Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (2024)


  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (1)

    Paramitha Nasimova

    Wow! It’s turned out like puff pastry. Looks yuuummm!!! 😀

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (2)


      Yep! I definitely reminds me of puff pastry. Except it’s 100 times easier to make:).

      • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (3)

        Paramitha Nasimova

        I’m eager to try your recipe, think will be good to eat with double cream and some fresh strawberry (yuuummm *drooling*) One question, can we use different cheese like ricotta?

        • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (4)


          Paramitha and Lena,
          I’m not sure if you can substitute ricotta in this recipe. I’ve never made it with anything other than farmer’s cheese. Ricotta is a lot more moist than farmer’s cheese, so I’m not sure. If you try it, let me know how it turns out, I’m really curious.

          • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (5)

            Paramitha Nasimova

            Hai Olga,

            Because I couldn’t find farmer’s cheese in the place where I lived, so I decided to use ricotta instead. But when I went for shop, I changed my mind! 😀 I used cottage cheese for this recipe but before I use it, I threw the liquid that came up with cottage cheese using cheesecloth. I didn’t know exactly what the difference if I used farmer’s cheese, with mine it turned out like puff pastry, crispy outside and soft inside just like you said 😀 Only the problem when I made it, I didn’t read instruction very careful. I covered all cookies with sugar, so when I baked the sugar under cookies burnt! Hahhahahaa! I know, I shouldn’t cover all, but only one side! But then again I’m happy with the result, cos I made second batch after! (still curious :p) I really like this cookie! And yes I ate it with fresh strawberry and double cream, yum! Thank you Olga! 😉

          • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (6)


            Hi Paramitha!
            Thanks for writing to let me know the results! Next time I’ll know that cottage cheese or ricotta can be substituted for the farmer’s cheese:). It really sounds delicious to serve it with strawberries and cream. Yum!

          • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (7)


            I made this today they turned out really good I didn’t have farmenrs cheese I’ve made the with cream cheese turned out just as good

          • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (8)


            That’s great, Iryna! I’m glad it worked out for you.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (9)


    I really liked those cookies when I was younger:) it reminds me of my childhood, I should make those pretty soon. 🙂 thanks Olga for all those great Russian receipts. When I read your receipts, it reminds me of my Belarus life. 🙂

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (10)


      Hi Natalia!
      I’m so glad you like the recipes! There is something so special about the recipes that have been made and enjoyed for generations. I especially love cooking food that is from my Slavic heritage:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (11)

    Lena Hermann

    This looks delish! Will ricotta work just as well, if I don’t have any farmer’s cheese? Thanks!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (12)

      Maria Shevtsov

      Ricotta will not work for this recipe. My mom used to make these cookies for me all the time, so being home sick,I attempted to make them with ricotta. Not even close. Big dissappointment. Ricotta is a lot more moist than farmer’s cheese, so it will take up more flour making cookies doughy instead of light and puffy. 🙂 I hope this helps:)

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (13)


    These are so yummy! I just made some & ate about 10 with a cold glass of milk. Had to stop myself :). (They’re really good when they are still warm: crispy on the outside & soft on the inside). Thank you Olga!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (14)


      My favorite part about these cookies is the texture – crispy on the outside, soft on the inside. Glad you liked them!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (15)

    Lea's Cooking

    Yummy!!!!! These are awesome !!!!!! My kids would love these:))))
    ¸.•*❈*•.¸Thanks, Olga¸.•*❈*•.¸

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (16)


    I used to make similar cookies with cream cheese. I tried this recipe with ricotta cheese and they were also great! Will definitely try this recipe the next time I make farmer’s cheese. Thank you!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (17)


      That’s awesome, Lilia! I’m glad ricotta works here too. I use a cream cheese dough to make Rugelach cookies. They turn out SO soft and tender.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (18)


    We did those last week and they were DELICIOUS!!!!!!!

