The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

f- The tfcrinton, Pv Tribune Friday, May 7, 1951 15 rq Demands Mapped IJy Steelworkers Mercy Truce Rejected by Reds TAYLOR Rov8on to Speak At PSEA Banquet i A 4 vf' A IS at- to -It uy PITTSBURGH. May 8 tU.PV-Top policy makers of the CIO United Steelworkers announced today the union will ask for higher pay, a guaranteed annual wage, and Improved Insurance and pension plans in Its forth coming negotiations with the basic steel industry. The union did not stipulate any definite sum In announcing the proposal for higher pay after 3-hour meeting of ta 170 wage policy committee. in addition to the wage and insurance and pension Issues, the union said It will ask for better contract terms," including such provisions as hours, pay pre miums, severance pay, holidays, vacations, seniority and similar points. Negotiations between the 1, union and the giant U.

S. Steel Corp. top producer in the nation, open May 18. The U. S.

Steel settlement traditionally sets the pattern for the industry. The four point program GENEVA, Msy (U Ho Chi Mlnha Communist rebels todsy coldly turned down 11 French appeal for mercy truce to permit evacuation of the 1,200 wounded defenders of the bastion of Dten Blen Thu. They said any action on the propoial would have to aweit the formal start of the Jndo-China negotiations, now set lor Saturday. The failure of the French efforts was disclosed here a few hours after French Premier Joseph Laniel won a vote of con fldence In the National Assembly and free hand to push at Geneva for a settlement of the war. Paris dispatches said the governments efforts to arrange the mercy truce had been a factor in Laniels victory, Failure of the itrenuous French efforts to win an evacua tion truce dashed all hopes that the talks could begin in mood of conciliation between the two parties.

Richard C. Rowson, an au thorlty on affair and Ruaalan-Amerlcan relations, will (ueat spraker at tha an-nual banquet of Taylor Branch, PSEA, Wednesday night. May II In fox Illli Country Club. Mr. Rowsons topic will be What Should Be Our Policy Toward Russia?" He i North-raitrrn Regional representative of the Foreign Policy Association and serves as consultant to community organisation in the development of activities on world affair and organize new groups, He is a graduate of UnlversPy of California at Berkely and re-- eelved his masters degree In International affairs from Columbia University School pt International Affairs.

He also studied at the Russian Institute of Columbia. While in the Navy from 1944 1947 he served in the Far Later he studied at the Sorbonne in Paris and traveled1 entensively In Europe 5 3 rw 0 i J4 Richard C. Renton speaker TALKING THINGS OVER Mayfield High School baseball Coach Frank Salva elves Gene Brzuchalski, hli ace pitcher, aome pointers In regard to todaya game with Jermyn. Brzuchalski, who pitched a no-hlt, no-run game last season, hurled a four-hit, 13-1 win over Forest City In Mayfields inaugural game this season. (Tribune Photo by Paul J.

Gillette) $15,000 Damages Asked for Injuries SOCIAL CALL Former President Harry Truman, (right), pays social call to John L. Lewis at UMW headquarters In Washington yesterday. (UP Telephoto) pester-! Worked out by the wage policy CoHnty PVrt committee was similar to the for $15,000 damages for injuncsi0ne presented to the industry Cemetery Group To Hold Services Nine Miners Hurl In Underground Fire Miss Velma White is president of the PSEA Branch. Thomas Bailey Dies After Illness he suffered Nov. 1, 1953, whenljt year when the steelworkers collision tFmch Hill ranUd an 8cent hourl Carbondale.

near pay increase. Army Calms Fears Over Nerve Cas MORGANTOWN, W. Va, May (AP) Nine coal miners were Sprlngbrook Cemetery Association will observe Memorial Day with services at 11 a. m. in Springbook Congregational Church hall on Saturday, May The guaranteed annual wage Joseph Leo claimed he was also was asked last year, but the riding in car operated by Carl union did not press the Issue.

Nowalk, RD 1, Hop Bottom, Couple to Marls 16th Anniversary Thomas E. Bailey, 45, 209 North Turnpike Rd, Dalton, died last night at Hahnemann l. Hospital after a two-week ill- The Peaker will be the Rev. ness. David Doughton, St.

Marks Epia- whose automobile figured in the a machine operated A. Guramoe, 16 Carbondale. suffered cuts of the head, Frank McDonnell, Apple Dunmore, Frank McDonnell Arrested Again Injured today when an underground fire broke out In the Pursglove No. 15 mine of the Christopher Coal Co. None of, those hurt, including the mine superintendent and two foremen, was believed to have been seriously injured.

