The Alton Democrat from Alton, Iowa (2024)

VOLUME THE ALTON la. DEMOCRAT, FRIDAY NOV. 7, 1930 NUMBER TWENTY-EIGHT ORANGE CITY NEWS EVENTS OF THE WEEK Bounty Seat Happenings Of The Week Special to Alton Democrat Men In Four Lyon county men, out for a good "time, came to grief in -the twists and turns highway at the "mU- lioa corner last west; their I car tipping over into- tie ditch. All 'four -were arrested by Sheriff Syn- horsfc Three or them, Chris Bjaasteft, Oscar, Olson Aidrew 'Staflsland, were aned $15 and costs each lot ia- Umeation, while the Sourth, Julius Beck, was fined 525 and costs for carrying -liquor in tinlabeled packages. good time was had by all." Kelly Stoep, Frank Stoep and Mr.

and Mrs. George Oelrich spent Wednesdav at Big Stony Mr aad Mrs Matt 'Goergen of Gran- Lake the Jke Vos" family. Tllle cal ed on AIton friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Gys Noteboom and i children and the Misses Sehalekampj spent Sunday "with Mrs. McSTutt Sheldon: Mrs. H. J. Tande IVaa entertained at dinner party Thursday evening, the occasion being Dr.

Tande Waa's birthday. Miss Lee entertained the Misses Schatekamp and Kelly Vander Stoep at dinner at the hotel Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gundefson of Rolfe were visitors in the home, -of their daughter, Mrs.

A. Steeg. Mr. and Mrs. A.

C. Kuyper and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Jaasma of Sioux City spent Sunday with relatives here. Richard De Cook, 'Son of and Mrs.

P. Cook, is very sick. His parents left for -Fott du Lac, to. be ivith him. Mrs.

HC B. Bbgaard left for lown 3ry where Mrs. Bogaard will have a cataract removed from one of her Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sas spent Wednesday 1 in Sioux City.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Sophia Behrend and. Jack Johnson-were dinner guests Thursday Miss RESPECTED MAN PASSES BEYOND JOHN REEKERS DIED NOVEMBER 3 AT ORANGE CITY--CAME HEBE IN 1887 A.

convention held at LeMars Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hospers and C.

G. Hospers drove to Hospers Sunday to' help Mrs. Galman celebrate her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Leggett returned from Des Moines Friday and reports that DF.

Hospers is very weak, but getting along as well as can be expected. Ed Leggett of Des Moines spent a few days at the Hawkeye hotel, vis- John Keekers, for more than forty years one 1 of the good farmers of this county, passed "away at Oraiige City -after long- suffering from, lie was born in the Netherlands, coming to the United States in 1SSO and to Sioux county in the year 1S87. Two years later he married Miss Mane Vanden Brink, the wedding taking place in the Netherlands, and to this union eight children were born, as follows i 'Mrs. A. J.

ter Korst, Orange City: Arie of Orange City Mrs. John, Tan Peuiem, Mrs. A. J. Tan Feursem, Mrs.

J. Qolman, Theodore-. JBecTOStra, Mrs; Jacob Do Haa: arid All -live iu.ihe vicinl- subject "of but was iieA to Mrs. Knikeh, who survives" to mourn passing-of a good hushanci and upright-citizen. He is also survived by two brothers, Art and Henry, -both of Sheldon, and by two sisters, namely, Mrs.

Henry Boeve of Hull and Mrs. Benkelmau i of Corsica, S. D. Funeral services were held afT-the i First Reformed church of which the deceased was a devoted memher, on this Thursday, Rev. H.

ColenBrander Just the Boost That Is Needed GOO OLD SOLID GROUND HonorAltonBo Loyal R. Martin of Alton, a sopho- more in Creighton university college of commerce, finance and journalism, was formally pledged to Alpha Phi Delta, basic military fraternity, at a buffet dinner held at the K. of club last Monday evening. The pled- Trial Jurv Starfreft Work ges were selected on their records in oldrcea 1 high school or university work and their bearing in drill. I Loyal has been appointed cadet cor- i poral of Company A of the Creighton i Reserve Officers Training corps, ae-! TM cording to an announcement made by J.