    Thank u Olga! 😉

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (19)


    Hi Olga,
    I’m so happy I found your blog. So many days i just have no idea what to cook and wanted to find a good website to get ideas. Didn’t like any of them so i was so happy when i stumbled upon your blog. You make cooking and baking look really fun and easy so i just wanted to encourage you to keep doing what you are really good at! Today I tried making the chicken meatballs from your blog, and also the geese feet cookies. All of it turned out really good! My husband was very satisfied!
    Thank you for making my life a little bit easier by sharing your recipes!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (20)


      Welcome Victoria!
      Thank you for your kind words:). I’m so glad you likes the cookies and the chicken meatballs. Hope you’ll enjoy more meals!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (21)


    I did. Delicious! Yours 🙂

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (22)


    I came across this website while searching if I could substitute ricotta cheese for farmers cheese while making blintz-like pancakes. The picture and description brought up a very very vague memory of cookies that I used to have at my grandmother’s house. She was born in the USA, but her parents and older siblings moved here from Russia/Belarus. My father always said that his mother’s mother taught him how to make these when he was a young child…I think I’m going to make these next time I go home and surprise him with them! Thank you for posting this! 🙂

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (23)


      Welcome Casey,
      Wow, sounds like you have the same heritage that I do. That’s awesome! These are definitely a very common recipe for Russians/Belarussians. I hope you like how they turn out:), and find some other recipes from your Slavic roots.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (24)


    How many parts of a cup is 7.5 oz of cottage cheese?

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (25)


      I’ve never measured how many cups that would be and I don’t have a package handy. Sorry. Next time I buy it, I’ll measure it.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (26)

      Maria Shevtsov

      7.5 oz is 213 grams, one cup is 236.6 grams so it is almost a cup. I hope this helps:)

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (27)

    Tanya Shubin

    These were fantastic! They came out perfect and my family loved them! Great recipe and the pictures were super helpful!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (28)


    My kids love these cookies, i have too triple the recipe to make enough cookies for my family. I do use cottage cheese if i don’t have farmers cheese handy. With cottage cheese i just rinse it and run it through the blender turns out almost like farmers cheese and the cookies taste the same.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (29)


    Hello Olya! I’ve been eyeing this recepe for quite some time now and finally today had some farmers cheese leftover and was able to bake these delicious cookies. They taste great plus my entire house smells like a Giant Cookie. Thanks for your work on this blog. God bless.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (30)


      That’s great, Olga.
      I usually have a recipe that I want to try in my mind’s list for a LONG time before I get around to actually doing it. Thanks for letting me know that you liked them. They do make the house smell so cozy and yummy.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (31)


    So good.
    No farmers cheese available here so used cottage cheese but squeezed out some of the whey in cheesecloth.
    Worked to perfection.
    Made half dipping in sugar, added some cinnamon to the sugar for the other half. All going down fast in this house.
    I am inspired by the ease of the pastry. So easy.
    Thought I might try a savoury variety using parmesan cheese and/or some herbs next time.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (32)


      That’s a great idea, Kate!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (33)


    Love the looks and sound of this recipe. could possibly try yogurt cheese if drained overnight in fridge. any way I will try these with the farmers cheese. keep up the great work.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (35)


    I bought two gallons of milk last week for farmer cheese. I don’t know why but cheese became too sour. I was looking for good recipe with farmer’s cheese. I made double the recipe and its turned SO-O-O-O GOOD. Everyone loved them so much. It’s has just a little ( кислинка) but its even better. Thans much for great recipe and wonderful blog.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (36)


      You’re welcome, Nina!
      Glad you liked it.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (37)

    Irina k

    Just made these, they came out amazing!!! My boys literally aight the first batch!! Thank you so much for sharing, I was always intimidated by slayonka. It was very easy and delicious!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (38)


      That’s awesome! It’s such a big plus when the food we cook is a big hit with our loved ones. I’m so glad you enjoyed them.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (39)

    Julia |

    Yes, I remember these too from my childhood. They look amazing. Pinning this recipe as well.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (40)


      These are probably my favorite cookies of all time:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (41)


    I made these geese feet cookies and they are delicious, I also pierced them with a fork so they can look like geese feet and they look really cute. Thanks for this recipe its very delicious.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (42)


      That would look cute for sure, Irina. These are my favorite cookies:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (43)


    Olga thank you so much for such a great recipe. Just made them for the Labor Day family get together and everyone loved them 🙂

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (44)


      Super! Glad you enjoyed them.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (45)


    I noticed that lots of people don’t have farmers cheese available in their area, so I’d like to share my way to get around this problem. I make my own farmers cheese in less than 20-30 minutes for those cookies. If you don’t have buttermilk on hand, don’t worry just use regular milk and double vinegar.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (46)