Hospital attendants said all had suffered from Inhaling smoke. The fire broke out as the day shift was reporting for duty underground and the night crews were ready to leave their posts. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.

Day. East Grove will observe their 16th wedding anniversary A today. The couple was married) I wat the Church of The ss Mr, Day, the former K.U.-f crash with by Chestnut Leo 327 has 51. who copal Church, Dunmore. The Sprlngbrook Choral Society, con ducted by Mrs.

John Betterly, will sing. Harry Falrclough, boy soprano, will give several selections. Dinner will be served at noon in the church hall. DENVER, May 6 (l.P The Army, which revealed last night that at least 70 workers had suffered exposure to deadly nerve gas. manufactured at the nearby Rocky Mountain Arsenal, today assured residents of the area there was no chance the gas would leak into ithe atmos-pherp.

The Army emphasized that all workers recovered completely without permanent injury within five days from the time of their mild exposure to the gas, a deadly war weapon which, in lethal doses, completely destroys the human nervous system. The report of the exposure came from two Army doctors during an Army-Navy-Air Force medical conference. The doctors emphasized that no one at the arsenal received more than a mild dose. compensation from his job as a janitor through the injuries. Attorney Thomas A.

Garvey represents the plaintiff. Navy Man Killed, Six Hurt in Fire been in and out of Police Headquarters with great frequency the past seven or eight years on larceny charges, is in again. McDonnell was picked up In the 100 block of Penn Ave. at 5 p. m.

yesterday on the same old charge. He is believed to have lifted articles here and there to raise the price of a few drinks. Three or four months ago, McDonnell promised to go to New there after guilty in the again erlne Reap, Is the daughter of tt late Mr. and Mrs. William Reap, South Scranton.

Mr. Day is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Day, Scranton. The marriage has been blessed with eight sons, Edward, William, the latter a Scranton Tribune carrier, John, Joseph, James, Robert, Michael and Patrick.

Mr. Day ij president of Holy Name Society, Chuch of Immaculate Conception. A dinner at home will mark the occasion. Born In England, a son of Mrs. Gertrude Voce Bailey and the late Samuel Bailey, he had been a resident of this vicinity for the past 43 years and at the time of his death was employed a cabinetmaker by the Mayflower-Show Case Jessup.

He was a member of Dalton Methodist 1 Church and was an active member of the Dalton Volunteer Fire Department. Surviving besides his mother, this City, are his wife, the former Muriel Frances Hawthorne; a son, Ernest, at home, and a brother, Alfred, this City, The funeral will be held Monday at 2 p. m. from the Arthur E. Strauch Funeral Home, 602 Birch St, with the Rev.

Jesse L. Wilson, pastor of Dalton Methodist Cffiurch, officiating. Interment, Forest Hill Cemetery. Friends may call Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m.

BREMERTON, May 6 (INS) One Navy man was killed Remember Mrs. Philip Condron chairman and sig were injured today in a fire which roared through the petty officers quarters of the naval torpedo station at Key-port, on the Olympic i I 'HIciing 1 CrmitS Four building permits Jersey and stay he entered a plea of Court. The Court elected New Jersey alternative. But McDonnell is back as well as in again. National Committee Okays Mitchells Move MEETINGS SCHEDULED The Womens Guild.

Calvary Baptist Church, will convene atjBl 1 8 oclock tonight. torpedoman Bible Class, Baptist Taber- rm Worcester, Mass 1 HP rilivf nf nttme an4 nacle, will convene at oclock tonight. Peninsula. The dead man was identified) as Henry Danson. torpedoman Reserve Ladies Plan Installation Luncheon May 22 con cerning housing and private garages entailing a total estimated not immediately available.

They expenditure of $13,500 were were taken to Bremerton Naval granted yesterday afternoon at Hospital. I the office of Joseph A. Corcoran, There were 30 men asleep of Building In-the quarters when the fire, ofjspcctI0n' undetermined origin, broke out'. The applicants were: John Me WASHINGTON, May 6 (UR) The Democratic National Committee today tacitly approved Chairman James A. Mitchells' decision to bar financial supporti to James A.

Roosevelt and Rep. rs John A. Hart chair-Robert L. Condon in their Cali- man of the annual installation fornia congressional campaigns.rlinceon held by the Be-The committee adopted a reso- serve Offers Association, Ladies, lution of confidence in Mitchell Announces that the affair will be after a two-hour secret session 'held Saturday, May 22, at 1 p. m.

at which the Roosevelt-Condoni3 Hotel Casey. Mrs. Paul B. Rossi will preside was discussed briefly. Auxiliary Plans Supper Program Senior Choir, St.