UCs election day and a Captain H. C. Sweeney, commandant la dl trl( 1 coun TM ad of the cadet corps JO ut (i IJra "lW Monday until eduesday and petit jurors were to report Wednesday after- juoon at 2 p. m. instead of on Mon- OF THE WEEK Wednesday Afternoon- Tuesday Holiday WON COUNTY The first uo cas0j sct foi rtay at 2 p.

was that of Stewart vs. Ireton Electric Light and Power i Company. Although the damage suit of John T. De Jong vs. George Oel! JtVJORITV LESS THAN GOO VOTES rich and seven other defendants is set OVER SENATOR DANIEL to start this Thursday at a.

it STECK is doubtful if it cun start at that timn unless prior cases fall by the wayside One the most listless geueral or re of with unusual cel- cleetiuns in many years, so far as this 1 1 is concerned, took place- Tuos- The cl*tirgc of adultery bruught a- day. only S.iS'J voters expressing their i gainst John T. De Jong, which the for United States senator jury investigated, resulted in. next i no indictment. The grand jury found the evidence insufficient and refused for United States 'represent Iowa during the in the Cousrrcss.

which leavcs the clear Earlv rviwns showed L. .1. IJiekin- of Alaoim to be leading Senator for Dc Jo damage suit for JDai. F. Stt-i-k of Demoera- i i tyr 13 oou exemplary damages, ar- wrought against eight Orange City tlle l)E 'I' 6 ac llu(1 i 1 tic incumbent, but by oniv small mar! sins ueariv even-where.

Senator StecU wa i curried Sioux City. In Sioux county i Party last July Each of the de! Senator Steek polled 135G votes to 1 pleaded guilty to an unlaw- Dickinson's 1933, less than 600 ma- tul assembly charge in Justice John jorily here for Congressman Dickin- Meyer's court at Alton a few days son after the tar jjn! leathering ipnying lines of 'flO and costs. of ttaverly, uot yct Leaving to Study in Europe Future Readers of The Democrat October 30. left Sunday for Spencer. He is a salesman for the Hoover vaeuam cleaner.

Richard Sipma of Baker, is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Fred Bronwer has moved into the I. Zylstra house and Joe Geverink and family moved into the house just vacated by the Brouwers. This property has recently been purchased by Mr. Geverink.

G. Klay made a business trip to Des Moines last week, returning home Thursday. the Orange City cemetery. The host of friends of the departed extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family in the loss of a sterling husband and father who helped to carve out on the prairies of Sioux county the splendid future prosperity and productivity of one of the world's most fruitful agricultural areas. bers Enjoy ed-Pheasant "Feed" iighteen members of Floyd Post par- Mesdames J.

E. Oggel and H. LuU- toO of a pheasant "feed" at the Le- friends at a 6:30 o'clock dinner Friday evening a't the Br. A. L.

Fink, who for the past seventeen years has been "a physician at Granville, is leaving to enter the University of Germany for extensive studies in advanced medicine. The courses he intends to take will require several months, so Dr. Fink has spent considerable time and-effort in locating a doctor to take care of his practice and special work at Granville while he is in Europe. He now informs as that he has obtained a doctor with wide experience in electro! therapy and rectal diseases, as well as general surgery. Dr.

Edw. J. Hote, formerly associat- ct TM' lof lv "nL rC ed with the medical college of Creigh-1 Fra ken of EddyuHe, Iowa, on Oe- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collins of Ireton welcomed a baby boy Thursday, Profitable Tfirt VIM us ucie ui uuuiwrisuu i are charged with illegal transportation 160 for Bisbee, wet Democratic can-j of it was found impossible to iate.