      Hi Lena!
      That’s absolutely true, farmer’s cheese in not available in every store. Thanks for sharing your recipe. In case you hadn’t noticed, I also have a recipe for homemade farmer’s cheese on my blog. There’s a link to it in this recipe.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (47)


    I am making these cookies as I write and I must say they are awesome!!!!! The recipe is perfect. My kids can’t stop eating them. I doubled the recipe knowing that one would not be enough and I’m glad I did, were not having much leftovers. I learned that there are key words that you mention but I didn’t pay much attention to them till an issue came up, you must work fast to prevent the dough from warming up or the cookies would not rise. I made some with cold dough and they were rising perfectly, but then I started working with the scraps that were sitting on the counted for 5-7 min while I was sugaring the cold cookies and the cookies from that particular dough did not rise. Then I took cold dough from the fridge again and those did rise. Just a tip, keep the dough as cold as possible. I give this recipe 5 STARS!!!!!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (48)


      I’m so glad you liked these cookies, Adelina:).
      I just made a double batch this weekend and it was gone within a few days.
      Absolutely, the dough needs to stay cold. As I mentioned in the instructions, that’s why you need to use frozen butter and also refrigerate the dough until it’s firm. Whenever I am making these cookies, I break off part of the dough that I’ll be rolling out and I keep the rest of it in the refrigerator until I’m ready to roll it out as well.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (49)


    Hi Olga,

    could you please just let me know how many grams has a stick of butter?
    I’d like to make this recipe for my transsiberian presentation 🙂 I was in Russia this summer and I’m looking for recipes to make for friends and family 🙂

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (50)


      Each stick of butter is approximately 100 grams.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (51)


    Hi Olga, I just baked this. They are delicious. I am making a note to myself that next time I mash the farmers cheese before I add it to the dough. The one I buy in Toronto has large pieces of curd. So you can see it in the dough. When it baked these specks darkened and hardened a bit. Otherwise very good. These days My favourite weekend pastime is testing your recipes.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (52)


      Thank you for taking the time to write, Hasmik. I’m so glad you enjoyed the cookies. You’re right, sometimes the farmer’s cheese can have big chunks in it and it would be best to break them up first. I’m lucky that the one I buy (or make myself) usually doesn’t need it.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (53)

    Jan Murry

    Just made these yummy cookies – my husband can’t stop eating them. My first few were a little thick and popped open, but once I rolled them thinly enough, they turned out perfectly – definitely a new favorite! Happy Easter! (the thick ones tasted fine, just didn’t look as cute!)

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (54)


      I;m so glad to hear that you enjoyed the cookies, Jan:).
      Yes, they do need to be rolled out quite thin or else they open up.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (55)


    I just made these and they are amazing! As somebody mentioned above, I didn’t break up the farmer’s cheese very well & there are dark bits all throughout the cookies. My kitchen also filled with smoke. They still taste incredible, but next time I’ll mash the cheese up really well.

    I’m so glad I found your site, your recipes look fantastic and I can’t wait to try more of them. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (56)


      Hmmm…. a kitchen filling up with smoke isn’t a good thing. I’ve never had dark bits throughout the cookies either, I’m sorry your cookies caused you so much trouble.

      • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (57)


        No worries! They are delicious!!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (58)

    Christine Olenchuk

    I recently came upon your website and I am looking forward to trying many of your recipes.
    The first recipe I tried was for the Soft Farmer’s Cheese / Geese Feet Cookies.
    I have made them twice in the past two weeks and have passed your recipe on to a few people.
    It is mentioned in the recipe, that it is important to keep the dough cold so that the cookies puff up properly during baking.
    I thought I would mention what I did, in case someone elsd might find it helpfull.
    Once I had cut out and shaped a pan of cookies, I put the pan in the refrigerator for the cookies to chill (5-10 minutes), while I preheated the oven.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (59)


      That’s a great point, Christine! I also keep the dough in the refrigerator while part of them are baking. I am so glad you enjoyed the cookies. They are one of my favorites:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (60)


    I made the dough but found out i didnt need then for a week. Can the dough be frozen or will it be alright in the refrigerator that long.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (61)


      I’ve never kept this dough refrigerated for more than a day, so I can’t really tell you from experience. I think it would still work, Marianne. Let me know what you find out.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (62)


    Hi Olia! 🙂 Someone posted a link to your blog with this recepi on Facebook and that is how I found your blog. I am very excited to try to make these cookies. I also love the form of your blog because I am searching to create my own blog (not in cooking feild though). Would you mind to share with me what web you used for creating it, please? I appreciate!!