Pauls Evangelical and Reformed Church, will rehearse at 7:45 oclock tonight. The Missions Circle, Fiijst Welsh Baptist Church, will convene tonight at 8 oclock. early this morning. Laughlin, rear 532 Hemlock new frame dwelling on Seymour Paul Campione, 903 T-, Campaign Chief To Address Club North Washington altera- Democratic Publicity Director the business session, at which tions to increase the capacity of Sam Brightman said there was lime the eleven time the newly elected officers house at 901 North Washing- no controversy on the issue and were offered on no resolutions the subject. jecL Catholic Daughters, Church of Immaculate Conception, will meet at 7 oclock tonight in the parish recreation rooms.

Choir, St. Johns Slovak Church, will rehearse at 7 oclock tonight. The Womans Auxiliary, Taylor Post 306, American Legion, will convene at 7:30 oclock tonight at the Legion Home. ton from one to two families, Anthony Statuto, 1237 Academy two-car garage, $1,000, and Thomas Ralicki, William J. Powell, County campaign manager, will speak at a meeting of the Lackawanna County Independent Republican will be formally installed.

Assisting Mrs. Hart with arrangements are: Door, Mrs. seph Condron and Mrs. John' ent Burns; reservations, Mrs. Henry Myers, Mrs.

James Forkin and Mrs. Arnold Gross; decorations, publicity, Mrs. in Mrs. have be meeting supper. All The Joseph W.

Hall Memorial Auxiliary to the Clarks Summit fire will hold a covered dish supper Monday at 7 p. m. Fire House. Francis Mahoney will charge of the entertain- Mrs. Gordon Evans will ifi in 'charge of the business which will follow the members and guests planning to attend are asked to contact Mrs.

George Yams or Mrs. Stanley Whitman no later than today to inform them of the type covered dish they will bring. Takes Appeal Club at Hotel Jermyn tonight.222 Crane also a two-car Bernard J. Harding, president arage and also a $1,000 es timate. will preside.

Anthony Lilik, 603 Lilac Lane, Clarks Summit, owner of an Donald Scheuer. electric appliance business in Olyphant, filed an appeal yesterday in County Court from the Mrs. O. P. Loretti; Marriage William Ex-Blakely Burgess Gets State Job THIS MOTHERS DAY Matters pertaining to the Primary, May 18, will be dis cussed.

The organization has been busily engaged in door to door calls to increase registra tions and to arrange to get out a vote. The membership drive will terminate at the meeting. Team captains will submit reports. Licenses Willella, 1004 Main nPfnl10n fKhlS orator's li- Peckville; Alberta Molinaro, tan Phoenix Carbondale. Jan.

4, 1954, at Clarks Summit. Richard Colman, 1415 Wood-Di his appeal fiJed by Homamch lawn Helen Green, 909 Dutka Yavorek, Mr. Lilik Grandview St. claims he needs his automobile Frank 127 MARK ANNIVERSARY and Mrs. Edwin Scott, Harrison observed their ninth wedding anniversary on Wednesday.

The couple was married at the Fiast Methodist Church by the Rev. Clyde A. Schaff. They have two daughters, Sharon and Dorene. Say if with Flowers-ByMi re John Taylor, former burgess of Blakely Borough and president of the Blakely School Board, has been named to a $3,200 a year position with the State Department of Labor and Industry, succeeding Stephen Krempasky, Dickson City.

Mr. Taylor will report to Harrisburg today and begin his new duties Monday. for his business and also denies he was speeding when arreted by State Police. Court set June 16 as date for the hearing, meanwhile staying the The first foreign salute to American sovereignty was fired in the Dutch colony of St. Eusta-tius in the West Indies in 1776.

On Mother's Day, as always, F. T. D. Florists guarantee delivery. Even last-minute remembrances get there telegraph-fast I Simply stop in or phone your F.T.D.

Florist the shop with Speed and the famous Mercury Emblem. I PLAN RUMMAGE SALE Womens Auxiliary, Hose and Engine Co. No. 2 will hold a rummage sale today and tomorrow In the company rooms. Mrs.

Edward Butcher is chairman and' Mrs. John Gnall, co-chairman. I Turko, Church Olyphant; Helen Penyak, 532 Taylor Ave. Robert J. Davis, 303 North Lincoln Jean North Bromley Ave.

