Was Trauma Based Technology Used for Infiltrating Hare Krishna Movement ? (2024)

This article will focus on trauma based mind control technology and its role in infiltrating religious organizations including devotees communities !

A little bit of history. One cannot even start discussing the topic of mind control without mentioning word ‘MKultra’. In 1975 project MKUltra was revealed to the public in USA via CIA declassified information.

As a reference we direct the reader to the CIA reading room page where one can search any topic and receive documents about it in an instance.


Project MKULTRA is a subject directly related to what we will discuss in this article.

Officially according to Wikipedia we can read that:

“Project MKUltra[a][b] was an illegal human experiments program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.[1][2] It began in 1953 and was halted in 1973. MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects’ mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals without the subjects’ consent, electroshocks,[3] hypnosis,[4][5] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.[6][7]

Declassified MKUltra documents

MKUltra was preceded by Project Artichoke.[8][9] It was organized through the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.[10] The program engaged in illegal activities,[11][12][13] including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as unwitting test subjects.[11]: 74 [14][15][16] MKUltra’s scope was broad, with activities carried out under the guise of research at more than 80 institutions aside from the military,[17] including colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[18] The CIA operated using front organizations, although some top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.[11(…)

Although according to official records this project was finished in 1973 it doesn’t mean that trauma based mind control operations are not executed elsewhere and don’t need a label or name as such. The technology is what matters and it’s not about experiments in hospitals and prisons but about oppressive techniques that are reported by survivors of cults. Those techniques reach hundreds if not thousands years back with the aim of total controlling of other person’s mind.

Was Trauma Based Technology Used for Infiltrating Hare Krishna Movement ? (1)

Monarch butterfly symbol.

Trauma Based Mind Control in Essence

To get a grip of what trauma and mind control are like one can easily imagine that basic things like fear and especially extreme terror can easily modify human behavior or force someone to do things they would normally never do. So the same concept applies to trauma based mind control but in a much wider complexity and multitude of intensity. This is the principle of modifying human behavior and psyche by applying external pressure, especially extreme pressure.

Trauma, fear, abuse are used in dark cults deliberately to control its members.

The principles of trauma based mind control in dark cults are:

-secrecy (yet sometimes conducted under disguise of medical treatment or studies and experiments in a public setting as we’ve seen in CIA declassified material involving hospitals and prisons)

-long term abuse (the victims are accessed or targeted whole life unless they discover that they’ve been abused, manipulated and they escape their handlers to start healing process)

-control of memories via erasing or distorting them

Protocols and operations of mind control programming involve:

– sexual abuse, rape

– physical violance, beatings


– administering potions; using variety of drugs and pharmaceutical products to alter consciousness and enhance abuse

electrocuting ( including abuse of electroshock therapy)

-water boarding which is induced drowning, oftentimes until passing out

resuscitation and reviving back to life

unethical hypnosis for programming mind, erasing and manipulation of memories

For the sake of avoiding triggers for readers who might be Survivors of abuse we will not go into describing the above forms of abuse in detail. But you get the idea how systematic and horrific this whole method is.

What is Undetectable Slave?

Our 10 yrs research on occult societies, mystery schools, satanic and luciferian cults lead us to a horrific yet sophisticated technology called monarch slave programming. It’s a name given to a particular form of trauma based mind control used in dark cults. This technology’s aim is to create undetectable slaves. Hundreds of survivors testify to that phenomenon. It wouldn’t be so concerning if it was an extremely rare thing but according to victims and former perpetrators approximately 10% of the population in developed countries are part of generational cults that practice this form of abuse for the purpose of control of their members and society at large. This is one of the biggest secrets and weapons at the hands of these asuric, wicked people unleashed onto humanity. Any program and design can be incorporated into mind of such a slave and their personality.

Monarch slaves are usually not detectable because trauma based mind control makes them forget what horrendous abuse happened to them since childhood and they are not aware that they have split personality also known as multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder.

What’s Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder ?

In medical literature we find that this condition is described as a result of SEVERE TRAUMA

Dissociative Identity Disorder


Dissociative identity disorder is typically associated with severe childhood trauma and abuse. (…)

The DID person, per the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation, is described as a person who experiences separate identities that function independently and are autonomous of each other. The International Society describes alternate identities or “alters” as independent identities with distinct behaviors and memories distinct from others and may even differ in language and expressions used. Signs of a switch to an altered state include trance-like behavior, eye blinking, eye-rolling, and changes in posture.