  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (63)


    I made these cookies today, they turned realy tasty, but the problem they were not puffy like yours, what seems like the problem? I did exactly by recepie.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (64)


      I’m not sure, Oksana. Was your oven preheated? Was your dough cold? If the butter melts and the dough is warm, the cookies will not be puffy.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (65)


    Thanks for a wonderful recipe! I am in no way a baker (out of a box all the way). Decided to try these out before a bake-sale at work and they turned out wonderful! By the third batch I was feeling quite comfortable and filled them with some preserves prior to covering in sugar. Turned out good, cannot wait to bring these to the bake-sale..if any are left.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (66)


      Thank you for taking time to write, Julie! Your comment really made my day. I’m so happy that the cookies turned out so well. They are probably one of my favorite cookies.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (67)


    How well do these cookies freeze…can’t wait to make them!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (69)


    Olga, the cookies are delicious. I bought 2 packages of farmers cheese to make pierogi, but, I made these instead. Way easier than pierogi. Do you have a pierogi recipe?

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (70)


      That’s awesome, Susan! I’m thrilled that you liked these cookies. They are one of my favorites.
      I do have a pierogi recipe, but not on the blog yet. I’ll get around to it eventually:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (71)


    Love your blog!!!
    I will try making these cookies tomorrow for a get together! They look delicious! Would you happen to know for how long I can keep the dough in the fridge? I’m not sure I will need that many cookies so I would like to save half of the dough and make the rest of the cookies later next week for Christmas. Would the dough hold up a few days in the fridge? Thanks!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (72)


      They should be able to keep in the refrigerator for a few days, Olga. I’ve honestly never made them more than 2 days in advance though, so it’s hard for me to tell you for sure.

      • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (73)


        I made these on Saturday and what a big hit they were!!! I ended up using up all the dough and I didn’t get nearly as many cookies as recipe calls for but I think that is because I didn’t roll my dough out thin enough (i’ll know better for next time). I did keep the dough in the fridge overnight and cookies came out great! Thanks so much for the recipe! I will be making these again for sure!

        • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (74)


          You’re welcome, Olga! I’m so glad you enjoyed them. They do have to be rolled out really thinly, but they taste good no matter what:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (75)


    thank you so much for the recipe. A friend of mine showed me a picture from her job but cannot remember the name. I’ve been looking online since then and today I found this. I can finally make it.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (76)


    Hi, is it possible to freeze the dough for a while?

    Your recipes are great!!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (77)


      Thank you, Natacha.
      I’ve never tried freezing this dough, but I think it would work. Let me know if you try it.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (78)


    Hi! Do you think i can freeze already baked cookies? Having a family coming over.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (79)


      You probably can, Galina. I’ve never frozen them myself, but I don’t see why not.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (80)


    Hi Olga, thank you so much for this recipe! I am a newbie in cooking and stumbled on similar recipes at other websites. Well, it did not work no matter which website recipe I used. The cookies lost their form. When I found your website and this recipe, I’ve decided to to try for the last time. It did work! They came up just like in your picture. Now I know how to make them. Your detailed description with step by step pictures is a great help for those of us who are newbies in cooking. Thank you again!!!!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (81)


      I’m so glad to hear that, Maria. Thank you for taking the time to write.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (82)


    Olga, thank you so much for posting these wonderful recipes! These cookies are delicious! Very easy to make and not a fussy dough at all. I can cook, be with my children and make these cookies at the same time. Stay well, and God bless you!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (83)


    have you every tried putting a little jam in the center? i am making them now and wonder if anyone ever tried put a filling in the middle

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (84)


    Hi, Olga! Just made these.. so good as always… I followed your recipe the very first time but lately I make these with cottage cheese and not adding any water. My kids love them! Thank you for such great recipes!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (85)


    Hi Olga,
    I was searching for a kiflica recipe with farmers cheese used in the dough rather than a filling, and came across your recipe. I’m about to put some butter in the freezer so I can try your recipe later today. I am wondering whether you have made a salty / savoury version at all?
    Thank you so much for sharing.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (86)


      I’ve never made this recipe in savory form, sorry, Michele.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (87)


    If I want to freeze the dough to use it later. For how long can the dough be kept in the freezer?