Apparently Campbell's vote a- have all the necessary witnesses ap- a daughter, named Jeanette Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. tVielenga of $3500 a week" for tomatoes, so "that Sionx Center are parents of a baby tomato growing is profitable andpopu- again gave attention to his activities Congressman Ld H.

Campbell re- tnos of George Clifford. Both 24(8 votes here in comparison are 760 jdidiite. all the necessary witnesses ap- Miss Johanna Van Xiniwegen. who; gainst the Grundy tariff was popular! ein ()1 the grand jury this term recently returned from Pella where here, judging by his endorsem*nt by tlle investigation was coutinued jury. ago Syn- alleged coupe was found has she spent some time with relatives, the voters of Sioux county, although horst of Sioux Center on 2S, faetorv employs fifty women and thirty men during the season and pays girl, named Lydia.

lax in that vicinity. The cousin whom Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kooi of she visite had two acres the fruit Hawarden on October 31, a some gardeners raise as many as daughter. Florence Mae- to Rev.

and Mrs. Henry E. gion rooms Monday night, at a late i rajQT in hour. The Armistice day program was tober 28 at Mahaska hospital, Iowa, a sou. The little six acres.

The great stretches of green vines and red fruit are pretty sight in the fall of the year. On account of Sioux County voted down the separate constitutional amendment ballot, 174S no to 1136 yes. The vote on the seuatorship and amendment proposition by precincts was as follows: the late rains the crop at Pella was I Center Buncombe Capel unusually fine this year. Chatsworth Dickinson 0 S2 28 15 13 1C 115 41 ivOC and friends. cooked to a tarn without charge-by i for proprietor of Heinle's nne doctor of gnch wide expedence aud recommeudations.

This paper Wyk. Commander Frank Truhe urged thai attend Dr. Fink will sail from New York November 15 on the liner Bremen, Mrs. John Wiersma of Grundy Cen- ag many lllculuclo 1UTO ter is spending the week with her the county mec ting at Granville this i wwn mother, Mrs. G.

J. Penmngs. Friday spena ihis two sisters before beginning Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Johu Heltman.

Tieltuian. of Sioux- City, oil Oc- i-apaoiy. Three to ti i of the canned fruit is shipped Iluw. Jerry Each carload holds 5,000 cans. P.

W. De Jong has changed his Deleo light business to Wortbington, Minnesota. Mrs. De Jong-is staying with her mother, Mrs. AHda Van Keek, until a hpiise is available there.

'Mrs. Jacob Heemstra entertained 20 friends; nt a miscellaneous shower Monday evening, honoring Miss Cornelia Heemstra. She was the recipient of many lovely and- useful gifts. studies. Mrs.

John Korver and younger children, Pauline and Ellis left Wednesday for Sheldon to visit a short time with Mrs. John Korver after which Mr. and Mrs. Korver and their four children will go to Reading. to make their home.

Mr. VctnWiilisen -T" r. i ime Resident i Holland i Lincoln Sold Well ack Xoteboom of Alton, with Orange City. head of hogs to feed and house, ship- iMato tied two trnckloads to market the first Heading week. The averaged 210 'jj oc Is and sold at per hundred Settlers Miss Elizabeth Weidener of Chicago is a visitor a.t the home of her Mr.

B. Kettler. after a visit with her brother at Omaha and her cousin. Frank Kettler, at Homer, Xeb. Miss Van Willigen.

known of friends in Alton, whicl weight, a good price on the present Sheridan i market. Mr. Xoteboom paid The De- Sherman inocrat office a pleasant call Wednes-1 Sioux 20 renewed his subscription. He gionx. 1S7 3(5 OS 151 30 110 205 52 IfiTi 331 10 OS 95 has been years, died I I A I i his home for the past forty i reports corn in bis vicinity fine, and Washington -d suddenly Saturday morn- 0 rt iorts 1oor corn in this sec-! welcome cn -ci mm have yet come to this office.