The major hypothesis by Putnam et al. is that “alternate identities result from the inability of many traumatized children to develop a unified sense of self that is maintained across various behavioral states, particularly if the traumatic exposure first occurs before the age of 5.”


Dissociative disorders show a prevalence of 1% to 5% in the international population. Severe dissociative identity disorder is present in 1% to 1.5% of this population.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK568768/

Multiple Personality Disorder

“Dissociative identity disorder (DID), commonly known as multiple personality disorder (MPD), is a contentious mental health condition that typically arises as a result of traumatic events to help people avoid unpleasant memories. To completely comprehend the complexity and nuance of DID, this study investigates its symptomatology, diagnostic criteria, therapeutic modalities, and historical controversies. Patients with DID frequently have two or more distinct personality identities, each with its memories, characteristics, and attributes. Ten personality disorders are listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR), but DID, formerly known as MPD, is not one of those personality disorders.

– Mudit Saxena 1, Sachin Tote 2, Bhagyesh Sapkale 1. Nov 2023

Source : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38116333/

However DID or MPD is not so obvious to diagnose at all times. Dramatic cases like this lady with seven personalities are definitely there and are studied and documented. Please refer to this video published 9 yrs ago :

But many times diagnosis of DID is done after decades of living with e.g. bipolar disorder, depression, self -injurious thoughts, suicide attempts, self-harming or other mental health issues. Which means DID may be a hidden condition for many years. Some Survivors discover it even in their old age.

And lastly, sometimes it is never detected and that’s the ideal of what monarch programming objective would be for the left – hand path cults.

With the emphasis on above we will go onto the next section of this article to discuss how dark cults use this condition to program people and groom them for specific roles or positions in a society.

Why Programming and DID in Dark Cults?

The bottom line is to have full control over multiple “alters” of DID person in a way that multiple personality doesn’t come up to the surface. So people live their ‘normal lives’ without being aware of their DID condition. In other words their programming doesn’t break down. When survivors come forward it’s usually when their programming starts to break down and memories start to come up to the surface of the conscious mind and they start to have flashbacks or nightmares, anxiety disorder, panic attacks to name a few. Most common occurrence is for the programming to start breaking down on average when people are in their 40’s.

In some cases it happens due to triggers associated with circ*mstances that bring up memories of trauma or other factors involved.

The alter is the key word for cult hendlers to control a person and utilize them for their agenda and planned role in a society.This is done to control larger groups or institutions through individuals who have split personality and are remotely controlled via words which are called hypnotic cues. They can be also delivered via objects, gesture or number sequences, whatever was used in the trauma based programming process under hypnosis where long scripts with coded words were built into one’s mind just like in computer programming.

A monarch slave aka multiple as they call it is typically accesed via message, phone call, letter, email or in person. Mostly it is done to perform a certain task or decision making. And most importantly to control monarch slave’s world views, belief system and dictate anything to them at any given time…

Another objective that is fulfilled through ‘alter technology’ is STRICT SECRECY. Remember: the cult doesn’t exist and trauma based monarch slave programming doesn’t exist either…

Problem with the conspiracy theory is that former members of dark cults describe monarch slave programming as a common abuse. And there had been an avalanche of witnesses, survivors and former handlers around the world that testify in hundreds by now about the same techniques. First testimonies came out in 90’s. Most likely the most impacting publications was Cathy O’Brian “Trance-Formation of America”(1995) and testimonies by Brice Taylor.

We’ve been tracing countless testimonies over last decade. And recently a social media platform called “50 Voices” gave voice to many, many survivors from different countries. They describe their memories of severe trauma and ritual abuse, Many of them mention that they discovered their MPD later in life.

Alert: Strong Trigger Warning

Link to 50 Voices website

In their own words:

“Since the 1980s, therapists have been working with patients who report extreme experiences of violence in the context of occult structures.

Over the years, the voices of ritual abuse survivors became more numerous and louder. Likewise, therapists began to network, organize professional conferences, and write professional books. Finally, the public began to take notice of this phenomenon. (…)

Typical experiences include: Sexual abuse, child prostitution and child p*rnography, torture, snuff film productions, participation in ritual acts including human sacrifice, cannibalism, and highly complex methods of mind splitting and conditioning (“mind control”). Victims are born into family structures that have practiced Satanism or similar occult beliefs for generations, or they are sold into these perpetrator circles as children. This specific form of organized crime has been called ritual abuse by therapists.”