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (88)


      You can freeze any cookie dough (that does well frozen) for a few months, Natasha.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (89)


    i made these today. could not be bothered with grating the butter so i just dumped all the ingredients into the food processor. they still came out super tasty and flaky but not as puffed as yours. partially because i squished them really tight and partially because the dough started to warm up during rolling and folding – i live in a tropical country. next time i will fold the cookies loosely and put them in a fridge for half an hour before baking.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (90)


      I am glad that you enjoyed the cookies:).

      • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (91)


        they were delish, you are a star 🙂

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (92)


    Hi Olga! I was wondering would it be ok to add some sugar into the dough to make them sweeter? My family likes their sweets pretty sweet 🙂 thank you!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (93)


      Absolutely, Lena. It’s completely up to you.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (94)


    These look amazing! And good for you for choosing to stay home with your kids!!!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (95)


      Thank you, Verbena:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (96)

    Olga P

    This was a very easy dough to work with, very quick to make and turned out delicious! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful recipe Olga! 🙂

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (97)


      I’m so happy to hear that, Olga. Thank you for taking the time to write.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (98)


    What a delightful cookie! Easy to make and took no time at all! Can’t keep my husband away from them!!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (99)


    These were a dream to make and the taste was fantastic! They did not last long!!

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (100)


      That’s wonderful, Mary! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed the cookies.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (101)


    I am so anxious to try all of your Russian recipes. mm mm mm!!!! My Husband, Nick, who died 17 years ago, was
    Russian and so I try to make Russian things for our daughter in Pennsylvania.
    I m anxious to try these beautiful cookies. Thank you for sharing your recipes with us.
    How do you stay so thin? All of these delicious goodies.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (102)


      Hi Mary!
      I hope you enjoy the cookies – they are one of our favorites:).

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (103)


    This is such an easy and simple recipe, yet so delicious! Cookies were flying off the plate! My kids approved them and renamed them to “Mom’s Lips” lol

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (104)


      That’s so cute! Thank you for sharing. I’m so happy your family enjoyed the cookies, Liliya.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (105)

    Mary Haja

    I am anxious to try these. They sound absolutely delicious.
    Thanks for sharing

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (107)


      Hi Yvette,
      This recipe does not use baking powder. The cookies puff up from the cold bits of butter that melt while baking and creates pockets of air. This is the same concept as puff pastry and pie dough.
      If you used ricotta, it is much more wet than farmer’s cheese. Did you remove the extra liquid from the ricotta first before using in the dough like I specified in the recipe and in the video? This is really important, otherwise the dough will be more wet and the butter is more likely to completely mold into the flour instead of staying in cold pieces.
      It is also possible that the dough wasn’t cold enough or you may have rolled it out too thinly.
      I’m sorry the cookies did not turn out flaky for you. I hope the tips helped.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (108)


    Hi Olga,
    These look absolutely delicious. Have you added anything between the folds? I was thinking maybe some little pieces of crystallized ginger.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (109)


      Hi Susan,
      No, I don’t add anything besides sugar.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (110)


    Hi Olga
    Those cookies are super delicious, just made them. Thos was first time for me to make them it was easy.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (111)


      That’s wonderful! I’m so glad you enjoyed them.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (112)


    Hello Olga Thank you for the recipe 😘 my mom use to make these when we are little.
    I want to make these cookies but I was wondering if it will they be ok with almond flour, instead of regular flour?

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (113)


      Hi Tatyana. I have never tried using almond flour for these cookies, so I don’t know if it will work or not.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (114)


    Hi, I have a question regarding the butter amount specified in the recipe.
    1 cup of butter is around 225g but I’m not sure how to measure out a cup of hard butter…
    Could you please provide another measurement alternative for butter?
    The 225g seems a little much for the amount of flour used as the dough would turn out very sticky and oily when in the oven. How many grams was the butter stick you used in the video?
    Please let me know if I misunderstood or if 1 cup is the right amount.
    Thank you so much, I love the recipes here.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (115)