John Fedo, Parsippany, N. Vivian Vives, 538 Breck St. Francis McDonnell, 175 Belmont Carbondale; Teresa Martin, 15 Powderly Carbondale. Joseph Pisanchyn, 119 Lafayette Olyphant; Dorothy Mar-catili, 1040 Beech Archbald. Estate Notes Mrs.

Jennie Lancaster, late of 616 Detty left her $5,0001 estate to her son, Richard, Oneida, N. according to her will filed for probate Wednesday. Walter Lencesky, left a $2,400 estate, according to his will. His daughter, Evelyn, is to receive his property at 1116 North Main Ave. and the; furnishings.

He left two watches to his son, Chester, and a piano to his daughter, Ethel Sabol. Leters were granted to James Hopkins in the $1,500 estate of his sister, Bessie. Inventories listed the following balances: estate of Mary OBoyle, Stephen Paroby, Anna V. Perry, $1,794.25. Letters were obtained by Martin Orr in the $1,000 estate of his mother, Cecelia, Scranton.

Joe Coleman Determined to End Hard-Luck Hoodoo Has Dogged Him Last 5 Years Costs So Little I You pay only for the flowers you select, plus telegraph charges. fiORiSTS Telegraph Delivery ass'n Htodquarttm Detroit, Michigan TO MARK BIRTHDAY Ernest Gazda, son of Attorney and Mrs. Ernest J. Gazda, Church will observe his 14th today. A family dinner the Gazda Summer home, at Lavalette, N.

J. will mark the occasion. Spring training this year. I suppose youre surprised that I got you, arent you? Dykes greeted him. 43 EAGLES IN NEST PHILADELPHIA, May 6 (UR The Philadelphia Eagles announced today they have signed Jess Richardson, 240-pound defensive tackle from the Uni-virstiy of Alabama, and Bob To, tell you the truth, I am, Coleman replied.

By NORMAN MILLER NEW YORK, May 6 (UPJ Rid of the agonizing numbness in his shoulder and the giveaway in his pitching motion, Joe Coleman of the Orioles is determined to live down the hard-luck hoodoo that has dogged him through the past five seasons. An Army injury, an unwitting habit of tipping off his pitches, and an unsuccessful fling in the minors nearly caused Coleman to quit baseball in 1952. 1 But five patient years of waiting have healed the torn tissues in the tipoff in his delivery; and Manager Jimmy Dykes convinced him that he could win ir. the majors again if he gave it another try. One the first deals Dykes made when he shifted from the Athletics to the Orioles last Winter was a trade for Coleman, who had won 14 and 13 games for him in 1948 and 1949.

roly-poly pilot was wait-ing when Coleman reported for Well, I think you can pitch, it doesnt mean adamn un but it too, Ellis, 238-pound end and tackle Phone or Visit Any Florist Listed Here for Florist Telegraph Delivery Service Nitroglycerin will burn quietly if ignited in small quantities, but explodes if heated or jarred.) TO HOLD LUNCHEON The annual May Fellowship luncheon of Protestant Church women will be held at Immanuel Baptist Church this afternoon at 12:45 oclock. Mrs. William H. Is chairman' of Taylor. less you think you can.

Dykes told him. Just stop from McMurry College of Texas throwing that soft junk and fire a and the 'Fort Benning Army FOR MOTHER'S DAY the ball as hard as you can. Thats the only way you car. make it. Coleman, who had worked his Cuban Winter League, followed Attorney Anthony F.

Dykes- advice w.ith remarkable15 Iorio chairman of the Pittston results. Committee, has called team. Vince McNally, general manager, said thq Eagles now have 43 candidates under contract for the 1954 season. Beagle, Florist 92S Capoutt Ava. Phone Dl 2-7769 RUMMAGESALE Toylor Legion Auxiliary Corner Ridge and Groye St.

May 10 and 11 Adv. McCormack Armbrust Floral Servica 134 N. Washington Avo. Phona Dl 2-8497 Besancon, Florist 343 Joffaraon Ava. Phono Dl 2-8921 In his first Spring appearance, Coleman struck out tne YMCA at 7-30 six of the irst nine Cubs who -l0Ck' A11Jraternal an'd Schultheis, Florist 12 Linden St.

Phone Dl 4-0754 TAYLOR BRIEFS Mrs. Keith Graham, Center a recent patient at State Hospital, Is convalescing at her home, John Sowden, Washington is a patient in Carbondale General Hospital. Mrs. William Richards, Union is convalescing at her home. faced him.

