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She was elegant and elegant. The Holy Emperor of Antarctica nodded, with admiration in his eyes, Little friend Jiang Shi, not only are you from a very different place, Extraordinary, this girl Qing'er is also extraordinary What kind of vision does the Antarctic Holy Emperor have If he wanted to, he could even see through your past and present lives at a glance.

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Miss Jiang Yue, long time no see Jiang Shi looked Jiang Yue up and down and smiled evilly. He thought it might be a good idea to push Jiang Yue down.

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As the saying goes, there is revenge and complaint. If Jiang Shi had let go of such a good opportunity, he would not be alive today The universe of Yin and Yang is left to you Jiang Shi glanced at the Ant Emperor, stepped forward, and rushed directly towards Ji Tian and his party Three thousand passions Jiang Shi directly used his strongest move, he wanted to burn Ji Tian and his group alive Suddenly, Buddhist sounds sounded, melodious and strange Om Mani Padme Hum An obscure and incomprehensible voice came into everyone's mind.

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In the world of cultivation, can't we still control the wind and rain and change nature But in the fairy world, can we Jiang Shi looked at To everyone, but Mr.

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When Wan Liyun heard this, he immediately shrank his head and became silent. Jiang Shi shook his head. With Nangong De as the center, everyone connected their divine power and followed Yi Jing deep into the Luo Shen Tomb. Just a thousand meters away, the Ant King in the Wind cbd tablets vs gummies and Thunder Tower suddenly made a sound, and the tentacles on his forehead flashed with black light, saying Ah Shi, the danger ahead is invincible What Jiang Shi stopped instantly and shouted Stop Everyone stopped and looked at Jiang Shi strangely.

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However, they said they were just for support, but they were probably here for the fragments. After all, the temptation to ascend to the divine realm unscathed is too great There are nine fragments, and when gathered together, the God Eating Platform can be summoned to ascend to the God Realm intact Compared with the souls that were scattered under the divine calamity, this God devouring platform is simply an opportunity given to them by God Roar Suddenly, a roar came from the black pool, attracting everyone's attention.

They felt that the world was darkening. How could there be such a weird combination in the world Ahem, Jiang Shi, go back to the clan first.

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Jiang Shi stepped down from the golden chair and came to the side of everyone. He looked around at everyone, and then sighed and shook his head.

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Zhu Sheng looked at the elixir, and then looked at Qinghuang, Hey, why don't you give it a try Go to hell Qinghuang rolled his eyes at him.

Well, now the entire immortal world is looking for Jiang Shi's shadow After all, Jiang Shi is carrying the Haotian Immortal Mansion Immortal Mansion, who doesn't want something that even the Immortal Emperor wants Shan Yi seemed to admire him extremely.

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Yunsheng's eyes widened, Oh my god, another god But his aura is stronger than Brother Wang's. Could it be Yunsheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then without further delay, he quickly left the city with the army of gods to rescue Wang Mingshan and Jiang Shi.

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Yunsheng, I have decided that once the God Eating Platform comes out, you, me, and Qing'er will be the three of us on the platform.

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You two can discuss it among yourself. You can also fight in a duel or compete in the elixir formation. Yes, but you must not harm the other person's life Elder Tianli said solemnly. When Jiang Shi heard this, he waved his hand, Let's go The thing I'm not afraid of the most is duels, I hope so Elder Tianli smiled mysteriously, then waved with one hand and led Jiang Shi away from here.

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Now that the fragments have appeared, it is time for us to take action At this moment, Emperor Qiankun no longer had that kind smile, and his face was full of conspiracy.

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Today, I, Jiang Shi, will use all my strength to fight you After Jiang Shi finished speaking, a dragon roar came from his mouth, and then he turned into a huge flaming golden dragon.

Shang Qing'er smiled slightly and said sweetly Husband Well, be obedient You're so good, call me and listen Jiang Shi looked satisfied, but Chang Qing'er quietly stretched out her jade hand and twisted it towards Jiang Shi's waist, saying softly Husband, does it hurt Jiang Shi was covered in cold sweat and said hurriedly It hurts, it hurts It hurts like hell Madam, please show mercy snort Shang Qing'er snorted, then smiled sweetly, Husband, look get cbd gummies delivered at there are so many people in front of you Let's go see what's going on okay After saying that, Chang Qing'er took Jiang Shi's arm, and the two of them walked quickly into the crowd.

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Jiang Shi of the Earth said to himself, with tears in his eyes, Dad, Mom, the child is unfilial. Jiang Shi missed his parents, but his immortal consciousness was blocked on the Earth There, it was indeed sealed by the mighty one Who sealed the earth Why seal the earth Jiang Shi tried his best but could not break through the blockade.

When he was in the fairy world, the fire in his body connected with a certain person. A space, and now it seems that the connected space is this world of flames Now that I can't completely control this place, I will name it Vulcan Domain for you When my cultivation level improves, this world will become Hongyu Jiang Shi smiled.

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Finally, the blue light dot representing him appeared, almost the same as the red dots at this moment. Total overlap No matter what, the fragments must be obtained Otherwise, after ascending to the God Realm, Jiang Shi still has no follow up skills Where is the Ice Spirit Pearl Jiang Shi roared, and left directly through the air, with fierce blue flames igniting all over his body Like a dazzling pop, he cut through the dark sky with his own light Whoosh The Ice Spirit Pearl shot out quickly and hovered above Jiang Shi's head.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

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Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.