      Most packages of butter specify the weight and measurement of the butter.
      1 cup of butter is equal to 8 oz, 1/2 lb, or 16 Tablespoons of butter. In America, the butter packages will have the measurements right on the wrapper. You need a significantly large amount of butter for these cookies.
      The cold grater butter needs to stay as cold as possible and when it bakes, they will melt, create pockets of air and make a really flaky cookie. The only way the cookies will be too sticky and “oily” is if the butter gets too cold before you bake them.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (116)


    Olga, I can’t wait to try and make these cookies with my 6 yr old grand daughter. Geese feet how cute is that. I wasn’t able to learn very much baking from my mother, because she was taken from her home to the work camps at a very young age of 12. She never returned home after that. So glad you’re able to bake with your mother. Enjoy and cherish every moment.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (117)


      I hope you enjoy baking the cookies with your grand daughter. They are so tasty and so fun to make with little ones. They love cutting out the circles and dipping the cookie dough in the sugar:).
      I’m so sorry to hear about your mother – so sad. I feel so blessed to have many years of memories with my Mom and still enjoy cooking together today.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (118)


    Can you clarify if you use salted or unsalted butter?

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (119)


      You can use either, Amy. I’ve used both and they both work well.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (120)

    Pat Dabbert

    Hi, I made these tiny delicious morsels several days ago. I followed recipe,but used ricotta cheese. Had it on hand & I have several other recipes that say you can sub. My 1st cookie w/farmers cheese I actually made the cheese & loved it. The other was to use food processor.I put 1/2 flour & 1/2 cold butter =pulsed a couple times/ then added the remaining flour & butter. Pulsed 2 times. I then added eggs & cold water. In fridge it went till the next day. I needed to let a portion of dough out for just a few minutes (hard to roll). After shaping – sugaring & baking equaled 1 fantastic morsel that you could pot in your mouth and enjoy. I thank you for sharing & plan on going through your recipes. I see some others had questioned savory. I had the same thought,but I am on a mission now to see how can I achieve this. This recipe needs to be shared more. Hope I can do that.Left comment on pinterest. When I do come up with something hope okay to let you know. Sorry about lengthy comment. Sincerely Pat

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (121)


      I’m so glad you enjoyed the cookies, Pat! Thank you for taking the time to write.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (122)


    Our family favorite! Made it dozen of times and we love it. Thank you Olga!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (123)


    Wow! These turned out amazing! Thank you Olga!

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (124)

    Emily P.

    Can you use full fat/whole milk farmer’s cheese or does the recipe work better with low fat? I found Bandi brand at one of the markets and they sell it as 15% whole fat, 9% reduced fat.

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (125)


      I prefer using whole milk for most recipes. If you use reduced fat milk, you will not get as much farmer’s cheese and will get a lot more whey than using whole fat milk.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (126)

    Chris M Coy

    Well made them my 1st time cut the recipe in half to see how i would like it and regret not making the full recipe couldnt find farmers cheese but still looking for it but used ricotta and came out delicious been trying to try new unique recipes

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (127)


    Hi olga, I was wondering if you could use a gluten-free flour to make these cookies

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (128)


      I have never experimented with gluten free flour in this recipe. If you try it, let me know how they turn out:).

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (129)


      Have you tried gluten free flour? 1:1? I’m very curious if they will work!

      • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (130)


        Hi Casey, Sorry, I haven’t tried gluten free flour, so I’m not sure if it works well in this recipe or not.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (131)


    Hi Olga, do you think I can make them slightly bigger than yours? and is it normal that butter leaks from the geese feet while baking? Thanks

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (132)


      You can make them whatever size you want, Jessica. If you make them bigger, you’ll have to bake them longer. If the butter leaks a lot, then most likely the dough was too warm. That’s why I like cutting off a small portion of the dough, put the rest of the dough back in the refrigerator while I’m rolling out the dough and shaping the cookies. Also, try to work as quickly as you can, so the dough doesn’t get too warm and don’t overwork it. When the dough gets too warm and the butter pieces melt, the cookies will leak more butter and they will be more flat and less flaky. Hope that helps.

  • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (133)


    Your recipe says one cup of butter but I only see you use one brick which is 1/2 cup. Can you clearify please

    • Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (134)


      Hi Viktoriya. The photo in the post is a process photo; I only grate I stick of butter at a time. You need two sticks of butter total for the cookie dough, 1 cup total.

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Soft Farmer's Cheese Cookies (2024)
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