The Frank Reilly Illustration Drawing Method (2024)

Level 1


1. Reilly Method Head Drawing: Unit 1 - Anatomy WithMark Westermoe

Marks precise knowledge and nomenclature of the elements that make up the head will give you a foundational understanding of its anatomy, preparing you to learn the Reilly Method later in this series.

5h 13m 15s

Beginner Friendly



2. Reilly Method Head Drawing: Unit 2 - The Abstraction WithMark Westermoe

Mark introduces Frank Reilly's abstraction: a rhythmical representation of the shapes and forms of the head. Internalizing this model will give you an excellent starting point for any portrait or head drawing. Mark first explains a little bit of the history behind this abstraction, then moves on to show you how it can be applied to any given drawing or photo. Following that, he uses the abstraction and some tracing paper to demonstrate some portraits from the NMA and Drawthis! model reference libraries.

7h 25m 28s

Beginner Friendly



WithMark Westermoe

Mark begins with some general rules and tips for monochrome drawings-- designing the shapes, the values we assign to them, and the edges between them. He then moves on to draw three shadow patterns on three heads based on the Reilly Abstraction. He incorporates three different lighting scenarios on these heads: form lighting, ambient lighting, and rim lighting.

2h 52m 46s

Beginner Friendly



4. Reilly Method Head Drawing: Unit 4 - Underpainting Demonstration WithMark Westermoe

Mark demonstrates an approach called underpainting or imprimatura, wherein the first layer of paint on the canvas serves as a base tone for the rest of the forms painted on top. In this lesson, Mark shows you how to apply your understanding of the planes of the head and the laws of light to make even the simplest of paintings "ring true." In this case, he paints a portrait of the notoriously bullish financier J.P. Morgan.


5. Reilly Method Head Drawing: Unit 5 - The Planes of the Head WithMark Westermoe

Mark diverges from the curvilinear rhythmic approach and shows you how to conceptualize the head by using planes and connecting lines. Many art teachers harp on the need to focus on construction, without pointing directly to what they mean by construction. In this lesson, Mark takes direct aim at this concept so that you have an adequately solidified mental model of the head before moving onto more difficult angles in the final lesson.

4h 26s

Beginner Friendly



6. Reilly Method Head Drawing: Unit 6 - Rendering Approaches WithMark Westermoe

Now that you've internalized the fundamental techniques and concepts related to Frank Reilley's rhythmic abstraction of the head, Mark encourages you to tackle more nuanced angles, poses, and expressions of the portrait in the final lesson in his series. He demonstrates various approaches using toned paper and colored pencils, as well as a technique for creating rich blended tones using a combination of wax pencil and mineral spirits on a printed vellum copy.

3h 32m 42s

Beginner Friendly


Level 2


7. Reilly Method Figure Drawing: Week 1 | History and Technique WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors! In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. Students will learn how to lay-in the figure, how to simplify and design the anatomy, and how to use light, shadow, and edge control […]

2h 19m 12s


8. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 2 | Standing Pose: Second Session WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors! In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. Students will learn how to lay-in the figure, how to simplify and design the anatomy, and how to use light, shadow, and edge control […]

1h 54m 7s


9. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 3 | Standing Pose: Final Session WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors! In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. Students will learn how to lay-in the figure, how to simplify and design the anatomy, and how to use light, shadow, and edge control […]

1h 43m 45s

Beginner Friendly



10. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 4: Designing the Head WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors! In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. Students will learn how to lay-in the figure, how to simplify and design the anatomy, and how to use light, shadow, and edge control […]

1h 52m 49s

Beginner Friendly



11. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 5: Designing the Head, Continued WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors. In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. In this 5th lesson, Mark will continue rendering the head drawing from the previous lesson by introducing new pencil and sketching techniques. He will […]

1h 21m 48s

Beginner Friendly



12. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 6: Designing the Hands WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors. In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. In this 6th lesson, Mark will go over the Reilly Head Abstraction in detail and analyze selected master works of Matania.He will then demonstrate […]

1h 25m 57s

Beginner Friendly



13. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 7: Designing the Hands, Continued WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors. In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. In this 7th lesson, Mark will continue the hand drawing from the previous lesson by showing how to properly introduce shape and shadow to […]

1h 4m 35s

Beginner Friendly


14. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 8: Full Female Figure WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors. In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. In this 8th lesson, Mark will demonstrate how to properly render a full female figure by carefully spacing and placing the initial lay-in. He […]

1h 46m 42s

Beginner Friendly


15. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 9: Full Female Figure Continued WithMark Westermoe