West at the age of SO years. He was Korver is doing road work in that Wm. gterrenberg. Mrs. A.

TieinitT Mrs Korver has been visit- Mrs. Elizabeth Newburgh and Mrs. H. weeks with her par Rozeboom were Merrill visitors- bnn-j an( Mrs vvm. day eveBing.

while recuperating from an operation. John has been Mrs George Eason aDd rs. Stronks ing with cancer, and very ill for the to Sheldon Wednesday, accom- past month, passed away at his home au c( i Mrs. Korver and children. Sleek 14 20 29 2S 37 10T 73 IS 2S 1.1 62 87 3S 0 162 105 22 82 123 0 47 50 23 65 28 12 28 Yes 30 21 17 02 r2 211 27 4 31 29 U7 11 94 ioy 2S 102 112 4 45 49 14 8.1 15 24 2S in which the liquor been ordered forfeited aud sold, the court having issued the order last week.

The court issued a permanent writ of injunction against Cornelius Voge- 21 laar and Gysberdina Vogelaar en- i joining them from trafficking in liquor i the state of Iowa. I Board Meets Nov. 7, 10, 18 -Meetings of the board of supervis- ors will be held on this Friday, Nov. 17. Nov.

10 when the 1 board will cau- vass election returns and on Jfovem- I' her IS when they will open bids on twelve carloads of bridge lumber and piling. The new S400 heating nnit for the court room has been installed and is now blowing heat into the large room point above the west door of i the court room. The steam is forced i into small copper tubes about the jZg; of those in automobile radiators and a fan behind the tubes blows the heated air out at varying speeds, the i screed being regulated by a thermostat. i When going at high speed the fan i makes considerable noise. ij Vnited States District Court will a the case of Marie H.

De vs. Associated Manufacturers Corpora- 0 tion of America, the renuest of the defendant for a change to federal i court having lieen granted. The clerk 135G at nine o'clock Monday -night. Mrs. Alma Ringer and her mother.

Mrs: Synder of St Louis, were calling on friends here Tuesday. G. J. Vande Berg was a visitor in Sioux City Saturday. Mrs.

J. G. Mouw spent a few clays in Sioux Ciry on business. Mrs. A.

J. Kleinhesselink is ill. Mr. Van was born in Gel-; jderland. the Xetheilands in May.

Mrs. Lincoln, Mrs. Gibbs and Flor ence Lincoln drove to Sionx City Wed-1 He was married rS years ago to 0 lr( The fair and dry weather has con-! ncsday afternoon to call at Kkulma. The coaple came to the: )0 limied tliis week, with that tnng' of pitai on iirs. G.

Pitts, who has i United States some 40 years ago and who completed their wo midnight. Mrs. Louisa Lieb is visiting nt Al- fall and promise of winter in the air. had a number of visitors since hc-r i lived for a short time nt Oranse City Fine, frosty weather for corn picking, accident a week ago. Mr.

and Mrs. F. before moving to Alton, where Mr. which is now nearing a close. Machine-J.

Lohr. Mrs. W. F. Rieckhoft and Van Willigeit was for about fourteen ton.

Illinois, with her daughter, Mrs. picking was finished earlier, but in Mrs. Y. Dykstra of Orange City cal- years janitor at the public school. InjWueHner, after sending a week at fields where the stalks were much lod- led Tuesday afternoon.

Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Menning of Lit- ged some farmers abandoned their tie Rock were Sunday visitors here, pickers and worked by hand in.

order Mrs. John Be Haan is to her home with illness. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Vander Maat- en and children of Middleburg were visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John Vander Maaten, and with Mrs. Vander Maat- en's mother. Mrs. Var.

Core, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Shimp and children of Hull were visitors Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cart Oel- bargaln in rich.

Sec Wissink for an to secure every ear, for the grain is of fine quality this year and the crop smaller than usual. The average maximum for the week was 62 degrees, the minimum 20 degrees. Mrs. G. Grotenlims, Mr.

and Volkersma, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wissiuk and Mrs. William Scholten attended the funeral of Mr.