  • Introduction from “50 Voices” website

Monarch Programming According to One Survivor

“The essence of their control tactics is of splitting the mind at a young age. This entails a process of trauma, torture, degradation and humiliation of the subject. The process is different for each individual, but in essence they go to your subconscious mind and find out what the most personal parts of you are. Then they essentially use this against you to break you down and rip your mind apart. What happens is this: An individual who possesses special mental abilities is selected at a very young age. (Very often they are from military families or from multigenerational Satanic ritual abuse families-EL) Then they are subjected to various stages of terror and horror to begin to separate them from their own minds. It is a process of progressive dissociation and compartmentalization of the mind and personality.

They control your mind through various complicated hypnosis techniques and commands until they create the perfect Manchurian Candidate. (See The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond) They program you to do something, then erase the memory. Basically they program your mind as if it were a computer. Once they install the magic word, all they have to do is say it and you’re under their control. This happens from an early age so it is easier to control them if they are conditioned and dissociated into several personalities.

Another method of control is that they send in special people in your lives, handlers and controllers who pose as friends, teachers, “deprogrammers”, roommates, lovers, etc. who are actually operatives for the mind control projects. Some are sleeper operatives who don’t even know they are being used to a certain extent. It makes it hard to trust anyone at this point.”-Andy Pero

So How Big Is It Really ?

Medical literature estimates that 1-1.5% of studied population suffer from MPD. This is of course based on confirmed diagnosis. And how many people out there live double lives without knowing their DID condition and participating in horrific abuse of children and adults? Well, according to multiple former handlers who were born in generational bloodlines is that 10% of society in Western world is involved in those dark religions and programming that comes along with it!

That is a lot if you think about it. Millions of people in each country!

Are Hare Krishnas an exception to this cancer-like infestation ? Most likely not.

This is link to read more about multiple programming:

Monarch Slave programming


Alert: Strong trigger warning and yes it’s not for faint hearted ! Yet we encourage you to study more this topic because it’s very important to understand how sophisticated this method is and how really widespread. And also because we strongly believe that more survivors will be coming forward and they will want to heal and cut the bondage with their programmers and handlers on bigger scale, including Hare Krishna devotees…

And this will be much more easier for them to do when there are some people and friends who understand what’s happening to them and will support them in every possible way. Knowledge is the key to help others even when the topic is so unpleasant and abhorrent. But it can literally save someone’s life.

It is notable to mention that according to former hendler Springmeier hospitals are filled with discarded ‘multiples that are treated for schizophrenia and oder mental health disorders. He also belives that programming is a contributing factor to rise of autism and MS (multiple schlerosis) due to scarring of the brain stem that resulted from early age abuse of electroshock applied to the head.

Types of Alters

There are many different types of alters but for the sake of this article we will state that the most common alters are:

– Beta Slave – sex slave (for various purposes including blackmail)

– Delta Slave – assasin/killer, super soldier

– Theta Slave – psychic warfare slave ( photographic memory, hypnosis, psychic abilities including remote viewing and astral projection)

Monarch programming according to one survivor who was trained as delta slave :

There are testimonies of beta,delta and theta slaves from USA, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Belgium, France, Germany, South Africa !

Main belief systems that are used in programming in terms of names and symbols that are derived and structured like a computer programming in the mind of the victim are coming from Egyptian Mythology, Celtic Mythology, Jewish Kabbalah. Additionally Native American themes and Hindu beliefs are incorporated as well depending on the group.

New Age type of believes are strong part of monarch programming as well !

Alters as Fronts in Religious Organisations

Religious monarch slaves are extremely common, even more so than the other type of slaves.

“A great deal of Monarch programming and slave abuse, (as well as the drug trade) is done under three major covers or fronts: Religious Fronts, the Front of National Security and the Military, and the Entertainment fields, especially the Country Western Industry, the Rock Music Industry and Hollywood. The religious fronts were popular for centuries, especially when groups like the Jesuits, the Assassins, and other groups held immense power.

Religious fronts are still being used such as J.Z. Knight, Elizabeth Claire Prophet’s CUT church, the Church of Scientology, the Charismatic movement, Jim Jones & Jonestown, and David Koresh’s group etc. Billy Ray Moore’s Lord’s Chapel is entirely a mind-control operation. There is a nondenomination Pentecostal church in southern Washington whose entire membership is Satanists under mind-control. Various overseas “missionary” groups are covers for the CIA & mind-control.

