but said he

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was a great soldier. when he chose to leave he had every right to leave. democrats and harris campaign are pushing back on these allegations. just this past hour held a press call with several members of congress who are also veterans trying to defend walz's record against these attacks that are now coming in. >> harris: it is interesting because this festered for a little while and they didn't hit it right away. this has been something that is costing them now and they are spending time, effort, resources on it. it lets you know that some calculation tells democrats this is a problem. garrett, thank you very much. vice president kamala harris is all but certainly hoping the running mate they are trying to defend right now, tim walz, can help her shore up the so-called democratic blue wall. election forecaster's crystal ball model has shifted three states toward democrats since kamala harris became the nominee. but before she chose walz. those states just so you know

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are georgia, new hampshire and minnesota. they moved closer to liking kamala harris and democrats. there was no tim walz. the "wall street journal" with this headline. kamala harris makes risky bet that tim walz can prop up blue wall. past polling indicates walz might not bring as many votes for kamala harris in minnesota as democrats would even like. walz mostly won typical democratic cities when he was elected governor in 2018. made but less progress in rural counties. he won there but not as great. msnbc data reporter with this. >> you go county by county not much variance between how walz did and biden did. go into greater minnesota. look at stearns county here. walz lost this by 23 points. what did biden lose it by? 23 points. barack obama was able to get 43% of the vote here.

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basically run just over ten points behind mitt romney. obama was able to do that in a county like stearns and counties like this all over the midwest. the democrats hope he will appeal to these blue collar areas in the other three states. maybe he will. when you look at what he has done in minnesota, you don't quite see that. >> harris: boy, okay. cassie former rnc deputy communications director and doug schoen former clinton advisor. great to see you both. cassie, i will start with doug. is it too late to replace tim walz? it would look chaotic for democrats. >> i don't think it is practical, harris, to replace tim walz. i do think what van jones said needs to be taken very seriously. if i were the democrats and i was running the campaign i would send walz out to apologize,

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clean up the statement make it clear what he has done and move on. the american people forgive but if he does not do that, harris, this will be a steady drumbeat throughout the campaign. >> harris: look, i'm flinching on that. a lot of the criticism is coming from military veterans in his home state of minnesota, which would mean he owed them an apology for a long time. i don't know if that cleans it up and why i kind of, you know, leaned back on that. it is interesting. cassie. >> he has carried this lie through a lot of campaigns. getting back to what you were just outlining of can he help deliver the votes that kamala harris needs to win? we're not sure about that. one thing we're pretty sure of is the guy she didn't choose could have delivered pennsylvania for her, governor shapiro is the very popular pro-israel jewish governor and

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she didn't choose him because that made too much sense and he was too crossways with not just the far left base democrats' vision for america but kamala harris's vision for america. the problem is while other states have moved into likely democrat. pennsylvania did not move and notable and a problem for her. what you are left with is the very left progressive socialist ticket. tim walz, let's face it, is a socialist in midwestern dad clothing. we're midwest gals. we don't like it when people aren't who they claim to be. we call that midwest nice. for those of us in the midwest it is not a compliment. >> harris: i have heard the term across many times having lived in minnesota. define socialism for me, if you can, doug. you hear that word tossed a around. democrats seem to think it's positive. do you? >> no, i don't think it is positive.

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socialism means redistribution of wealth and power and we're a capitalist free market country. swing voters are. if i were the biden administration, i would outline a program that governor walz and vice president harris buy into that speaks explicitly to an agenda for the future that is capitalist, free market and speaks to tightening the southern border and tightening up our cities on fighting crime. be where the american people are. >> harris: did you hear what doug just said? i was trying to lean in. we don't have a lot of time. the prescription to fix the mess that harris and walz are in together since the roll-out of walz is to bring in joe biden. >> i said the administration needs to do that. >> harris: to put them to work on something that they can be proud of. oh my goodness, talk about the

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dog chasing its tail. cassie. >> a lot of stuff doug was outlining is a lot of stuff that trump and vance are outlining for the country. they should listen to you, doug. the sound bite running around this week is governor walz saying one person's socialism is another person's neighborlyness and for all of that implies of going and telling on your neighbors, going and forcing them to do what you want them to do, and encroaching into their lives. and that is a problem because those types of comments gets into how he really feels and thinks and certainly how he has governed. that's where we will have to follow him around. those will follow him around the campaign trail. >> couldn't agree more. >> harris: we watched the roll-out of tim walz together in the greenroom. you are right. i want to bring you both back. this was fun. very informative. >> great, thank you. >> harris: "outnumbered" is next.

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