Van Willigen at Alton Monday. Mrs. B. Bogaanl is at Iowa Ci.y houses or business 28! whw; she will have itn operation on Mr. and Mrs.

Henrv C'tfhink. Mr. her eye. I of courts was directed to transmit i fords in the case to the federal court. i A u-mjxrary writ of injunction was Mrs.

Grrit gcholten and issued prayed in the case of Bert Sam Brinkhuis of Grand 7o! 1 Harmeliiik Jr. vs. Sam arrived the last of the conditioned Tipon the filing ot" visit here, the former liav- a i r0 bond. ing come to be with Mrs. Scliolten's Tlie cn A Van Hofwegi-u Sr.

father. Mr. II. Van Zandbergen. who vs Wathicr was set for the sec- i underwent an operation Monday.

Mr. case at tbe January Mrs. are visiting the'. Hcarinf; on the (if the ilatter's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. J. E. warden State bank receiver for dis- Isoiiuion of its partnership in the firm Xolan ami I.ambertson was set for iXov. 10 at 2 p.

m. Motion to strike brought by defcnd- Will WecJ Annistice Day Mr. Jacob Andrew Oordt, sou recent years continued Churdan with Mr. and Mrs. Edward i Mrs.

S. Tinklenberg of Orange City, ant in the case of Jennie VaiideStotiw, raising line garden each summer, Ryan. From Alton she will go to El and Miss Irene Kail of Des Moines vs. Hankers Life was over- and taking of the daily market- piiso. Texas, to spend the winter with will be married at the Second Chris- ruled but motion for more siKs-ific 1 'statement was sustained on certain A program, published elsewhere in home Althoi he cou i this issue, calls attention to the an-j nual Aimistice day celebration at -i ton next Tuesday morning at 10 i speak no English everybody knew and liked the friendly old man.

Funeral m. Father Conway of Hawarden is afTh? home and Fh-st 5 Reformed Cake Bakins Demonstrated the speaker for the day. Alton stores i ohurPh charge of Rev J. Euwe A fair sized crowd of ladies attend- will be closed ail day nest Tuesday. wa Xeitber of the old people had any ed tbe Center township Farm Bureau i her two daughters.

Mrs. Marhilda TTin-! tian Reformed church, Orange City. statement jston and Mrs. J. P.

Borges. Tuesday, November 11, at "seven'grounds. m. The pastor, Kev. G.

W. Hylke- jma, will officiate. The public is invit- eri to witness the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.

J. B. Braskamp were pleasantly surprised last Sunday afternoon when the letter's cousin, Mr. Anthon Thompson and Canton, S. drove in for a short visit.

They were' favorably impressed with Alton and the surrounding country. immediate relatives in this country, meeting at the home of Mrs. William Mrs. Van Willigen's brother having! Koster Tuesday afternoon. After the recently passed on nt Takima, Wash- business session cake baking was demonstrated.

The nest monthly meeting will be held at the home of Miss Myrtle Dittmer on December 17. Members are requested to note the change of date. Sngton. Mr. and Mrs.

George Sebmitz -of Granville were callers here Saturday evening. Pioneer Dies in. Oklahoma James Kinney recetvea word tut: first of the week of the death of Christ. Paulson Sunday morning at Kildare. Oklahoma.

The funeral servits were held Tuesday at Newkirk. Mr. Paulson was well known in the Alton vicinity as he was one of the early pioneers here. E. B.

Busted vs. H. M. Wissink was 1 dismissed with costs of Sll.SO taxed to Judgment by default in favor of plaint ill was entered in the ease of John Uoghair vs. Win.

J. Allurd with judgment against the defendant for costs of S12.25. Application of defendant fov a physical examination of was granted by the court in the ease of (Continued on bari page).

The Alton Democrat from Alton, Iowa (2024)
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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.