It would take a book to explain how these religious fronts are part of the total trauma-based mind-control and how they operate to protect mind- control, however there are publications which go into some of the CIA connections to these groups. It is suggested that interested persons read these publications.”

– F. Springmeier , C. Wheeler

(…)Religious fronts are an important part of the Illuminati program for making slaves. In fact, due to their gnostic philosophy of balancing their good deeds with their bad deeds, it is almost essential to have a religious front through which one can do good deeds. Even though adding this section to the book will spur some to blindly lash out at the book, still the whole story needs to come out. When we, the authors of this book, write that the Monarch-type total mind-control threatens everything this nation stands for, we are not exaggerating. The Monarch Mind-control program has not been used just to program slaves–but it has been part of a much bigger deception.

When this deception is realized by this nation, it will shatter the very fabric of trust that Americans have in their institutions. If Americans will begin to understand the power structure behind their institutions, and who controls this structure, they will begin to see the lies in the scripts that they have been fed since infancy. And YOU, the reader of this next section in this book, if you love the truth, can help begin the healing process to overcome some of the devastation that is going to rock this nation when the truth comes out.

This next section will help both Christian and non-Christian reader. The therapist can learn about what is happening so that they can better deal with what the SRA survivors are beginning to reveal. The grooming of the American people to believe massive amounts of lies did work, UNTIL a few loving therapists, ministers, and doctors began to liberate victims of the Monarch trauma-based mind-control.

These programmed multiples began revealing a horror story of deception unparalleled in history. For the reader to deal with the next section means courage. It means that the reader will have to muster up some of the same type of love of truth that the mind-control survivors must muster to free themselves of the lies of their satanic programming. What we see and hear can be programming, in the same way SRA victims are deceived.”

What authors describe here is of course the whole system that asuras build on this planet, not only in America but globally. And they indoctrinate people into it from the birth.

All the aspects of human life whether education, economy, politics , medical system, any industrial complex, and everything else is based on some form of deception and lies. Just like Srila Prabhupada said that this cheating by asuras will eventually end. And that this ungodly civilization is a civilization of cheaters and cheated. With the rakshasas on ruling positions. And sinful activities promoted left and right.

Regarding name of the cult – Illuminati this is not the same organisation as Bavarian Illuminati founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt in Germany. It’s a sort of nickname for the cult of left hand path practicioners at the top of power. The term Illuminati comes from the word illuminate or enlighten. Illumminatists or Illuminned Ones consider themselves the most enlightened ones. And practically as good as gods of this planet. They are embodiment of 16th chapter of Bhagavad Gita pertaining to demonic nature and what some would label as megalomaniacs

“Allow us to introduce you just briefly into the world of the Illuminati, All  top hierarchy Satanists are required to have covers, The Illuminatus will  have multiple personalities, and he or she will have one personality that  is particularly shown to the outside world. They (the Programmers,  handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best covers that they  can. They like to be clergymen, but they are also mayors of big cities,  lawyers, doctors, etc. 

A Christian psychiatrist who has worked with numerous victims of  Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder wrote this observation after  having worked with a large number of ex-multi-generational programmed  Satanic multiples,  “Some satanists have invaded the church as it is the perfect cover for  them. They masquerade as angels of light and gravitate towards positions  of leadership in order to have more influence. Because much of what  they say is sound doctrinally, they are rarely detected. Most survivors  whom I have worked with had satanist parents who were in high positions  in churches; many were pastors.”

(Dr. Fox, Loreda. The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of Multiple  Personality Disorder. Salida, CO: Books of Sangre de Cristo, p. 196.) 

Let us repeat what Dr. Loreda Fox said, “Most survivors whom I have  worked with had satanist parents who were in high positions in churches;  many were pastors.”  She didn’t say “some,” she said MOST. Independently, we have discovered  the very same thing. People don’t grasp that just because a preacher can  sincerely preach what seems a “perfect sermon,” doesn’t mean that he  can’t also be part of the Satanic hierarchy. What is happening with the Illuminati’s ability to create programmed multiples is that we are getting  perfect preachers who are secret hierarchy members.  Some of their “perfect sermons” are full of slides, such as “the Christian  people need to get involved in the voting process. Christians love to hear  such things, it tickles their ears, but the truth is that the entire voting  process has been captured and corrupted. Voting machines have  repeatedly been exposed to have been rigged, and the controlled media  and public denial have prevented Americans from giving up their myth  that the common man’s votes run this nation. (The subject of election  corruption is dealt with in Fritz’s newsletters, etc.) 

In Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book (which exposed Billy Graham as a  Luciferian in 1991), it is explained that high level Satanism is Gnosticism  which requires that “the Force” of these great satanic magicians be  balanced. In other words, in high level Satanism your good deeds must  balance your evil deeds. People do not realize that unless someone does  “good” deeds they cannot be a high level Satanist. That is why some of  the greatest philanthropists are also our leading national satanists.”

– C.Wheeler, F. Springmeier

We decided to use such long quote on infiltration of the churches not to bash churches but to give the reader idea how religious fronts are common and even more so if the position of influance in religious organisation is higher. The higher the position the more probable that it’s riddled with programmed people called multiples who are victims of trauma based mind control since their childhood. And because the above descriptions relate a lot to the institutionalised form of ISKCON as a target of such operations.

All different child abusers on high positions come to mind immediately. It’s a big pattern in ISKCON that those who turned out to be predators were also great orators.

These people were charismatic, well learnt in scriptures and had all what it takes to be a good ‘ motivational speaker’ aka popular guru in a Hare Krishna movement.

Of course psychopaths, narcissists and sociopaths share those traits as well but nevertheless it is important to understand how these dark cults operate because usually their religious fronts are hyper pious and ultra spiritual. Basically very popular, glorified, liked and fired up in Krishna consciousness. Because that’s how they’ve been programmed – for religious role and in a hint sight for some type of spiritual entertainment to lure and please followers.

Were Bhavananda and Jagadatma the Master Handlers ?

Bhavananda prior to joining Hare Krishna movement was hanging out in Hollywood with people like Andy Warhole famous for consuming human fetuses and his strong ties to the Occult.

Bhavananda had smaller acting roles ( As Charlie Bacis ) : https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0045603/ And worked apparently as a model for magazines.

What possibly could go wrong?

Palika Devi Dasi recalls chilling memories of horrific abuse from her father and Bhavananda.

“No idea about now but he did when I knew him. I call it elephant prodder. Taster









Nothing Special

CPAP machine

No other tech pliers


That’s the mind control mystic sidhi

A heaps did

Felt sorry for them

Addicted to drugs and Sahajiya Manjari Bhava

(…) I called it rescripting

My dad and Bhavananda hypnotherapy

And extreme violence

Suffocation and drowning and electrocution and drugs

They used all 4

Whole routine

(…) It was messed up as my dad’s first assistant

Put head in the toilet or the bath

Full body bath

Had it done hundreds of times myself

Then CPR

And rescripting

Assisted in many

Just horror

You go into schock spiritual bypassing.”

There is no doubt that these individuals were using protocols of the monarch slave programming on their multiple victims. She saw them doing it many times on certain individuals. She was also trained to assist them in this hellish procedure.

And yes the victims were some of the local or temple devotees, drugged raped, beaten and then hypnotised.

Palika’s testimony of Jagadatma’s and Bhavananda’s secrets is not the only one statement on this organized type of abuse. We have sourced incredibly rich evidence for this particular criminal activity that in the right time will be presented to the law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. At the moment it is not safe to do so.

Stay Tuned and Pray

In our next article we will present one more testimony of trauma based mind control.

Then we will discuss what to look for in survivors of monarch programming. How to recognise symptoms and signs that someone may be a part of a cult, under sophisticated mind control.

We will also outline conditions that have to be fulfilled to successfully leave the cult, start healing journey and break free.

This advice compilation will be based on stories of people who actually escaped the cult so stay tuned.

We will end this article with a prayer to Lord NARASIMHADEVA who can destroy demonic technology and their devices of mind control and who protects His devotees !

Ys Narahari Seva dd

Om sarva-yantra-vidaramaya namah

Om sarva-tantratmakaya namah

Om niti-laksaya namah

Om laksmi-nrsimhaya namah

Om laksmi-nrsimhaya namah

Obeisances to Him Who destroys all machines (demoniac plans/arrangements/vehicles for demoniac works)

Obeisances to Narasimha the essence of, and proprioter of all tantras (ritual rites – pujas)

Obeisances to Him Who possesses all good (moral) qualities

Obeisances unto the Man-Lion Form together with the Supreme Goddess of Fortune Srimati Laksmi-devi

Om sarvatmaya namah

Obeisances unto the universal, primeval soul (the Supreme Personality of Godhead – Narasimhadeva)

Was Trauma Based Technology Used for Infiltrating Hare Krishna Movement ? (2024)
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