Dykes delates. In his organizations are nnATlim! So mwting. resen ve GllE MOTHER three-hitter to Detroit, then PLAN INSTALLATION E. M. Brink Florists 20-622 Market S.

Phone Dl 2-1989 Samuel Wolkoff florist Better Hearing 521 Linden St. Phone Dl 2-9574 Residence Dl 7-2474 Buchner's Flower Shop Mrs. Marge Stanko has been named chairman of the installation dinner to be held in the 7g iSPh 1inear future by St. Anns 'Guild, he "Carlr.GkDuaSr! ms Dest years. (president Im not as fast as I once Byrd to Broaden FHA Scandal Probe 610 Cedar Ava.

Phone Dl 4-1410 Hoffman, Florist 1018 Wheeler Ave. Phone Dl 4-5681 conceded the 31-year-old was, Creedon's Flower Shop POULTRY t) 136 Adams Ave. Hotel Catey Caraga Bldg. Phone Dl 3-3563 THE BEST IN PRICE AND QUALITY CLARKS SUMMIT S'J 11 vvl WASHINGTON, May 6 (UP). --Sen.

Harry F. Byrd plans to broaden his investigation of alleged multi-million dollar housing scandals to include the entire federal housing program, informed sources disclosed today. The Virginia Senator, only Democrat to head a Senate committee under the present GOP Administration, has been conducting one of three inquiries into the Governments home improvement loan program and its postwar apartment building program. Floral Haven Pkone Clarks Summit 6-2331 Scranton Enterprise 1-0639 Year Old ROOSTERS Con well. Florist 1702 Oram St.

Phone Dl 7-2079 IDA MAY McCANN Lb. OLD FORCE 4 to 5 U. STEWERS 5 to 8 Lb. STEWERS Lb 20 30c 37c 37c Lb Griffiths Flower Shop Florist Main and Jackaon Phone Dl 2-6332 Wm. MacDonald Sons New Englander, but my fastball is doing things again and Ive picked a slider during the past few years.

He smiles when he recalls how Keller tipped him off about the giveaway in his delivery. When he brought his arms down after stretching with men on bases, Colertian would hide, the ball for a fastball but would expose it when he was about to throw a curve. Charley was playing his last season in the majors with Detroit then' Coleman said. He came, over to me one day and told me: I dont know if itll do you any good, but everyone around the league knows about it, so I figure you may as well, too. Coleman was so discouraged after winning only, three games for Ottawa and Savannah in 1952, he was ready to quit baseball.

But Dykes talked him out of it. Joe was throwing pretty good" early In 53 vhen an ap-pendix7Dperatfonook7umoUt of action for. two months. Now, 'with his troubles behind him, Coleman hopes to write one of the best comeback Stories of 1954. i Lenahan Promoted Reseire Commander to 4 Lb.

SPRINGERS Lb. What better gift for. Mother's Day than the pleasure of hearing again enjoying the children going to church. Let ui help your loved one before its too late. Phone for consultation.

No charge and no obiigatioo. Moosic Road Phone Moosrc CL 7-3211 Jones, Florist 422 S. Main Av Phone Dl 2-7613 Onr Only Store I DUNMORE 4 Vi to 6 Lb. Caponettes 40c Alto: All Si Turkeys end Capons SWOjTOTSE $. A jf -TtiM T.

B. MeClintock Sons, Florist Electric and feftanon Phono Dl 3-6814 Attorney John R. Lenahan, 1220 Gibson St, has been notified by the commandant of the Fourth Naval District of his pro-motlon from lieutenant-com- mander to commander in the U. S. Naval Reserve, effective febb -1, 1954.

A former commanding officer of Battalion 417,. Scranton Armory, Commander Lenahan is now assistant training officer with Surface Division 4-55, Scranton. i Palumbo, Florist 329 Chntfnut St. Phone Dl 3-7130 I DUNMORE POULTRY MARKET -Fourth Floor COLLISION BUT NO CASUALTIES Gil McDougald, Yankee second baseman, slams into hi Enos Slaughter, as the latter makes good catch on pop fly by 'Baltimore Orioles Bill Hunter in the seventh iiwing of Wednesday's game. And the only damage Gil suffered was a temporary loss of hi cap.

The Yanks won, 4-2. UP Telephoto. BROOKS ILDG. The Above Local Florists Are Members of the Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Phono Dl 4-4254 520 S. Blakely Dunmore Free Delivery PH.

Dl 3-219S th i i.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Golda Nolan II

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.