We are pleased to share with you a 10-week long class brought to you by Art Mentors. In this class, legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. In this 9th lesson, Mark continues working on the full female figure, first by working on the detail of the arms and back. He […]

1h 24m 17s

Beginner Friendly



16. Reilly Method Figure Drawing Week 10: Full Female Figure Continued WithMark Westermoe

Here is the final week’s recording from Art Mentors’ 10-week class in which legendary illustrator Mark Westermoe teaches figure drawing using the Reilly Method. Mark finalizes a rendering of a standing female figure by resolving the shadows throughout the entire body. He also refines the half-tones and demonstrates how to design the foot. We hope […]

1h 28m 54s

Beginner Friendly


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The Frank Reilly Illustration Drawing Method (2024)


What is the Frank Reilly method of illustration? ›

The Reilly approach is a constructive/graphic hybrid that emphasizes line and shape design and clear value control. This approach has become popular among professional illustrators as well as for fine art applications.

What is the Reilly method of drawing heads? ›

The Reilly abstraction describes the head differently than the Loomis method. Instead of being rather technical and focusing on straight construction lines like the Loomis method, the Reilly method focuses more on rhythm and flow. It shows how all the facial forms connect and kind of „flow“ into each other.

Is the Reilly method good? ›

Reilly. The Loomis and Reilly Methods are both very useful guides for portrait drawing. While the Loomis Method aims to help artists draw the basic structure and proportions of the face, the Reilly Abstraction helps to bring drawings to life by improving the flow, likeness, and accuracy of portraits.

What is the famous face drawing method? ›

The Loomis method for the construction of the head is very popular because it is easy to learn and remember and can be applied to any drawing of the head. Although learning the method is easy, drawing the head and the face almost never is.

What are the methods of illustration? ›

Method Illustration is a form of illustration research, developed in an experimental educational setting, that encourages the researcher to experience, embody or become the topic they are researching. It is a playful form of experimental education that breaks down academic hierarchies.

What is the draw method? ›

The Draw method allows you to draw text, lines, patterns, pictures and geometric shapes on windows, controls, and printer pages. It takes an argument which comprises one or more phrases which each start with a keyword indicating the operation to perform, followed by the arguments to that operation.

What are the four basic drawing techniques? ›

By mastering sketching, shading, blending, and cross-hatching techniques, artists can create stunning pieces that convey depth, contrast, and texture.

Which drawing method is best? ›

The Anatomical-Structural Approach

If you're going to draw the figure well, then you have to know anatomy. For anatomy to make sense, you want to learn the interior architecture and geometry of the figure. The best approach I've found is the anatomical-structural approach.

What is the grid method of drawing? ›

The grid method is a technique used in art that involves dividing an image into a series of smaller, more manageable sections using a grid. A grid is typically drawn over the reference image, and then students use the grid to draw the image on their own piece of paper, carefully replicating each section of the grid.

What is the bargue drawing method? ›

The Bargue Drawing method emphasizes copying the references as perfectly as possible. This teaches artists to see distances, lengths and angles as well as some seeing and depicting the light. The references are gorgeous and build up skills in a logical way.

What is the oldest drawing method? ›

The earliest human drawing, dating back to the Stone Age, has been found in a cave in South Africa. It is a cross-hatched pattern and was drawn with a red ochre crayon. A team of scientists from Norway, South Africa, Switzerland and France found that the pattern had been intentionally drawn onto silcrete stone.

What makes a face look older drawing? ›

A few main things:
  1. Protrusion of cheek bones and protruding chin bone (indicates lack of collagen in skin)
  2. dipping nose (indicates lack of elasticity)
  3. Lines for wrinkles (notice that what look like lines in the image are mostly implied through shadow and not actual lines).
Oct 7, 2023

What is the illustration method of writing? ›

The purpose of an illustration essay is to use enough examples to demonstrate a point the writer wants to make. Unlike argumentative essays, it doesn't aim to persuade the audience to adopt a specific viewpoint. Instead, it helps the audience understand the topic through detailed examples.

What is the literary technique illustration? ›

Illustration is a basic rhetorical mode that adds detail to a claim or thought. The reason it is so common in rhetoric is because rarely does a statement provide all the necessary context needed to interpret it. Illustrations provide that context. A rhetorical mode is a way to organize speech or writing.

What is illustration method in textbook design? ›

Textbook illustration: It is a visual aid such as drawing, painting, photograph, picture, graph, table or other work of art that emphasizes/enhances the conceptualization of content presented in textual form.

What is the Ilya Frank method of language learning? ›

The method follows the approach of extensive learning (extensive reading), the benefits of which have already been proven. But the method goes much further. Original works from world literature are read that have not been shortened or simplified, but are supplemented by comments and a special translation.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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